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m (Trading Changes, Peasants Rights)
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|date=January 22, 2007
|date=January 30, 2008
|article=Bug [ #3977], which prevent food from being sold, has been fixed.}}
|date=January 22, 2008
|article=Looting reports are no longer sent to your own realm. They are now only reported to the realm being looted.}}
|article=Looting reports are no longer sent to your own realm. They are now only reported to the realm being looted.}}
|date=January 7, 2007
|date=January 7, 2008
|article=It is now only possible to arrest a priest if your own religion considers them to be evil. Therefore, nobles not aligned to a formal religion cannot arrest priests, regardless of the diplomatic stance between their realms.}}
|article=It is now only possible to arrest a priest if your own religion considers them to be evil. Therefore, nobles not aligned to a formal religion cannot arrest priests, regardless of the diplomatic stance between their realms.}}
|date=January 6, 2007
|date=January 6, 2008
|article=Knights will now receive the local portion of their taxes in gold, not bonds. This is the portion of their taxes received form their oath to their regional lord.}}
|article=Knights will now receive the local portion of their taxes in gold, not bonds. This is the portion of their taxes received form their oath to their regional lord.}}
|date=Janury 6, 2007
|date=Janury 6, 2008
|article=Estates will switch to 50% effectiveness when switching between types. They will take three days to reach full effectiveness again.}}
|article=Estates will switch to 50% effectiveness when switching between types. They will take three days to reach full effectiveness again.}}

Revision as of 22:29, 30 January 2008

The TattleMaster is BattleMaster's first, and only, OOC newspaper dedicated to discussions about the game of BattleMaster itself. Here you will find information regarding bugfixes, new features, changes in game mechanics, and probably even a few FAQs and interviews.
Peasants Have Rights? Not in BattleMaster!January 22, 2008
There has been much debate lately regarding the supposed rights of commoners. This includes adventurers. Tom weighed in on the Discussion List with the following:

Nonsense right there. Commoners have no rights, end of discussion.


So if you're in a realm where someone tries to claim that commoners have rights, please ridicule them. Loudly. And protest them out of office, if they have one. Seriously.
Trading ChangesJanuary 22, 2008
Food management for realms is about to get a bit more complex. Ox carts are being removed, and replaced with the new Caravan system. There will be no more automated ox cart transfer, and no manual ox cart transfers. All food will now be moved either manually by traders, or using the unmanned caravans. Regions lords should get to know this system very well. It will be used to not only deliver your food to the cities, but to bring some gold back to your region.

Trading Changes

Attention, traders, bankers and local lords!

Trading is being switched to the new caravan system, meaning that traders are also using the caravan offers now, instead of the old region trade prices. This allows much more flexibility and control, while at the same time making things easier. I believe it's a great change.

As all changes, there might still be a few bugs left. If you find any, make sure to post them to the bugtracker, please.

– Tom

Emigration Continental DescriptionsJanuary 11, 2008
People can now have a better idea of how the continents are like when emigrating.

If all that is fine with you, then choose a world to emigrate to:

  • Travel to East Continent

The first and original BattleMaster world, the East Continent has a rich history and background, and longstanding alliances and animosities. Not the easiest world to start out in, it does offer a wide variety of options, from high-intensity warfare to pure-roleplaying realms. (710 active nobles, 12 realms. Avg. tax income: ca. 78 gold/week)

  • Travel to Atamara

The best place for new players, Atamara is pure BattleMaster. The continent is large, but easy to grasp. It sports realms from tiny to huge, and has intense combat, busy traders and interesting diplomacy. (1096 active nobles, 16 realms. Avg. tax income: ca. 72 gold/week)

  • You can not travel to Beluaterra

(490 active nobles, 17 realms. Avg. tax income: ca. 92 gold/week) No ships are going that direction, due to the presence of monsters, undead and worse.

