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Revision as of 16:10, 13 October 2009

Dwilight Daily

Madina's Preemptive Strike on Terran October 23, 2009
Messages received last week point to the reason for the Madinan attack on Chesland. The Madinans claim that the Terrans were planning on attacking Madina, and that the Madinan attack was a preemptive strike. The following messages from both the ruler and the general of Madina detail the reasons.
Letter from Tacin Uskarik
Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight
Rulers of the Land,
There is little "surprise" behind this defensive action undertaken by Madina, unless you mean that your time was not wasted arguing the petty details once the Land Owners of Madina had decided that they'd seen enough evidence that Terran has long been working to frustrate our efforts, from the constant rebellions in Paisland to the evidence our Court Master has uncovered that indicate that they poisoned our previous Lord Purser to frustrate our attempts to coordinate the delivery of food to Paisly and Paisland, never mind the reports from our admiral of growing forces on our borders that did little to suppress the beasts of the land, forcing us to have to go into their borders to prevent them from terrorizing our people, nor ever seeming to deliver the supplies to Ordenstaat as they occasionally claimed to be attempting to do.

We did not allow them to bring force to bear against us, but there is little surprise in the choice of policy for those who it actively concerns about the decision of our land owners to stand for our defense.
Tacin Uskarik (Grand Doge of Madina, Baron of Lugagun)

Letter from Vallyn Rothach
Message sent to everyone in the region Chesland
Marshal Vesna;

We have been provided with some very conclusive information, along with a large amount of circumstantial proof that has led to this. It has long been known that Terran has sought the lands of Paisland and Paisly and what we have been shown only further confirms this.

We shall take what we desire from your lands in retribution for your insolence, your continued dispays of vulgar commentary shall only worsen the retaliation we shall impose. I would be most dismayed if you continue with this path.

We are only raiding your lands at the moment to remind you that such foolish notions as placing the control of Paisly under another Realm -- either yours or another -- shall invoke our wrath."

Do not make us decide that this shall be a war -- you do not have the forces required to protect your lands from the beasts of the woods, much less an organized force should we opt to bring the majority of our forces North. This is but a mere expedition, not an army bent on your destruction.
Vallyn Rothach (Lord Admiral of Madina, Marshal of the Madinan Ducal Guards)
The attack by Madina on the region of Chesland did not have the desired effect, however. Several days after the attack, the realms of D'Hara and Terran joined in an alliance, and mutually declared war on Madina.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
A Heretic's Rebellion October 13, 2009
Approximately two months ago, Sir Garret Artemisia was convicted by the Magistratum of Sanguis Astroism for willfully deceiving the Magistratum during his earlier trial for heresy. When Sir Garret failed to comply with the judgment within a reasonable amount of time, the Magistratum declared Sir Garret a heretic, and expelled him from the faith.

Two days ago, Sir Garret initiated a rebellion against the government of Aquilegia, a theocracy of Sanguis Astroism of which which Sir Garret was the previous ruler. The Council of Lights has declared that any follower of Sanguis Astroism who joins the heretic Garret in rebelling against the lawful government of a theocracy of Sanguis Astroism will be tried by the Magistratum for heresy against the faith. Prophet Mathurin himself declared that should any heretic succeed in overthrowing a theocracy of the Bloodstars, that a holy crusade would be called, and the Warders of the Temple would march to restore the lawful government. Fortunately, the rebellion was poorly supported, and woefully understrength. The rebels were quickly defeated and banned from Aquilegia. Lady Sara Clearwater, Cleric of Aquilegia, has declared that should the heretic Garret be captured, he will be executed fore his traitorous actions.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik, Fiduciary of Astrum
Duke of Libidizedd 
A Rose by any other Name September 4, 2009
Monarchy or Democracy?

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to : Everyone in the realm

The fate of Ordenstaat and the Brotherhood will forever be intertwined

You are mistaken on so many counts.

It is not my council. I am not on the council nor am I running for my previous position of General. If it is at all my council then it is as much your council too just as Ordenstaat is our realm.

The Brotherhood founded Ordenstaat. Its fate shall forever be intertwined. You knew this when you joined Ordenstaat just as you knew that Ordenstaat is a Monarchy. All historical texts were available to you when it came for you to choose.

A Monarchy does not respect all human beings? Define your interpretation of respect. Define your interpretation of a free government.

All realms are ruled by a body. Even in a democracy or a republic it is ruled by a body of Senators or Representatives. You will not do well in such a realm if you do not even take part in running in a Monarchy. Ordenstaat has loosened its definition of a Monarchy, somewhat. A true Monarchy does not have elections. Capable leaders are appointed just as capable leaders are voted in in a democracy or a republic.

Should you feel yourself capable you are free to run or to support whomever you wish just as it is my right to support whomever I wish.

Our former Regent herself did not see fit to change the government system of Ordenstaat to a democracy during her tenure despite calls for democracy being the cause of the rebellion. She only changed the Title System to democratic. A rose by any other name smells just as sweet. And Ordenstaat as a Monarchy runs just as well even though we were called Representatives.

Another thing that you will find wherever you are on any number of islands in the world is that we are a feudal society. As such you have a liege even in a democracy or republic. It would behoove you to remember this.
Arden Fury (Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)
Comment on this story. by Arden Fury
Duke of Rettleville 
October 30, 2009
D'Hara Claims Paisly
D'Hara has taken control of Paisly from Madina.
October 26, 2009
Religion of Eleryonism Founded
Blank.png Jobe Uceek, Count of Grodno of Pian en Luries, has founded the new religion of Eleryonism.
October 23, 2009
Via Declares Independence
The city of Via has declared itself independent from Caerwyn.
October 21, 2009
Terran Declares War
Chief Magistrate Torvaldo of Terran has declared war on Madina.
October 20, 2009
D'Hara Declares War
Dragon King Cenarious of D'Hara has declared war on Madina.
October 20, 2009
Alliance Declared
The realms of D'Hara and Terran have joined into an alliance.
October 13, 2009
Rebellion Fails
DDWar.png The rebellion attempt in Aquilegia has been defeated.
October 11, 2009
Rebellion in Aquilegia
DDWar.png A rebellion is breaking out in Aquilegia. Earlier today, Garret Artemisia has called for an uprising against the current government.
September 29, 2009
Springdale Duchy Secedes from Morek
Duke Sammael Haines has seceded the duchy of Springdale from Morek to form the new kingdom of the Libero Empire.
September 29, 2009
New Religion Founded
Blank.png Count Dante Redgrave of Ordenstaat has formed the new religion of the Argent Order in the region of Maeotis.
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