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The Holy Kingdom of Sorraine was created from Sartan's flames.

Its regions stretch from the western badlands to the northern mountain cradle; protecting the serene capital of Ozrat within.

The land is a Theocratic Kingdom ruled by the authority of the Crown and by the divine guidance of those closest to Sartan; all are bound by his Holy Law.

Sorraine represents true strength, honor, and valor as a doctrine of faith, for Sartan blesses those who live in verity. The zealous pilgrim, the honored warrior, the courageous leader, and the valorous hero will forever be welcome.

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There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request
Could not get URL after 3 tries.

Error: no local variable "FullName" has been set.

blank caption

The Holy Seal Of Sorraine

Island Error: no local variable "Island" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "Island" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Capital [[Error: no local variable "Capital" has been set.]]
Largest City Darfix
Government Error: no local variable "Government" has been set."Error: no local variable "Government" has been set." is not in the list (Tyranny, Monarchy, Theocracy, Republic, Democracy, Anarchy) of allowed values for the "Government type is" property.

Duchies Error: no local variable "Duchies" has been set.
Regions 186
Population 615,779
Gold Error: no local variable "Gold" has been set."Error: no local variable "Gold" has been set." is not a number.
Food Error: no local variable "Food" has been set."Error: no local variable "Food" has been set." is not a number.
Nobles Error: no local variable "Nobles" has been set."Error: no local variable "Nobles" has been set." is not a number.
Error: no local variable "RulerTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"RulerName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "GeneralTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"GeneralName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "JudgeTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"JudgeName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "BankerTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"BankerName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
... further results
AboalScein Dubhaine
AbykalLinda Estrall
AdariaEgbert Brennaborg
AkuRyusho Oshu Fujiwara
Al AmarahWilliam
AlebadImrahil Mormont
AlowcaCalla Fate
AmmandoLowry Cameron
AmmersfieldLord Damon (unknown)
An NajafWilbrand
Arak CastleLich King (unknown)
AskileonWassgandr Felsenbach
BerakorVex Konran
BiethRhinehart O’Relaious
BisciyeEnder Fate
Bode BaturaHercules von Lucker
BragaDirk Kalamar
BriarullDonagal Prestongreen
BruckSamuel II
Cave of GuiltGregoire Rundsted
CeltiberiaJames Liverpool
CheslandJack Hart Pryde
ChesneyAntoon Finch
CommonyrGniewomir Rabczynski
Corali Forest
Cramir Woods
CreasurCalberian Arylon
DaishaHilda Utengar
DaldMerewyn Kazan
Danlawer Family/mansion
DarfixError: No contents found at URL
Dark CitadelKane Dragul, Kane
DemyanskRoland Brennaborg
DiverdurGustava Komurov

[[Category:Error: no local variable "Island" has been set.]][[Category:Error: no local variable "Realm" has been set.]]

Shuffling through the documents, you find a map of Sorraine in supreme condition here. You notice the map hasn't been updated for a modest amount of time, hoping full well a new one be published shortly.


The Holy Kingdom of Sorraine was created as a result of a series of secessions in the northern section of Toupellon. At the time, starvation and neglect ran rampant in the northern regions, while religious strife between the Church of Sartan and the Adgharhin Way sowed seeds of mistrust and discontent with the ruling body of Toupellon. Two of the three dukes in the north, His Grace Jatha Cyrith of Ossaet and Caspius Arundel of Ozrat, were avid members of the Sartanian religion and responsible title holders. It was the latter who - after mention of controlled successions - fostered the idea for Sartan's return to power in the form of a newly created Theocratic Kingdom. However, such a thing would be strongly opposed in a Kingdom of heretics and non-believers, forcing Caspius to conceive a plot of secession.

With all due haste, Caspius formulated ideas for his new realm based off the work of his late sister Katerina, while secretly gaining the support of Duke Jatha and High Priestess Selene Octavius. It was important to them that the new realm would have a system of government that was unlike the previous Sartanian realms of the past: the fallen theocracies of Sartania and NeoSartania. Alliances were among the top priorities, along with a careful balance of power between crown and church. With their goals set, Caspius proceeded to form treaties and bargains with realms around the continent, attempting to solidify the success of his plot with the input of other rulers.

On the second day since the plot was conceived, word of the duke's treachery reached King Claude Finsternis and Lord High Justice Galiard Scarlett of Toupellon, earning Caspius a banishment that would do little to prevent his actions. However, King Claude rapidly realized that Toupellon was an idea of the past, a Kingdom without identity nor faith in its cause. As a result, he declared the dissolution of the Toupellonian government, removing the ban placed on Caspius.

Soon thereafter, Her Grace Taylin Indirik of Akanos converted to the Church of Sartan, immediately prompting Caspius to share his plans with her. With an agreement made between them, Caspius seceded his Duchy on the third day, formally creating the Holy Kingdom of Sorraine. Duchess Taylin followed several days after, but an unexpected turn of events prevented Duke Jatha from doing so.

The Combined Government of Crown and Church


- Sartanian King/Queen:

Chosen by Sartan will as the protector of his faith and the guardian of his lands.

- Crown Prince/Princess:

Nominated by the Crown and accepted by the Tribune Ecclesiarch on behalf of the Church, the Crown Prince is heir to the throne - given rightful claim - and expected to uphold the duties of his predecessors. As the Crown Prince is trusted by both Crown and Church, he is also tasked to lead and direct the armies of Sorraine.

- Tribune Ecclesiarch :

Supreme leader of the Church within Sorraine and head of all judicial affairs. The Tribune Ecclesiarch is given the god given right to preserve and enforce the faith, issuing punishment to any who practice heresy, commit crimes, or promote secularism. The position is appointed formally by the crown.

- Lord Overseer :

The Lord Overseer is a meritocratic position. Candidacy and voting is open to all nobles, monthly, making the position the most secular compared to the rest of the government. The Lord Overseer holds significant authority over the lords and of the realm, enforcing resource and economy reforms with the backing of the Crown.


The Holy Kingdom of Sorraine is a theocratic kingdom dedicated to Sartan. It is ruled by the crown holder and the supreme leader of the church within the realm - who reserves all judicial power. Together, all decisions are effectuated with both efficiency and the one true religion in mind.

The crown holder and his council decide on delicate matters directly concerning the realm, its preservation, and its place on the continent. Whereas the Holy Synod is the court tribunal at which members of the faith, including the crown holder, deliberate and issue consequence for any breach of crime, save petty treason, high treason, and the theft or arson of crown possession. This is done through an Ad Hoc basis, meaning that a generally accepted crime or morally wrong decision can be tried without any attempts to avoid a specific definition or prior requisite for said crime. Generally, what warrants a crime is the breach of the warrior's code and its following clauses found here

Accompanying these two congregations is the Council of Fire, the Lords' Assembly, and Sartan's Men at Arms. The Council of Fire is your standard fashioned military council at which the crown, his or her heir, and all military commanders are part of. Orders, tactics, and anything related to war or conflict are discussed within this council. The Lords' Assembly discusses complex food and region maintenance - issues that require action outside one lord's sphere of influence. The Lord Overseer maintains authority over this forum, exercising his power with the backing of the crown. Stemming away from traditional congregations is Sartan's Men at Arms. It was created in an effort to give voice to the knights of the realm, a medium of contact with the Crown, and an open group that could share concerns and questions.


((To be written))