Ashrak Imperialist

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About Us Journal Volume: Winter of 18 YD Archives
Our Motto: "Subscriptions Are Mandatory!"

Editorial Meditations Corner
"A Time for Change, a Time for New – Elect an Imperialist!"


Last article we discussed the two archetypes of the Morekan political landscape; those of theocrats and imperialists. These are poles to which each of us can grade ourselves by and identify with. Many will fall in-between, or moderate, while some will be closer to one side versus the other. You might say, however, that, “Demon, I’m not political at all. What does any of this mean to me?” My answer is that everyone is political whether they think so or not. The moment you are capable of saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for yourself you are political. After that you should learn how to make your yeses and no’s override other people before they override you. That is called political power. Anyway, this article will continue the theme of politics in the Empire.

Upon the news of our Great Grandmaster’s retirement, the Empire faces an immanent question. The question is not who will replace the Grandmaster, but what shall the Empire become. The upcoming elections will provide us with an opportunity to reflect, readjust and possibly redefine ourselves for the future. I have often said that we will be entering a new era and that we must take active measures to shape and define that era for the better. Our new leader will be in the central position to lead this era as long as he or she has the quality and the vision to do so. I have no doubt that each of us can sense the brewing tension of this question in the Empire. We’ve seen glimpses of it in public debate and in realm policy. Some have tried to push it to a head and solve it, while others shy away from it and offer only their shoulder. The election will certainly launch the question to the foreground and so we must be properly informed of our options. I have drawn up a spectrum so you can easily envision the political choices of the Empire. Your proximity to one of the archetype poles (theocrat or imperialist) will no doubt put you on one of these teams during the election.

So, the spectrum of government for the Empire can be thus:

Absolute Theocracy – Theocracy with Minority – Empire Favouring Faith – True Empire

An Absolute Theocracy would be a Morek to which no heathen shall occupy a position of power whether it is land holding or government office. Astromancy would be the only legal religion allowed in the Empire and Astromancers the only acceptable nobles. In this scenario, all heathens will likely be expelled from the Empire. We heathens are a minority and so that would not be too difficult for zealots to accomplish. The politics would be severely conservative in that the government would be led in defense and expansion of the faith.

Presently, the Morek Empire is a Theocracy with Minority. As it is now, non-Astromancers are allowed to hold regional land and sit in two government offices (General, Banker) if the realm elects them. Technically, this is against the law but it has been ignored in practice. Non-Astromancers are bared from reigning cities, from becoming Dukes and from being High Inquisitor or Grandmaster. Astromancy is the only legal religion allowed in the Empire, but members of other faiths are welcome so long as they do not publicly challenge Astromancy. Our politics are conservative but murky as they tend toward theocratic policies but sometimes apply imperial ones.

An Empire Favouring Faith would allow loyal nobles, of any faith, to earn any title without restriction, except perhaps High Inquisitor. Astromancy would still be the dominant religion in the Empire, as homage to the traditions and heritage of Morek, but the realm will be religiously plural. The founding of new religions would be legal. The politics would be liberal in that it would direct the government with more than just touting the line of religion. New ideas outside of religious protectionism will be considered.

A True Empire would see a complete reconstruction of government. The Throne of the Empire would be the highest authority, above any faith or other association. It will allow religious plurality and no restrictions or favour given to any faith. The politics will be imperial in that they would seek the expansion and strengthening of the Throne. Nobles loyal to the Glory of the Throne will be given more favour than those not. Any noble is welcome to any position so long as they assume this virtue and earn their place.

Now, I have to say that any candidate who seeks the continuation of what we presently have will be a bad Grandmaster. What we presently have has led to the “stilling of our water,” to use a phrase from the famous poem. What we need is someone who will change things and reignite the flame of the Empire. What we need is a candidate who can shift the realm away from its theocratic mummy wraps toward the vibrant robe of imperialism. With imperialism, we will once again take stage as the strongest, most glorious realm on Dwilight. We will stand superior as Masters of High Toprak, reigning this land with majesty, worth and valour. Remaining theocratic would leave us robbed of our destiny. This would spoil the new era to come. Perhaps even smother it before it wakes.

Empire, I believe you share my thoughts. You have the power to create this into reality.

All Hail the Throne!

"Boo These Men Corner!"

On the charge of destroying two campuses of Dwilight’s premiere intellectual society last season, I vehemently insult and tarnish the reputations of Dhamir Kazukin and Brance Indirik.

