Olik Family/Oleg

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Oleg Olik, portrait done before leaving Abington.

Overview & History

The eldest son of the Olik_Family, and a born warrior, Oleg left a peaceful Abington for the war-torn South-West Islands. He was promoted to General quickly, but found the job too much management for his tastes, and stepped down to return to a life avowed only to the art of honorable fighting. After the sack of Ikalak, he returned home to Atamara, only to have his journey abruptly end at the Barony of Makar where he can still be found at any battlefields he considers worthy of his sword. He continues to refuse the wages of power and politics.

He was the first to leave Rustton for adventure and exploration (as all nobles should) of the brothers, and waded first into the thick of a nearly endless conflict. Like his younger brother, Oleg disdains horses. A larger man, he prefers plate armor and a two-handed sword as he marches with the infantry into war. He engaged in a personal dispute with an enemy soldier from Taselak, named Olwe, whom he disrespected for the latter's lack of noble virtues in the looting of a region and rape of it's women, and called Olwe the "Baron of Mud," referring to the rural and harsh southland over which Olwe was lord over. The Gods decided the war was over, and Oleg forgot his lost wars and his battles and escaped to the far north of Atamara.

Since leaving to the realm of the northmen, Oleg had written less and less to his family, and not at all to his brothers. Though still considered honorable by many, he was clearly less so than he was once, rampaging around with the berserkers of the Barony. His deeds on the other hand, have largely become unknown, and it was said at Olik Manor that Oleg has 'faded into the shallow sea' (an old Abington folk expression).

He was last seen leaving on a ship bound for the East Continent, where he retired to a life of peace and quiet, marrying a local commoner in Ibladesh.


  • Began his career in Ikalak of the South-West Island 2004-10-08
  • Appointed as General of Ikalak 2005-01-03
  • Stepped down as General 2005-02-01
  • Appointed as Count of Triewa 2005-05-20
  • Emigrated to Barony of Makar, Atamara, 2005-06-03
  • Emigrated to Ibladesh, East Continent, 2005-09-25
  • Retired in Ibladesh, East Continent, 2005-10-15

Oleg's End (RP)

And so, the old hero made his decision, deciding never to return to Atamara, but to make his home here, in Ibladesh, the golden city.

He sent 50 gold home to his family - that would please his father, at least - and used the remainder to purchase a small villa on the outskirts of town.

His warriors, six in number, dispersed and became mere guards, but they carried with them the memory of the old hero from a strange, foreign land. He had fought and bled with them, and that was more than most 'nobles.'

Oleg ended his days peacefully and quietly, giving stuffing to the old adage - old heroes never die, they merely fade away. For long he had dreamt of glorious, violent death in combat... but chose the life of peace and humility instead, praying daily to the God-Protectors of Ibladesh, duly acknowledging the Temple of the Heart and the Church of Ibladesh, eventually marrying a local woman who alone bore witness to the full tales of his doings, so long ago, in the South-West Isle or the barbaric Barony of Makar. She held him, at night when he awoke, tormented by dreams of glory never achieved or the memories of dead comrades. Every night in his sleep, he died gloriously, bloodily. Every day he awoke to repetition and the everyday concerns facing a husband and minor noble.

...he decided his ending was good enough, as endings go.

META Character/Family Notes

(This information is not publically available)

Trostian Olik, sensing (incorrectly, as it turned out) his impending death, wrote letters to all three of his sons. Only Gauihu listend to the call and returned to the family manor, where he learned that the old man intended Oleg to be heir to the family fortune, crest, ring, manor. This inspired Gauihu (ever the jealous one of his noble, elder brother) into paranoia in which he suspected that Maltheo would try to take over, and that his father was against him. All this has meant that Gauihu now perceives both of his brothers as ambitious enemies, obstacles to be removed. What will come of this is as yet unknown....