Dwilight/Peoples of Dwilight

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There are a huge amount of lands in Dwilight, and so, there are many people to be found. Here are their cultures and histories. The following are the two main groups of peoples, along with their sub-groups.


Dwili is the collective name for all the native peoples of Dwilight.


This are the native inhabitants of most of High Toprak.


Native inhabitants of the Dongeselands.

Flow Dwili

Original people of the Flow Peninsula


Refers to the former people of the Empire of Springdale, which stretched from Aegir to Springdale Duchy. The lands is now occupied by several realms. The people live in a juxtaposition of rural regions or large cities. They were once proud members of the empire, but now merely live their lives under their new realms.


Those who lived under the former Nifel Kingdom. They are militaristic, cautious, and defend their homelands fiercely. They have long lived in independence.


Natives to most of Northern Occidens.


These are the indigenous people of Northern Occidens that hail from the coastlines.


These people originally inhabited the regions of Valkyrja, Yggdramir, Ygg d'Razhuul and Norrdir . They are tall, have very light hair, blue eyes, long heads and faces, and narrow aquiline noses.


These are the native people of the regions of Duil, Eidulb Outskirts, Eidulb and Ammando.


They occupy the regions in the plains of the far North of Occidens.


Based in the regions of Gelene, Gelene Outskirts and Sabadell.


Living in Aquitain, Zereth, all the way to distant Gaston and Gaston Farms, Jorradith and Forguthrie.


Based in different rival clans, with regular conflicts, they occupy the regions of Shrine of Seeklander, Mountain of Woe, Mountain of Betrayal, Mountain of Remorse, Mountain of Chrysalids, Chrysantalys Mines and Chrysantalys.


Originating from the Madina isle, these peoples colonized the Candiels Peninsula and South Forland.

Madinean Ugykke

Dwellers of the tropical forests of Madina (Realm), their civilization is very primitive, and they live on hunting and gathering. They have brown skin, dark brown eyes, prominent cheek bones, straight black hair, and scant beard. The hair is brown in childhood, but always black in the adult until it turns grey with age. Baldness is almost unknown. The eye is not held so open as in the Easterners. The nose is usually straight and well shaped. Their hands and feet are comparatively small (to the Easterners'). They are exceptionally tall and heavy.

Fissoan Ugykke

Not unlike the Madinean Ugykke, from which they originate, these natives differentiate themselves for their more muscular build, even though usually lighter in weight, and their darker skin. They have a more nomad lifestyle, presumably an adaptation to the less forested reality encountered in the Fissoan lands.

Candiels Ugykke

Similar to the Madinean Ugykke, it's theorized this tribes might have had high inbreeding with the Zuma natives, which would explain some of their differences: they are much shorter in stature, averaging but little more than five feet, possess strongly aquiline noses and their skin has a distinct yellowish cast. Their lifestyle, however, seems very similar to their Madinean brethren.


This are the original inhabitants of most of the Maroccidens and Mesoccidens.

Zuma Coalition

As the name suggest, these peoples are a mix of several origins, who escaped the conquest by the Easterners' realms. They inhabit the lands of the Zuma Coalition, ruled by the Daimons. In general, they are short and stocky, the men rarely more than 5 feet 6 inches tall and the women more delicately built with an average height of about 4 feet 8 inches. Skin color varies from dark to light brown, and the typical Zuma face is broad with a prominent, and often hooked, nose. Eyes are black or brown almond-shaped, and frequently with epicanthic folds at the outer corners. Hair is coarse, black, and straight. Men are endowed with only meager beards, only old ones wearing them, but these are at best thin and wispy.

Maroccidens Woodfolk

Inhabitants of the Marwood, this peoples make up to half of the population, mostly in the unsettled lands.

Maroccidens Townfolk

Living in the plains west of the Marwood, this people have suffered little miscegenation due to their relative isolation.

Mesoccidens Zuma

Largely extinct, the Zuma of Terran are rarely seen.


Heirs of the Echiur Dynasty, these peoples have seen a large immigration of Easterners with the founding of Asylon.

Lurians (Natives)

This are the inhabitants of southern Toprak Minor and northern Forland.




Easterners are those who have immigrated to Dwilight, and the most common area these people came from, as its name implies, is the east. From peasants to nobles, the Easterners come in ships and settle the regions they find.







Lurians (Immigrants)