Old Rancagua Press/1st August 2006: Difference between revisions

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| width="33%" valign = "top"|'''''August 4, 2006 - '''''
| width="33%" valign = "top"|'''''August 26, 2006 - '''''

Once more the Press must defend it's honour from the KIC, though I can speak for all of us here in the Press Office that we are growing very tired of the KIC's inability to do any reporting apart from rebuttal of Old Rancaguan news reports.
'''Perdanese Monarch captured in failed attack'''

But, for once they have said something worthwhile, you are right, we are on a vendetta, a vendetta against a realm full of usurpers. It has been decided in Old Rancagua that we would rather have a realm of only 3 Nobles than a realm filled with Avamarians and Oligarchians. Some of which were also part of one of the most infamous event in Old Rancaguan history, the hated rebellion of Charger. There are some in "Kalmar" that have dealt a mortal insult to everything Old Rancagua (and the realms she creates) stands for.
As the night fell upon the East Continent to bring an end to yet another day, the armies of Perdan, Fontan and Sirion were once more engaged in the savage war which is from all reports a seeming stalemate. However, unlike this battle for Perdan, who in recent weeks has had much success against her adversaries, the impetuous Perdanese nobles arrived in far fewer numbers than the defending troops and were delivered a heavy defeat in the region of Bescanon to the north of Perdan City, though further information gives light to heavy casualties which were also inflicted upon their opponents.

The invasion will indeed come, and it is to restore the monarchy. Many Old Rancaguan's cannot believe that Lalakis and his Lala-key's would really think that just because Prometheus is the Chancellor of an Avamarian dominated realm we would end a conflict to restore Kalmar to it's true form. Kalmar will not be destroyed, it will be reformed and restored, and then, when the slate has been wiped clean, the few remaining true Kalmarians can return, and the realm can be reborn.
This failed attack, which resulted in the wounding and capture of many has also unfortunately resulted in the capture of the Perdanese Queen, Clarissa. It shall be an interesting turn of events to see what Fontan does to her while she languishes in a prison in Westmoor, for it is widely known that she has dealt some insult to the Fontanese Chancellor Gregor. The Old Rancagua Press will keep you as updated as possible on this matter....

Kalmar under the dominion of Lalakis, is a danger to the entire East Continent, because for as long as it remains a breeding ground of Avamarian ideology and the corruption it inspires, Old Rancagua will continue it's war. Avamar and it's subesquent spawn or affiliations, namely shadowy groups such as the "the Brotherhood of Gentiana", "the Black Hand" and the remnants of "the WCC" are the bane of all realms and it is Old Rancagua's pleasure to disperse Avamar and it's spawn once more, turning them out into the cold and restoring more lands that they have taken hold of illegitimately. Sirion and Fontan only wish they could assist us, but they have other issues to deal with.
'''Itoruntian High Marshal killed!'''

Of course we question their motives, Avamarians help the realm they need to infest, the fact that it is Kalmar makes no difference. If there was a new and consequently weak due to their fledgling status, realm in Kazakh or in Partora, they would have infested that instead, because that realm would be far stronger. Lalakis and his Lala-key's are drawn to power and vulnerability. They care for none but themselves and we can only hope that they will be caught and made to pay for their crimes against the East Continent.
News has only just reached the Press in the north of an unfortunate turn of events which have befallen the southernmost realm of Itorunt. In a shocking occurence, the only newly appointed High Marshal of Itorunt, Alex (who was also the Editor-in-chief of the controversial but acclaimed newspaper, the Itorunt Informer) was slain just days after his appointment to the top military job.  

Finally the banner, it doesn't have to look Avamarian, the symbolism it represents is enough to show that Kalmar is not what it once was, and that is a point which many Avamarians have been pushing to the East Continent since they usurped power. Changing the banner clearly shows that Kalmar is not what it once was, and that is something that must be prevented at all costs. The only way Kalmar will ever change is under a legitimate government, which is decided upon by a smooth transition of Kalmarians. Not a group of usurping Avamarians.
The battle unfortunately, was only a minor skirmish in the region of Igno just south of the Capital of Yssaria and Alex it is told, fell due to highly unlucky circumstances. The Old Rancagua Press mourns with Itorunt for his loss, and sends their condolences to the realm of Itorunt and the Itoruntian Informer, he shall surely be missed. Inside reports in Itorunt have delivered us news that Alex's replacement is a noble by the name of Wilfred, a former Division commander and reasonably experienced military leader. The Old Rancagua Press wishes him luck in his future endeavours as Itorunt's chief military offical.

