Gadlock rejoins the islanders 28 February 1012
Westmoor’s work on the Peninsular has finally come to an end with the handing over of Gadlock. Ravier Nebehn Marshal of the WC returned triumphantly to Westmoor gaining a temporary position under Lord Justice Antonius Turner in Bruck. Westmoor left Gadlock in excellent condition with extensive rebuilding projects across the region. Kazakh was also left in reasonably good shape but understandably there is much for the islanders to do for the war torn city and there is only so much Westmoor can achieve in such a short space of time.
Hopefully now that Moral and production is high Gadlock should remain aligned to its new realm. Marshal Ravier is continuing to look for a more permanent position with an estate somewhere in Westmoor. Region Lords interested should get in touch.
Queen Balkeese Canonized (May she rest in peace)
Former Queen Balkeese Indirik has been made a saint of the Church of Humanity. In a ceremony that was held yesterday in all churches of the COH the former Queen of Perdan was announced by King and Arch Cleric Jor to be a saint worthy of worship by the ecclesia. Below is an extract from a message received from King Jor by all members of the Church.
…Though once a recognized apostate, she reportedly repented as she perished at the hands of the Ibladeshi heathens, recanting her faith in the doctrines of Sanctus Acies and repenting, embracing the Divine once more. It was under her reign as Queen of Perdan that Holy Church was again granted the religious freedom to preach across all reaches of that Kingdom. Across all of our home.
Faithful in the armies of Perdan claim they felt her presence as they marched on the Black City of Ibladesh, protecting and guiding them.
Recognizing this and her status as a martyr fighting in a declared holy war against Ibladesh, Balkeese of Montauban is hereby recognized as raised by the Divine as Saint Balkeese. She is proclaimed by the Ecclisarchy as the Patron of Defending Armies, Masons, Militia, and Templar Sergeants. She is viewed as a defender, a protector…
Saint Balkeese is only the second noble in the history of The Church of Humanity to be recognised as a Saint (the first saint being Evangeline). A stone placed in the fortifications of Castle Ubent by Hostamir of Umbar bares to this day a short inscription dedicated to the Queen.
Kazakh returns to the Obsidian Islanders 20 February 1012
Kazakh has been officially returned to the Obsidian islanders since last week. With it the editor of this paper was also spotted returning to Westmoor. It was only when he reached the capitol that a passer by pointed out that his banner man was holding an Obsdian Islander flag picked up by mistake amongst the broken down buildings of Kazakh.
A lot of work was carried out by the WC in Kazakh but there is still much to be done. Most of the insurgents and activists were clamped down on and hung or imprisoned but what will take time is the actual rebuilding. Apart from this not a lot has happened in Westmoor. The Obsidian News has once again published the realm rankings list for this month with Westmoor coming in again at fourth place. Ibladesh city has also revolted (as seen in regional news) presumably after intense pressure and looting from the occupying forces there. Apparently Ibladesh priests have been responsible for some of the rebellious Ibladeshi regions cropping up once more such as Oc Lu Pesh and Dayr. Such regions are not likely to last but it is noted that Ibladesh is holding on with a somewhat humorous tenacity.
In Westmoor the region of Hagley is currently suffering due partly to high taxation and lack of estate support. Westmoor’s courtiers are working on the situation to try and pacify the populace and restore production.
Editor of Paper gets temporary dukeship 10 February 1012
Mathros Hagakure , editor of New Westmoor, has been given temporary control of Kazakh city in order to prepare it for being handed over to the Obsidian Islanders. Estates have been set up and the duke is looking for some charatable knights to help give their time to restore order and productivity in the city. Westmoor's courtiers, soldiers and priests have all been hard at work today doing what they can to rebuild. King Shady Soulja and King Jor are also present in the city to oversee the work and discuss matters.
Kazakh rebels and joins Westmoor! 8 February 1012
Kazakh city once the capitol of the Sultanate of Asena and formerly part of the realm of the Obsidian Islanders, rebelled and declared Westmoor as their sovereign. This is embarrassing for Westmoor and our allies the islanders. Readers of this paper will no doubt remember that Gadlock is still occupied by Westmoor after it too rebelled against Obsidian rule last month.
