
From BattleMaster Wiki

"It is outrageous that my realm, Mighty Falasan, does not have a Battlemaster Wiki page! I shall not accept it!" The old man paces up and down his cabin in a great rage. "Calm Down Dad. Everyone knows that Falasan is a peaceful realm by and large, although able to defend itself well." The son attempts to calm his father. Far from being relaxed, however, the old man goes deeper into his rage. "No Battlemaster Wiki! The shame of it." The old man shakes his head sorrowfully. Seeing that the old man is determined to rage as long as there is no Battlemaster Wiki for Falasan, the son creates the page in an attempt to save the man from a heart attack and early death.



Falasan is a mighty realm who until recently, maintained good relations with their neighbours. Now, however, Falasans days of peace are ended, and in spite of unit limits in an effort to be seen as less of a military threat, the Cagilan Empire and Tara are at war with this brave realm. We also maintain bad relations with Darka, as they have aided our enemies in the past, although we are not at open war with them. We are allied with Minas Ithil, Norland, Ash Sea Islands and the Barony of Makar under the terms of a defensive alliance. We are also allied with the realm of Drachenwald, but they are taking a hammering in the war against our common enemies. Drachenwald now faces dark days, but the noble troop leaders of Falasan stand ever ready to try and help them in the war effort.

Hierarchy of Falasan

Ruler: Sir Maniac Zotral, the King of Falasan

Banker: Sir Tokanan Saladi'ilm

Judge: Lady Cathrine Aeternam, the Arch Priestess of Falasan, Marchioness of Belegmon

General: Sir Gucky Zotral, High Marshal of Falasan

Nobles of Falasan

Landed Nobility

Duchy of Barad Gardor

Sir Redrum Ox - Duke of Barad Gardor

Sir Kido Godoban - Marquis of Elroth

Sir Feanaro Cuthalion - Marquis of Menedor

Sir joel Cohen - Count of Anfalas

Sir Trithereon BloodPhoenix - Count of Corniel

Sir Ron Roper - Baron of Chuca

Duchy of Barad Falas

Sir Vulcan Escallier - Duke of Barad Falas

Lady Catherine Aeternam - Marchioness of Belegmon

Sir Aegis Darkwind - Baron of Chato

Sir Trantante McGlynn - Baron of Nazgorn

Sir Black Assassin The Assassins - Baron of Galadia

Duchy of Tucha

Sir Rikus Vexor - Duke of Tucha


Abraham Brave, Ahab Zirgon, Alexius DeSyrr, Althalus Kurbys, Amber Williams, Angus MacLoed, Aramis Loxley, Augustus Raleigh, Azer Wexley, Balbus Von Hartburg, Bellum Crudelitas, black Lamb, Brennus Walewein, Bulut Armorchest, Cadwalader Walewin, Chi Motosuwa, Darian Ulrick, Darwayne Blodslade, Dilim Rigou, Dobla Godoban, Eaglin Brave, Fleshcrawl Ettinger, Gorch Exiled, Grereth Landawynn, Grom Dragon, Harald Pilau, Jabeer Muhariz, Jarek Hobbs, joseph rakowskis, Lenni Kravitz, Lona William, LoneWolf Windstroke, Lou de Neige, Malder Haines, Malwiko Heinrich, Margy WhaleFin, Matthew Concentra, Melissa Audrey, Nadia Krispaline, Nightshade Templar, Noulis Gousgou, N'ginyar bala, O'Keefe Monnostie, Orl Fane Drumheller, Pisky Rysselion, Plunge Fireborne, Randolph Satan, Reynevan Graywolf, Ronan Carmel, Sava Tataké, Shadow Warlord, Silmarwen Nénharma, Tank Van Eylen, The Architect Durin's Folk, The Mauler Pond, Tokanan Saladi'ilm, tom mead, Torin Capashin, Trevor Vance, Tyris Rex, Ulciscor Glacies, Zyrik Rex

Traders of Falasan

There are four traders in Falasan, for Falasan still welcomes trading as its main way to return to a more peaceful life. These are Tokanan, Malwiko, Nightshade and Gorch.