Count Dhamir destroyed the campus of Dunnbrook without notice or justification. Since he has never spoken to the University we can only assume this act was done out of misguided foolishness or because he is the product of incest. The abomination is guilty until proven innocent. Yuk.

As for Brance Indirik, for destroying the campus of Libidizedd on account of the University not meeting his social standards I discredit him as a malcontent. Throughout the incident to which convinced him of his delusion he merely dribbled out weak complaints. Never did he take action to correct or adjust the University in the way Lord Hireshmont has. Lord Hireshmont saw an issue, he spoke against it and earned himself a position to rectify the problem in the future. Although I disagreed with that rectification I say bravo to his accomplishment. What did you do Brance? You had every opportunity prior to this incident to make a difference. You had every chance to use your voice to improve the situation, but instead you torched books, toppled bricks, and removed any chance for a higher education amongst peers your realm could receive. You are a feeble, egotistical, arrogant and vain man. You are the worst example of bloated ignorance Dwilight has ever had the displeasure of whiffing! Some villains attack politics, others economics. You attacked education which proves you lesser than even those filthy daimons ruling the poor Zuma people. For your actions toward the University and all around ignoble behaviour I hereby dub you Brance the Dunce. You have earned this nickname, Brance. Wear it well and wear it often, for each word you speak will prove it true.

Despite my demoniac nature I happen to believe in rehabilitation. You both may apologize to the University and submit yourselves to the Academy’s judgment on how to deal with this issue. If you feel I have dishonoured you with my obvious insults then you are invited to challenge me to a duel to the death.

(This article stands apart from the opinions of any member of the Dwilight University past, present, or future; it does not represent the opinions of the Elder Council nor the Student Body – except me.)

The Morek Empire The Fundamentals of Mysticism
"Visit to Unterstrom"

In my role as High Commissioner of the Dwilight Trade Company I took the initiative to trade in foreign markets. To this end, I have traveled a fair bit of High Toprak recently in search of lucrative markets. As yet, of all the cities outside of the Empire I have visited I find Unterstrom most feasible for my purposes and the most interesting to attend.

The greatest sight of the Unterlands, Unterstrom is a city rich with history and character. It was once a nest of thieves, bandits, crime lords and black magicians. These vile elements ensured that no civilization entered their city except who they approved of. On account of their efforts Old Morek failed to rein the city despite numerous attempts. Even Astromancy was unable to penetrate the thick wall of fear and ignorance cast by the underground, their grip was that strong. Inevitably, civilization conquered this rabble when Corsanctum took control and set up a new era of peace and stability. Outside of the hands of the criminals, Unterstrom can only thrive. The city is described as aged and nearly ruined from the exploitation of the criminal lords and from Scourge bombardments. What were once productive and contributing spheres of commerce or artisan zones are now tired and eroded. It is the monumental task of Duke Timast Solacesta to raise Unterstrom to new and glorious heights. He is a man of enthusiasm and attentiveness and I believe the city shall prosper by his hand.

During my leisure time I had the pleasure of visiting the Mausoleum of the Great Grandmaster Deverka Cryfdwr. This is a sequel to when I visited the shrine dedicated to him in Nifel, the site of his death. The mausoleum was built by Grandmaster Bustoarsenzio while he was Duke of Unterstrom. The tomb sits atop a small hill above the city and shines white when the sun hits it. This is because it is made with beautifully smoothed marble brought all the way from Mt. Black Nastrond. The mausoleum contains three chambers. The first is the entrance where pilgrims walk in and view the bowl of fire resting on a pedestal. This is described to be the eternal flame of the Great Grandmaster’s soul. A thick iron cast door separates the entrance from the crypt where the body is laid in its ornate coffin. The base of it is a thick slab of marble, plain and smooth where the body no doubt rests. The lid that closes the slab is designed to resemble the Great Grandmaster at the time of his death. His features are carved into the stone with delicacy and detail. Torches reflected shadows on the Grandmaster’s face when I viewed it and it sort of looked like his cheek was flinching. Maybe he had an itch? The second chamber was closed and I can only imagine it as a place where they stored some of his most valued treasures or a private chapel for pilgrims to pray. I hope for the former but assume the latter.

Of all the sites to see outside of the Empire I will say that this is one of the most serene ones. A place of quiet reflection and prayer, the Mausoleum is an eternal memory of a life well lived and well remembered.

The Demon of Dwilight Has Spoken!