Itorunt Informer/October '06
San and his 90% sword skill... | ||
The Itorunt Informer | ||
Free, although we like it when you throw money. Written by Ichigo Kurosaki, Thray Walsh, Valdid Juramona, and new reporter San Exiled. |
In memory of the brave hero Alex Exiled who fell defending the lands of Itorunt's Allies. Still bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt! | October Edition |
NewsTournament in Sirion!Today a tournament in Sirion was announced by Handow, Prime Minister of Sirion. Report from Handow Also, the first 100 to join get a free bottle of elven wine. Sir Handow With a prize of 600 gold for the victor, and a runners up prize of 300 gold, probably lots of nobles will arrive at the event. Personally I am waiting a few days before making the long trip, but I'll definitely be there! We'll keep you informed about events at the grounds when we get some reporters on the scene. --San DeparturesWith the dawn of peace, people have begun to go their separate ways, some in search of a fight, others for personal business. Celeste has departed for the island of Beluaterra to avenge her sister, and she will be greatly missed. In addition, other troop leaders are considering leaving due to the lack of fighting. I'm sure another war will break out soon enough. There is little to report now that we have achieved peace, other than realm maintenance. --Ichigo Old Paper, New LookNo, not ours. But the Caligan Courier is back, now with a new editor, Baldric Fortescue. They have a copy of the peace treaty published as well. The Itorunt Informer may have some decent competition on the island now. Then again, maybe not. --Ichigo The Caligan Courier does look very competitive. They have a nice headline at the top; in fact, I like it. It looks cool. Baldric Fortescue, I'll give you props for sure - that banner headline you have is awesome. Oh and glad to see more than just Perdan's, Sirion's, and Itorunt's newspapers. Welcome back, CC! --Valdid Peace at LastWith the addition of Sections 0 and 12 to the treaty, peace has finally been achieved! Itorunt, with the development of recent events, plans on holding a grand tournament, celebrating the peace that has come with the end of the 'Great War'. What Itorunt and the other realms involved will do hereafter has yet to be figured out, but the future of Itorunt looks bright indeed! PEACE. The Signatory Powers of this treaty are The Free Peoples of Fontan, Republic of Sirion, Kingdom of Yssaria, Theocracy of Ibladesh, Kingdom of Perdan, Kingdom of Itorunt and Kingdom of Caligus 0) Any region hereafter mentioned, shall not have any of its structures willfully destroyed by the possessor at the time of the signing of the treaty. 1) Perdan releases control of Partora, Mullhouse, and Meuse to Caligus. 2) Caligus surrenders the regions of Scio, Domus and Aestus to Yssaria. 3) Caligus cedes Nascot and all claims therein to Perdan. 4) Perdan surrenders the regions of Beziers and Lorient to Ibladesh. 5) Fontan releases administrative control of Bescanon to Perdan for the sum of 2,000 golds, net after moneychanger fees, to be paid in 150 gold weekly installments, 100 of which will count towards the 2000 gold paid as reparations for the administrative overhead incurred by Fontan during Fontan's time in control of the region, 50 gold to be paid for being granted control of Bescanon until such time as the 2000 golds have been paid. Failure to abide by the weekly schedule will be a violation of the treaty. Perdan may elect to pay weeks going forward to avoid interruptions of the payment schedule, and thus avoid violation of the treaty terms. 6) Perdan shall not raise any fortifications, or other structures in the region of Bescanon, and shall limit its military presence there to no more than 4,000 CS total (mobile plus militia) troops. Fontan shall likewise not raise any fortifications in the region of Troyes, and shall limit its military presence there to no more than 4,000 CS total (mobile plus militia) troops. Three infractions no greater than 5,000 CS shall be allowed to both parties for the duration of the treaty, all other failures will constitute a violation of the treaty. Also Perdan will not allow enemies of Fontan or Sirion to travel through Bescanon to attack either of them in the north and no enemies of Perdan will be allowed to use Troyes to attack Perdan in the south. 7) The signatories agree to raise relations to peace, allied or federated at their own discretion, but to no lower than peace. 8) The signatories shall not attempt to influence or infiltrate any of the other signatories through their normal political apparatus, or by supporting any rebellions, or other political movements outside of their boarders. 