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A frown upon his face, Aldrakar heard a voice call out to him. Turning to the source he found a young Noble clad in sable. Keeping quiet and letting his gaze linger on the younger man Aldrakar veritably inspected him.  Nice jacket. Did anybody die? Aldrakar mused to himself. The new hopeful from house Onyxis.. named... Cerwil?.. Cer.. Ceryn!
A frown upon his face, Aldrakar heard a voice call out to him. Turning to the source he found a young Noble clad in sable. Keeping quiet and letting his gaze linger on the younger man Aldrakar veritably inspected him.  Nice jacket. Did anybody die? Aldrakar mused to himself. The new hopeful from house Onyxis.. named... Cerwil?.. Cer.. Ceryn!
‘’Sir Ceryn, you honour your family by presenting house Onyxis for Earth Hall.’’ Aldrakar offered a small yet friendly smile as he gestured around the great hall that was stuffed with Nobility from all over the Empire. ‘’It seems there’s so many people that even my former wine steward cannot find time or moment to attend to his former liege.’’ The words more sarcastic than Aldrakar had meant them to sound. He held up his empty wine glass for Ceryn to see.
‘’Sir Ceryn, you honour your family by presenting house Onyxis for Earth Hall.’’ Aldrakar offered a small yet friendly smile as he gestured around the great hall that was stuffed with Nobility from all over the Empire. ‘’It seems there’s so many people that even my former wine steward cannot find time or moment to attend to his former liege.’’ The words more sarcastic than Aldrakar had meant them to sound. He held up his empty wine glass for Ceryn to see.
‘’Get us some wine Ceryn and we’ll share words, alright? And don’t let Ismos give you any of that second grade wine he peddles to the lot of them.’’ Aldrakar indicated at random Nobles sipping from their wineglasses.
‘’Get us some wine Ceryn and we’ll share words, alright? And don’t let Ismos give you any of that second grade wine he peddles to the lot of them.’’ Aldrakar indicated at random Nobles sipping from their wineglasses.

Revision as of 01:45, 9 December 2017

3rd December

Day -- Poryatu

Letter from Aldrakar Renodin

Esteemed members of the Realm, Sir Nicholas Archival, Sir Staedtler of House la Stylo,

Knights of the Kingdom of Earth Hall, Blades of Poryatown.

Furthermore, any information or insights you may have towards the current political climate within Luria Nova and Dwilight at-large would be more than appreciated -- I wish to cultivate my understanding of current affairs as swiftly as I might, to be of better service to yourself and the realm. ~Nicholas Archival

Before I delve into that set of questions, I will elaborate on the titles above it. Know also that I write this letter to the Realm at large so that everyone else may benefit these words also. The Empire of Luria Nova, our home, is the third installment of such an Empire. The Greater Luria region stretches all the way to the City of Shinnen, The Tomb Islands now occupied by D'hara, the mountains to the North with the seat of Balance's Retreat and extend well into the Palm Sea.

The Halls of Luria, of which Earth Hall is but one, are former Kingdoms that were absorbed, peaceful or otherwise, into the Empire. As such the Rulers of those Halls are referred to as Kings. Bond to the Emperor and governed by the Imperial Laws. Each Kingdom however has jurisdiction over its own lands. That immediately brings me to the next topic. Lurian lands are greatly diminished. The last time Luria was great it held thrice the amount of Nobles as she does this day and age.

Back then Luria stood against the world as the Monster ravaged the Western Half of Dwilight. All humanity was extinguished there by the fang and the claw of the dark ones and the monsters. We, Luria, were among the few to accept the Noble refugees from that side of our continent and gave them a home. Promised them a new Realm and fought for them until our countrymen died. Bonds were forged back then. The East and nigh all its Realms did not like our Generosity. It was they that declared war upon our Empire. Led by D'hara, whom we now call allies. They invaded us. Realms that no longer exist fought us back then. One remnant is the Morek Empire. Cast your eyes onto a map and see in the north the small green trace they are now. They used to comprise of all the lands currently held by Arnor, Avernus, the Druid Realm and more even. Now they are but a spec of the painting they were before.

Since those heydays, the world has know a great deal of darkness. Monsters leaned to swim the highseas and they visited from the West onto our shores. The Empire had by then created a Realm called Westfold around the City of Unterstrom. More on that city later. The monsters came in numbers beyond counting. Their might inhuman and our lands were ravaged. It was an age of terror. We survived however but what you see before you is the limping body of that once great empire.

Lurians are Nobles, High Nobles, the Highborn. We have been accused of looking down our noses at other Realms. And we do. We have. We had a good right to. We did better, we were stronger, we were wiser. Still the name Luria is spoken of with reverence and fear. Our ability was without match. Much of that knowledge is still with us but the Old guard is not enough to quicken this world. There you come in though.

Hands are needed coupled with wisdom to breathed life once more, not only into memory but also into the future. Luria always believed in meritocracy. In giving chances and allowing the best to rise to the top. At times other Realms called Luria a warzone of blades and words. When Luria wasn't facing an enemy, it looked within itself and fought itself. The Lurian Civil wars are the stuff of legends. Recall the Halls? Each of them was a Kingdom of Luria that stood independent and fought one another.

The Currently Empire was forged by the First Empress, Alice Arundel. Long may her name be remembered. She was a harsh woman. A brilliant sword-fighter and possessed great cunning and indeed a devious mind. Her husband the Crown Prince Hendrick Madigan was my first Liege, then Lord of Mattan Dews. I've seen all the ages of this Empire and am willing to share my knowledge with you all.

Before I continue with more practical matters, I shall share an old letter by a most venerated Lurian. A man called Malus Solari. A king of the Northern Reaches of Luria. A great teacher.

Letter from Malus Solari(Approximately December 2012)

Ladies, lords, dames and knights of Sun Hall—

Since our realignment with the Houses of Luria Nova, I have had much time to think. Mostly, I have thought about ale. How it is brewed. How it can be improved. Strengthened. Stuff of great import. Occasionally, I have devoted time to another, singular thought: what does it mean to be Lurian?

Now—For me, at least—I believe I know. It means fighting. Striving. Yearning for something better. Pursuing it at any cost, by violence if necessary. That passion defines us, and when we are not free to express it, calamity or inner death is the result. I have witnessed many calamities in my time, but now I believe we find ourselves at the threshold of a malaise. You shouldn't stand for it. I won't.

In my idle time, I have begun drafting a Lurian code. Not some law that dimwitted bureaucrats enforce with their hammed fists, but a personal code. A way of being. It is the distillation of what made Solaria great for a time combined with my observations of other successful Lurians. It will be the lodestone of Sun Hall, and any who aspire to great things under the banner of this duchy would be well served to consider it, at the least.

What is this code, then? Certainly, it must not interfere with other creeds. It makes no grand claims regarding the divine. It does not tug at your many loyalties. Simply put, it is a code of service. Honor. Perfection in whatever you do. Ignorance should be your greatest shame. Do you march to battle? Do so with a keen understanding of martial tactics. You do not know them? Learn them. Ask. Do you administer the courts? Your task is often thankless. No longer. Your sharp mind will be regarded as equal to the sharpest sword, with all the rewards due to you. Are your talents in the cloth or the granary? A people must have comfort, and armies fight better with full bellies. Your service, however it is given, shall be rewarded. The Lurian code leads to a life of continual striving toward the ideal. Something can always be done better. A machine can always be improved. We are machines made flesh, no? We should strive for perfection of the self. You are not asked to undertake a personal struggle without reward. It is time that you enjoyed greater liberty. But how do we get there?

Ladies and lords shall be required to take up the code. If you find that a life of stagnation meets with your approval, then I wish you a long and happy tenure, because your successor will always be waiting in the wings. For your commitment, you shall have an immediate stake in the future of the duchy. Through referenda, your interests shall collectively become the official policy of Sun Hall. There is no matter too great or small for your consideration. War. Trade. Politics. Sun Hall shall be governed collectively.

For dames and knights, you may expect the largest estates. Immediate elevation to lands and titles when such vacancies occur. Assistance for recruitment. Vigorous defense against your enemies, external and internal. Support for your training in any of the arts.

This is all very sudden and vague, I know. I believe it to be critically important for the restoration of Sun Hall and Greater Luria. Let us demonstrate that we are masters of our own domains and captains of our own fates. By demonstrating the superiority of our ethic, it is likely that such a code will be adopted by the Duchies of Giask and Shinnen, when such time comes. Let this code, this way of being, be the first step toward a genuine cultural and political reform of Luria. Who will take up this mantle with me?

Glory and honor,

Malus Solari

Ambassador of Luria Nova, Duke of Sun Hall, Margrave of Askileon Purlieus, Priest of Sanguis Astroism

Now, onto the more practical matters and those questions.

