Dubhaine Family/Aibhlidhn

From BattleMaster Wiki


A name in the archaic Fontanese tongue Aibhlidhn means hoped for or long sought. Hence Aibhlidhn's full name means "hope delivered to the women of dark countenance".


Aibhlidhn is the daughter of Lady Aednadh Dubhaine, the former General of Sirion. As with all the line of Moira she has the powerful, sinewy frame of a seasoned warrior. The midnight-jet of Aibhlidhn's hair grows thick and long, framing a strong face with high cheekbones and a commanding demeanour. Her amber eyes rival the piercing glare of a hawk or eagle.



The following scores are based on anecdotal evidence.

Age Class Honour Prestige Swordfighting Jousting Leadership
21 W 97 27 17 11 23


1015 August Knight of Sirion
November Baroness of Tabost
December Knight of Ar Agyr
Banker of Ar Agyr



Name Description Army Captain Men Type T R W A D M C CS Provisions Entertainment
10.08.1015 04.09.1015 Dubhaine Guards Army of Sirion Linus (+6) 48 A 63 4 75 66 0 98 45 631 60
05.09.1015 18.12.1015 Republican Guard Army of Sirion Erman (+4) 58 MI 88 3 75 55 11 93 48 843 100 +Chummily Brewery
21.12.1015 10.01.1016 Ironsides Angry Agyrian Army Dietrich (+2) 27 + 3 C 53 90 45 0 91 24 430 100 +Chummily Brewery -Dance Hall
10.01.1016 05.02.1016 Rengo Fusileers Angry Agyrian Army Fosten (+4) 31 SF 91 5 65 70 6 84 62 767 80 -Dance Hall
07.02.1016 Rengo Fusileers Angry Agyrian Army Ulfman (+6) 50 SF 90 5 65 70 19 81 82 1063 100


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