New Westmoor

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Regional News
16 July 1011

Shrine burned Rumours say that Laicch Abliarsec, Marshal of the Democratic Guard has burnt a shrine of "Church of Humanity" in Commonyr to the ground.

Monsters! Monsters have been seen in the region of Bruck. The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.

Peasant Revolt The people in Commonyr are revolting!

5 July 1011

Sabotage! 12 guards in Oligarch have vanished during the night. The captain of the guard suspects an enemy assassin at work.

Ruler Elected The realm of Sultanate of Asena has elected Viseslav Stublic as its Sultan. He received 38% of the valid votes cast.

Ruler Re-elected The realm of Fontan has reconfirmed Basilius Decimus as its Chancellor. He received 15% of the valid votes cast.

Ruler Re-elected The realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Meristenzio Peristaltico as its Prime Minister. He received 32% of the valid votes cast.

Region Revolts The people of Leibo have revolted and declared independence from Caligus!

4 July 1011

Monsters! Monsters have been seen in the region of Greatbridge. The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.

Takeover succeeded After 5 days, Commonyr has been successfully converted to your realm and the people are now hailing to a new government. Morale in the region drops by 14 points due to the takeover, most likely caused by the brutality associated with the necessary political change.

Priest Activity You are being informed that Absynthe, a priestess of Flow of the Balance, has been seen preaching in Commonyr.

Priest Activity You are being informed that Rowan, a priest of Flow of the Balance, has been seen preaching in Krimml.

Shrine burned Rumours say that Maedros Iltaran, King of Westmoor has burnt a shrine of "Flow of the Balance" in Commonyr to the ground.

Region Revolts The people of Enubec have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!

Prisoner escaped Azerx has vanished from his cell in Westmoor! The guards are being questioned and witnesses searched, but it is likely that he has already left the city.

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Oc Lu Pesh: Caligus vs. Ibladesh Estimated strengths: 520 men vs. 450 men The Army of Ramsus Protectors (Ibladesh), sponsored by Barzelli Sarracenia, Fiduciary of Ibladesh, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Arianne Quintus Ennius. The Caligus Red Gryphons (Caligus), sponsored by Cuthbert Von Ulthuan, Duke of Hamadan, were led into battle by Marshal actron II Burep. The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, were led into battle by Marshal Elisedd Deytheur. Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus is spotted wearing the Brilliant Band of Life.

Attacker Victory!

Looting Activity Someone from our realm looted an outlying village in Commonyr.

3 July 1011

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Oc Lu Pesh: Ibladesh vs. Caligus Estimated strengths: 600 men vs. 760 men The Grand Legion of Sartan (Ibladesh), sponsored by Helena Dacara, Duchess of Ibladesh, were led into battle by Marshal Immanuel Cuvelier. The Caligus Red Gryphons (Caligus), sponsored by Cuthbert Von Ulthuan, Duke of Hamadan, were led into battle by Marshal actron II Burep. The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, were led into battle by Marshal Elisedd Deytheur. Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus is spotted wearing the Brilliant Band of Life.

Defender Victory!

Priest Activity You are being informed that Absynthe, a priestess of Flow of the Balance, has been seen preaching in Commonyr.

Undead! Panic is spreading in Oberndorf after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde. The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.

Skirmish in Commonyr The following units attacked Commonyr:

"Ashforth Strike Infantry" (Brock Ketchum (Lord), Fontan)

Due to the overwhelming odds, however (10950 CS defending forces), the attackers were quickly surrounded and forced to surrender. The attacking units were dissolved, and their commanders taken into custody in Westmoor.

Sabotage! Arica Maldives's guards, in Commonyr, have captured Kross Ishehari, an infiltrator working for Fontan while he was sneaking around the camp of Arica Maldives, Lady General of Westmoor, Countess of Hagley conspicuously, with a poisoned dagger under his cloak.

2 July 1011

Sabotage! Guards in Oligarch reported several attempted attacks during the night.