Furthermore, any information or insights you may have towards the current political climate within Luria Nova and Dwilight at-large would be more than appreciated -- I wish to cultivate my understanding of current affairs as swiftly as I might, to be of better service to yourself and the realm. ~Nicholas Archival

The political Clime within Luria is a tranquil one. The Grand Panetier is a woman of great respect. She in no small measure has fed the Empire and is currently undertaking a great project to see wealth trickle down to the Knights of the Realm. The Grand Pantry Guild is where you should take up membership to augment your income.

Heed her words if you value the prosperity of the Empire and indeed your estates.

The Empire is very centralized presently, it wasn't always so but partly due to my own actions, power is strongly vested in the Emperor. Where in the past we had many enemies we've sundered the Realms south of us, Fissoa and Madina and they are no threat anymore. To the North we had founded the Realms of the Druids, and Westfold. Unsterstrom as you might recall, was the capital of Westfold. A realm of Refugees from the West. This Realm was destroyed by the Realm of Astrum.

That very Realm has declared war on the Realm of Swordfell. North of us. In response Swordfell, whom were the owners of Unsterstrom in recent days, have split their Realm in twine, creating the Realm of Sol. To better combat this aggression. Astrum is the stronger Realm and likely to win a prolonged war. The Empire of Luria has had an amicable yet irritable relation with Swordfell. the Region of Flying Hongrns is ours. We lend it to Swordfell during the Great Monster invasions but despite promises they never returned the region to us.

There is also the memory of Kamron Lorgan, former King of Earth Hall. Whom longed to set ablaze the Fellish Mountains. We never have till this day though. Further north, Arnor is supporting Swordfell on the basis of Religion. There is a great Faith that has been shattered, split, politicized and more over time. The Faith of the Bloodstars. One of our own Emperors, Seoras, became a prophet of a schism of said Faith. Regardless, the Bloodstars must be in balance, there are three of them, and the Realms of Astrum, Arnor and Swordfell (Sol) are now at each other's throats.


To the new Knights, Diplomacy, Ambassadorships, Courtiers, Warriors, Marshals, Vice Marshals at that and more is available to you. Plan, bring forth Ideas and see your thoughts made Reality.

Join the Royal Rangers Guild, a place I helped elevated to have spread across the entire continent. Its purpose is to fight Monsters and undead but it will also bring you into contact with Nobles from every Realm. Ask questions, be curious, have fire in your belly.

Be Lurian and be welcome, Aldrakar Renodin Imperial Magistrate of Luria Nova Royal of Luria Nova Duke of Earth's Hall Margrave of Poryatown

Letter from Ciarghuala

Not only does my esteemed colleague Imperial Magustrate Aldrakar gives most excellent advice, his history of Luria Nova has inspired me to tell my tale and illuminate some of the history which has shaped the situation all of Dwilight now finds itself in.

I was not born here in Luria but across the inland sea in the Free City of Via, the daughter of an exiled noblewoman from a distant land. When most think of the West they think of monsters and the fell things dwelling in ancient tombs, for in recent years these horrors have cast their shadow even here in the golden halls of Luria. But there are worse horrors in the West, their names whispered in the secret councils of witch and sorcerer, the profane ancient Lords of the Zuma Coalition who dwell in the Ruins of Walfurgisnacht and worship their Dread Gods at the Temple of [Region:Dragon Song]. For though the Age of the Sun is little more than 40 years old (approximately 8 Great Years in the Calendar established by Lord Gregor) the Zuma dwelt here uncounted Ages in the darkness before the first men set foot on Dwilight's shores.

Those lands and the evil they contain are well known to me for I ranged them in my youth and there learned the ways of battle, before the call of duty drew me north to Niselur and the first battles of the Great War Against Humanity which to this day rages unabated.

If you look on your maps in the far northwest you'll find the land of [Realm:Westgard], a colony established in recent years by knights from foreign shores in an effort to reclaim some of what humanity has lost. But in my youth that was Niselur, the home of the Horse-Lords, a realm supposedly under the protection of Sanguis Astroism. Many are the nights my dreams turn to the First Edreun of Niselur and our doomed efforts to hold the Provincial City of [Region:Gaston], the mighty Temple City of Darfix already silent beneath death's uncaring rule. Where were our allies then? The proud and haughty Lords of Astrum laughed in our heralds' faces, and though good King Falco was a most reverent and orthodox servant of the Blood Stars did Sanguis Astroism rally to our aid?

No. Those quarrelsome and self-serving clerics - the very ones whom Emperor Seoras would later seek to purge from that faith - turned their back on both King and realm, claiming we were heretics and our fate written in the stars. Would the Gods have revealed the Forgotten Crown of the Austere Star to our people if they had turned their back on us? No! And so the Gods withdrew their protection from humanity even as much of humanity turned its back on a godly realm. And now look at humanity's predicament?

In the the years which followed I ranged the Inner Sea, escorting King Falco and the Crown to sanctuary here in Luria Nova before expeditions to the Tombs Islands and leading the last desperate attempt to hold a beachhead in the West at the mighty haven of Golden Farrow. No greater army has ever gathered in Dwilight than the horde which threw itself against Golden Farrow's walls, nor braver men and women than those who stood against them. Even then, had the Northern Realms done as the Gods surely desired and stood in unity and faith we should have endured.

But alas they did not. For there is a corruption at the heart of Sanguis Astroism and its name is Astrum.

So I settled here in Luria, the one realm in all of Dwilight which offered the Lords of Niselur sanctuary without contempt. And today, many years after those events, I use the skills I learned in the wild lands of the West to do what the Gods have always asked of the nobility: to safeguard those too weak to safeguard themselves, to mete justice in honesty, and bear proudly the banner of mankind in the face of all who assail us.

It is my hope that one day the corruption of Sanguis Astroism will be purged and our brethren of the north commit the energies they expend betraying each other to the Great Crusade humanity must surely mount if we are to reclaim all the.

Until that day Luria Nova will remain a shining example of what honest men and women can achieve if they are willing to place the good of humanity ahead of their own venal desires. Just as I was once proud to ride with the First Edreun of Niselur I am proud to now call myself a Lurian.

​For Truth! For the Empire! For Humanity!

Aldrakar Renodin

A Royal Letter

Accompanied by an escort of Rendorian Heavy Cavalry sporting not entirely ceremonial gear a, veritable emissary of the House Renodin, the King of Earth Hall, your overlord, arrives. Before inspecting you in a curious and somehow imperious manner he hands you the following parchment. A heavy thing in and of itself. Even without the added velum for thickness and the small gems studded along its border. Garnet, tigers eye and rose quarts most prominently:

Nobles of Earth Hall,

Here follows the words of his Majesty, the King of Earth Hall, the first of his name, the Master of Poryatown, former Emperor of the Empire among many of his titles.

All Nobles and their servant bondsmen, banner-men, warriors, hired blades and other such acquired fighters are to be assigned to the Army of the Emperor's Will. It is the express order of his Majesty that this be done and that all will serve faithfully in this army to the best of their ability.

All Nobles with estates within the Kingdom of Earth Hall are to take up membership of the Guild known as The Grand Pantry of Luria. His Majesty has decided that the goals of this Guild are in line with his ideals of ensuring the Knights of the Realm are well supplied with funds. Particularly so when his Majesty casts an eye on upcoming military campaigns.

A great Feast is to be held in the Golden City of Giask. The former Seat of his Majesty and the home of his Children and late wife, the Imperial Conciliator Lucini Talratheon. All Nobles of the Kingdom of Earth Hall are hereby personally invited by the hand of King Aldrakar. To be his guests on this occasion. Audiences will be granted. Failure to properly represent the Nobility of Earth Hall at this Feast will be greatly frowned upon and will earn the ire of his Majesty.

So are the words as recorded for His Majesty, King Aldrakar of House Renodin of Earth Hall.

Feeling the parchment in your hands a finger absentmindedly pokes one of the luster gems embedded in the parchment. The Emissary casts you a last glance before departing. One that conveys a certain expectation that somehow was already hard to miss reading the laden words of the Scion of House Renodin.

You mind wonders, what to do, what to wear perhaps even.

Matthew Coffey

Perhaps it was fortunate that Matthew had been performing his speeches at Giask when the messenger arrived. Immediately he knew the crest of House Renodin, having been from a local family in Poryatu, recognising such heraldry would have been taught during his upbringing. A necessary skill. It dawned on him just how much he had been anticipating meeting the nobility of the realm in person, the real ​nobility of consequence, but the true weight of the situation had only hit him as the emissary peered down from their horse, awaiting the pale pink faced youth to take the letter. Indeed, the letter itself told of a grandeur and richness that his family would never have seen, only being minor landed nobles themselves. Forgetting himself for a moment, Matthew took an inappropriately long time regarding the wealth displayed on a mere missive, before addressing the messenger as he would if Aldrakar had been there in person. Once dismissed, Matthew did not hesitate to return to his room to open the letter in private.