Kazakh city was decimated again and again during the Sirion and Obsidian occupation towards the end of the Northern war so that presently there are very few people left alive. Westmoor is in communication with the Obsidian Islanders about how to handle the situation. It is possible the WC may be involved in a similar reconstruction project in Kazakh as has already been implimented in Gadlock.
Jaroslav banned!
Sir Jaroslav knight of Olligarch was today banned from the realm of Westmoor after publicly challenging the King to a duel. Antonius Turner sentenced the knight (as seen in regional news) to be excluded from the realm and cast out for inciting unrest amongst the nobles of Westmoor amongst other reasons. The duel with Ravier was not listed but understandably holds a lot of weight. It is unclear where Jaroslav will head to next but should he return to Westmoor without permission of the Lord Justice his life would be in danger.
Marshal Ravier Nebehn wounded in Death Duel with Sir Jaroslav Principe! 5 February 1012
Westmoor City was today in turmoil over the wounding of the WC’s Marshal Ravier Nebehn. Sir Jaroslav Principe has for the last few days been speaking out publicly against the Church of Humanity. What began as a disagreement with the King over the church of Ibladesh’s moral grounding in the south soon erupted into a heated argument over the moral standing of the COH.
Although a lot of exchanges in debate were given in Westmoor I’ll quote just a few (in a somewhat futile attempt to keep things brief):
Sir Jaroslav was quoted as saying:
Look at the Church of Humanity and their arguments that the endless deaths of tens of thousands in the south is justified, because they don't follow the same religion. When, neither religions are particularly bad, or evil, though I would say the COH should be more accurately referred to as the Church Of The Morally Dubious… though they barely count as a religion at all.
The King was quoted as saying (After being accused of aggressively expanding COH):
…Holy Church is the only faith on this continent that forbids the use of faith to seize foreign lands. We are the only faith that practices solely preaching by the word, not by the sword.
Holy Church defends, protects. It does not attack.
Ravier Nebehn yesterday evening presented the following duel challenge which was drafted to all nobles of the realm:
Jaroslav of House Principe,
You have insulted my honour and the honour of my House.
By insinuating that the faith I believe in is morally dubious, and by extension that my nature is morally dubious, you are treading my good name and my service to the realm into the dirt.
I will not suffer such trespass on my good name, or the name of my family. I hereby challenge you to a duel until surrender in Westmoor.
Sir Jaroslav responded with a refusal to duel until surrender instead insisting on a duel until death:
Baron Ravier,
I decline to accept your demand for a duel until surrender, and instead propose that we duel until death or not at all. For matters such as honour must be defended with ones life in order to achieve satisfaction, anything less would be a poor attempt to gain satisfaction without truly defending their name and honour.
If you see fit to truly defend your honour, then present yourself to me at the morning.
The courts were today in turmoil in discussing the legality of the dual. Permission for a duel until Surrender was apparently granted by the Royal Council but a duel until death was not. As such discussion has been brought about over the interpretation of the Judge Bulletin line: *Duels will be investigated on a case by case basis by the Council to determine its legality. which Sir Armstrong openly questioned as weak. Lord Justice Antonius Turner openly condemned the Duel. King Jor expressed his disgust also and suggested that Marshal Ravier was also on hot ground, with the law, for accepting such a challenge.
Nobles of the realm are awaiting both for the decision of the Royal Council and to see whether or not Marshal Ravier recovers from his wounds.
Regional News
29 February 1012
New Vice-Marshal Announced
The sponsor of the Westmoorian Column, Maedros Iltaran, Duke of Westmoor, Duke of Westmoor, has announced a new vice-marshal: Mathros Hagakure (Knight of Morshes).
28 February 1012
Battle in Gadlock
(rogue) vs. Obsidian Islands, Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 100 men
Defender Victory!
Battle in Morshes
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 320 men
Defender Victory!
27 February 1012
Battle in Troyes
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 230 men
Defender Victory!
Panic is spreading in Troyes after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde.
The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.