Old Rancagua comes, and this time we are not stopping, now is the time for Kalmar to end it's psychological warfare, it's wheedling, cajolery and inncessant "negotiating". For when we come, they will not be spared and Kalmar will be restored to the Monarchy.
'''''August 25, 2006 - '''''
'''Sneaky Sneaky Lalakis'''
The recent days in Old Rancagua have once more been fraught with debate in some quarters as to what the correct course of action should be toward the most recent proposal from Kalmar, and of course where this places the status of the war. This story can now be found on the [[Old_Rancagua_Press/1st_August_2006/News Reports|August News Reports]] page.
'''''August 21, 2006 - '''''
'''Scandal in Old Rancagua'''
Today, after a quiet last few days of internal peace, the nobles of Old Rancagua were once more whipped up into frenzy by the recent uncovering of further underground evidence of rebellion. This story can now be found on the [[Old_Rancagua_Press/1st_August_2006/News Reports|August News Reports]] page.
'''''August 15, 2006 - '''''
'''New Coimbra?'''
In a continental announcement, delivered to the rulers of the East Continent today Gregor Relak, the Chancellor of Fontan, declared Fontan's renewed drive to give rebirth to a realm which they themselves brought an end to many months ago. This story can now be found on the [[Old_Rancagua_Press/1st_August_2006/News Reports|August News Reports]] page.
'''''August 13, 2006 - '''''
Today, in a passionate speech delivered to the people of Ashforth and the Nobles of Old Rancagua, the up-to-recently silent noble, Heel, called for an immediate uprising against the current government.  This story can now be found on the [[Old_Rancagua_Press/1st_August_2006/News Reports|August News Reports]] page.
'''''August 12, 2006 - '''''
The credibility and strength of the Old Rancaguan military was severely questioned and tarnished today as the divided troops were defeated utterly at the hands of the Kalmarian defenders in Stora. This story can now be found on the [[Old_Rancagua_Press/1st_August_2006/News Reports|August News Reports]] page.
'''Minor skirmishes on the front'''
War has come once again to the Kalmar islands as the largest Old Rancaguan army assembled since before Charger's Rebellion marches towards Stora to engage the enemy. This story can now be found on the [[Old_Rancagua_Press/1st_August_2006/News Reports|August News Reports]] page.
'''''August 9, 2006 - '''''
'''Old Rancaguan military at peak'''
With this declaration of war upon the Kalmar Islands, the military leaders of Old Rancagua has once more taken a census of their total military strength.  This story can now be found on the [[Old_Rancagua_Press/1st_August_2006/News Reports|August News Reports]] page.
Old Rancagua has once more set in motion it's march to rid Kalmar of the usurping Avamarians which inhabit it and restore the Monarchy to the last remaining true Kalmarians. This story can now be found on the [[Old_Rancagua_Press/1st_August_2006/News Reports|August News Reports]] page.
'''''August 4, 2006 - '''''
'''Is war with Kalmar just? Does the KIC have it's own stories?'''
Once more the Press must defend it's honour from the KIC, though I can speak for all of us here in the Press Office that we are growing very tired of the KIC's inability to do any reporting apart from rebuttal of Old Rancaguan news reports. This story can now be found on the [[Old_Rancagua_Press/1st_August_2006/News Reports|August News Reports]] page.