​Having returned to his lodging, a fairly modest room within one of the many fine inns scattered about the city of Giask, Matthew scanned the words at great length, as if trying to glean some sort of greater meaning from it besides the literal orders presented. Firstly, he made a quick note to remind his newly hired captain Wolfram the next day that the troops need be informed of their new position within the "Emperor's Will". This was of less interest to Matthew, as he had already known of the military implications of his pledge to the empire. He was looking forward to leading his troops into the fray, having only tasted real battle once against the beasts that lurk the outskirts of the realm, expectations of glory and honour were running high in his mind.

​Matthew smiled slightly to himself, skimming briefly over the next segment about joining the "Grand Pantry", having already done so at the request of his liege, Ciarghuala. Being the Margravine of Poryatu, the Coffey family had no doubt interacted with her servants, although unlikely in person. Thankful of her advice thus far and warm words of encouragement, Matthew hoped he would meet his liege in person soon enough, and it seems his wishes were to be answered.

​The next segment caught Matthew somewhat by surprise, not that the feast was unwelcome, and after all, the wealth of Luria Nova was unmatched so noble feasts were inconsequential from a monetary perspective. More so that he were invited, personally, by the king. He reminded himself that such was probably sent to all the nobles of Earth Hall, shaking the notion of importance off swiftly. Humility was to be his saving grace, his family had told him upon leaving the safety of the estate, but young bravado had been taking the better of him up until now. His mind drifted once more to the people he might meet at the feast, what they would talk about, how they would react to his presence. Such a spectacle, attendance was not only expected, it was mandatory in Matthews eyes.

​Certainly, his next task was to see a reputable tailor.

Night -- Poryatu

Ciarghuala savoured her wine, eyes glinting like sun-struck sapphires in the hearth's warm glare as she conferred with Captain Septinia and her 1st Lieutenants of militia, Audley and Kimball. Night after night the four of them sat together in her parlour, accounts of the day's business interspersed with plans for the future, reminiscences of past battles - to which the Poryatu garrison were no strangers - leavened with ribald tales of the sort soldiers share in their private moments.

As evening turned to night her companions one by one retired to their quarters, leaving Ciarghuala to enjoy the quiet as her eyes studied the guttering flames in the hearth. On the morrow she'd inspect the garrison, that small army of sworn men who guard the land approaches to Poryatown and the arsenals of the north, and then head south to Giask at her King's invitation, wearing aires and graces wholly alien to her nature. The north could weather her absence for a week or two, but could she weather polite society?

Leaving the cups for her servants to clear away in the morning Ciarghuala stifled a yawn as she entered her bedchamber, careful not to disturb the figure slumbering within. With practiced ease her tunic and breaches fell to the floor and she slipped beneath the linen sheets and felted blankets, snuggling close to the warm body of her companion with surprising tenderness.

5th December

Day -- Poryatu

Tohrm Elrath

It had been a most fortuitous journey to Giask thus far for the up and coming noble of the Elrath family. The wind was in their favour as Tohrm and his small retinue of retainers set sail from Askileon. The brisk sea breeze buffeted the man as he surveyed the coastline. The seas were familiar to him, a pleasant sense of safety washed over Tohrm as the ferry rocked its way onward toward the capitol. After taking a moment to appreciate the views of this new land, he turned in to his quarters. The ship would not take long to reach the city, but there were some matters that needed attending too. Pouring over the letters he had received from his newly assigned contingent in the Emperor's Will, as well as his correspondence with his direct liege, Ciarghuala, Tohrm could not help but let out a contented sigh. Life was taking a turn for the better, his family had been struggling to find a place to call home, and now it seemed possible that they had found one.

Tohrm was jolted from his idle day dreaming over the words arrayed infront of him, by the coarse calls of the Captain of the ferry. "Land ho', Giask in sight!"

He thought to himself that this seemed a little early, but not wanting to curse the fates for a prompt arrival, it was time to see to his men who were waiting anxiously for a chance to spend a night or two in warm beds, and not huddled around the army campfires.

"Sir Elrath, we've arrived. What are you orders?" A rather unassuming soldier asked his peer.

The knight of Poryatu smiled warmly to his men through his bushy beard.

"Then you all best be ready to receive some company. It's been a long road."

A few cheers emanated throughout his meagre ranks as the ferry drew up against the dock. Tohrm paid the Captain his due and set off toward the market square. His men had broken up into their usual groups of comraderie, and were counting the few extra coins their liege had provided them for entertainment amongst their own scant pay.

Now the men had been seen to, Tohrm was ready to acquaint himself with the city proper, but as luck would have it, this would have to wait.

A messenger hurried forward along the pier before he had a chance to leave the dockyards. The wiry young lads eyes kept darting between Tohrm's face and the tabard emblazoned with his family crest. It was clear he was looking for him.

"You boy, what is it?" Tohrm beckoned him forward swiftly once he realised his purpose. The messenger hesitated, then corrected himself and dashed to the side of the knight.

"I bring word m'lord from your liege. Your orders for the army, and funds to see this happen."

Tohrm took the proferred missive and scanned it with due diligence. A rearranging or orders, and to expect combat soon. Fine he thought to himself, fine indeed.

"You may leave." Waving the messenger off, Tohrm continued toward the city center of Giask.

After gathering his bearings, and collecting a most generous donation from the Emperor to aid in this task, Tohrm made his way to the barracks and recruitment grounds of the city. Inspecting the troops arrayed there was a pleasure. Most were well drilled, equipped and seemed to be in good spirits. Solid men to make a solid line.

Picking out the local soldiers who hailed from the estate land he had been granted, the Aestian's as they were called, a man of stocky build and impressive moustache to boot stepped forward. He introduced himself as Gundred, hailing from the northern borders of Poryatu and had been training the Aestians for some months now. He offered his services as captain to the newly appointed knights forces, and Tohrm was happy to accept. Shaking the burly mans hand, Tohrm felt reassured that his orders would be fulfilled, not just to the best of his ability, but to exceed the expectations of his lieges.

Once the unit had been refitted and tasked under his command, Tohrm set back out to reclaim the rest of his men to make their way toward the rally point of the army.

It was there, that a most ostentatiously graced messenger halted him. More orders, Tohrm wondered as he regarded the gilded and studded letter that was passed down to him. Directly from the Emperor perhaps? Upon finishing the letter, a polite smile crept across his weathered features. Turning to the horsed messenger, the knight assured him that he would attend this feast and was honoured to have been invited. An excellent chance to mix with the new and old blood of the realm, he supposed.

"Gundred, take the men to Askileon Purlieus. The others will be whoring and drinking on some side of the docks I'm sure. Once they've been roused from their stupor, march through the countryside and keep sending scouts forward to the main army. I want to arrive and see a force of stout lads ready to fight the beasts back from our borders. Drill them, regularly on your way back north. Understood?"

"Aye Sir. And what of yourself?"

Tohrm chuckled as he spoke.

"I'll be engaged in a most serious business. One which requires my utmost attention. It's critical, in fact, to the realm, so far as you're concerned, that I am in the city here until my task is done."

Gundred's eyes widened slightly at the fresh Lurian knight.

"Aye, a drink or two for myself is just what this realm needs." Tohrm grinned happily and fetched another handful of coins from his purse. "And a drink or two for the men, just to be fair."

The new captain laughed and took the coins. "As you will m'lord. I'll see it done. I think I know a tough Lurian brandy that'll go down well in the camp."

Tohrm patted the man's shoulder before turning, making his way into the market proper.

His fortunes had seemed to turn, most fortuitously. The Elrath's had indeed found a new home. Once he had celebrated this fact, he would be ready to fight for it.

The feast, awaited.

William Fitz Roberts

Sir William stood at the prow of the ship as it sailed towards Giask. He had heard tales of its magnificence and from this distance it did not disappoint. Time would tell as to whether this remained the case. He glanced down at the invitation he had received the day before,astonished that his superiors had taken such interest in lesser nobility of the realm. Nevertheless he was looking forward to it greatly. However, first he had buisness to attend to. The White Shields were nowhere near the condition he would feel comfortable presenting to his Marshall when he returned to the mustering point; they were under manned and under trained. His own sword skill was not up to scratch either. He was hoping to rectify these flaws during his stay in the city. He toyed with the scarlet fox badge on his chest for a moment, before turning back to join his men.

Night -- Poryatu

Nicholas Archival

The journey to Giask had been taking longer than expected. The roads were not of pristine quality, and though Nicholas was astride his destrier, Stalwart, the retinue that followed in his wake marched by foot. His Sworn Swords, as they had rather bombastically taken to calling themselves, were not what he was used to. He thought back, only days before, to his final hours in the Archival estate. The thundering of galloping hooves was a familiar sound, now confined only to memory... at least for the time being. Mathis Archival had been a fine cavalryman and knight, but had not the money to afford his son such a unit. Instead, it was the mundane reality of the small infantry unit that he had since accustomed himself to.