Region Given Away
Your ruler, Sir Jor Tanos, King of Westmoor, Ambassador of Westmoor, has decided to hand over the region of Gadlock to Obsidian Islands; the region, the lord and all its knights and troops are therefore no longer part of your realm.
There is loud protest and some unrest among the locals over this decision.
There is also unrest in the rest of the realm, as the people grow tired of being treated like merchandise.
Family Investment
Sir Antonious Turner, Lord Justice of Westmoor, Count of Bruck, Ambassador of Westmoor has initiated an investment of 220 gold in the region of Bruck. Production soars to 216 %.
26 February 1012
Battle in Dulbin
Westmoor vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 100 men vs. 10 men
Attacker Victory!
Monsters have been seen in the region of Dulbin.
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.
25 February 1012
Local lord stepped down
Ravier has stepped down from his command position in Gadlock. He has given the following reason:
My stewardship of Gadlock is over, and the region is rightfully being returned to the Obsidian Islanders.
24 February 1012
Region Revolts
The people of Al Arab have revolted and declared independence from Perdan!
Region Takeover
Perdan has taken control of Ibladesh , a former rogue region. Perdan now controls 17 regions.
Region Takeover
Armonía has taken control of Itor Boss , a former rogue region. Armonía now controls 8 regions.
22 February 1012
Region Revolts
The people of Oc Lu Pesh have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!
Region Revolts
The people of Al Aquabah have revolted and declared independence from Perdan!
Battle in Evora
Westmoor vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 80 men vs. 10 men
Attacker Victory!
21 February 1012
Monster Activity
Monsters are rampaging in Evora:
21 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters.
Battle in Poitiers
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 300 men
Defender Victory!
Family Investment
Merewyn Kazan, Countess of Greatbridge has initiated an investment of 210 gold in the region of Greatbridge. Production soars to 197 %.
Region Takeover
Nivemus has taken control of Pucallpa , a former rogue region. Nivemus now controls 5 regions.
20 February 1012
Appologies for the lack of news. The editor of the paper lost all of his parchments in Gadlock swamp. Gadlock is officially the least popular holiday destination on East Continent with an approval rating of 14% narrowly beating Skezard by 3% although technically tourism in Ibladesh has completely grinded to a hault. Conditions in Salta (the former worst region on EC) are steadily improving with chefs winning awards for Rat souflae al dente. However it remains to be seen whether or not this can compete with Atamara's stuffed badger.
19 February 1012
Panic is spreading in Hagley after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde.
The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.
Region Takeover
Perdan has taken control of Al Arab , a former rogue region. Perdan now controls 17 regions.
Region Revolts
The people of Ibladesh have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!
Legendary hero buried
The Dela Cruz family commemorates the dead hero Jacinto, a legend known all over the world. Admirers, friends and even enemies visit his grave.
11 February 1012
Monsters have been seen in the region of Gadlock.
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.
Region Revolts
The people of Al Arab have revolted and declared independence from Perdan!
10 February 1012
Battle in Evora
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men
Defender Victory!
9 February 1012
Battle in Evora
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men
Defender Victory!
Lordship Appointment:
Mathros Hagakure has been appointed as the new Duke of Kazakh.
Noble left the realm
The ban spoken on Jaroslav has gone into effect, and he has now been removed from your realm.
8 February 1012
Region Takeover
Perdan has taken control of Al Aquabah , a former rogue region. Perdan now controls 17 regions.
Battle in Oberndor (just in)
Westmoor vs. Fontan
Estimated strengths: 20 men vs. 30 men
Attacker Victory!
Letter from Antonius Turner:
...I just read the latest editions you placed on it (New Westmoor) about Jaroslav being banished, I find the contents of the article to be misleading news.
I quite clearly stated the reasons for his banishment. They had nothing to do with the duel he challenged King to or over the matter of the duel he conducted with Marshal Ravier, in fact I was leaning towards letting the matter drop on that because taking action when they both participated in it would just cause more unrest in the realm.
His conduct, demeanour and remarks towards the King and other nobles of the realm, continuously using the public arena to cause unrest are why he was banned. I quoted the Laws of Westmoor to show this as well as he was quite clearly violating them.
