The Rampant Lion/Queen Clarissa Interview
Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? How long have you been in the realm of Perdan? Have you been a citizen of any other realms?
I have been in Perdan since about 2 months after I turned 17. I grew up in Northhill, Minas Ithil over in Atamara. Currently my twin sister is in Minas Ithil defending our homelands, and my brother is part of the Ash Sea Islands nobility.
Q: In your opinion, how did Perdan end up in it's current situation, with concurrent invasions underway by four hostile realms?
When I arrived in Perdan, we were already at war with all of the kingdoms we currently fight. As with every event in history, there are two sides to every story. Perdan fights for what Perdan feels is right. Other kingdoms don’t always see it that way. But when you declare war on another realm, do you really expect your opponents to agree with your reasoning?
Q: Do you see any openings for peace?
The rulers on East Island all seem to want the same thing, peace. However, there are varying ways each wants that peace executed. The key is to find that one path that every kingdom will be satisfied with, and follow that path. If the lines of communication continue between the rulers, ally and enemy, we can find a peace that not everyone will be perfectly happy with, but everyone will accept without residual anger.
Q: How have your overtures for peace been received by the rulers of the other realms on the East Island?
Well, all my messengers have returned safely! The Southern Federation was difficult to understand at first, but once I figured out how they function, they have been willing to listen to all ideas I’ve had. They might not have liked them all, but in most cases they responded quickly. Prime Minister Handow of Sirion, for all I’ve heard of the nobles of Sirion, has been wonderful in volunteering his services in the effort for peace. He’s honest, though I have to admit I don’t always like his answers. But I can’t have everything. Chancellor Gregor of Fontan refuses to talk to me for an insult I made. I believe it was to another ruler who no longer rules on this island. It was a tactic I made a major miscalculation on, and now he is not returning any of my messengers. We could have peace with Fontan if we do exactly what he wants, but myself and the Senate don’t agree to his terms of creating a new realm based around Perdan City, and including surrounding regions. My comment was made to gain some sympathy for Perdan, nothing more. I apologize to Chancellor Gregor and Fontan publicly for what I said.
Q: Where do you feel Perdan fits within the current political situation of the East Island?
We’re the hinges of the door to peace. Once the conflict with our enemies ends toward Caligus and Perdan, then the entire Island can move forward into more peaceful times. We’ve been at war for so very long, all of us, and it’s time we allow the Island to heal.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to say to the people and nobles of Perdan?
Once again, thank you for trusting me to lead Perdan. I assure you I am doing everything I can, insults aside, to be sure Perdan is here for our children. I love Perdan as I love Northhill, and will remain your Queen as long as it serves the best interests of Perdan. Remember, our enemies are our enemies, but we should respect them at all times. We all fight for what we believe is right. Keep that in mind before, during, and after battles.
Queen of Perdan