
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 23:53, 20 March 2009 by Indirik (talk | contribs)

Please consider using Template:Infobox RegionData instead, which automatically fetches the relevant and always-correct data from the game engine itself. Use this template for historical pages where the region data is no longer available (e.g. the sunk south islands).

To convert, use the "image" property - the first number is the world-id, the second the region-id.

Region Details
Continent Beluaterra
Region Type Rural
Geographic Area South Plains
Population 4200
Realm Enweil


Scattered villages throughout vast fields of wheat, corn and barley are main trait of the rural region of Tsamn. Popular "Iceky" ale is produced here as well as in neighbouring Shifgrethor. Brimful trading caravans make daily shipments to Ete City. Southeastern part of Tsamn is covered in a thick yew forest known locally by the name of Stribor. Packed with wild boar, Stribor has been a famous hunting ground to generations of Ete City dukes and other nobility.

A second advantage of the region, however, is not wood, but stone. Busy quarries are a familiar sight here. Rocky coast is where many a stonemason makes his living. Tsamn stone is rather sought for in large cities all across Beluaterra.


Flora and Fauna
