
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 21:48, 13 February 2009 by Vita` (talk | contribs) (East Continent/Leibo moved to Leibo)
The Rural of Leibo
Region Map
a region on {{{continent}}}Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "{{{continent}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Controlled by the Realm of [[part of::Ibladesh]]
Duchy Ibladesh
Local Lord Count Meridius Recena
Knights Dar
Troop Centers Leibo Pavisiers
Leibo Horsemen
~[H*A]~ Salutation
Region Information
Type of Region Rural
Location Coast
Weather South Highlands
Population (Last Census) 13998
Gold Production 325 gold
Food Production 475 bushels

Leibo is a rural region in the southern highlands of the East Island. It is located on the southern banks of the Isadril River, where the river empties into the Bay of Isadril. Immediately to the southeast is the city of Isadril, former capital city of the lost nations of Isadril, Fallangard, and Yssaria. A short distance to the west is the city of Ibladesh, capital of Ibladesh