Dwilight Daily/2008/January

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Revision as of 19:36, 10 January 2008 by Indirik (talk | contribs) (DD More Details on How Dwilight Will Start)
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More Details on How Dwilight Will Start January 10, 2008
Tom sent the following message to the Discussion List detailing quite a bit more information on how Dwilight will open. As always, if you happen to be one of the lucky few who get to start there before the rest of us, then we'd love to hear from you regarding any details you are able to reveal.

Here's how I think right now the next steps regarding Dwilight will work:
a) I will bring in a few hand-picked players first so that we can assure that every realm has a few reliable people who will watch out for that

whole atmosphere thing.
b) I will open new character generation first, emmigration afterwards. No turns are running on Dwilight at this time, so you don't miss out on anything, I simply don't want 50 people arriving all at the same time. We all need to settle in, start some welcomings and roleplays and sort things out and that's simply easier if there's not a flood of people.
c) Then, turns will start. Like with other islands, Dwilight will start in "startup mode", where you can't leave your realm. This gives every realm an opportunity to get the internal politics up, appoint lords to the few regions, elect a government and all that, without a mad rush for land.
d) I will watch the number of characters closely and I will probably temporarily close emmigration and/or character creation every now and then for a day or two, so as to not flood the few realms with their few regions. Yes, the idea is that they expand, but again it is easier to manage everything if there's not a sudden flood.


Comment on this story. by Indirik 
Religions being prepped for Dwilight January 10, 2008
With Dwilight comming up, alot of religion concepts have been made. Among them, the Blood Cult, based on aztec mythology, and Soken, based on far-eastern traditions, both have strong cultural flavours. Others I have seen include The Cult of Blissful Dementia and Desperatism, and I believe there are many more that have been though of, though many of these concepts lack the character support to either get started or to grow. Another notable religion would be Sanguisastroism, which, though I have yet to see any evidence indicating it has any support, is the only official religion for one of the starting realms upon which I could fall upon.
Comment on this story. by Chénier 
Player Characters on Dwilight January 9, 2008
The first of the contest winner player accounts was spotted as having characters on Dwilight yesterday. With their characters active on Dwilight, it should (hopefully) be a short time before the island is ready for open immigration. We're all waiting (im)patiently for the chance to move there ourselves.
Comment on this story. by Indirik 
Dwilight opening in "...a few days." January 8, 2008
The following message was recently sent to all nobles on the SWI:

Immigration to Dwilight will open up in a few days.
I will now teleport all your characters to your capital, and disband all units.
You should be able to immigrate to any island of your choice, or wait until Dwilight opens.


Comment on this story. by Indirik 
Dwilight to open soon? January 6, 2008
Dwilight has now been added on the emigration page.

If all that is fine with you, then choose a world to emigrate to:

  • Travel to East Continent
(699 active nobles, 12 realms. Avg. tax income: ca. 79 gold/week)
  • Travel to Atamara
(1081 active nobles, 15 realms. Avg. tax income: ca. 72 gold/week)
  • You can not travel to Beluaterra
(486 active nobles, 17 realms. Avg. tax income: ca. 90 gold/week)
No ships are going that direction, due to the presence of monsters, undead and worse.
  • South-West - No immigration to this world possible currently.
  • Travel to Colonies
(272 active nobles, 8 realms. Avg. tax income: ca. 54 gold/week)
  • Travel to Far East
(406 active nobles, 11 realms. Avg. tax income: ca. 80 gold/week)
  • Dwilight - No immigration to this world possible currently.

– Emigration

Comment on this story. by Chénier