He would make do. It would not do for him to make any complaints; his position offered him far more than the typical citizen of Luria might expect. Coin enough to support himself, his estate and an armed retinue was a blessing in of itself that Nicholas did not permit himself to forget. "To think yourself above the men you serve is a short road to hubris and betrayal," his father had always said. It was a valuable lesson, and one he strove to remember, even as his circumstances seemed ever more likely to direct him toward grander standing. The surprise of receiving direct correspondence from both his king and emperor had yet to sink in. Though there was a voice gnawing at him, reminding him that he was one of many. Even amidst the wave of knights presenting themselves to the Empire, the glow of pride was not so easily dimmed.

Aldrakar Renodin, though foremost his king, was the Margrave of Poryatown. It was useful, then, that he had chosen Noble Manor Square for his residence and area of administration. He had not placed himself under the direct leadership of Aldrakar with the express intent of seeking greater influence, it seemed possible that it may occur as a side-benefit. No doubt it would prove useful at least to earn of himself the man's ear. In the regard, it was not so great of a surprise that he had received contact. What remained unexpected, however, was the recognition of the Emperor. Though it was less personal, the gift of both acknowledgement and the two-hundred gold bond gave Nicholas enormous satisfaction. It became apparent that the time with which he moved to represent his family more widely throughout Luria was opportune. None of these facts would escape him, lest he miss the chance to grasp the greatness that so teased itself before him.

Nicholas shook his head, dark tresses whipping in the evening breeze. He had been allowing Stalwart to dictate their pace for quite some time now, he realised, with the setting of the sun above. The knight shifted in the saddle and glanced over his shoulder. The Sworn Swords continued to follow behind him without falter, despite being without mounts of their own. Like their leader, the men of the unit were young and eager, keen to find their place in the world. Though youthful exuberance was no substitute for regimented, diligent training, it was an encouraging start. They were amenable and loyal, to both Nicholas himself and to Luria. They were a fine beginning to his military career, but would soon find themselves amidst greater numbers upon reaching Giask. With that in mind, he consulted his map; Askileon and its port could not be far. Already he could smell the sea-breeze on the air. The occasional gull swooped overhead, before wheeling off back towards the coast.

He had never had the honour of visiting Giask before, and this first arrival promised to be far more interesting than could have been predicted. Recalling both the military summons to the Emperor's Will and the impressive procession of King Aldrakar's emissary, Nicholas took a deep breath to steady himself. Frayed nerves would not fit him in the capital. He had ever been a man - or boy - of slight stature, but to stand amongst the greatest of Luria at the coming banquet, he would have to be tall.

6th December

Day -- Askileon Purlieus

Aldrakar Renodin

The Golden Feast

With great, big clouds lazily sliding across the amber, evening sky he looked out over the great city. The home of his children, the place where they had grown up and where he had met his late wife, Lucini Talratheon. Leaning forwards onto the fine, marble balustrade of the balcony that ringed most of the great hall of the Golden palace, Aldrakar looked down onto the City. It sprawled away in every direction from the Palace complex. North to the grand docks that even now did not know quiet. Torches and lanterns lit what hundreds of men still did. They worked so that the huge city would be fed, so it would function. Like poetic, fishy lungs the docks inhaled at night and breathed that life giving breath of commodities and goods by day.

A wry smile crept onto his face. ‘’City doesn’t change.’’ The cool, evening air filled his own lungs as he took a deep breath that slowly escaped through his nostrils. The Golden Palace was build over the span of many, many years. The libraries were full of its projects and yet, none of the librarians could quite agree when work had first begun or that it indeed ever truly finished. Situated on a strategic set of hills of which the highest one is commonly agreed to be the site of the oldest section of the Palace Complex, over time all of the hills in the immediate area were gradually incorporated. Enclosed with a series of high fortifications. Circling walls both pragmatic in their thickness but decorated in their own way with smart use of architecture, ornamentation and of course, banners. That tested and true way of signifying which Noble House was where. Aldrakar could still find more than a handful of his own insignias, banners and markings left over from the time that he was Emperor and indeed, was Master of Giask.

Some of his most memorable times in the palace he had spend in the gardens. Of course there were a great many of them and a fair few with their own water elements still, his fondest memories were among the cherry and peach groves. A section of the gardens quite old as they once served the dual purpose of providing food stuffs for the royal kitchens while at the same time providing prestige by the very design and layout of the groves. When means are few, things have to have several purposes or else they will become too costly. Aldrakar grinned at the thought. ‘’It’s no longer about cost these days, we’re still rich.’’ As if to confirm the fact his eye wandered over the royal stables. A complex vast enough to be mistaken for an estate all on itself. Paddies, jousting lists, armourer, medicus to just name a few of the ancilliary buildings associated with just the royal stables.

Sweeping his gaze across the other ‘’lesser’’ palatine hills Aldrakar saw the builds that houses foreign emissaries, the residence of the Emperor, the Royal Barracks, the huge entrance gate district, the place really deserved to be called a district for a small village would fit in it. Not bothering to inspect all of the grounds associated with the Palace Complex Aldrakar pushed himself away from the balcony balustrade. As he turned his ears heard the songs coming from the aviary below. The Nightingales are early tonight he thought to himself.

Upon entering the Great Hall he beheld the vast space that had housed entire Royal and indeed, Imperial Families. Collossal marble pillars reached impossibly high to support a roof made by the hands of master craftsmen making their labour of love. Not a single expense had been spared. While that was generally true for the entire Golden Palace, this room in particular was given special care to stand out. It was where the Lurian Emperors made their decrees after all and where Foreign Rulers were brought to feel small and be humbled. While it impressed Aldrakar if he took the time to look at it all, it didn’t really anymore. He had slowly grown used to it. Walking past a neatly arranged area specifically for wine and accompanying foods he nodded benignly to particular servants he recognized. An old habit stopped him in his tracks. His eye had spotted a wine it did not recognize. Feeling a certain modicum of defeat he mildly rolled his shoulders and whispered. ‘’Alright, you win.’’ Turning around Aldrakar instantly saw the triumphant look on his old wine stewards’ face. The man was portly and had a very kind, round face. His voice was full of merit and one could easily believe the man hadn’t even ever thought of hurting a fly, much less ever having done so. Looking down and then returning to look at the steward Aldrakar spoke. ‘’Ismos, what, is that wine?’’ Special emphasis on the word -what-.

The man’s belly swayed and shook gently as he uttered a soft chuckle. ‘’Whatever do you mean your Majesty? This one perhaps?’’ Ismos’ hands gracefully and with the dexterity of a seasoned warrior picked up the bottle he had surely planted where he had stood before. ‘’A rare find indeed your Majesty.’’ He licked his ruddy lips. ‘’From the faraway lands of old Asylon. Uncovered by a most daring adventurer. Deep, down in the cellars of a ruined castle. Or so I’m told.’’ The round face turned several shades of red, from that of a radish all the way down to a gleaming, healthy apple. His eyes alluring and teasing. ‘’The test is in the tasting of course!’’

Unbidden Ismos was already filling a glass and handed it delicately over to Aldrakar. Whom accepted it with a foxish grin. ‘’You know just to how entice me, you had this planned from the start, haven’t you?’’ A single eye trained on Ismos as Aldrakar took a sip. Swirling the wine in his mouth he couldn’t deny it was an exceptional vintage. Rich, full of body and with a strong, lasting finish. Nodding appreciatively Aldrakar looked the man in the eye. ‘’You’ve outdone yourself Ismos. Please see to it that some of the bottles find their way into my cellars.’’ Ismos bowed victoriously. ‘’It shan’t fail to be so, your Majesty.’’

After this little back and forth with an old friend, as such Aldrakar regarded Ismos, he felt his mood much improved. A smile upon his aged face that seemed to ignite smiles in those he looked upon. Still fancying himself handsome Aldrakar stood with the pose of a warrior. A lingering legacy of a lifetime wielding the sword. His once golden blue hair now streaked with white but still worn in the way he had when he was younger. Freely around his shoulders and allowed it to frame his angular face. Vitality still part of his being despite his years. Being favoured by all the ladies of luck, not a crippling blow had ever found his body in all the countless battles he had been through. Enabling him to still have a spring in his step whenever he felt like it. Worn hands smooth with care and the crowning jewels of his arms that in turn sported a healthy amount of muscle. The sign of man that took care of his body with regular and physical training.

Now striding through the Great Hall, Aldrakar was anxious to take a seat and officially open the banquet. Everything was set and the servants were in good cheer, in part because they saw and served their old master. A man they had grown to love, known to be a benevolent and kind individual.

