Old Rancagua Press/1st September 2006

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Revision as of 16:19, 12 September 2006 by Bob (talk | contribs) (News Story, update events)

Old Rancagua Press
The True Story from the Lands of the North

The Old Rancaguan Press would like to thank the Editor of the Rampant Lion for his excellent work concerning the layouts of his papers (which we have stolen shamelessly :). This is work in progress, and is not concrete.

Disclaimer: Furthermore, The Press would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Old Rancaguan Government.

Chief of Staff: Wenliang Dell

Reporter: Antan Christenson

Battle Reporter: N/A

Interviewer: N/A

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
September 13th, 2006 -

Defeat in Stora...

Stora has once again been wetted by the blood of brave and impetuous Old Rancaguan soldiers as the invading army was defeated once more at the hand of the Kalmar Islands under the dominion of Lalakis the Tyrant. This, the third invasion of the isles was even less successful than the previous invasion. The situation in the Old Rancaguan High Command has become somewhat tense as heated discussions over the direction of the military were held. Some have even called for High Marshal Johnny's resignation from office.

The most recent attack was once more fraught with difficulty as the regrettably efficient and highly trained infiltrators of Kalmar were again successful in wreaking havoc on the roads and sea-lanes which run from Kazan to Stora. Some nobles reported delays of up to 8 hours due to blocked roads, changed signs and strange tree formations. As a result, the original Old Rancaguan armada of 17,000 CS, some 1,500 men, arrived in waves against the entrenched defenders resulting in overwhelming defeat.

The first wave of some 4,000 CS was massacred, however despite this defeat, Lord Johnny decided to continue the assault, resulting in a further defeat as only 6,000 CS arrived of the 13,000 remaining. It was at this point that upon the insistence of the Military Advisory Council, Lord Johnny ordered the retreat of the remaining forces who will now form the core of the new forces being amassed in Kazakh and Ashforth.

The next invasion of Stora is scheduled for sometime in the next two weeks, the implications behind this assault are now very clear to the High Command, whose leadership is now being questioned by the Noble of Old Rancagua. It seems, that should defeat once more be inflicted, regrettably Lord Johnny may be forced to step down. The OR Press will keep you posted...

September 8th, 2006 -

The war continues with Kalmar, more death and destruction in Perdan

Earlier today the order was given, for the newly restored and more powerful than ever, army of Old Rancagua to begin immediate movement into the lands of Kalmar once more in another attempt to bring this conflict to a decisive end. This story can now be found on the September News Reports page.

September 4th, 2006 -

The bloodbath that is Bescanon, and Legatus in Perdan?

Once again the armies of Perdan, Sirion and Fontan have met in what is rapidly becoming a war of attrition, with massive casualties on both sides and the region of Bescanon becoming a virtual graveyard of brave souls who have been thrown into the meatgrinder. This story can now be found on the September News Reports page.

September 1st, 2006 -

New month, new news!

This story can now be found on the September News Reports page.

September 12th, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Scio:Caligus vs. Yssaria

Estimated combat strengths: 6000 CS vs. 5000 CS Attacker Victory!

September 11th, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Troyes:Perdan vs. Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths: 12000 CS vs. 3000 CS Attacker Victory!

September 10th, 2006 -

Region Takeover: Itorunt has taken control of Clermont , a former rogue region

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Aestus:Yssaria vs. Caligus

Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 6000 CS Attacker Victory!

September 9th, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Stora:Old Rancagua vs. Kalmar Islands

Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 12000 CS Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Stora:Old Rancagua vs. Kalmar Islands

Estimated combat strengths: 4000 CS vs. 10000 CS Defender Victory!

September 7th, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Woolton:Perdan vs. Ibladesh

Estimated combat strengths: 10000 CS vs. 13000 CS Attacker Victory!

Region Takeover: Yssaria has taken control of Aestus , a former rogue region

September 4th, 2006 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bescanon:Perdan vs. Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths: 6000 CS vs. 9000 CS Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bescanon:Perdan vs. Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths: 22000 CS vs. 24000 CS Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Aestus:Yssaria vs. Caligus

Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 5000 CS Attacker Victory!

September 3rd, 2006 -

Region Revolts: The people of Aestus have revolted and declared independence from Yssaria!

September 2nd, 2006 -

Region Takeover: Yssaria has taken control of Sordidus (formerly part of Caligus)

September 1st, 2006 -

New ruler in Kalmar Islands: The realm of Kalmar Islands has elected Lalakis as its new Chancellor.

New ruler in Ubent: The realm of Ubent has reconfirmed Zog Returns as its Prime Minister.

New ruler in Fontan: The realm of Fontan has reconfirmed Gregor as its Chancellor.

New ruler in Sirion: The realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Handow as its Prime Minister.

Region Takeover: Itorunt has taken control of Az Zarqua , a former rogue region.

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