  • South-West - No immigration to this world possible currently.
  • Travel to Colonies

The Colonies is a wild place. Even younger than Beluaterra, it doesn't even have very fixed regions and is very fluid. Things do move a bit slower in the Colonies, though - there is only one turn a day instead of the usual two. (278 active nobles, 8 realms. Avg. tax income: ca. 55 gold/week)

  • Travel to Far East

The Far East is similar to the Eastern Island, but it has fewer and larger regions. Roleplaying is considered more important on this island, and many players who prefer extensive roleplays are in the Far East. (409 active nobles, 11 realms. Avg. tax income: ca. 79 gold/week)

  • Dwilight - No immigration to this world possible currently.

– Emigration Page

Clarification to Taxes Sent in GoldJanuary 8, 2008
Tom posted a clarification on the Discussion List regarding the delivery of oath income delivered in gold rather than bonds:

Not quite. You missed the fine print:
a) only the local tax share of knights is distributed as gold
b) only if they are within their duchy
the main problem with taxes-as-gold is that it theoretically allows you to stay in the field forever. With these two limits on it, it doesn't.


-- Indirik
War 2.0!January 8, 2008
Tom has released a new plan to revamp the entire BattleMaster codebase into something more modern and featureful, while retaining the BattleMaster feel and usability we have all come to know and love and be addicted to. If you are a PHP/HTML/CSS programmer, contact Tom and offer your help in creating the new BattleMaster. You can read all about it here: War 2.0.
-- Indirik
Trade Caravans Going Active on All IslandsJanuary 8, 2008
The new trade caravans feature is active on Testing islands, and will soon go online on stable islands, too. This means the end of the old standard of ox cart transfers. Region lords will now need to carefully watch their food supplies, to ensure that the food continues to flow to the cities, and gold flows from the cities back to the rural regions. This should be a big help to rural regions needing to boost their income to hire more knights.

Trade Caravans Active
On testing (in a few days on stable as well), the new trade caravans have been made active, i.e. they will actually do trades now. This new feature is a great opportunity for lords of a rural region to boost their income, and for lords of cities to satisfy their food needs easier and cheaper. If you are a region lord, do make yourself familiar with this feature, as it will replace the old ox carts soon.


-- Indirik
SEI closing, Dwilight OpeningJanuary 8, 2008
The SEI will be closing soon, and Dwilight will also come in the next few days.

Dwilight (7 hours, 11 minutes ago)

Immigration to Dwilight will open up in a few days.

I will now teleport all your characters to your capital, and disband all units.

You should be able to immigrate to any island of your choice, or wait until Dwilight opens.


Looting ChangesJanuary 8, 2008
Changes are being made to looting that will allow people to loot any region, at any time.

Looting Changes
You can now loot in allied realms, and even your own realm. That is not a bug. Looting was way more common in the dark ages than it is in BattleMaster, and one of the reasons is that it simply happened a lot, so people accepted it.
Also, I am moving towards less game-mechanics restrictions and more social interaction. If you loot your own capital, there will certainly be consequences, but those should be for the other players to play out, not the game to set in stone.


Local Taxes Delivered in GoldJanuary 6, 2008
Knights on testing islands will now get their local taxes delivered in gold, rather than bonds.

Local Taxes in Gold
Local taxes, i.e. your knightly share from your region, are now distributed in gold, not bonds.
This should be active on testing right now, and will become active on stable in some days. If there are any bugs, please yell.


-- Indirik
Region lords need more knightsJanuary 5, 2008
From the discussion list:

I have now added code that reduces the quality of your estate when you switch its type. It will take about 3 days to reach full efficiency again, starting at about 50%. So if you're one of those flip-flop nobles, you'll find the efficiency of your region "management" suddenly halved. Oops. No sorry. Go and get yourself a few knights.


