Dwilight Daily/2008/March

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Grand Duchy of Fissoa Declares Independence From Madina March 28, 2008
Claiming the title of Grand Duke of Grand Duchy of Fissoa, Leon Agenor did secede today from the realm of Madina and form his own realm. In a statement to the other rulers of the world, Grand Duke Leon indicated that although Fissoa will be a separate realm from Madina, they will hold close and friendly bonds with each other. Sources within the royal courts of the nations of the world say that Grand Duke Leon plans come forth with an official statement concerning continental politics in the near future.
Comment on this story. by Fisc Arylon 
Everguard takes Ygg d'Razhuul March 26, 2008
Everguard has added a third region to its sphere of influence today - taking formal command of the region of Ygg d'Razhuul from the anarchist peasants, and installing the Royal Command of Count Astoc Burgundy to control the region.
Comment on this story. by Fisc Arylon 
Last chance for a name change... March 20, 2008
TThe following message was delivered to all characters on Dwilight:

Renaming - Last Chance

Renaming has been opened again.

This is your last and final chance if your current name is not fit for Dwilight. Anyone with an inacceptable name after this change will be deleted or deported.


You can find the name change option under your Politics menu. This is only available for characters on Dwilight, and not any other island.
Comment on this story. by Indirik 
Everguard takes Yggdramir March 19, 2008
The initial expansion of Everguard has commenced, with the infant realm formally taking control of Yggdramir and installing Count Vesna Valentine as its ruling lord. The challenges of increased region responsibility will be great, but are necessary for Dwilight's newest realm to survive.
Comment on this story. by Fisc Arylon 
A Plague of Monsters March 17, 2008
A plague of monsters has descended upon the lands of Morek. Sweeping out of the Mimer peninsula, groups of unspeakable horrors numbering from 5 to 50 each, the beasts are causing great destruction in their wake. Several regions have had their entire government destroyed, and have lost their allegiance to Morek.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Ruler Elected in Everguard March 16, 2008
The realm of Springdale Colony (later to be known as Everguard) has elected its first sovereign ruler. Fisc Arylon was elected with 76% of the vote from the young realm's subjects, and immediately formed the government into a Kingdom, claiming the title "High King of Everguard".
Comment on this story. by Fisc Arylon 
A New Queen for Pian en Luries March 11, 2008
The Kingdom of Pian en Luries has selected Alanna Anaris to ascend to the throne. The selection was made after a prolonged election process that took five days to complete. Queen Anaris has begun the attempt to pull the fractured realm back together into a united group once more.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Morek Conquers Unterstrom March 11, 2008
After a long and hard campaign battling wandering bands of rogue monsters, Zul'Jin II Stormreaver, Viscount of Cailyn began the friendly conquest of Unterstrom. After only two days the city agreed that its future would be brighter under the guidance of the Blood Stars, and joined forces with Morek.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Giask Revolts! March 10, 2008
Following on the heels of the abdication of King Kaennji Shenron of Pian en Luries, the city of Giask has revolted from the control of the kingdom of Pian en Luries. It is believed that a combination of several factors contributed to this problem. First, several nobles of Pian en Luries were seen looting the city of Giask prior to its being brought under Lurian control. This must have angered the commoners of Giask, and caused resentment among the local authorities. Second, the abdication of King Shenron no doubt caused the commoners of Giask to lose faith in the ability of the Lurians to maintain control of the city. The King's failure to appoint a Duke prior to his abdication crippled the Lurian's ability to establish their own loyal local officials. Third, the rumoured colony expedition from Pian en Luries to Part Raviel would have reduced the ability of the Lurians to maintain their authority over the city, due to the lack of nobles to actively police the city. In any case, the loss of this exceptionally large and rich city will be a big setback for the Lurians.
Comment on this story. by Barnce Indirik 
Springdale forms a Colony March 10, 2008
Word has reached Morek that the kingdom of Springdale has successfully established the first independent colony on Dwilight. The new realm, as yet unnamed, was formed in the stronghold of Valkyrja, far to the west of Springdale, by Jord Jorvik. This small island stronghold is situated on an island between the eastern and western subcontinents. No word has reached us of the form of government that will be used for the colony, or even the name under which it will be known. The new realm has attracted many nobles, with 12 having already joined in less than 2 days.
Comment on this story. by Barnce Indirik 
Resignation March 6, 2008
Ruler stepped down

Kaennji has stepped down from his position as ruler of Pian en Luries. He has given the following reason: I have gotten a terrible illness and may indeed be dying. I do not want to take the risk of the realms leadership being idol. I step back now and resign, to let a healthier fulfill my role.(OOC:Will have very limited connection for the next few weeks)

King Kaennji has stepped down. Now the question is, who will replace him?
Comment on this story. by Hericus Le-Fay 

Death of a Hero March 5, 2008
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the death of a Hero of Morek: Sir Armand Vici, Knight of Donghai. Sir Vici was killed during a battle in the region of Weinschenk while helping to clear the region from an infestation of monsters. May the Blood Stars guide him to his final resting place.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik