Urominiel Family/Thalathafn Early

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Thalathafn Early Life

Realms:League of Anacan, Light of Fountain, Avamar Selective, Grand Lodge of Lunaria, Lemundia, Cathay, Arcaea, Papania.
Positions:General, Banker.


Part I

The banners of the noble houses flew over the tournament grounds as more and more nobles arrived at the tournament grounds. Free drinks at the tavern were a regular occurance and the training areas were busy as always. The nobles showing their skill to the crowd were impressive, each one more than the last. Thalathafn looked forward to the day when he would be in the same skill class as them. But today his body was sore from the past few days of rigorous training, so it was day to visit the taverns and socialize with the other nobles. Having arrived from distant lands not to long ago, everything was still very new to him. Quietly he slipped into the tavern and awaited the next round of drinks.

Part II

It was oddly quiet today in the tavern. He could only suspect all the nobles were too busy with their training. The rounds of drinks had all but stopped, so he went for a walk. There was a rather large gathering by the training rounds but again the silence was eerie. Each stoke of blade through the crisp air could be heard clearly and the odd thunk of lance on its wooden mark and clash of steal. The on lookers marvelled at the swordsmanship displayed by each of nobles, but with their jaws hung in awe, the only sounds they could muster was an occasional ooooh and ahhhh. All eyes focused on the nobles showing their skill, the heavy breathing of the horses and riders could clearly be heard amidst the hooves. Thalathafn joined the crowd for awhile hoping to pickup some new moves while he waited for all the entertainment to be over so the nobles could speak a coherent phrase or two.

A Look into the Past

Thalathafn carefully unfolds the delicate note, the only link to the mysteries of his life. The faded entangled "U" emblem which the tournament goers informed him as belonging to the the Urominiel family crest. Could that women be his mother? Did she belong to this noble house? There were too many questions, but perhaps he would find some answers. Sure enough, the emblem on the letter match that of his decaying note. The letter read:


It saddens me to hear the tragic events of your childhood. To my knowledge there were no noble ladies of this house on that continent at that time. Although while I was recovering from my wounds in the Temple of Ossaet, I did recieve a letter. It was from a young woman, I had met her once but the name escapes me now. The timing of events make it possible that she is the women you inquire about. The letter she wrote to me claimed she was carrying my cousins child, but my poor cousin was banished from the realm as a rebel. I believe her intentions were to travel to Hatdhes after the birth to find her uncle, and together they would look for my cousin, Glorawarthien. It is possible she got into an accident enroute. Perhaps you can look for the man in Hatdhes, he may be of more help than I, all I can give are speculations.

Aralaiquendi Urominiel

A Hero is Born

The walls of Batesaor loomed in the distance as the first rays of sunlight peaked from behind the coastal city fortress. The casted silhouette of the city upon the infant dawn an imposing sight for the marshalled forces. Messengers road between the city and the armies delivering messages of slander and propaganda between the lordly nobles. Each time a new message was delivered, it was crumpled and left in the mud at the mercy of the horses hooves. "What nobles are these that cant even follow a simple code of honour", Thalathafn thought. It was ironic that he would be the one to judge other nobles of uncivilized behaviour. He quickly adjusted his armour that had shifted on the road. It would be a glorious battle ahead and he would great his enemies with respect and death with honour. Looking back at his siege engine in tow and the armies still following behind him, Thalathafn knew this would be a chance to show his valour and establish himself as a true hero.

As the walls approached Thalathafn looked around him, 100 infantry and five nobles set up in the front lines, behind them the archers and cavalry, as the rear guard the bulk of Nighthelms infantry force. This was truely the chance he hoped for, one hundred men fighting the thousands upon the walls. He ordered his men to move the siege tower closer shield themselves behind it from the hail of arrows. Six fell to the arrow storm, his unit now left at twenty pushed onward and upward through the siege tower. The other eighty infantry with no siege weaponry of their own and faced with an daunting wall of stone crowded up his siege tower as well. Now the siege tower designed for twenty was filled to its brink with a hundred men all vying for the ladders. Thalathafn pulling himself up through the mob and led the charge at the bloodied patch of wall where his siege engine was latched. The defenders were overwhelming and his unit was thrown back. The other units fell one by one, but Thalathafn was determined, he gathered his men and began another climb up the siege tower. Again they charged and were met with a thousand spears and swords. Thalathafn surged on feeling the stings of steel in the exposed areas of his armour. He tumbled from the battlements with darkness creeping upon him, as he fell he watched the Nighthelm troops advance with their siege engines and knew he did his part and demonstrated his valour given the incompetent leadership and tactics used in the siege.

A Reunion

Thalathafn pulled back on the reins causing his horse to rear to a stop from the rolling gallop. Slowly they ventured forward into the grove of trees in the foothills leading to the mountains. Raising his hands to shield his eyes from the mid-day sun, Thalathafn peered about the sides of the path that stretched forward. "I am here," he let his voice ring through the trees. Turning to sound of footsteps on his right, Thalathafn spots a man swinging out from behind a large hemlock and instantly recognized the jacket he carried in his arms. Bringing his horse around, the smile on Thalathafns face grew as the jacket drew closer, the green hues glimmering from the slick black scales. Brooklyn humbly bowed until all Thalathafn could see was his fiery red hair. Reaching up with both hands, the man offered the Jacket of Strength which Thalathafn gladly accepted and threw around his body. "One day your noble lineage will be recognized, this was fine work on the repairs" Thalathafn complimented, admiring the look of the jacket on his body.

"Thank you my lord," Brooklyn replied cheerfully, "I also have something else for you". With that, Brooklyn reaching into the plain brown sac and produced a heavy war-hammer. "An old man made it for me, he called it the Legendary Hammer of Bloodletting or something."

Thalathafn inspected the piece of weaponry, bloodstains infused into the wootz. A red and golden trim wrapped itself intricately around the head and entwined the shaft all composed of the wootz metal. Lifting it, it carried much more weight than the swords he was used to. "This is a nice find. Here is your reward" Thalathafn said as he tossed the gold coins to Brooklyn. "Now I have important matters to attend to." With that urged his horse to a gallop and left Brooklyn alone on the path through the woody grove at the foothills of the mountains.


Ahem, Thalathafn cleared his throat and stood up from his seat.

"Sorry to interrupt the entertainment, but I would like to take this opportunity to announce the new Marshal of the Field of Honour. After discussion with the Council, we have decided to award the honour of leading our valiant army to Sir Mar Crow. Sir Darius will also take over second in command."

With that Thalathafn slips the golden ring from his finger.

"This Enchanted Band of Command was gifted to me by Lars Baldersson, who had found this unique item after a battle during the war with Sartania. I will now pass this on to our new Marshal Crow and hope that one day he may pass it onto his successor. Now I will let you all return to the entertainment."

Thalathafn gestured to the front, while taking his seat at the table near the back of the great hall. While all eyes peered forward in amusement, his own focused on the half empty plate on the table. He had nearly killed a young girl today, and for what? Honour? Til this day he had held honour in the highest regard, but until this day he had never had to kill in its name, at least not like this. The battlefields were different, they were soldiers, their faces only a blur in his memory. He had to turn away as she layed there dying. Those few seconds pervading his consciousness. Thalathafn threw back his drink as the feast continued around him.