Taking seat in one of the thrones arranged in the Great hall, the one reserved for the King of Earth Hall. Aldrakar raised his right hand, pointing with both index and middle finger and dipped them as a gesture. On cue, the servants opened the half dozen, great doors that permitted entry into the Great Hall and a stream of music cascaded down from the hidden balconies that lined the ceiling on the inside of the room. Nobles and dignitaries from across the Empire bustled into the hall and each donned in finery and splendour.

The scent of delicious food, warm hearths crackling invitingly and an array of pleasures to be sampled and experienced awaited all that would attend.

Aldrakar, simply sat on the throne and enjoyed the remainder of the Asylonian wine.

William Fitz Roberts

William gave one final check over the White Shield's equipment before departing for his lodgings. He wished he had left enough time before the banquet to arrange the necessary repairs that had resulted from the day's training, but it could not be helped. As he walked through the streets of Giask, he thought back on the day's events. Immediately upon his arrival, he had gone to the bank to access the necessary funds for expanding the White Shields. He had hired new soldiers to compliment his small retinue, but it would be some time before they could work together effectively. He knew that no amount of individual skill could oppose a well trained force of loyal comrades, and so it was vital that his soldiers learnt to work together. He had little time for slackers and knew that a few days hard drill would bring cohesion to the band. Never one to sit back while his men got dirty, he had taken part in the brutal regime of marching, practising key formations and pike-drill, hiring the best tutor he could find from the academy to oversee his personal training. He did not feel that he had improved in the slightest, vowing to try harder on the morrow. He would not shame himself on the battlefield, war had made his family and he would not bring dishonour to their lineage, humble as it was.

He continued through the winding streets, marvelling at the beauty of the architecture that surrounded him. He had taken humble lodgings, as he wished to save every possible penny for improving his soldiers, the better to serve the empire. He had packed little clothing on his journey to the city, receiving his invitation to the banquet after he had left his estate. However his travelling clothes were most unsuitable, as were the clothes he had worn earlier that day during training. He therefore selected his only viable option, the clothes of all black that he had worn during the mourning period following the death of his father. They were nowhere near as fine as he knew would be expected of an imperial banquet, but they would have to do. He changed quickly, pinning the scarlet fox of his family to his chest and pocketing his invitation. Taking care to lock the door behind him, he donned his hat and walked off in the direction of the palace, struggling to contain his anticipation of meeting such a fine collection of nobles

Staedtler la Stylo

Staedtler began his third day within this new, beautiful continent pushing beans about his bowl with his fingers, uncomfortably seated upon the camp supplies. As his retinue make their own morning meals over the dying campfire, Staedtler's scribe, Hannity, goes over their invitation for an eighth time. Staedtler cleans his plate and tosses a chunk of firewood over to the feet of the designated cook - a leathery apron hanging over his tabard - who promptly drops it into the flame. A cloud of ashen cinders ploom about his feet, smothering the pan of sausages to a chorus of groans. No man under the La Couvercle de la Stylo banner truly knew how to cook better than any other. In truth, the armour they wear is as deceiving as the apron in that none of them deserved to don in. They were not traditional soldiers. Most of the unit had never been in a fight, some hadn't even sparred before. One of the men had never even worn a gamebeson before three days ago, often found to be wearing the thing back-to-front on more than one occasion. Hannity technically had more combat experience than a good quart of the force, having once lost a fist-fight outside a classroom when he was a student of literature. The La Couvercle de la Stylo are a small collection of college pals and academics; educated toffs bumbling about the countryside roads, eating nothing but cold beans in the time between civilisation, guffawing about the golden days of their educations back home. If they spent more time marching and less time collecting flora, sketching the landscape, and rambling about poetry then they might've made it to Giask itself by now. Staedtler is in a constant cold sweat, always asking for the time and date, anxious for an unfashionably late arrival to the first banquet he would attend as a knight. Reputations are a dangerous thing, especially since he would sorely be pressed to earn them with a sword in his hand rather than a quill. A timely arrival would establish a healthy president of efficacy for Staedtler. Lateness would betray the true fool hidden beneath.

Hannity concludes the recital of the invitation and takes a quaff of water from his flagon, wiping sweat from his neck with a wet towel. Staedtler had not been listening, however, and asks him to repeat it again. For clarity's sake, naturally.

Nicholas Archival

It was set to be a short journey across the eastern, smaller stretch of the Euschean Sea. The Myrmidon was a repurposed warship, made obsolete by naval advancement. It provided an efficient - if not comfortable - ride. The waters appeared calm enough, giving the blessing of smooth sailing. Askileon was quickly shrinking in the distance, left behind. The arrival at Giask drew ever closer.

Nicholas explored the ship, driven by a restless nervousness. He had given the Swords leave to entertain themselves during the trip. For their dutiful marching, they deserved the rest. It would not be appropriate for him to lose face before them, though a lump had continued to persist at the back of his throat. Giask represented everything he had been prepared for. Everything he had been trained for. He was acutely aware that any failure to match the lofty heights of Luria’s greatest city would not serve him well.

Deep breaths, he reminded himself. Nicholas gulped in the fresh sea air, pausing as he looked out across the azure waves. His bout of panic began to subside and his good sense once more prevailed. He sighed; this kind of weakness he would have to set aside once he arrived at the capital. The knight shook his head, dark tresses windblown by the gusts. It was ridiculous - he had faced numerous men more skilled and more experienced at arms without flinching, but the idea of a banquet caused him to panic.

Nicholas squared his shoulders and returned indoors to the Swords, who raised their mugs and tankards in salute. Giask awaited.

Night -- Askileon

Ceryn Onyxis

Arriving at the Golden Feast

Ceryn strode through the doors of the Golden Palace's Great Hall, attempting unsuccessfully not to look around him in wonder. While he was certainly no stranger to magnificent architecture, the Palace occupied a higher echelon than he had ever imagined. Goals for the future, the most prominent words flashing through his mind.

Making an attempt to regain his composure, Ceryn tore his eyes away from the nearest pillar to get his focus and surveyed those attending the Feast. Many Lords and Ladies, dressed in finery uncommon even to those in the highest classes of nobility, milled about the room. Still not having met the majority of the Lurian nobility in person, Ceryn did not recognize many faces. Instead, he sauntered slowly to the nearest area for libations, listening intently, hoping to place noble names to noble faces through iconic speech patterns that had been displayed in the letters and missives circulated throughout the realm.

Nearing his destination, he did spot a familiar face. Standing around the wine area, speaking to an old man whom Ceryn presumed was a wine steward, was His Majesty the King of Earth's Hall Aldrakar Renodin. The sight of his liege made Ceryn pause slightly. I must be in top form. Ceryn surreptitiously looked towards a window, pretending to focus on the garden outside while instead focusing his attention on his own reflection on the glass. He inspected his outfit, a raven-colored outfit, the nicest parts of which being his vest and cape. Satisfied that nothing was out of place, he turned back towards the direction of his liege. And the libations, one cannot forget the libations.

"My liege, it is an honor to be invited to such a grand event."

7th December

Day -- Giask

Aldrakar Renodin

message to all nobles of Luria Nova

The Empty Glass

Having acknowledged the third dozen or so Noble family that presented themselves at his throne Aldrakar brought the wineglass once more to his lips. Wondering in the quiet places of his mind if he’d get a neck-ache before too long. Tilting the glass an odd sensation greeted him. His lips informed him that there was not naught but air left in the glass. Perturbed by this fact he cautiously glanced in the direction of Ismos and the wine corner the man so fussed over.

It soon became obvious the man wasn’t going to look into his direction. Aldrakar sat up and matter of factly positioned the empty glass upright on the armrest of his throne. Raising his head and staring right at the wine corner as if to give a silent command. Moments stretched into one long pause. Aldrakar breathed the air that he had held in his lungs out hard, through his nose. He glances left to see if he could spot any servants nearby. None. ‘’What nonsense is this?!’’ He muttered under his breath. He ventured a glance to the right. The same absence of servants greeted him there also.

Right at that time another Noble of some important presented himself along with his fetching daughter. It was no secret Aldrakar’s two adult sons were still bachelors as was the man himself. Not listening to the man’s words or even catching the name of the daughter, Aldrakar nodded regally as a well rehearsed trick. The Noble took his cue from that and ushered his somewhat disappointed daughter along.

Not waiting to see if anyone else was going to present themselves Aldrakar pushed himself up from the throne and strode towards Ismos and the wine the man guarded with smiles and well timed laughs. As Aldrakar approached Ismos turned and danced around the wine tables like a ballerina. Never meeting Aldrakar’s gaze and ever seeming a step ahead of the King. Using the crowd as roadblocks but to the most perceptive of people, Ismos smirked and enjoyed the chase. The game.

Satisfied that nothing was out of place, he turned back towards the direction of his liege. And the libations, one cannot forget the libations.

"My liege, it is an honor to be invited to such a grand event."

