General Information
Jedinchel is a mountainous region in the north central part of Beluaterra. Bordered to the east by the Stronghold of Vatrona, the south by the City of Vore and the City of Unger in the North, Jedinchel (aka Jedin) has a relatively small population of about 4500 people. Winters can be harsh in the higher altitudes, but the locals don't mind too much. About a quarter to one third of the population lives in the lush, green valley in the center of the mountains. A small river runs through the valley, giving the population the much needed water.
If you ever plan to visit, pack warm clothing and plan for a long hike. It takes awhile to get through the mountains.
There several smaller mountains and peaks in Jedinchel, but there are also three large and notable mountain peaks.
Mnt. Jedinchel
Mnt. Jedinchel is the southern most of the mountains. Rising above 15 000 feet, the snow capped peak is next to impossible to reach. The slopes are steep and full of treacherous ledges, making it a rough trip to reach the central valley where most of the people of Jedinchel live.
Mnt. Tacere
Mnt. Tacere is the central one of the three notable peaks. Rising above 25 000 feet, not one has reached the peak of the mountain. The mountain was named after an adventurous noble who tried to reach the peak, after having lost a bet against a fellow noble, but never made it back. To honor his devotion to uphold his family name, the mountain was named after him.
Mnt. Carelene
Mnt. Carelene is the norther most of the large mountain peaks. Rising above 20 000 feet, it is a most appropriate guardian for the norther border of Old Grehk. The rocky slopes are tricky and land slides are not uncommon, making it an dangerous journey for anyone if they wish to reach Jedinchel.
Baroness Allana Torradoch Time
Allana Torradoch was appointed the baroness of Jedinchel on 31st of August 2008. This will be baroness Allana Torradoch first Region to hold court over.
Duchies and Regions of Old Grehk | ||
Duchy of Lake Salaman | ||
Ircymbar | Verdomite | Vozzessdor | Xerus | ||
Duchy of the Northern Bay | ||
Ffangor | Junohep | Kell | Mekoter | Ossmat | ||
Duchy of the Western Marches | ||
Gemke | Rolbury | Vatrona | Yipinalke |