Dwilight Daily/2008/May: Difference between revisions

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|realm = ...Your realm name goes here. Blanks will use the MicroDD OOC icon...}}
|realm = ...Your realm name goes here. Blanks will use the MicroDD OOC icon...}}
Paste the blank template below this line, and add your story! -->
Paste the blank template below this line, and add your story! -->
|month = May
|day = 29
|year = 2008
|title = Tournament in Aegir
|article = The second tournament to be held in the lands of Dwilight has been announced. His Grace Terivus Enodscopia, Duke of {{Reglink|DW|Aegir}} of [[Springdale]] has announced a tournament of swordfighting. The tournament will be held in the port city in seven days. 15 gold will get you into the tournament, where you can vie for the top prize of 150 gold. The runner-up will take home 50 gold. It seems to us here at the Daily that the prize money for this tournament is a bit out of line with the entrance fees Duke Enodscopia is charging. It looks like the Duke stands to make quite a tidy profit on this tournament.
|author = Brance Indirik<br>Duke of Libidizedd
|realm = Astrum}}
|month = May
|day = 22
|year = 2008
|title = Everguard's Woes Caused by Unfit Nobles?
|article = Everguard's descent into near anarchy has made them more or less the laughing stock of Dwilight. This could be attributed to horrid leadership or "divine intervention" (ha!) but this author would like to place the blame on the majority of nobles. Though the army was led by the former Royal High Commander, the majority of the power laid in the hands of the marshal of the sole army of Everguard. Because this marshal was unable to spur the nobles of the army to action, they did not do anything. This is not entirely his fault though, the majority of recruits were being sucked up by groups of nobles wishing to launch colonies. They would journey out, have their units slaughtered, then come back for more men. As well, a large number of nobles were very slow to move out, resulting in almost comical losses to monster hoards that could have been easily destroyed. It is this author's belief that most of the nobles came to Everguard seeking quick fame without work. These same nobles are now leaving Everguard in droves. Eventually the minority of nobles who actually work will be left, and then Everguard will be restored and be able to pursue her claims. Surrounded by realms that claim her to be a "bully", it will be interesting to see what revenge Everguard shall claim.
|author = Anonymous
|realm = Anonymous}}
|month = May
|month = May
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*[[Poryatown Press]] - Originally begun as a newspaper, the Poryatown Press quickly evolved into a publishing house, and the newspaper itself renamed to the [[Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly|Lurian Weekly]]. The Lurian Weekly focuses on issues related to [[Pian en Luries]]. The editor of the Lurian Weekly, Zanaras Tian, has announced that he will be leaving Pian en Luries, and so the paper will be discontinued until a new editor can be found. We look forward to reading the news from Sir Tian's almost certain-to-be-published new newspaper.
*[[Poryatown Press]] - Originally begun as a newspaper, the Poryatown Press quickly evolved into a publishing house, and the newspaper itself renamed to the [[Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly|Lurian Weekly]]. The Lurian Weekly focuses on issues related to [[Pian en Luries]]. The editor of the Lurian Weekly, Zanaras Tian, has announced that he will be leaving Pian en Luries, and so the paper will be discontinued until a new editor can be found. We look forward to reading the news from Sir Tian's almost certain-to-be-published new newspaper.
*[[Donghaiwei Dispatch]] - This paper has released only a single, small issue some months ago. It focused on news related to [[Morek]]. Without more substance to the paper, it is hard to provide any more substantial opinion.
*[[Donghaiwei Dispatch]] - This paper has released only a single, small issue some months ago. It focused on news related to [[Morek]]. Without more substance to the paper, it is hard to provide any more substantial opinion.
*[[Everguard Visionary]] - The Visionary is the creation of former King of [[Everguard]], Arylon Fisc, who is also the newspaper's sole contributor. This can be somewhat difficult to determine, as all articles are now attributed to a somewhat mysterious "Editorial Board". If you look around for older copies of the newspaper hidden away in cellars and attics, you can still find copies that the Visionary has not been able to destroy, where all the articles are attributed to "Arylon Fisc", the King of Everguard at the time of publication. We recommend that when reading the Visionary, you keep in mind the advice that they themselves offer in their latest issue: ''".. always remember that what you read is a reflection of the author, and their personal stake in the situation."''
*[[Everguard Visionary]] - The Visionary is the creation of former King of [[Everguard]], Fisc Arylon, who is also the newspaper's sole contributor. This can be somewhat difficult to determine, as all articles are now attributed to a somewhat mysterious "Editorial Board". If you look around for older copies of the newspaper hidden away in cellars and attics, you can still find copies that the Visionary has not been able to destroy, where all the articles are attributed to "Fisc Arylon", the King of Everguard at the time of publication. We recommend that when reading the Visionary, you keep in mind the advice that they themselves offer in their latest issue: ''".. always remember that what you read is a reflection of the author, and their personal stake in the situation."''
*[[Caerwynian Chronicle]] - The Chronicle is published by Teniel Dell of [[Caerwyn]]. It has a more international flavor than most regional newspapers. The Chronicle often has interesting and insightful articles, and we always look forward to receiving their latest copy.
*[[Caerwynian Chronicle]] - The Chronicle is published by Teniel Dell of [[Caerwyn]]. It has a more international flavor than most regional newspapers. The Chronicle often has interesting and insightful articles, and we always look forward to receiving their latest copy.
*[[Springdale Stories]] - The Springdale Stories is a newspaper with a quite local focus centered on, of course, the kingdom of [[Springdale]]. After a shaky start, the Stories has begun to be published in a more regular basis, if on a small scale.
*[[Springdale Stories]] - The Springdale Stories is a newspaper with a quite local focus centered on, of course, the kingdom of [[Springdale]]. After a shaky start, the Stories has begun to be published in a more regular basis, if on a small scale.