~ Ceryn Onyxis

A frown upon his face, Aldrakar heard a voice call out to him. Turning to the source he found a young Noble clad in sable. Keeping quiet and letting his gaze linger on the younger man Aldrakar veritably inspected him. Nice jacket. Did anybody die? Aldrakar mused to himself. The new hopeful from house Onyxis.. named... Cerwil?.. Cer.. Ceryn!

‘’Sir Ceryn, you honour your family by presenting house Onyxis for Earth Hall.’’ Aldrakar offered a small yet friendly smile as he gestured around the great hall that was stuffed with Nobility from all over the Empire. ‘’It seems there’s so many people that even my former wine steward cannot find time or moment to attend to his former liege.’’ The words more sarcastic than Aldrakar had meant them to sound. He held up his empty wine glass for Ceryn to see.

‘’Get us some wine Ceryn and we’ll share words, alright? And don’t let Ismos give you any of that second grade wine he peddles to the lot of them.’’ Aldrakar indicated at random Nobles sipping from their wineglasses.

Benedict Dupont

Arrival at the Feast

The journey from the estate to the Palace took longer than expected, as the route seemed winding and unfamiliar. The days since Benedict arrived at his new estate had been filled with a list of things to attend to, and the intimidating presence of the Palace looming over him only furthered his procrastination in attending the feat. One must make an appearance, Benedict, he told himself this morning, and after an hour choosing a suitable outfit and a clean shave, he set off through the twisting streets towards that great monument to the men he aspired to be.

Although this was his first time in the Palace grounds, Benedict was not a stranger to the city proper, and had little trouble from the guards as he passed through those great doors and was swiftly directing by servants towards the Feast. As he entered the Great Hall, the cavernous size defying what the outside view suggested, Benedict's mind raced as his eyes and ears were assaulted with scenes of magnificent grandeur. Countless nobles and Lords milled around, eating and drinking many of the glorious foods and drinks displayed in the hall. They make it look so easy, Benedict worried as he saw nobles converse with higher Lords with grace and confidence. How am I ever going to manage that without breaking into a sweat?

As if to add to his fear, Benedict realised he had been walking slowly as he mused. Not too far away, in his path, was Aldrakar Renodin, Imperial Magistrate of Luria Nova, Royal of Luria Nova, Duke of Earth's Hall, Margrave of Poryatown, talking to a young noble. Benedict quickly corrected his course, making a swift move towards the nearest servant.

"First, wine, I will be needing lots of wine", he muttered to himself.

This was going to be a long feast.

William Fitz Roberts

William walked at a brisk pace through the city of Giask. Being unfamiliar with the city, he had got totally turned around and now was late. He was furious with himself not only for acquiring a guide, but for failing to make much progress in his duelling, despite having hired the finest master he could come across. He was beginning to realise that nothing could beat real combat experience. No matter, he would return to the field soon. But for now he had a banquet to attend.

He finally arrived at the gates to the palace and presented his invitation to the guard at the gates. He was hurried through to the hall, but as he arrived a steward demanded to see his invitation once more. Puzzled, William handed over his invite. He saw the steward's eyes widen with something like glee as he glanced over the letter. He had seen that look before. He had seen it all his life. 'Sir William Fitz Roberts, eh', the steward said, placing emphasis on the Fitz. 'Why would someone of your lineage be attending such an occasion' 'If you must know, my family was legitimised 3 generations ago. I am certainly more noble than you. Now if you don't mind, I have a banquet to attend'. He snatched the letter from the steward, who stood their in shock at the bluntness with which William had dared speak. William pushed him aside and entered the hall. He sighed. He knew that would not be the only person to question his name before the night was through

Nicholas Archival

Nicholas inspected himself in the ornate, gold-encrusted mirror. He grimaced at what he saw. Broad-shouldered and chested, but stocky. Long in the face and too solemn by far. Although his attire, crafted of expensive silks, was of fine quality, befitting a nobleman of the realm, it felt a superficial sham. He tugged on his cloak, adjusting the clasp; it was a sweeping thing, black with a gold trim. Though he would have sooner arrived in armour befitting the battlefield, it would have to do.

His first day in the capital had led up to this. Trudging through the aristocratic sections of the city, a grim-faced youth amidst a sea of colour and esteem. Visiting the most vaunted barbers and tailors in Giask, to ensure he would arrive at the feast in a manner befitting a Knight of Poryatown and nobleman of Luria. The noise had felt deafening; a cacophony of voices and sounds, a far cry from the edge of the empire he was comfortable with.

The Swords had been left with their new additions, having finished the day’s training, while Nicholas himself had left for the palace. The guards had let him pass without much fuss, recognising quickly his stature. Guards, the common soldiery, these were people he knew how to deal with. Honest, simple men without lofty ambition. No doubt the guests within the palace were to be of a different species altogether. It did not soothe him to think that.

Eventually, with a deep inhale of air, Nicholas strode away from the mirror and continued down the pristine corridor. As he approached the great hall, a trio of women of the court tittered at the sight of him. Is my cloak unclasped again? Do I look ridiculous? Doubts beset him, but it was too late to turn tail and run. He had seen the undead before; a few border skirmishes in the Archival Estate had given him that. But those creatures did not instil in him such fear as this - with steeled nerves, he entered.

He looked across the huge room, taking in all the majesty the palace revealed, grey eyes too bland by far for such sights. Striding forth with the rigid discipline of a seasoned soldier - and stiff by the standards of a courtier - he approached a nearby servant, while his attention was caught by the sight he had hoped for after but a few goblets of wine. Aldrakar Renodin; his liege. It seemed as though the King of Earth’s Hall was occupied with another, a man he supposed he recognised from the streets of Poryatown, though could not place a name to the face.

Sir Nicholas plucked a goblet, heavy with wine, and took a long gulp. As he considered his options, he caught some words, quietly spoken as though without the intent to be overheard. It was convenient was so closely placed. He glanced sidelong to see another of the court - apparently within the same position as he.

"First, wine, I will be needing lots of wine", he muttered to himself.

~ Benedict Dupont

“That would be you and I both, sir,” Nicholas remarked, a faint smile touching his lips with wine not long to follow. “Sir Nicholas Archival, Knight of Poryatown. And you?” he asked. Confidence amongst cowards was an easy thing to find.

Benedict Dupont

With one strong gulp, the wine was gone. The rich, fruity tones were lost on Benedict as he searched for more, before setting his eyes on a full jug to his right.

He was lost in the pouring of another glass when the words of a man next to him jarred him from his trance.

“Sir Nicholas Archival, Knight of Poryatown. And you?”

It took a moment for Benedict to focus on the man next to him. From his words he occupied a similar station, and from his wine he was in a similar situation. Benedict smiled, for it was comforting to know he was not the only nervous noble at the Feast.

He finishes pouring his glass, although with a few spills, and replies:

"Ah, greetings good sir... Ah, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He extends a hand.

"Sir Benedict Dupont, Knight of Giask."

He takes a strong swig of wine, his figure becoming relaxed as the liquid works it's magic.

William Fitz Roberts

Sir William turned as he heard two names he recognised. He had corresponded with both a sir Benedict and a Sir Nicholas. Could these be the same men? Unsure as to how to act in these situations (courtly etiquette was not something taught in the Fitz Roberts household) he walked over to the two figures and, gulping down some wine before he spoke, said 'did hear correctly? You are so Nicholas and Sir Benedict?', William extends his hand to one and then the other, waiting for them to finish their greetings to one another before interrupting, 'I am Sir William Fitz Roberts, I believe I have shared letters with both of you? It is excellent to put a face to words on a page'

Night -- Giask

Donald Augustus Allan

Donald Augustus arrives at the Feast

Evening had fallen upon Giask and the cooling evening air hung about the capital, under the moonlight the city looked peaceful and quiet, almost tranquil. But this illusion was soon to be banished as Donald Augustus headed towards the main gate of the Great Hall, and even as he approached he could hear the clamour and excitement of merriment and festivities, as if to defy what would have been a simple evening. Moving towards the hall he placed his hands on the great wooden doors, pushing them aside and stepping from the dark in to the brightly lit room.

As the door swung wide a gust of cold air entered with Sir Donald, causing his golden locks to dance in the light as if they too had joined the festivities. His golden face lit up in to a merry grin as he scanned the gathered crown and caught the site of the abundance of alcohol. Moving further inwards he seemed to glide across the floor, dressed in bright flamboyant robes and a matching cape decorated with the sigil of his house. His doublet was velvet green and blue with scenes of merriment and drinking carefully woven in silver fabric.

A group of fine ladies, gathered in a small circle, stood in his path but Donald Augustus carefully penetrated their ranks, smiling gracefully as he went by. Just as he parted these fashionable noblewomen his delicate yet firm hand brushed one of theirs and in that moment of blissful contact, she swooned. And was fortunately caught by one of her companions. Stepping in to the centre of the Great Hall he acquired a goblet of wine from the silver platter of a nearby servant and sought out a group of nearby noblemen.