Teeth for ReligionJanuary 3, 2008
Recent reports show that arresting priests, the method of choice for dealing with pesky preachers, has gotten a bit more difficult. When priests are arrested, surrounding regions with significant numbers of followers will respond with displays of civil disorder, resorting in dropping regions stats. This should provide at least some incentive to not arrest priests of foreign religions without a good reason. Some recent reports:

Religious Unrest
There is unrest in the realm after a priest of Dunkontology was arrested:
* There is a general strike in Xavax in response to the arrest, and massive protests. 8 peasants are killed during the unrest.
* Peasants in Itor Boss, complain loudly and there are strikes and protests.
* Peasants in Aeng, complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 1 peasants are killed by militia to restore order.

Religious Unrest
There is unrest in the realm after a priest of Daimon Worship was arrested:
* There is a general strike in Sandlakes in response to the arrest, and massive protests. 4 peasants are killed during the unrest.
* Peasants in Ulallo complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 2 peasants are killed by militia to restore order.
* Peasants in Fengen complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 20 peasants are killed by militia to restore order.
* Peasants in Wheling complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 3 peasants are killed by militia to restore order.
* Peasants in Fymmen Otu complain loudly and there are strikes and protests.
* Peasants in Uscala complain loudly and there are strikes and protests. 1 peasants are killed by militia to restore order.

Happy Anniversary!January 3, 2008
Happy Seventh Anniversary to BattleMaster!

Another Year of BattleMaster

The day before yesterday was our Seven Year Anniversary.

BattleMaster was launched on the 1st of January 2001, at 01:01 am. It's been a long road since then, and lots and lots of things have happened.

I have just returned from... well, several things, and will be picking up stuff that needs to be done (south islands closing, etc.) over the next few days.

Until then, Happy Anniversary everyone, and keep it going. :-)


Update on MagicDecember 20, 2007
According to a posting by Tom to the mailing list, magic scrolls will be the extent of magic allowed in Battlemaster, and will be rare enough that if your character doesn't believe in magic, they can dismiss it as peasants' tales.
SchedulesDecember 20, 2007
Well, we've now got some kind of timeline, for the South-West Island and Dwilight. No word has been given to the South-East Island yet. This is what they got:

Island Closing

The closing of the island is scheduled for this saturday.

The island will not be immediately deleted, but it will be put back into "startup", where no travel outside your own borders is possible, etc.

This is in order to give you all time to emmigrate, or even wait for Dwilight to open if you want that (yes, it will open, early next year).

– Tom

SEI ClosingDecember 17, 2007
It seems the SWI will not be the only island to close, unless Tom has changed his mind. The players of the South-East Island have been given this message:


While it seems there is a dominant force, you should still slug it out - because the island is going to sink.

We will be closing down this island early next year. You can stay until then, or leave now, it is entirely your choice, no worries, your characters will not drown. :-)

Right now, the East Island is a place that could need more war, so going there and stirring things up is sure going to give you interesting times. If you wait a little while longer, Dwilight (our new island) might be available, but no guarantees and no fixed dates on that.

– Tom

Increased Estate EffectsDecember 13, 2007
Tom has increased the positive and negative effects of estates. This will make a knight's estates much more important for region lords. Realms with enough knights to man their estates should find this a welcome change. Realms trying to hold onto more territory than they can manage with their current nobles will find things a bit more difficult.

Estates Improved

I have made the effects of estates on a region stronger, in both the positive and the negative direction. Proper estate management should be one of the cornerstones of keeping your region in shape.

– Login message

-- Indirik
SWI ClosingDecember 13, 2007
We mentioned back in October that the appearance of Dwilight would probably herald the end of one of the war islands. A recent notice delivered to all players on the South-West Island finally reveals the fina decision.

Island Closing

With the domination of Sandelak, this episode of the island is coming to an end.

We will be closing the island down, not immediately, but you should bring any open roleplays to an end, pack up your stuff an emmigrate to some other island. Emmigration towards this island and character creation have already been disabled.

– SWI Island-wide Notice

-- Indirik
Increased Estate EffectsDecember 13, 2007
Tom has increased the positive and negative effects of estates. This will make a knight's estates much more important for region lords. Realms with enough knights to man their estates should find this a welcome change. Realms trying to hold onto more territory than they can manage with their current nobles will find things a bit more difficult.