Latest revision as of 15:15, 29 May 2008

Tournament in Aegir May 29, 2008
The second tournament to be held in the lands of Dwilight has been announced. His Grace Terivus Enodscopia, Duke of Aegir of Springdale has announced a tournament of swordfighting. The tournament will be held in the port city in seven days. 15 gold will get you into the tournament, where you can vie for the top prize of 150 gold. The runner-up will take home 50 gold. It seems to us here at the Daily that the prize money for this tournament is a bit out of line with the entrance fees Duke Enodscopia is charging. It looks like the Duke stands to make quite a tidy profit on this tournament.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
Everguard's Woes Caused by Unfit Nobles? May 22, 2008
Everguard's descent into near anarchy has made them more or less the laughing stock of Dwilight. This could be attributed to horrid leadership or "divine intervention" (ha!) but this author would like to place the blame on the majority of nobles. Though the army was led by the former Royal High Commander, the majority of the power laid in the hands of the marshal of the sole army of Everguard. Because this marshal was unable to spur the nobles of the army to action, they did not do anything. This is not entirely his fault though, the majority of recruits were being sucked up by groups of nobles wishing to launch colonies. They would journey out, have their units slaughtered, then come back for more men. As well, a large number of nobles were very slow to move out, resulting in almost comical losses to monster hoards that could have been easily destroyed. It is this author's belief that most of the nobles came to Everguard seeking quick fame without work. These same nobles are now leaving Everguard in droves. Eventually the minority of nobles who actually work will be left, and then Everguard will be restored and be able to pursue her claims. Surrounded by realms that claim her to be a "bully", it will be interesting to see what revenge Everguard shall claim.
Comment on this story. by Anonymous 
News Around the IslandMay 21, 2008
Faithful readers of the Dwilight Daily may have noticed that articles from the Dwilight Daily are written by nobles form many different realms. We feel that this is of great benefit to you, the reader. It allows you to receive news from many different points of view, and make the decision for it's accuracy (or lack thereof) and bias (again: or lack thereof) for yourself. We also allow the publishing of anonymous stories, so nobles can express less popular views, or provide sensitive information, without fear of reprisal. Again, it is up to you, the reader, to judge the validity of these for yourself.