"Greetings!" he spoke, his voice like silk upon the ears "I am Sir Donald Augustus, a Knight of Askileon"

Nicholas Archival

“And you, Sir Benedict.”

Nicholas clasped Benedict’s hand, shaking it firmly. At the very least, he did not give a weak handshake. With his smile yet in place, he inclined his head courteously in recognition of his fellow aristocrat. As he moved to respond, the voice of another cut through to claim his attention.

As William introduced himself to the two of them, Nicholas turned to regard the man he had shared correspondance with. He raised his glass in recognition, taking a second mouthful of the crimson wine he had selected, before reaching forward to shake his hand.

“Ah- Sir William. I was wondering whether I would find you here. It is good, indeed, to make your personal acquaintance--”

With the booming voice of Sir Donald, echoing throughout the hall, Nicholas fell into another silence. The name did, however, ring a bell. The knight took a few moments to place it, before it came to him.

“So that would be the man, Sir Donald, who claimed to the Emperor himself to be the most handsome knight in Luria,” he thought.

Nicholas resolved to watch and wait, to see what the loudmouth would do next. At the very least, it might provide a good show.

Cador Andrasta

As the farmers left their hovels in droves to start their days of tilling the soil and planting the crops that would see the realm through the next winter, they were greeted by the sound of fifty men singing in unison. The voices were led by one other, a loud, booming one that echoed through the morning mists. Whatever the one sang, the fifty would repeat.

As the golden banner flies, see there o'er the hill "By the Stars!", fair maiden cries, 'tis the Emperor's Will! But the buxom and the built, they shall raise no clamor They want them who have the lilt, and await the Hammer!

The smallfolk knew at once that these were the men of the Silver Hammer, their singing heralding their arrival. As they passed the fields, the men working them would begin to sing along with, while the women shook their heads in disapproval at such bawdy rhymes. As the column cut through the fog, clad in grey plate from head to toe, polearms held aloft, they were a fearsome sight to behold. The metallic thumping of their feet provided a leisurely beat to accompany their singing. At the front of the column, six men on great horses led the way.

Then, suddenly, the six riders spurred their mounts, and galloped away, their blue-and-crimson cloaks snapping behind them as they sped on towards the city.

Ceryn Onyxis

‘’Get us some wine Ceryn and we’ll share words, alright? And don’t let Ismos give you any of that second grade wine he peddles to the lot of them.’’ Aldrakar indicated at random Nobles sipping from their wineglasses.

"Of course, my liege."

Ceryn turned towards the wine steward. Ismos, that was his name, or something like that. Serve my liege, and get wine. Two birds with one stone, I suppose.

Walking towards the wine steward, Ceryn put on one of his sincerest-looking smiles. Logic and teaching had long imparted the lesson on him: give a certain level of respect towards those who handle your food and drink. "My good sir, Ismos is it? If you would be so kind, the good King Aldrakar is out of wine, and as his knight I have been tasked with remedying the situation. If you could help me with this duty, and perhaps guide me to some good wine for him and myself, I would be most grateful."

The wine steward wordlessly nodded and smiled. He put placed the bottle he was holding, having finished filling the glass of a minor noble Ceryn didn't recognize. Instead, he reached for a bottle cleverly hidden in the middle of other wine bottles, but which looked quite distinct from them once removed. Fetching two glasses and filling them with the wine, Ismos handed them to Ceryn, who thanked the man before turning back towards the direction of his liege.

Heading back towards the throne upon which Aldrakar sat, Ceryn put on a different smile from his bank of facial expressions, one that said "it is my honor to serve" instead of "I am honored by your service." Time to converse with those higher than I. Let's make it good. He extended one of the glasses.

"Here you are, my liege."

8th December

Day -- Giask

Aldrakar Renodin

The Attention of the King

Heading back towards the throne upon which Aldrakar sat, Ceryn put on a different smile from his bank of facial expressions, one that said "it is my honor to serve" instead of "I am honored by your service." Time to converse with those higher than I. Let's make it good. He extended one of the glasses.

"Here you are, my liege."

~Ceryn Onyxis

Having returned to his Throne Aldrakar accepted the wine from Sir Ceryn. ‘’Thank you.’’ He said matter of factly. Not looking at Ceryn but rather taking a much sought after sip of the wine. Only then did he allow a single eye to fall onto Ceryn. ‘’Well done, this’ll do, this’ll definitely do.’’

Settling into the throne Aldrakar looked around the Great Hall before returning to Ceryn. ‘’Please take a seat.’’ He motioned to the seats arrayed near the throne that were reserved for Nobles of Earth Hall. So arranged for the purpose of allowing them to take audiences from the people gathered in the Great hall. Alternatively any Noble of Earth Hall could not take a seat and thus avoid having to go through the officious business of nodding at people and listening to their requests and words. An official function if you will. It also allowed the Nobles of Earth hall to gather and converse if they so chose. The lesser Thrones and seats were set up in a half circle facing the Great Hall.

Something caught Aldrakar’s eye. A group of Nobles that seemed somewhat out of place. Like rabbits among a foxhunt. Pretending to be hounds but lacking the conviction. ‘’You see those young men over there Ceryn?’’ Aldrakar motioned towards the group including Nicholas Archival, William Fitz Roberts and Benedict Dupont. ‘’You recognize them Ceryn? I don’t.’’ He took another sip of his wine. Unceremoniously Aldrakar put thumb and index finger into his mouth and gave a sharp whistle. Hoping to catch some attention and at the very least, the attention of the three Noble youths. Unsure if he’d done so or not he raised his right hand into the air a bit and beckoned them over with his index finger.

More than a few faces turned to Aldrakar in confusion and surprise. Some of them smiling as they thought it was they, Aldrakar, had motioned at. His gaze was quite direct however and his eyes looked straight at the trio. ‘’Ceryn, this’ll be fun.’’ Aldrakar glanced mischievously at the knight. ‘’Bust their balls a bit when they come over.’’ The words spoken in a soft voice and where accompanied by a small smirk.

Somewhere else in the room, a beautiful, young lady dressed in a lavender, silk dress fluttered her eyelashes at Sir Donald and teasingly threw him a smile that portrayed her full and red lips. Before he could do anything though, like the expert tease she was, she darted away. Her destination in curiously close proximity of the Throne of Earth Hall.

Matthew Coffey

The proceedings had begun, that much Matthew could tell from the myriad sounds coming from the Golden Palace. The smooth marble steps heralding his ascent, with armoured guards keeping watchful vigil like chiselled statues, complementing the architecture as well as providing a stalwart defence over their betters. Matthew travelled with one other, a servant it seemed, accompanying him exactly two steps behind at all times and keeping pace like a well trained lapdog. The young man looked over his shoulder to double check, offering a thin smile to the servant, who returned it. Superficial of course, neither particularly got along with the other, nor did Matthew expect it, they were of different breeds now, after all. Still, a trained and delicate hand to fetch him wine or deliver messages when he were trapped in conversation would be useful, no, necessary at this event.

​He nodded to the guards as he moved through the great Palace doors, entering a preliminary corridor, studded with grandiose artwork along its length. Music drifted down the gargantuan hallway, as did the laughter, speaking of good things to come. Matthew welcomed it. He was at home here, whilst all the bravado might follow him on the battlefield and in his speeches, it was the courts that called. Here he was in his element, as his former tutor always noted with mild derision, a now deceased knight whom he owed much for his squiring. Horsemanship and swordplay are one thing, but it was never these things that brought his family this far, he reminded himself. As lowly as commerce and hard work might be, his lineage always preferred mercantile and academic pursuits, with only a handful of ancestors appreciating the sword. It was a good thing Lurians prided meritocracy, unlike many other realms, otherwise his new life may never have come to be.

​A curt nod came to the steward collecting invitations; manservant swiftly heeding the silent order with the bejewelled letter that Matthew had received from his overlord, Aldrakar Renodin. He entered without taking the briefest glance back, arrogant assumption that he was granted passage and that this was where he belonged. The open doors released a cacophony of sweet imperial grandeur. Confident that his simple purple tunic with white hose, embellished with but a sturdy leather belt, was dressed enough. The quality of the material could not be disputed, velvet from D'hara, or maybe Madina. It wasn't local, that was certain. Matthew made note to keep his jewellery to merely his signet ring, a golden serpent pinned to his tunic and a single golden ring, set with a modest pink tourmaline, on his right index finger. One could also not forget their sword or dagger, as much a part of his dress here as on the battlefield, his former tutor had informed him. He didn't dispute it, and whilst thinking it unnecessary to have a sword, he certainly felt the knife might have practical applications of opening letters or eating with at least. Neither were particularly impressive at the hilt, but the scabbards were lined with silver swirling patterns, a mild attempt at prettying up what was essentially a butchers tool.