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Juazeiro: Sultanate of Asena vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 780 men vs. 520 men The Army of Sirion (Sirion), sponsored by Sir Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Webin cIipt. The Iron Wolves of Asena (Sultanate of Asena), sponsored by Vanya Bluelake, Defterdar of Sultanate of Asena, Duchess of Oroya, were led into battle by Marshal Viseslav Stublic. Neliel Mosss (Dame of Parm) is spotted wearing the Old Gauntlets of the Kings.

Defender Victory!

Sabotage! 10 guards in Oligarch have vanished during the night. The captain of the guard suspects an enemy assassin at work.

Sabotage! 9 guards in Oligarch have vanished during the night. The captain of the guard suspects an enemy assassin at work.

Sabotage! 11 guards in Oligarch have vanished during the night. The captain of the guard suspects an enemy assassin at work.

1 July 1011

Royal temporarily absent An assassination attempt on Maedros Iltaran, King of Westmoor has left him seriously wounded. The throne will be empty until he returns.

Skirmish in Commonyr The following units attacked Commonyr:

"Oporto Pioneers" (Azerx ap Gaenvan (Knight of Braga), Fontan)

Due to the overwhelming odds, however (10935 CS defending forces), the attackers were quickly surrounded and forced to surrender. The attacking units were dissolved, and their commanders taken into custody in Westmoor.

Family Investment Antonious Turner, Lord Justice of Westmoor, Count of Bruck has initiated an investment of 220 gold in the region of Bruck. Production soars to 199 %.

 Invasion of Oberndorf 16 July 1011

After several weeks of relative peace and quiet while some talks and negotiations were going under way the Westmoorian Column today marched into Oberndorf to put further pressure on the Fontanese government. To our surprise there were actually more Sirion troops here than there were Fontanese which begs the question what is Sirion’s standing point in this conflict?

Over the last week the nobles of Westmoor have been in discussion about the future of both Fontan and Westmoor with several arguments breaking out as to the future of both realms. We were informed negotiations were started with Fontan but infiltrator attacks have continued and rumours are passing round the kingdom of Westmoor that Fontan is or has in the recent past been trying to drag Sirion into a war against us. Not everyone has agreed with our peaceful attitude towards Fontan with others claiming that it would be better to strengthen our ancient friendship with Perdan. Needless to say negotiations have faltered and we will again continue to put pressure on Fontan.

 Elections 5 July 1011

This morning we received word that there have been several simultaneous elections in the north. Sirion reconfirmed its Prime Minister Meristenzio Peristaltico with a reasonably strong vote of 32%. What does this mean for us? Well its quite uncertain; lately Sirion has been very vague in its dealings with Westmoor but I suppose we can expect a continuation of the same policies, that is a committed war against the Sultanate of Asena with the intention perhaps of recreating Old (or perhaps new) Rancagua in its place.

Sirion has been in a very strong position for the last month but has been rather slow to make use of its assets for instance there are a large number of regions particularly on the outskirts of Sirion which have seen little interference and yet still remain rogue and it’s certainly not for lack of takeover troops as any of us know.

To our west the Sultanate elected a new Sultan Viseslav Stublic who was and is likely still the Marshal and General of the iron wolves with a strong 38% of the vote. Viseslav lead the Asenians in a string of successful victories last week against Sirion and the Obsidian islands but was beaten twice most recently in Juazeiro by Sirion. Viseslav replaces Tenya Vesata and will most likely result in a change of policy however it’s unclear what will happen to our alliance. The Sultanate has had enough problems of its own recently being reduced to six regions and Westmoor has not had the military strength until now to aid Asena however such a move is unlikely as it might bring Sirion to war against us. Talks of one kind or another are likely to begin with our ally.

In Fontan Basilius Decimus was re-elected as prime minister with only 15% of the total vote. This confirms what we already know: that the nobles of Fontan have little support for their leader, it is just a great shame that he was not voted out. While Basilius and his policies remain Westmoor can have no sympathies for Fontan. If you infiltrators out there really want to do good for Fontan then that’s your target.

