The noble Donkeyvich family, originally from Barad Falas (Falasan, Atamara) has a fame of 14 and 7000 gold of family wealth. Family Page
DeathBaklav, executed by Netherworld 01/20/08 RIP
Exceptional SkillInkrav, Preaching 01/??/10
The only important things that happened that turn were:
- Shukav was accidentally involved in a suicide charge (his 50 cavalry vs. 115 undead), and came out alive with half of his men. He also gained 1 honour, for 112 total for himself and 213 total for the family. Shukav is a hero. So perhaps surviving a suicide charge as a hero?
- Inkrav was also involved in a battle, but it was an easy one and he gained no honour or prestige. Inkrav is also a hero.
- Sanguis Astroism, of which Inkrav is a full member, has just taken over 1/4 of Dwilight (in terms of nobles). Since Inkrav isn't a priest though, that shouldn't affect his fame.