​"Sir Matthew Coffey, knight of Summerhill Hall." heralded his servant dutifully and clearly, though Matthew expected the formality would be lost on the din of music and chatter throughout the great hall. Nevertheless, he stood tall, gazing over the crowds once. Then twice. Slowly and methodically, casting his eyes about for his overlord first, and then his liege. Not seeing Dubhaine about the thronging noble and servile crowds, he strode toward Renodin with purpose. Spotting the king was no effort really, his presence was given due distance from lesser nobles and his attire alone had him standing out like a sore thumb. Good for Matthew, at least. Thankfully, the training he'd been conducting saw him fill out his tunic a bit more so than usual, hopefully betraying his youth. With his charcoal hair bobbing about the shoulders as he approached at some speed, he motioned for his servant to come forth. Having arrived at his destination, being dwarfed somewhat by Aldrakar's trained physique and kingly bearing, the young knight bowed deeply to his king. He did not rise until he was spoken to.

​Once Aldrakar had recognised the young knight, he cleared his throat before speaking clearly yet softly, "Sir Matthew Coffey, at your service, my king. I come bearing a humble gift as gratitude for your invite, I hope it is worthy of finding itself in your secondary collections." He offered forth a letter to the king, signed in his own hand, for a stallion that had come from his own stud up in Summerhill, currently stabled with no expense spared at the Palace stables. "I trust he will serve you faithfully and fully." Retreating a step, Matthew smiled briefly, inclining his head to the man.

​This would be good night already, he could tell.

Benedict Dupont

As the firm handshake from Nicholas ended, Benedict was able to take a more restrained mouthful of wine than before, his confidence slowly coming back to him. Before he could take his second sip, a new noble makes his way towards the two.

"Did hear correctly? You are so Nicholas and Sir Benedict?"

The man extends his hand towards Nicholas, and then to Benedict once the former had returned his grip, introducing himself to the two of them.

"I am Sir William Fitz Roberts, I believe I have shared letters with both of you? It is excellent to put a face to words on a page"

So this was the man with whom Benedict shared a brief correspondence with the other day, it was pleasing to be able to put a face to the name.

"A pleasure to meet you, Sir, how are you enjoying the fe-" Benedict attempts to say as the loud voice of an unknown man echoes in their direction.

"Greetings!" He spoke, the arrogance prickling Benedict's nerve "I am Sir Donald Augustus, a Knight of Askileon".

Before Benedict is able to respond to this newcomer, a sharp whistle pierced the air around him, cutting the conversation like a hot knife through butter. Benedict turned to see who had warranted such attention, and from whom. Unfortunately the answer to both questions were not to Benedict's liking, as the King of Earth Hall was beckoning to none other than himself and his nearby acquaintances, a look of sharp intent in his eyes. Benedict quickly quaffed what remained of his second glass before adjusting his posture and striding over. The heat of the wine had started to warm Benedict's body, and the last vestiges of nervousness had begun to leave. However, this was Aldrakar Renodin, not some mere noble vying for attention.

First thing... Benedict thought to himself, the first thing I need to do is present myself, bow, and await his response... Easy as that. Or so he hoped.

Benedict had not looked back, so was unaware whether he had company has he walked purposefully towards the man who's stature seemed to grow larger with each passing step.

Then... A reprieve.

The young knight barged past Benedict, and straight into the presence of the King, bowing as soon as he arrived.

"Sir Matthew Coffey, at your service, my king."

As the knight drawled on in front of Aldrakar Renodin, Benedict was able to steady himself. Taking up a position behind the postulating noble, he remarked how the King responded to this young man's introduction, taking up mental notes of how each action was received.

By the time the two were finished, Benedict's confidence was back in full force, and he approached the King, taking a deep bow as he did.

"My name is Benedict Dupont, a Knight of Giask, a pleasure to be at your service, my King".

Nicholas Archival

It took Nicholas a moment to catch his bearings. So many words, gestures and smells all continued to assail him at once, unabated by notions of tact and timing. After the moment passed, his focus found its mark: Aldrakar Renodin was gesturing him - them - forward. Sir Benedict and Sir William no longer held his attention; it would be unwise to turn his focus away from the man seated upon the throne. With his goblet, of which he had only drunk two mouthfuls of, set aside onto the tray of a passing servant, Nicholas moved into a smooth stride toward Aldrakar. Though clad in the luxurious silks of an aristocratic, his gait yet remained in much the fashion of a professional soldier; efficient and forthright. The knight had little movement or thought to spare for flamboyance - though his cloak did much of the job for him.

As he approached, any discomfort began to fade. It had been the build-up causing him nerves, overthinking his expectations for the gathering. Without sparing a glance to the many courtiers and aristocrats arrayed in the Great Hall - many of whom eyed the Knight of Poryatown himself with envy - Nicholas quickly arrived to place himself within the King's presence. It was then he acknowledged the presence of Sir Matthew - the gallant, glory hound who had called for so many of his fellow knights. He was much less than Nicholas pictured; there was no impressive warrior-to-be. In his place was a youth, more courtier than knight. A boy making pretend that he was a man; Nicholas knew the type. Perhaps this was the way of things in capital. He had not the experience to judge for certain.

Regardless, upon approaching Aldrakar, Nicholas took his place after Sir Benedict and fell to one knee. He drew his sword - a decorative heirloom, inlaid with gleaming silver - and held it before him, his gesture of fealty. The knight looked up, directing his blue-grey eyes to make contact with the monarch's. At close inspection for Aldrakar to view, Nicholas appeared to be swiftly on his way to becoming more man than boy; broad-shouldered, strong-jawed and with any softness of boyhood melted away through the trials of sword and steel. His hair, a dark-brown, was kept in the comfortable middle-ground of style and practicality. In the short breath before speech, he took in his liege; now this was an impressive man. Much as he had imagined him to be, opposing the relative disappointment of Sir Matthew. With all the rigid, military discipline he had come to find comfort in, he addressed the King with the utmost respect:

"My king, I am Sir Nicholas Archival, Knight of Poryatown. I am humbly at your service, and thank you for your most generous invitation to this feast. My sword is yours."

Service, respect, fealty. These he had been readied for. These he knew. Courtly etiquette would come in time to follow, no doubt.

William Fitz Roberts

Sir William turned at hearing the whistle. He decided to let Sir Benedict introduce himself before he did, to give him time to assess what this king was like. He was his better, certainly. However, William was not one to be played like a fiddle and decided that he would rather Benedict be made a fool of than himself. He followed behind his fellow knight and, upon reaching the king, bowed, but remained silent besides a courteous 'my king', waiting to see how this would unfold.

Ceryn Onyxis

A Sharp Tongue

More than a few faces turned to Aldrakar in confusion and surprise. Some of them smiling as they thought it was they, Aldrakar, had motioned at. His gaze was quite direct however and his eyes looked straight at the trio. ‘’Ceryn, this’ll be fun.’’ Aldrakar glanced mischievously at the knight. ‘’Bust their balls a bit when they come over.’’ The words spoken in a soft voice and where accompanied by a small smirk. -Aldrakar Renodin

Ceryn, having taken a seat in one of the chairs King Aldrakar had indicated, turned his head towards the first of the knights to approach. The knight handed Aldrakar a letter after introducing himself; a gift of some sort, based on the words of the knight. The knight stepped back from Aldrakar, and Ceryn rose and proffered his hand in greeting.

"It is good to meet you. Sir Matthew Coffey, was it? Of Summerhill Hall? I am Ceryn Onyxis, Knight of Poryatown. Always a pleasure to meet fellow Lurian nobility. Tell me, have you met Sir Cream? I think you and he would get along splendidly." Ceryn waited for realization to dawn on the knight's face at the joke. "Forgive me, sometimes I cannot help myself when such amusements arise in my head. Truly, it is good to meet you. I do like coffee; I'm sure it will be an honor to serve alongside you."

Ceryn turned his attention to the gathered knights more generally. "It is an honor to serve alongside all of you. I would be a fool not to realize how well-trained these new knights of Luria are; you all answer to a whistle! As is the duty of all knights, of course."

Ceryn glanced around the knights, looking towards the party. "I hear the handsomest knight in all of Luria is in attendance. Have any of you seen him? One would think his presence would be obvious in the crowd, but I'll admit I can't make him out." With this, Ceryn took a large sip of his wine glass. My, this wine is good. I will have to remember that wine steward; perhaps I can convince him to train mine a bit.

William Fitz Roberts

Sir William watched in silence, waiting to be addressed. He noted the words of the man on the King's left. He would have to watch that one. If he was willing to joke at the expense of a name like Coffey, what would he make of a Fitz? He braced himself, preparing to defend his lineage. He had been right not to lead with his name.