Celtic from origin, the Stormcrows arrived on the East Continent several generations ago. Owning nothing than their weapons and their bare hands they fought at the side of the former Duke of Kazakh, Sir Akalha Ironeater to free the land from monsters and rogues.
As a token of gratitude the Duke granted the Clan a piece of land to look after, close to the City itself what was officially approved by the King 2 months later.
The elders of the Clan discussed many days and nights before they made a final decision. After 5 days a delegation of the Stormcrows, led by Chieftain Ghnalo Stormcrow, approached Duke Ironeater and sweared to protect the lands and people of Kazakh and to serve any legal Duke in the City till the clan is destroyed.
The Duke was an honourable man and told that the honour and truthfulness they showed will lead to the Dukeship of Kazakh some day and that their oath may be nullified if a Stormcrow achieves this well respected position.
From this day on the Stormcrows fought alongside the forces of Kazakh and Old Rancagua but it was Aleister who was the first Stormcrow who stepped into the light of public interest and claimed his right as a noble.
His sister Caitlin followed soon after, while Fearghal Stormcrow left the East Continent to find his luck elsewhere.
None of them forgot the oath once sworn by the Elders of the Clan and whoever might lead the Clan in the future his residence will be close to Kazakh and his arm and mind will work to protect it from every harm.