Noble banned!
Sir Antonious Turner, Lord Justice of Westmoor, Count of Bruck, Ambassador of Westmoor has declared Jaroslav Principe (Knight of Oligarch) an enemy of the realm and will issue a ban on him shortly. He has given the following reason:
1. You have shown no loyalty or respect towards the King.2. Shown public disrespect to fellow nobles.3. Using the public forum as a platform to incite unrest and dissension within Westmoor.
7 February 1012
Noble Absent
Sir Ravier Nebehn, Baron of Gadlock, Marshal of the Westmoorian Column has been absent from his position(s) for a long time. If he does not return soon, his title(s) will be assigned to someone else.
Region joins our realm
The people of Kazakh had enough of Obsidian Islands, and have pleaded your realm for help, raising the Westmoor flag.
Having made their choice and seen it happen, the peasants seem more hopeful and content with their lot. Morale rises 15%, loyalty to their new realm rises 12%, and independence falls.
Region Revolts
The people of Skezard have revolted and declared independence from Sirion!
Family Investment
Sir Antonious Turner, Lord Justice of Westmoor, Count of Bruck, Ambassador of Westmoor has initiated an investment of 220 gold in the region of Bruck. Production soars to 198 %.
Family Investment
Sir Feoran Lionheart, Baron of Evora has initiated an investment of 230 gold in the region of Evora. Production soars to 187 %.
6 February 1012
Legendary hero buried
The Anaris family commemorates the dead hero Kenarth, a legend known all over the world. Admirers, friends and even enemies visit his grave.
5 February 1012
Lord temporarily absent
Ravier was seriously wounded in a duel against Jaroslav today.
4 February 1012
Ruler Elected
The realm of Fontan has elected Aulus Severus of the Scipii as its Chancellor.
He received 40% of the valid votes cast.
Ruler Re-elected
The realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Ilias Thunthorn as its Prime Minister.
He received 40% of the valid votes cast.
3 February 1012
Battle in Gadlock
(rogue) vs. Westmoor
Estimated strengths: 260 men vs. 10 men
Defender Victory!
Monsters have been seen in the region of Gadlock.
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.
Region Takeover
Perdan has taken control of Al Arab (formerly part of Ibladesh). Perdan now controls 16 regions.
1 February 1012
Family Investment
Hergoervik Draekarne, Count of Hagley has initiated an investment of 190 gold in the region of Dulbin. Production soars to 216 %.
Family Investment
Hergoervik Draekarne, Count of Hagley has initiated an investment of 230 gold in the region of Evora. Production soars to 181 %.
Region Takeover
Sirion has taken control of Skezard , a former rogue region. Sirion now controls 25 regions.
Huge Battle Fought
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ibladesh:
(rogue), Ibladesh vs. Caligus, Perdan
Estimated strengths: 1130 men vs. 2110 men
The Perdan's Royal Lions (Perdan), sponsored by Nicoli Rasthaven, Duke of Perdan, were led into battle by Marshal Damayan Laegan.
The Perdan's Murderous Wrath (Perdan), sponsored by ][osferatu Reapers, King of Perdan, were led into battle by Marshal Atanamir of Umbar.
The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, were led into battle by Marshal Leonardo Francios.
The Caligus Red Gryphons (Caligus), sponsored by Cuthbert Von Ulthuan (Duke), were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Arica Maldives.
Sir Atanamir of Umbar, General of Perdan, Marshal of the Perdan's Murderous Wrath is spotted wearing the Beasthide Vest of Protection.
Terrel O'Sullivan, Count of Brive is spotted wearing the Doomed Jacket.
Sir Atanamir of Umbar, General of Perdan, Marshal of the Perdan's Murderous Wrath is spotted wielding the Accurate Hammer of Daemonslaying.
Sir Belaya Smert Kuriga (Knight of Perdan) is spotted wearing the Cursed Cloak of Blood.
Albion Pendragon, Duke of Domus is spotted wearing the Cursed Armour of the Foolish.
Defender Victory!