9) If any member of the Southern Federation or Northern Alliance declares war on the Kingdoms of Caligus or Perdan for any reason, or should Caligus or Perdan declare war on any member of the Southern Federation or the Northern Alliance, they will be in violation of the treaty and subject to penalty under section ten. War shall include infiltrator actions that would seriously wound a noble, or otherwise cause harm to a region, and providing military aid to another realm for the purposes of supporting a war. 10) All signatories will be honor bound to declare war on any realm in violation of the treaty. 11) This treaty shall remain in force for four months from the date of signing, or until sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 have been fulfilled, whichever is longer. It can be modified only by unanimous decision of the Signatory Powers, or renewed between any of the signatories, one amongst the other, for any length of time as they so deem appropriate. 12) Zranis and Katia will have their bans lefted by Perdan and Caligus. In return Sirion will left 2 troop leaders from Perdan and Caligus of their rulers choice. doombringer deathkiller Gregor Relak Sorcha Na Leodaich Lucian Vincent Evangeline Uceek Handow Meadowcrest Eleran Perfect II --Valdid ReorganizationThe structure of the military command is changing again with the unfortunate resignation of Lady Valdid from the position of Division II Commander. Replacing her will be my former second-in-command, Dal. His new 2IC, the position held by Blaine before his death, will be the intelligent and skilled soldier, and also co-editor, San. With these changes, my new 2IC will be Thray, another of my trusted (and inactive) co-editors. Following these changes, 3 members of the II staff will be part of the military command, with the other editor leaving the command staff. It should make for quite an interesting perspective on things. --Ichigo Tournament MattersAs there is so much to report on recently, it is my job to cover the results and goings-on of the tournament in Castle Ubent by our gracious hosts. Although there was much merriment all around, the largest tables there belonged to the Itorunt and Light of Fountain nobles and many of the continent's best fighters showed up, amongst them Sir Private of Fontan who showed off 75% in sword and Sir Ambrosius of Perdan who showed off 85%. Other good fighters were Sir Yarah, former victor of the tourney in KI, and Olek of Light of Fountain, who both were around the 60% mark. The Itorunt fighters came in top notch, however; Lady Valdid showed 60%, with Sir Olorin showing 65% and yours truly showing the record of 90% swordfighting once again. The jousting was a close encounter, the top being the famed Lancelot of Fontan with 75%, but the victors showed differently. Itorunt showed very well in this tournmament: in the 6th round, with only 5 people left, 3 of them were Itoruntian; Manfred, Valdid and myself all came out in top form. I myself defeated Perdan's judge Naira Kain, while Valdid and Manfred faced off, with Valdid emerging the winner. Yarah, a past victor, came out with the wildcard for the second time running. In the semifinal round, I faced Valdid, regrettably, for she certainly deserved second place, since Yarah had the third wildcard in a row. In the finals, however, it was reduced to a rematch between myself and Yarah, and I came through victorious, claiming 400 gold and a victor's title for Itorunt. In the jousting, Itorunt did not have any real champions, though former ruler TK Jones came to the semifinals, only to be ultimately defeated by Screndt, the victor of the tournament. We wish him congratulations on achieving a nonetheless respectable result. More updates coming soon, such as on the fact that peace is breaking out, written by another editor. --San Fontan Not Wanting Peace?Things get odder and odder it seems. The editors of the II have received information from an anonymous source that, in spite of Gregor's playing for peace (or as it now seems, pretending to), he has in fact been scheming to try and get an alliance with Light of Fountain against Perdan. As if Sirion were not enough? Letter from Gregor This is the copy which Teshup provided for me before I left Krimml. Prerequisite: LoF will capture and claim Nascot before putting this treaty to work, because LoF has to settle this with Caligus. Prerequisite: Akesh Temple will be LoF's capital, because this Temple is our most important region and must be kept safe above everything. Also 7k militia will be placed. 1-LoF and Fontan will become allied to each other. 6-This order will be followed in the land exchange: 6.1-Negev will be given back when (this condition replaces the old one): (Negevs return condition will change because both the requirement region and Negev itself will go to Fontan in the end.) 7-Even if Fontan gets all her lands during the war, she will continue to fight untill #5 conditions are fully met.