'''''August 1, 2006 - '''''
'''''August 1, 2006 - '''''
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| width="66%" valign = "top" style="background:#C9FFFF;" |'''''August 4, 2006 - '''''
| width="66%" valign = "top" style="background:#C9FFFF;" |'''''August 27, 2006 - '''''
'''Public Execution:''' The rogue Zwafir is publicly executed in [[East_Continent/Ashforth|Ashforth]].
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]]:[[Perdan]] vs. [[Fontan]], [[Sirion]]
Estimated combat strengths: 10000 CS vs. 6000 CS ''Attacker Victory!''
'''''August 26, 2006 - '''''
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]]:[[Perdan]] vs. [[Fontan]], [[Sirion]]
Estimated combat strengths: 12000 CS vs. 18000 CS ''Defender Victory!''
'''''August 23, 2006 - '''''
'''Region Takeover:''' [[Yssaria]] has taken control of [[East_Continent/Aestus|Aestus]] (formerly part of [[Caligus]])
'''''August 22, 2006 - '''''
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]]:[[Fontan]], [[Sirion]] vs. [[Perdan]]
Estimated combat strengths: 4000 CS vs. 7000 CS ''Defender Victory!''
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Troyes|Troyes]]:[[Perdan]] vs. [[Fontan]], [[Sirion]]
Estimated combat strengths: 24000 CS vs. 21000 CS ''Defender Victory!''
'''''August 21, 2006 - '''''
'''Public Execution:''' Messengers bring news of a public execution in [[East_Continent/Domus|Domus]] earlier today. Alan, a troop leader of [[Yssaria]], had been banned from [[Caligus]], when he was later imprisoned the judge of Caligus decided to make him pay for his crimes.
'''''August 20, 2006 - '''''
'''Public Execution:''' The rogue Blue is publicly executed in [[East_Continent/Ashforth|Ashforth]].
'''''August 15, 2006 - '''''
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Supra|Supra]]:[[Yssaria]] vs. [[Caligus]]
Estimated combat strengths: 9000 CS vs. 10000 CS ''Attacker Victory!''
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]]:Fontan, Sirion vs. Perdan
Estimated combat strengths: 15000 CS vs. 15000 CS ''Defender Victory!''
'''''August 13, 2006 - '''''
'''Rebellion in [[Old Rancagua]]:''' The rebellion is over, and according to the rumours, it has failed.
'''Region Revolts:''' The people of [[East_Continent/Clermont|Clermont]] have revolted and declared independence from [[Itorunt]]!
'''''August 12, 2006 - '''''
'''Rebellion in [[Old Rancagua]]:''' Earlier today, Heel, called for an uprising against the current government. Details are sketchy.
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Woolton|Woolton]]:[[Perdan]] vs. [[Ibladesh]]
Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 3000 CS ''Attacker Victory!''
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Stora|Stora]]:[[Old Rancagua]] vs. [[Kalmar Islands]]
Estimated combat strengths: 4000 CS vs. 14000 CS ''Defender Victory!''
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Montauban|Montauban]]:[[Perdan]] vs. [[Ibladesh]]
Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 5000 CS ''Attacker Victory!''
'''''August 10, 2006 - '''''
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Domus|Domus]]:[[Ibladesh]], [[Itorunt]], [[Yssaria]] vs. [[Caligus]]
Estimated combat strengths: 23000 CS vs. 25000 CS ''Defender Victory!''
'''Region Revolts:''' The people of [[East_Continent/Az Zarqua|Az Zarqua]] have revolted and declared independence from [[Itorunt]]!
'''Region Revolts:''' The people of [[East_Continent/Bisciye|Bisciye]] have revolted and declared independence from [[Itorunt]]!
'''''August 9, 2006 - '''''
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Troyes|Troyes]]:[[Fontan]], [[Sirion]] vs. [[Perdan]]
Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 6000 CS ''Defender Victory!''
'''Huge Battle Fought'''
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[East_Continent/Troyes|Troyes]]:[[Fontan]], [[Sirion]] vs. [[Perdan]]
Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 9000 CS ''Defender Victory!''
[[Old Rancagua]] has declared War upon the [[Kalmar Islands]].
'''''August 6, 2006 - '''''
'''Region Takeover:''' [[Perdan]] has taken control of [[East_Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]], a former rogue region.
'''''August 4, 2006 - '''''

'''Region Revolts:''' The people of [[East_Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]] have revolted and declared independence from [[Fontan]]!
'''Region Revolts:''' The people of [[East_Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]] have revolted and declared independence from [[Fontan]]!
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Latest revision as of 22:31, 3 February 2007

Old Rancagua Press
The True Story from the Lands of the North

The Old Rancaguan Press would like to thank the Editor of the Rampant Lion for his excellent work concerning the layouts of his papers (which we have stolen shamelessly :). This is work in progress, and is not concrete.