With that in mind, we think it would be a good idea to provide you with a list of some of the other sources of information that are available to the inquisitive noble. There are several other publications that circulate with greater or lesser frequency. These publications are almost exclusively dedicate to providing information related to their own realm of origin. Some will provide international news to a greater or lesser extent. Even the local news may be of interest to nobles with a taste for news of far away places. With that having been said, here is the list of currently known publications, and a little bit about them.
Current Publications:
  • Poryatown Press - Originally begun as a newspaper, the Poryatown Press quickly evolved into a publishing house, and the newspaper itself renamed to the Lurian Weekly. The Lurian Weekly focuses on issues related to Pian en Luries. The editor of the Lurian Weekly, Zanaras Tian, has announced that he will be leaving Pian en Luries, and so the paper will be discontinued until a new editor can be found. We look forward to reading the news from Sir Tian's almost certain-to-be-published new newspaper.
  • Donghaiwei Dispatch - This paper has released only a single, small issue some months ago. It focused on news related to Morek. Without more substance to the paper, it is hard to provide any more substantial opinion.
  • Everguard Visionary - The Visionary is the creation of former King of Everguard, Fisc Arylon, who is also the newspaper's sole contributor. This can be somewhat difficult to determine, as all articles are now attributed to a somewhat mysterious "Editorial Board". If you look around for older copies of the newspaper hidden away in cellars and attics, you can still find copies that the Visionary has not been able to destroy, where all the articles are attributed to "Fisc Arylon", the King of Everguard at the time of publication. We recommend that when reading the Visionary, you keep in mind the advice that they themselves offer in their latest issue: ".. always remember that what you read is a reflection of the author, and their personal stake in the situation."
  • Caerwynian Chronicle - The Chronicle is published by Teniel Dell of Caerwyn. It has a more international flavor than most regional newspapers. The Chronicle often has interesting and insightful articles, and we always look forward to receiving their latest copy.
  • Springdale Stories - The Springdale Stories is a newspaper with a quite local focus centered on, of course, the kingdom of Springdale. After a shaky start, the Stories has begun to be published in a more regular basis, if on a small scale.
Comment on this story.by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
No end to Everguard woes. May 20, 2008
In what seems increasingly like divine retribution against the bully Everguard, what started with the plague on their king is continuing. Following Eidulb's bid for freedom, Aquitain, a rich townsland, Ygg d'Razhuul, an important choke spot in Everguard, and Ammando, have all pushed for freedom, splitting Everguard into three distinct parts. What used to be the second most populated realm(in terms of nobles)has seen mass desertations and its military power is the laughing stock of Dwilight, as even the newly formed realm of Viridian easily matches its prowess, with less than a third of the nobles. Truly, Everguard is an example of how not to run a realm.
Comment on this story. by Anonymous 
War! May 13, 2008
News coming from Madina City tells us of the formal declaration of war made by the Prime Minister of Madina against the recently founded realm of Shadovar. Details are still a bit sketchy, but it seems that the reason for this war is to support of one their former colonies, Melodia, against a presumed aggression made by Shadovar. More details in the next days.
Comment on this story. by Anonymous 
Caerwyn Colony FormedMay 13, 2008
Yet another new realm has been formed on the western continent of Dwilight. This time, it is the first third generation realm. The intrepid colonists that formed the realm of Caerwyn have themselves formed a new colony in the city of Chrysantalys, led by Lady Vesna Valentine. Avid readers of the Dwilight Daily may remember that the realm of Caerwyn was itself originally formed in the city of Eidulb. Threats of war from Everguard forced the colony to immediately relocate to the city of Golden Farrow, the location of their current capital. Everguard then conquered Eidulb, only to later lose it when the city revolted and switched allegiance to the realm of Astrum.This new Caerwyn Colony provides a very interesting situation on the northern end of the western island. Fisc Arylon, former King of Everguard, has claimed that the city of Chrysantalys, among others, are already claimed. Fisc Arylon has declined to comment an exactly who has claimed these cities. Nevertheless, Everguard has used these phantom claims as justification for aggressively pursuing the possession of the cities of Eidulb and Libidizedd. Will Everguard attempt to threaten the new Caerwyn Colony in the same manner as it threatened Caerwyn and Astrum? Will these threats be given any credence, when Everguard can't even keep the regions they already own from rebelling?
Comment on this story.by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
Another Twist in the Tale May 9, 2008
Yesterday many of the rulers of Dwilight were removed from their positions of power in their realms, this caused havoc and amongst it the great city of Eidulb took a chance and switched allegiance from Everguard to the newly formed and unstable realm of Astrum. Will the realm of Astrum be able to hold on to such a treasure or will it again fall rogue due to lack of attention. Only time will tell!!!
Comment on this story. by Alexandria 
War Looms May 7, 2008
Even as the realms of Astrum and Everguard lie at the brink of a war, A schism is develping in Everguard. Luna Dawnstar, wife of none other than King Fisc himself, was deported to another land, along with a few others, namely Sir Sin RavenWulf. What is going on, is undoubedly the question on everyones minds. One thing is for sure, Everguard is cracking from within. Will is be able to stand up in the war with Astrum, in its current depleted state? Has the bully bullied for the last time? Or will rebellion shake the very foundation of it existence? We will soon know the answer.
Comment on this story. by Anonymous 
Bully, or Bullied? May 5, 2008
In the young history of the continent of Dwilight, no realm has been forced to face invasions of their territory, their territorial claims, or their sphere of influence - none that is, other than the realm of Everguard. Anonymous men label the realm and her High King as aggressors, antagonists and yes... bullies. But what is the truth of the situation? While the eastern realms of Springdale, Morek, Pian en Luries and the southern power of Madina have sat comfortable in their corners of Dwilight unharassed by colonists and usurpers - the untamed lands of the west have attracted considerable attention.

