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United D'Hara Kingdom of the Dragon, the Lion and the Sun

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Our Dragons, Our Hearts!

Island Dwilight
Capital Port Raviel
Largest City Golden Farrow
Government Monarchy

Duchies 4
Regions 15
Population 315,379
Gold 15036
Food 3834
Nobles 28
Dragon King Pawl Paxwax
Lord General Ulfang Mormont
Royal Confessor Zayfrax Plaraveen
Lord Treasurer Roland Brennaborg
CeltiberiaJames Liverpool
CheslandJack Hart Pryde
ChesneyAntoon Finch
DemyanskRoland Brennaborg
FarrowfieldCedric Highvale
Golden FarrowZayfrax Plaraveen
GretchewDrecan Knight
LarurNerida Everlight
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PaislandHarman Prestongreen
PaislyUlfang Mormont
Port NebelKite Drakhen
Port RavielPawl Paxwax
RavielDrizztle Sharpspeare
VashgewCotys D'Anglos


Located on the Tomb Islands in the Middle Sea of Dwilight, it has 3 cities, 3 townslands, 1 rural region and 1 fortress. All but a few shipping lanes pass through D'Hara.


D’Hara is a realm that seceded from the realm of Shadovar and then waged a reunification war against Shadovar to reunite the isle under new leadership. It has experience one rebellion and has launched one crusade east. Many of its nobles have international ties which benefit the realms precarious and central position.


By declaration of the Dragon King Cenarious Stormrage, D'Hara remains a bastion of religious freedom. The major and indigenous faith of D'Hara is known locally as The Way of the Dragons. The realm also contains a significant population of adherents to Astromancy. Previously, Verdis Elementum had begun a mission in the realm.

Although religious diversity is royally-supported, the effect of religion on the culture of D'Hara is limited. Instead, the related concepts of honor, courage and loyalty are most venerated. Religion, to the extent that it also supports such virtues, is a complimentary feature of D'Haran life.


There are three armies in D'Hara, the First File, the Guardians of the Rising Sun and the Black Lions. The men and women of the First File are the main combative force of the Kingdom. The Guardians of the Rising Sun are responsible for home defense, particularly from rogue incursions into Qubel Lighthouse. The Black Lions are the personal armed force of the Dragon King - they are tasked with his personal defense and are considered elite by many in the Kingdom.


  • The first census was taken by Bowie Ironsides in the Autumn of 7 YD. It may be sought in the Book of D'Hara.

The Tomb Islands, also referred to locally as the Dragon Isles, have served as commercial crossing lanes for people all over Dwilight for generations. It is a central location and thus has experienced many distinct groups.

With the formation of D'Hara, the two islands comprising the majority of D'Haran territory are united under the cultural blanket provided by the monarchy. In recent history, D'Hara attempted to extend its control to include the Sallowsitte Cape. This military endeavor was ultimately unsuccessful and led to a temporary weakening of the nation's military and financial strength. Though the unorganized collection of villages and hamlets which comprise Sallowsian development remain politically separate and independent from D'Hara, trading and geographic proximity to D'Hara keep the two regions culturally similar.

In Autumn and Winter of 8YD, renewed fighting between D'Hara and Madina resulted in Paisly being returned to D'Hara's control, and Paisland also becoming a part of D'Haran territory. Although these regions are distinct from the rest of D'Hara in that they are part of a mainland continent, the traditions of D'Hara have traveled with its ocean-bound people, mixing with Madinan culture and other local mannerisms. As a result, Paisly and Paisland are an interesting confluence of cultural traditions and beliefs that would otherwise not be seen together due to the longevity of hostilities between the neighboring nations.


In D'Hara, there was founded a guild with the purpose of spreading wealth and trade across Dwilight. It is known as the Oceanic Trading Company.

The two Port cities on the islands are a pair of the richest in Dwilight, save for Darfix and perhaps a few others.

Law System

Official Laws of D'Hara give structure to obligations and responsibilities of D'Haran nobles.


Honor is an important part of D'Haran nobility and thus the Oaths of D'Hara are a serious matter. They are generally recorded after having been made publicly.