Sirion (Realm)/Sirion Army Manual

From BattleMaster Wiki

Sirion has many new recruits joining up every month. In order to make it easier for them to enjoy the game, we are working here on a series of informative messages.

Ten Days to a Career in the Sirion Nobility

Day 1: Starting out in Sirion

Day 2: The Very Basics: Game Turns

Day 3: Your Rights!

A note about attitude: you are nobody's servant, but once convinced of the necessity to do something, you will cooperate.
A note about manners: speak your mind, play a role, but be courteous

Day 4: The Armies of Sirion

Day 5:

Day 6:

Day 7: How to get your men and keep them

Day 8: Paraphernalia

Day 9: Politics

Day 10: Other Jobs