Disclaimer: Furthermore, The Press would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Old Rancaguan Government.

Chief of Staff: Antan Christenson

Reporter: Wenliang Dell

Battle Reporter: Sam Malone

Interviewer: Palandro Ar Pharazon.

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
August 26, 2006 -

Perdanese Monarch captured in failed attack

As the night fell upon the East Continent to bring an end to yet another day, the armies of Perdan, Fontan and Sirion were once more engaged in the savage war which is from all reports a seeming stalemate. However, unlike this battle for Perdan, who in recent weeks has had much success against her adversaries, the impetuous Perdanese nobles arrived in far fewer numbers than the defending troops and were delivered a heavy defeat in the region of Bescanon to the north of Perdan City, though further information gives light to heavy casualties which were also inflicted upon their opponents.

This failed attack, which resulted in the wounding and capture of many has also unfortunately resulted in the capture of the Perdanese Queen, Clarissa. It shall be an interesting turn of events to see what Fontan does to her while she languishes in a prison in Westmoor, for it is widely known that she has dealt some insult to the Fontanese Chancellor Gregor. The Old Rancagua Press will keep you as updated as possible on this matter....

Itoruntian High Marshal killed!

News has only just reached the Press in the north of an unfortunate turn of events which have befallen the southernmost realm of Itorunt. In a shocking occurence, the only newly appointed High Marshal of Itorunt, Alex (who was also the Editor-in-chief of the controversial but acclaimed newspaper, the Itorunt Informer) was slain just days after his appointment to the top military job.

The battle unfortunately, was only a minor skirmish in the region of Igno just south of the Capital of Yssaria and Alex it is told, fell due to highly unlucky circumstances. The Old Rancagua Press mourns with Itorunt for his loss, and sends their condolences to the realm of Itorunt and the Itoruntian Informer, he shall surely be missed. Inside reports in Itorunt have delivered us news that Alex's replacement is a noble by the name of Wilfred, a former Division commander and reasonably experienced military leader. The Old Rancagua Press wishes him luck in his future endeavours as Itorunt's chief military offical.

August 25, 2006 -

Sneaky Sneaky Lalakis

The recent days in Old Rancagua have once more been fraught with debate in some quarters as to what the correct course of action should be toward the most recent proposal from Kalmar, and of course where this places the status of the war. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

August 21, 2006 -

Scandal in Old Rancagua

Today, after a quiet last few days of internal peace, the nobles of Old Rancagua were once more whipped up into frenzy by the recent uncovering of further underground evidence of rebellion. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

August 15, 2006 -

New Coimbra?

In a continental announcement, delivered to the rulers of the East Continent today Gregor Relak, the Chancellor of Fontan, declared Fontan's renewed drive to give rebirth to a realm which they themselves brought an end to many months ago. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

August 13, 2006 -


Today, in a passionate speech delivered to the people of Ashforth and the Nobles of Old Rancagua, the up-to-recently silent noble, Heel, called for an immediate uprising against the current government. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

August 12, 2006 -


The credibility and strength of the Old Rancaguan military was severely questioned and tarnished today as the divided troops were defeated utterly at the hands of the Kalmarian defenders in Stora. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

Minor skirmishes on the front

War has come once again to the Kalmar islands as the largest Old Rancaguan army assembled since before Charger's Rebellion marches towards Stora to engage the enemy. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

August 9, 2006 -

Old Rancaguan military at peak

With this declaration of war upon the Kalmar Islands, the military leaders of Old Rancagua has once more taken a census of their total military strength. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.


Old Rancagua has once more set in motion it's march to rid Kalmar of the usurping Avamarians which inhabit it and restore the Monarchy to the last remaining true Kalmarians. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

August 4, 2006 -

Is war with Kalmar just? Does the KIC have it's own stories?