Gregor Obviously this wasn't taken too well when news got out. Letter from Evangeline I am disgusted. Now I understand why you have ignored me since last week on our treaty being developed. It was because Perdan had agreed to everything you wanted except the wording - and peace wasn't what you desired at all. I received a copy of this treaty from doombringer, I noticed no signature from Lycastus - but the fact that you are offering deals to divide Perdan's land while in pretence telling me, and the other 5 rulers involved, that you want peace with Perdan is outrageous. And what is clause 9? Are you already factoring our treaties exchange of lands to Caligus in your underhanded, weasle treaty to LoF? I don't even know where I'm expected to go to from here. I was warned that you could be sly, but this has surpassed any expectations I had. Lady Evangeline We will keep you informed on any peace movements. --San News of QuakeQuake recently wrote to the rulers of the East Continent. He spoke of the fact that he was busy, but mroe importantly, discussed his past and gave more insight to the inner workings of Ibladesh. He also apologized regarding some of his past actions. Some excerpts follow: I was elected as Ruler long ago, I was very happy but I didn't feel very comfortable with it because Lady Sorcha was in prison. The elections happend fast and the people didn't had much to to vote. I was planning to call some new elections when Sorcha got free. I asked her if she wanted some re-elected but she said it wasn't necessary, so I stayed Pontifex. Many new things came to me. I was able to sign peace with KI and Ubent. I talked for a very long time with Sirion and Fontan to sign peace with Perdan. I talked with Caligus about an eventually peace agreement. But what happened was terrible. Some contacted the Titans about me telling the people not to got to a tournament. You may search that message but what I didn't was very friendly. I even asked them to take some prices home if they went. Still, someone wanted me of the throne and the Gods were very mad at me. I got luck they didn't killed me. I'm very happy and thankfull they didn't! Beeing stripped from my position as Pontifex and Fiduciary, elections were in front of us. Lady Sorcha got elected again, as in the past and is leading Ibladesh right now. Many TL's voted me as Pontifex again but I didn't make it against our greatest leader. I got elected as Fiduciary at that time. Only one day later it were monthly elected and it seems like a TL decided to change his/her votes (their right to do this) and misty got elected as Banker of Ibladesh. I know they are both doing these things very well but I still hope to climb higher once again. As noble of Ibladesh, I'm messaging you all to ask you to forgive my faults from the past. What I did was probably wrong and I hope not to lose some good friends as you because of this. I want to thank you all for the great times I had with you and I hope to hear from you soon. We hope Ibladesh continues to grow and prosper, and wish Quake luck in the future. --Ichigo Mostly Quiet at HomeWe apologise for the lack of articles so far, and so will update you on what's been happening this last week. Ubent declared a tournament of Joust and Swordfight, with a victory prize of 400 gold and a second place prize of 50 gold. Apparently, even in their far-reduced state, the leaders of Ubent are able to put on a good show. In sadder news, we must report the death of one of our fellow TL's, Blaine, second in command of the second division of Itorunts army. While riding on his horse a loud noise startles the stallion throwing Blaine to the ground. As Blaines squire quickley rushes to his aid he quickley realises there is little hope for the Knight. Through the night the healers tend to Blaine yet in the morning they exit his home and reveal the news of his death. We offer our condolences to Blaine's family, and hope he continues to live on in the hearts of our nobles. --San Krunkh's DemiseDuring a necessary refit for Krunkh and Ichigo, the returning forces of Itorunt, along with forces of Yssaria, met approximately 6,000 attacking CS of Caligan troops while they stood their ground with only 2,000 defending CS. Athough no report was given of the battle, we know Krunkh fought with honor and died gloriously. Though all heroes know their fate when choosing their path, it seemed that Krunkh's death spurred the rulers of the island to try harder for the peace. There were messages from various rulers, marshals, and generals from the island expressing their grief, both friends and foes. A few examples: Letter from Rendar With humillity, Letter from doombringer Respectfully, Purhaps with the death of Krunkh, peace can finally be achieved on the island. Rest in peace, Krunkh Scarfist. --Valdid Interview with Evangeline Uceek, Queen of PerdanWe have been working our behinds off here at the II to get an interview with the queen of Perdan, who has finally responded after a busy time with diplomatic talks and peace proposals. Do you plan to work with Clarissa during your term as queen? Most