The TattleMaster: Difference between revisions

From BattleMaster Wiki
m (renamed article, added linkage to Enhanced Diplomacy page.)
m (minro bug fix)
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|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = March 10, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4910
|article = Region lords/Dukes can now only change allegiance of their region when they are in their region.}}
|date = March 10, 2009
|date = March 10, 2009

Revision as of 19:47, 10 March 2009

The TattleMaster is BattleMaster's first, and only, OOC newspaper dedicated to discussions about the game of BattleMaster itself. Here you will find information regarding bugfixes, new features, changes in game mechanics, and probably even a few FAQs and interviews.
Stable UpdatedMarch 9, 2009
Stable islands have now been updated with all the latest bug fixes and new features.

Stable Updated
The stable branch has been updated to the latest testing code today, so for today both branches are running on the same code and stable can enjoy all the new features and bugfixes.


New Diplomacy/Treaty SystemMarch 9, 2009
The new treaty system using diplomats is now available for testing on all islands. (It was added to stable after the following announcement was made.) Some information regarding the new treaty system has been added to the new Enhanced Diplomacy page.

New Treaty System in testing
The new treaty system is now set up on the two testing islands.

It does not yet do anything, so please do test it for us and report any bugs to the bugtracker. You should be able to draft, sign, reject and propose treaties. Tell us any problems on the bugtracker so we can fix them before the system goes live. All treaties you create now will be deleted before the new treaty system is activated, so don't be afraid to test things.


New Diplomacy System Starting to Appear on Testing IslandsFebruary 25, 2009
Tom sent the following short note to the Discussion List today with some news about the new diplomacy system. Parts of it are now available for people to look at, but don't have any actual effect yet. There is also a new "Diplomatic Treaties" entry on the Information page.

Fragments of the new diplomacy system are now appearing on testing.

This is not yet operative, so play around and check it out if you are a diplomat. It is not yet possible to actually sign treaties, but they can be drafted.

– Tom

Ambassadors Can Now be AppointedFebruary 24, 2009
Tom made the following announcement to the Discussion List a few days ago:

Rulers on the testing islands can now promote diplomats to ambassadors (and demote them back to diplomats).

There are no special actions for ambassadors right now, they should be the same as diplomats. But you can start the lobbying and in-fighting and begging, bribing, backstabbing now. :-)

– Tom

SMA Violations ReportingFebruary 17, 2009
A new feature for Dwilight has been enabled: SMA Violation Reports. The new option, located under the Messages tab above the Titans report link, allows you to report those who you feel have violated the Serious Medieval Atmosphere of the island.
Major Wiki Changes to Region PagesFebruary 13, 2009
Until now, all region pages have been subpages of the island on which the region is located. i.e. the page for the region of Partora was located at: [[East Continent/Partora]]. Today Tom and Bishamon Family have begun a project to move the region pages so they are no longer subpages of the island. This means that if you want to link to the region of Zawr, you would just link to the region name, like this: [[Zawr]]. You no longer need to specify an island name, a region name, and then pipe the link with the region name. The template that was created to make the old style linking easier, Template:Reglink, is not needed in the new system and should no longer be used.
Adventurers, Stick Close to HomeFebruary 10, 2009
New code has been activated on testing that gives adventurers better chances at hunting, fighting undead, etc when they are in or close to their home region, and worse chances the farther they are away. An adventurer's "home region" is the region in which the adventurer started, or the region in which he or she last changed realms.
Big Change for TradersFebruary 10, 2009
According to a message posted by Tom on the Discussion List, regions are now required to have a marketplace in order for trader characters to conduct food purchases and sales in the region. If no marketplace is present trading in the region can only be conducted using caravans.
Semantic WikiFebruary 9, 2009
In case you hadn't heard yet, the BattleMaster Wiki has been enabled with semantic markup. You can read about it here: Semantic Wiki. The MediaWiki site devoted to Semantic Wikis can be found here: This is a very powerful update to the wiki, that will allow the wiki to be more dynamic, requiring less manual updates. Eventually, it may even allow for automated updates of statistical information. Check out the Semantic Wiki page for more information.
March 10, 2009
Bug 4910 Region lords/Dukes can now only change allegiance of their region when they are in their region.
March 10, 2009
Bug 4841 A few bugs regarding the success of adventurers when hunting have been fixed.
March 9, 2009
Bug 4210 Multiple elections issues with the Dwilight referendum-style elections have been fixed.
March 9, 2009
Bug 4844 Region lord elected by Referendums should not be able to change the region allegiance before 7 days have elapsed.
February 24, 2009
Bug 4861 "Too Much Peace" will not cause any problems in winter.
February 23, 2009
Bug 4317 Food production values on Dwilight should now display correctly for all seasons.
February 23, 2009
Bug 4806 A lord's unit should no longer be dropped as militia when they auto-abdicate from lordship due to inactivity.
February 23, 2009
Bug 4852 Nobles should no longer be dropped from message groups when they auto-abdicate from lordship due to inactivity.
February 9, 2009
Bug 4691 Notification of adventurer execution will now only be sent to the adventurer's "owner" (i.e. his "region lord"). The notice will no longer include a link to the player's family page.
February 9, 2009
Bug 4079 Family names should not be shown for adventurers at all.
February 9, 2009
Bug 4793 All nobles on the island will receive a message when a region changes realms by any means.
February 6, 2009
Bug 3893 Adventurers killed by monsters and undead will have an entry in the family history.

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