Talk:Wish List/Tradable Goods

From BattleMaster Wiki

I'd like to see stone and wood. Stone for building fortifications was pretty key - most castles and stuff were built next to quarries, or quarries built specifically for them, simply because transporting anything heavy like that over distance was expensive and labor-consuming. Wood was also used all the time as a basic fuel for smelting as well as construction.

Iron and ale and wool, however - I see these as less interesting. Iron was and is common, and anywhere that can make grain can make ale. House Olik 18:49, 5 May 2007 (CEST)

Sence when is iron common?
Iron is a rare and valuable resourse, witch dosnt just casualy exist everwhere.
Berhaps in your country it is common, but that is not so in meny plases.

Stone however is common and is practicaly produces where ever there is digging. (atleast where i live and you get plenty of stones out of the earth, i dont mean no pebbles but big ones... you dont need to have square shaped stones, just have some mortar and round rocks split in two and youl have a wall like no other. And not meny castles were as in animes or games. Some were made of those round rocks and mortar, when a enemy comes invadeing i dont think youl care if the walls look as of bricks or natural stone, aslong as it keeps you save.)
Rural land should produce stone aswell but berhaps in mutch smaller quantitees. Rocky lands are harder to tend to but that dosnt mean they arnt as vertile as any other land.(so that no one comes up with ideas like: "if a region produces stone it should produce less food and visa-versta") But as for rural lands producing ale... well i suppose they do however they produce it either for sale or for self -> and you sell it in towns. Well you could pillage farms and take theyr ale though :).

As for more ideas, wool is produced in rural lands, so should linen be produced in rural lands, so woodlands should produce a small amount of furs aswell.
And one could collectivley call it cloth, instead of wool(not every one whore wool)... well this is rather insignificant. (and no they cost abaut the same back in those times, well atleast it seems to me that way)

Gems, oils, incense, ivory....
And of course salt, that was a costly thing, in some plases it was more expencive than gold.
One could call all that collectively "luxury goods".
Metsamees 11:41, 19 July 2007 (CEST)

Maybe you can divide diffrent types of resources into groups Staple Goods: These are the goods that are essential in a region, such as food. Material Goods: Materials used for building buildings and repairing infanstructure. Luxary Goods: Goods that are just there to keep people happy, such as gems. Some goods should be player made, like the drug ikrif. Luxary goods should kep the population content or gives them a moral boost. Or they just can't live without it and may lose moral if a certain luxary good is missing or out of stock.

Trading these goods should come either from a trader or caravans. Each region has their own warehouse of them and can ship them of to certain places. If a region is in a duchy then they may use the duchy wide warehouse. Vistuvis