Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala

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A name in the archaic Fontanese tongue Ciarghuala is a pun which can variously mean either "friend shouldered" or "dark (hair and eyes) shouldered". When Ciarghuala was born she had a shock of fine black hair, and during her infancy she was fostered by family friends in the then independent citadel of Via.


Ciarghuala is the daughter of Lady Moira Dubhaine, former Supreme Justice of Fontan and latterly an adventurer of Western Dwilight and Northern Beluaterra. Born in the free city of Via and raised on the borders of the Zuma Confederation, some have speculated that her father may himself have been a Lord of the Zuma, though such fanciful tales have little place in modern genealogy.

She began her military career as a knight of Niselur and fought with the First Edreun when the monster menace became manifest. It was during this time that she discovered the Forgotten Crown of the Austere Star. When Niselur was abandoned by the other SA realms and reduced to a coastal rump, Ciarghuala led the bodyguard of King Fulco as he travelled to exile in Luria and personally presented the Crown to Emperor Seamus before returning north to coordinate the last desperate attempt to save Gelene.

Later she would lead the last defence of Golden Farrow as the final haven on the Western Continent fell, seeking asylum in Luria Boreal. A period of retirement followed before the fall of Shinnen prompted her to take up arms again, fighting hard to defend the people of Luria Nova.


Lady Ciarghuala inherits her mother's powerful, sinewy frame which combined with her raven tresses and the smoky cast framing her midnight blue eyes give her an unsettling, primal beauty which remains undiminished by age. First and foremost a warrior, she rarely adopts the finery her rank allows and is most often seen in the green drab brigandine doublet and grey kidskin britches and boots of her Free Fontanese Guard. The basket hilt and scabbarded blade of Shieldbane slaps against her left hip, the silver clasp of her worn leather baldric chased with the famed Dubhaine armorial, a heavy-bladed seax running flat across her back.

At court she usually wears dress uniform, a maroon broadcloth tunic, white kidskin britches, and oxblood leather baldric and boots.

Ciarghuala is a renowned archer and huntress, closely associated in popular folk tales with her distinctive longbow Whisperer. According to the bards Whisperer's slender bow-stave is cut from a single length of ancient yew harvested at midnight from a grove in the Zuma-cursed forest of Gonophor, treated with tallow rendered from an Ogre chieftain's flesh, and strung with silk from the spider-pits of the Volcano Nightscree. What's certain is that its draw-weight is unmatched and only those trained since early childhood to lay their body into the bow could hope to bend it. The bow is accompanied by a grey drawstring bag containing long-shafted bodkins and a slender poignard.


Raised in the wilderness of Western Dwilight in the borderlands between the dread Zuma and the free city of Via, Ciarghuala is tough and self-reliant even by the standards of the Dubhaine matriarchs. Whilst she shares her mother's deep-seated hatred of injustice and tyranny, it more often finds expression in compassion for the poor unfortunates who toil under its yoke than in the punishment of those who perpetrate it. A well-read and thoughtful woman, she's as comfortable planning against a harsh winter as wielding bow and blade in battle.

In her youth Ciarghuala was more at ease in the wilderness than she ever was in the densely-packed cities of the Inner Sea, however the devastation of recent years has forced her to reassess her views on civilisation and its importance to the human condition. Though still far from courtly in her inclinations she's come to appreciate the company of her fellow nobles - at least those of Luria - and in the right company can seem positively gregarious. However her private life is closely guarded and few outside her immediate military circle know anything of Ciarghuala's loves and passions.


The following scores are based on anecdotal evidence.

Age Class Honour Prestige Swordfighting Jousting Leadership
52 W/C 292 41 32 8 76


1013 August Knight of Niselur
Countess of K'dira
1014 April Watchmaster of Niselur
Margravine of Golden Farrow
May Coffermaster of Niselur
Lawmaster of Niselur
Knight of Astrum
1015 July Knight of Luria Nova
December Margravine of Shinnen Purlieus
1016 January Judge of Luria Boreal
1017 June Knight of Shinnen
July Knight of Askileon
Grand Panetier of Luria Nova
August Countess of Poryatu
November Vice-Marshal of The Emperor's Will
1018 April Dean of Economics of University of Dwilight


Lady Emily D'Arcy
Ciarghuala's mysterious lover
Synne Ciarghuala's squire
Septinia Captain of the Free Fontanese Guard
Audley Lieutenant of the 1st Poryatu Heavy Infantry Militia Company
Kimball Lieutenant of the Free Fontanese Guard Militia Company


Name Description Army Captain Men Type T R W A D M C CS Provisions Entertainment
14.08.1013 15.08.1013 The Silver Lancers The First Edreun of Niselur 0 + 1 C 31 49 49 6 84 30 0 60
16.08.1013 27.01.1014 K'dira Rangers The First Edreun of Niselur Hildemund (+11) 40 MI 72 3 60 60 15 92 100 635 0 +Brewery
27.01.1014 07.05.1014 Free Fontanese Guard The First Edreun of Niselur Wolfgang (+7) 29 SF 85 5 80 75 15 85 100 801 0 -Dance Hall
22.07.1015 Free Fontanese Guard Golden Trout Roderic (+5) 65 SF 81 4 95 85 24 84 81 1357 100 + rough quayside
18.11.1015 Free Fontanese Guard Erkenbrand (+6) 71 SF 96 4 95 85 13 91 100 1677 100
21.06.1017 Free Fontanese Guard Iuvenilis Attingas Parvulorum Septinia (+13) 78 SF 95 4 93 82 18 95 100 1744 100 + rough quayside


Date Region Participants Fee Prizes Honour Prestige Rounds Sword Jousting


January February March April May June July August September October November December
1013 August

Personal Journal

April 1014, The Long March Home

With Niselur overwhelmed by monstrous hordes, Ciarghuala and her faithful Fontanese Guard escort King Falco to exile in Luria Nova at great personal cost before commencing the long journey home to defend their adopted people.

July 1017, All is Confusion

Monstrous hordes roam the east with impunity.

September 1017, The Siege of Luria Nova

December 1017, The Slumbering Giant Stirs

January 1018, The Slumbering Giant Stirs

February 1018, The Slumbering Giant Stirs

March 1018, The Slumbering Giant Stirs

April 1018, The Slumbering Giant Stirs

May 1018, The Northern Kingdom

June 1018, The Northern Kingdom