Much like their eastern neighbors, when the fifth independent nation of Dwilight was formed, it had designs on commanding a specific territory - a certain territory descending down from Valkyrja to Eidulb, and including the Libidizedd Island. To the west, there are already claims on the cities of Gaston, Chrysantalas, Itau and others that otherwise could have been taken by Everguard, yet they will now not be able to command.

That claim was challenged once, by the colonists who now sit in Golden Farrow, known as Caerwyn. The end result of that was intense negotiations, and a peaceful resolution that avoided war for both realms, and allowed the Caerwynians to center their realm in a wealthy and prosperous city. Everguard's meager claim of land was respected, and both realms ended up the better for it - a triumph of diplomacy for both, and hardly an acrimonious and aggressive bully pushing around the new kid on the block.

And now, with the entire Mimer peninsula available for colonization, the new colonists have arrived in Libidizedd and are entrenching themselves, despite objections from Everguard regarding a violation of their claim. The colonists have made a counter-claim they say stretches further back than that which the High King made. Neither recognizes or acknowledges the other's claim, and a conflict looms.

At current, the High King has offered a peaceful resolution to the issue by providing the Morek Colonists with what their chief goal was - religious freedom on the island, and free passage to the westland so that they may spread their faith across their vastness. In return, the Everguardians ask for political control of the island, and the relocation of the colony to the city of Mimer. The High King believes it is a solution that gives both what they want - but only time will tell if the new colonists value peace and stability with their new neighbor, or if they are insistent to push their claim. But one thing is certain, the realm of Everguard does not bluff.
Comment on this story. by Fisc Arylon 
The Bully of the North May 4, 2008
Word has reached the ears of nobles around the continent that the same realm that forced the relocation of Caerwyn, Everguard, has issued the same orders to Morek Colony. Time will tell if another realm bows to Everguard, or will they call Everguard's bluff of military retaliation?
Comment on this story. by Anonymous 
Morek Colony Formed May 2, 2008
Nobles from the realm of Morek have traveled across the monster-plagues Mimer Peninsula and established an independent colony in the city of Libidizedd. The port city of Libidizedd is a great prize for the new colony. It is located on the central sea, and connected to many other ports on the sea through shipping and trade routes.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik