
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 04:35, 28 February 2007 by Mdaubrey@yahoo.com (talk | contribs) (Modified history and relationship status)

"It is outrageous that my realm, Mighty Falasan, does not have a Battlemaster Wiki page! I shall not accept it!" The old man paces up and down his cabin in a great rage. "Calm Down Dad. Everyone knows that Falasan is a peaceful realm by and large, although able to defend itself well." The son attempts to calm his father. Far from being relaxed, however, the old man goes deeper into his rage. "No Battlemaster Wiki! The shame of it." The old man shakes his head sorrowfully. Seeing that the old man is determined to rage as long as there is no Battlemaster Wiki for Falasan, the son creates the page in an attempt to save the man from a heart attack and early death.

Falasan Flag.png


Falasan is a mighty realm who until recently, maintained good relations with their neighbours. Now, however, Falasans days of peace are ended, and in spite of unit limits in an effort to be seen as less of a military threat, Eston and Tara are at war with this brave realm. We used to maintain bad relations with Darka, as they have aided our enemies in the past, but now we are on neutral terms. We are allied with Carelia, Minas Ithil, [[RedSpan], and Ash Sea Islands under the terms of a defensive alliance. In the past we were allied with the realm of Drachenwald, but they have slipped into memory.

Times have changed now, Queen and Kings having come and gone. Falasan is still a proud realm and will continue to defend itself in the face of oppression. Recently, traitorous activities have seemingly left Falasan hobbled. That is not true, as time will bear out the truth.

Falasan and Tara have recently signed a treaty with Falasan ceding some of its lands to Tara.

Falasan now has its own newspaper! Check out the Falasan Inquirer, source of all your information needs on Eastern Atamara issues.

Hierarchy of Falasan

Council Members

Ruler: Gucky Zotral, King of Falasan, Marshal of the army of Barad Gardor

High Marshal: Yavuz Kalkandelen, Marshal of the army of Barad Falas, Baron of Nazgorn

Banker: Abraham Brave, Royal Treasurer of Falasan, Baron of Chato

Judge: Sir Maniac Zotral, Duke of Barad Falas

Priest: Maniac Zotral, Arch Priest of Falasan, Duke of Barad Falas

Landed Nobility

Duchy of Barad Gardor

Sir Redrum Ox - Duke of Barad Gardor

Sir Kido Godoban - Marquis of Elroth

Sir Ronan Carmel - Marquis of Menedor

Sir joel Cohen - Count of Anfalas

Sir Orlyn Evunarre - Count of Corniel

Sir Ron Roper - Baron of Chuca

Duchy of Barad Falas

Sir Maniac Zotral - Duke of Barad Falas, Arch Priest of Falasan

Sir Jabeer Muhariz - Marquis of Belegmon

Sir Louis Framboise - Baron of Nazia

Sir Black Assassin - Baron of Galadia

Sir Yavuz Kalkandelen - Baron of Nazgorn, Marshal of the army of Barad Falas, High Marshal of Falasan

Sir Omerus Killins - Count of Beleriel

Sir Abraham Brave - Baron of Chato, Royal Treasurer of Falasan

Sir Crashem de Struct - Count of Chagasu

Sir Orl Fane Drumheller, Count of Aigaling, Marshal of the Capashin Army

Sir Shadow Warlord - Count of Jagla


Aginor t'Bashere, Alexius Cyrlex, Angus MacLoed, Aquinas Martyrius, Augustus Raleigh, Barry de Julien, Bazza de Julien, Bellum Crudelitas, Berkhardt Sandermall, Blood Haze, Bradrick Tovan, Brandor Whitestone, Charleston Longshanks, Chi Motosuwa, Crescentius DeSyrr, Dakhir Serpentis, Dann willems, DezNutz Haze, Dink Knid, Dobla Godoban, END ENDperor, Eritrea Panache, Erl Yoshizawa, Fatih Kalkandelen, Fiona Killwane, Frederic Fortescue, Freidroch Tinsley, Gisele Framboise, Gloria Tribal, Gregor Manstone, Grimm Beaumont, Halleria Feylonis, Ham Hormondson, Hansel Mueller, Haunt Elven Ghost, Haverbrook Shimble, Heed HeadHunter, Icarus Leonne, Jambo Lamonte, Jericho Rosebloom, Jerrin Cometh, Jing Fou, Justin Allard, Kaius Saurus Aurelius, Karita Gonzales, Killer Footeman, Kit Llewellyn, lady dylmate, Lasten Merytis, Laurjelm Zammish, Loronzo Grey, Malwiko Heinrich, Manu Brahman, Marth Blazeral Harker, Meda Ferro, Mickey Muirgheasa, Naidraug d'cosar, Rachael Aztozi, Ravens Vehemental, Reilwin Merytis, Ricard Carmel, Riens Capulco, Rourke McClusky, Serra Izzet, Sioban Llewellyn, Stile LongHi, Tank Van Eylen, Tathar Maquoit, Telvany Omani, Terrence Ruffhedge, Tharim Dragoris, Tucker Jones, Virtus Invictus, Wachap Asimov, Willem Tinsley, Xypherius Killins, Yakahn Zork, Zopyros Chaos.

Traders of Falasan

Over the years there have been a number of traders in Falasan, for Falasan still welcomes trading as a way to foster a peaceful existence. These traders' names are recorded in other places and need not be named here. Presently Falasan has four excellent traders: Malwiko, Riens, Gloria and Crescentius. They are constantly offering great prices and quality goods, some to be found nowhere else. These traders can be trusted to deal fairly with all.

Location of Falasan
Continent / Island Atamara
Capital Barad Gardor
Largest City Barad Falas
Government System

High Marshal
Arch Priestess
Royal Treasurer


Tank Van Eylen
Tank Van Eylen
Maniac Zotral
Abraham Brave

Region Numbers 19
Population 213,583 (4th)