Estates Improved

I have made the effects of estates on a region stronger, in both the positive and the negative direction. Proper estate management should be one of the cornerstones of keeping your region in shape.

– Login message

-- Indirik
No Priests? Then No Religion!December 10, 2007
A couple changes to religion have been made. The first change, which was enacted a short while ago, requires you to have at least as many priests as non-priests among the elder ranks of the religion. If not, then no nobles can be elevated to elder status until you promote enough priests to even out the numbers.

A second change has also been made, and is in testing at least on the testing islands. If your religion has no priests at all, your temples will start falling apart. The following message is sent when this occurs:

Religion Falling Apart
There are no priests left in your religion, which makes your followers leave in droves. Your temples are falling into disrepair:

As of now, the message is only a warning, and none of the temples are destroyed or reduced in size.

Update: This notice has been seen on Beluaterra (testing) and on the East Island (stable).
-- Indirik
The Regulation of MagicDecember 10, 2007
Judges of realms are now able to regulate the use of magic and spell casting. New law options have appeared allowing the judge to declare the use of magic and spell casting as legal or illegal. The new law functions in a manner identical to that if looting, dueling, and forming new religions. So far it is not known what the exact effects of the new law are. It is known that they do not affect the use of Unique Items by nobles during combat. It is thought that the new laws will cover the use of Scrolls, and possibly some new, as yet unknown, options.
-- Indirik
Wiki ProblemsDecember 10, 2007
As most of you probably noticed, there has been a problem with editing the wiki lately. The cause of this was a problem with the spam filtering system the wiki uses to deter spambots from inserting their garbage onto the wiki pages. Tom appears to have taken care of the problem, and things seem to be back to normal around here.
-- Indirik
Sabbatical?December 10, 2007
While it may seem like we've taken a long sabbatical, it only looks that way. In truth, there hasn't been much OOC news to report on lately. Perhaps some of you remember seeing this mesage on the login newsticker a couple weeks ago:

State of the Game

A short information for all who are wondering why the bug count has gone up again:

We are currently working on many exciting changes to the game core, which you do not (yet) see because they are not active in the live game. Over the years, the game has grown in complexity, and many of the current bugs are a result of that, not sloppy coding. :-)

Once we are finished with this backend refactoring, there will be much less bugs and much less potential for bugs, due to cleaner and in many places simpler code structures.

But, as in so many things in life, before things get better, things tend to get worse for a while - we can't refactor and fix all the bugs in the old code at the same time, we simply lack the manpower. That's why many of the current bugs are going unfixed right now.

– Login Message

We caught up with Tom on IRC the other day, and asked him how things were going. His response: "Slow." So changes are being made, we just can't really see the changes. Yet.
-- Indirik

January 30, 2008
Bug #3977, which prevent food from being sold, has been fixed.

January 22, 2008
Looting reports are no longer sent to your own realm. They are now only reported to the realm being looted.

January 7, 2008
It is now only possible to arrest a priest if your own religion considers them to be evil. Therefore, nobles not aligned to a formal religion cannot arrest priests, regardless of the diplomatic stance between their realms.

January 6, 2008
Knights will now receive the local portion of their taxes in gold, not bonds. This is the portion of their taxes received form their oath to their regional lord.

Janury 6, 2008
Estates will switch to 50% effectiveness when switching between types. They will take three days to reach full effectiveness again.

December 17, 2007
Bug #3903 - Region lords on stable islands can now set monster and undead hunting bounties for adventurers.

December 17, 2007
Bug #3898 - When a region is taken over by a realm, the tax rate for that region will be reset to the standard 10% rate.

December 17, 2007
Bug #3910 - When an adventurer is elevated to noble status, a message will be sent to the realm announcing the occasion. (Active in testing islands.)

December 10, 2007
Bug #3746 - Infiltrators are being shown on region scout reports and the region information page, even when their skill is high enough that they should be "invisible". (Yes, it has been like this for a while, I'm just very late getting this posted...)

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