 Fontan sliced in half 4 July 1011

Commonyr was certainly full of action today as we found and executed the remaining members of the local government who were hiding in a flow of the balance shrine. King Maedros ordered this burned to the ground. My personal unit spent the entire day hunting down and hanging rebels, former militia members and anyone else who looked suspicious. In total I hung about 30 men and a few women today, not an act I’m proud of but something that is necessary if Fontan is to start treating us seriously. My prayers go out to the clergy who were caught up in the burning of the shrine.

Commonyr as you may have guessed from the tone of the article is now, as far as we can expect, under the control of Westmoor. This effectively splits what’s left of the linear realm of Fontan in two. This brings the interesting question of what next is to be done militarily after Commonyr becomes more secure? We can either assault the city of Krimml with siege engines and try to telescope an end to this war or we can attempt to take control of Oberndorf with then a choice of two cities Ashforth or Krimml. The question of course remains will Caligus or Sirion try to interfere?

Infiltrator news

From the number of infiltrators that keep getting caught we might as well open an infiltrator newspaper or perhaps a carnival where they can do tricks and hide from lions and tigers?

Azerx escaped his cell in Westmoor this morning. It is incredible but I have yet to see any prison on this continent that can hold a prisoner for more than a week. In brighter news that rogue Kross Ishehari who attempted to assassinate our General Arica was banished to that hell hole Beluaterra by Lord Justice Antonious Turner. Have fun with the demons and undead Kross and don’t come back or we’ll hang you.

Mysterious looting

Somebody looted a village in Commonyr and failed to report it even though we were forbidden to do any looting. Who was it? Was it you reader? Yes you I’m looking at you… Anyone who knows who it was is encouraged to report it so that we can pat you on the back – er I mean shake our heads disapprovingly.

 The infiltrator question 3 July 1011

The nobles of Westmoor were today in talks over what to do with the Fontanese infiltrators. A large number of criminal attacks were carried out over the last few months by Fontanese infiltrators culminating in the wounding of King Maedros a few days ago. New Westmoor can now announce that the infiltrator Zartos ut Daris is the main suspect in the attack. It is quite likely should he be captured that an execution will be ordered which has brought up a debate over what should be done with the great number of captured infiltrators already in the dungeons. Zartos is an infamous infiltrator and has served time in the dungeons of Sirion according to the Elven Chronicle. He has also been banned from Caligus for his crimes and deported by Sirion but has yet to be captured by the realm of Westmoor.

It seems that Fontan unable to mount an effective military attack is resorting more and more to converting its nobles into undercover agents. Systematically failed attacks were carried out (over the last few days) both on our General Arica and our Duke Gregor both of whom were exceptionally well guarded against such an assault and it comes as no surprise that the assassins failed. There are arguments either way as to what extent punishment should be handed out. To this papers knowledge there has still been no word from Fontan.

Skirmish in Commonyr

Brock Ketchum a Fontanese Noble actually attempted with a small number of men to push the Westmoorian Column out of Commonyr today. Brock lead his unit the Ashforth Strike Infantry on a brave charge into our camp making it somehow through the outer perimeter where he was bombarded with archer fire surrounded and captured in what can only be described as a brave but utterly futile attack on our army.

 Our King wounded! 1 July 1011

It is with grave news that New Westmoor paper announces today that an assassination attempt was carried out on our King Maedros. The king survived the attack but has been seriously wounded taking him off his duties until he is able to recover. Outrage and support was quick to come from all corners of the kingdom with the finger being firmly pointed at Fontan. Marshal Thomas Foxglove was the first to condemn the Fontanese government for what is surely the final straw in a long series of undercover attacks against Westmoor.

“Let this assassination attempt on King Maedros finally prove that Fontan is a realm where there is no longer any honour, at least under its current leadership…”

Noble Nideus Kain commented that Fontan had in this action signed its own death wish. Whatever the truth of the matter, this could not have happened at a worse time for diplomatic relations and will surely have grave consequences for Fontan which is clearly not in a position to defend itself militarily. It will now likely be nigh impossible for the Westmoorian government not to justify serious counter measures against a realm that not so long ago used to be considered our ally.