Once more the Press must defend it's honour from the KIC, though I can speak for all of us here in the Press Office that we are growing very tired of the KIC's inability to do any reporting apart from rebuttal of Old Rancaguan news reports. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

August 1, 2006 -

Old Rancaguan resolve to cleanse Kalmar renewed!

The Cease-fire which has existed between the realms of Kalmar and Old Rancagua has lasted for 22 days, 22 tumultuous days in Old Rancagua. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

New High Marshal of Old Rancagua

With the resignation of Lord Wenliang due to health reasons, there was much talk in Old Rancagua as to who the direction of the military would fall to. This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

We're back!

This story can now be found on the August News Reports page.

August 27, 2006 -

Public Execution: The rogue Zwafir is publicly executed in Ashforth.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bescanon:Perdan vs. Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths: 10000 CS vs. 6000 CS Attacker Victory!

August 26, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bescanon:Perdan vs. Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths: 12000 CS vs. 18000 CS Defender Victory!

August 23, 2006 -

Region Takeover: Yssaria has taken control of Aestus (formerly part of Caligus)

August 22, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bescanon:Fontan, Sirion vs. Perdan

Estimated combat strengths: 4000 CS vs. 7000 CS Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Troyes:Perdan vs. Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths: 24000 CS vs. 21000 CS Defender Victory!

August 21, 2006 -

Public Execution: Messengers bring news of a public execution in Domus earlier today. Alan, a troop leader of Yssaria, had been banned from Caligus, when he was later imprisoned the judge of Caligus decided to make him pay for his crimes.

August 20, 2006 -

Public Execution: The rogue Blue is publicly executed in Ashforth.

August 15, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Supra:Yssaria vs. Caligus

Estimated combat strengths: 9000 CS vs. 10000 CS Attacker Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bescanon:Fontan, Sirion vs. Perdan

Estimated combat strengths: 15000 CS vs. 15000 CS Defender Victory!

August 13, 2006 -

Rebellion in Old Rancagua: The rebellion is over, and according to the rumours, it has failed.

Region Revolts: The people of Clermont have revolted and declared independence from Itorunt!

August 12, 2006 -

Rebellion in Old Rancagua: Earlier today, Heel, called for an uprising against the current government. Details are sketchy.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Woolton:Perdan vs. Ibladesh

Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 3000 CS Attacker Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Stora:Old Rancagua vs. Kalmar Islands

Estimated combat strengths: 4000 CS vs. 14000 CS Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Montauban:Perdan vs. Ibladesh

Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 5000 CS Attacker Victory!

August 10, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Domus:Ibladesh, Itorunt, Yssaria vs. Caligus

Estimated combat strengths: 23000 CS vs. 25000 CS Defender Victory!

Region Revolts: The people of Az Zarqua have revolted and declared independence from Itorunt!

Region Revolts: The people of Bisciye have revolted and declared independence from Itorunt!

August 9, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Troyes:Fontan, Sirion vs. Perdan

Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 6000 CS Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Troyes:Fontan, Sirion vs. Perdan

Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 9000 CS Defender Victory!

Old Rancagua has declared War upon the Kalmar Islands.

August 6, 2006 -

Region Takeover: Perdan has taken control of Bescanon, a former rogue region.

August 4, 2006 -

Region Revolts: The people of Bescanon have revolted and declared independence from Fontan!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Troyes:Perdan vs. Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths: 6000 CS vs. 3000 CS Attacker Victory!

August 3, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Beziers:Perdan vs. Ibladesh

Estimated combat strengths: 9000 CS vs. 7000 CS Attacker Victory!

August 1, 2006 -

Public Execution: The rogue fighter is publicly executed in Hamadan.

New ruler in Kalmar Islands: the realm of Kalmar Islands has reconfirmed Prometheus as its Chancellor.

New ruler in Ubent: the realm of Ubent has reconfirmed Zog Returns as its Prime Minister.

New ruler in Fontan: the realm of Fontan has reconfirmed Gregor as its Chancellor.

New ruler in Sirion: the realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Handow as its Prime Minister.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Partora:Perdan vs. Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths: 16000 CS vs. 12000 CS Attacker Victory!

Archives - Older News and Commentary