definitely! Clarissa is a strong and intelligent woman. She is still has a place on the Perdan Senate and is contributing a lot to the leadership of Perdan. We have always been, and will continue to be, close friends. How is the peace process going? Any thoughts on it? The peace process for Perdan is going well. Pontifex Sorcha is very communicative and wants peace and if Fontan accepts that Perdan has satisfied almost all realms, peace will emerge. How do you feel about Itorunt? Itorunt is a realm of honour that has selflessly stood by its allies and always kept its word. I would commended Itorunt for its honour and their greedless behavior in all of their wars. What is your stance on the Avamar Selective? Fighting on two fronts has left little time for Perdan to consider the situation in the north, however feelings for Avamar correspond to the fact that they have taken over Perdan's joint effort with OR to establish a realm. At the moment, Perdan has not responded to the situation, but if King Dekion asks our help he will probably have it as he is a friend to Perdan. Do you know any Itorunt troop leaders? If so, how do you feel about them? My home has always been Perdan and so regretably I haven't had much contact outside of my realm. King Lucian is a strong leader, honourable and an individual thinker. He has been one of the greatest contributers to the peace process. Former son of Perdan, Olorin, has spoken highly of Winfred (Editors note: assumed Wilfred) and Duke Robert, as well as Valdid and Celeste who have helped him and made him feel welcome in his new home. At the moment I don't know many Itorunt TLs, but I am looking forward to a future in which I can enjoy meeting and getting to know more. How do you think Perdan is doing? Any plans for the near future (if you're willing to share them)? I cannot predict the future for Perdan. The East Continent is a big island where everything constantly changes. I can say however, that Perdan will continue to base its actions on honour and helping friends. We have and always will be loyal to good friends. Once peace has been establish Perdan is planning on holding a huge tournament to thank the realms that have participated in the peace, especially Itorunt of course. Nighmare, Duke of Perdan plans to marry Lady Stefany (sister-in-law to Pontifex Sorcha) at the tournament and it is their wish to invite the whole continent to their marriage. And course there will be plenty of pies available for those who have a liking for them. :P Evangeline Pies for Ichigo! Alex AvengedThe Itorunt army stationed in Abadan moved as one - literally everyone moved - to Supra, where they engaged 2K CS of the Caligan rearguard. Caligan nobles who fought that day, we salute you for facing so many with so little. Some lesser men would have fled or tried to evade at the sight of Itorunt's army, but you stood and fought against the odds. Much to our surprise, the Caligan nobles stood their ground in the face of Itorunt's might of 12K CS. Many Caligan nobles were wounded in this battle, and Brian, a newer noble on the island from what I'm told, died fighting gallantly. When we talked and gave the body to the Caligus nobles heading to Domus, they told us what had happened during the battle: They said that when the first wave of Itorunt steel came raining from the sky, Brian saved the men in his unit by having them raise their shields, but could not raise his own before the arrows fell among the living. But even with an arrow in his sword arm, he fought when Itorunt and Yssarian infantry climbed over their makeshift defenses and charged into the enemy, who perished to the last man except for Brian's unit. With his life as a sacrifice, he saved those under his command so that they could live, but they chose out of love for their commander to die by his side. Hopefully with the coming battles, no other nobles will die in battle before peace, a peace which has long been awaited and comes closer every day. We honor the memories of former High Marshal Alex, Sir Brian (a knight of Domus), and all the other nobles who have lost their life in the Great War. --Valdid New Issue with a New EditorIt's October, and I, as the new editor get stuck with the job of buying everyone drinks, and also kicking the new issue off. In the news, I personally am at the tournament of KI and am proving myself to be the most skilled swordsman there beyond any reasonable doubt. All Itoruntians (or any others that think they can stand up to it) are welcomed to a drinking competition. Please send applications to Blaine and San at the tournament, along with a round of drinks. I hope to keep the news coming, with the style that only the family of the founders possesses. --San |
Comments for this monthIchigo's commentsWelcome, San. ...Why are you so good with the sword? Thray's commentsI'm freelance! Luckily I'm also a noble, or I wouldn't be able to buy food. Valdid's commentsAlex has been avenged, though at the price of another. I'm not a lazy co-editor! Thray is ;) San's commentsYou are not allowed to tell them about my sword skill! Lazy co-editors. |