Ironsides Family

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• Family Mansion in poor rural province of Dulbin, Fontan, East Continent.

Family History:

The Ironsides family are impoverished nobles from Dulbin. The legacy of the Ironsides is proud and legendary, but the state of the blood has thinned, and the remaining members of the family became obscure. Jagur, the previous patriarch, had wantonly practiced polygamy, and produced many bastard children, presumably an uncountable amount because he was with so many new women, and travelled East Continent extensively. He died of typhoid. His brother Soren, a tamer, gentler man, became the Patriarch of the Ironsides after Jagur’s death.

Soren worked his farm hard and was able to build a successful apiary on the family land. From the production of honey, he was able to rebuild a small fortune and give his nephews the opportunity to live truly noble lives. These young men now serve in various realms on different continents.

Ironsides Brothers:

Armstrong, the oldest by a few months, is set to be patriarch once Soren passes, and so remained on the East Continent. He was ennobled at a time of terrible wars on Fontan, facing five powerful enemies bent on its destruction. One of those enemies was the seditious Duke of Fontan itself! (The tyrant of the Confederacy of Fontan) He was a Knight of Ashforth, under Duke Duncan, and now serves Duke Niles as a knight of Karbala. Armstrong commands the fierce and strong Roughnecks and once marched with the Lions Army. Now he marches with the Fontan Rangers.

Bowie, an intellectual and adventurer, travelled to make his fortune among the pioneering Dwilish. He serves the Grand Duchy of Fissoa as a knight of Drowenton. Bowie commanded the Iron Toughs during a campaign against the Monster Scourge, this brave troop made their name during these battles. He became a legend when the story of the Iron Toughs final battle spread through the land. The Legend of the Three Knights of Iron, or the Legend of the Iron Toughs, as it is known, set his name in the history of the Fissoan military.

Hades, the youngest, serves in Falasan. He commands the Fireball, an infantry unit. He is a knight of Menedor, a member of the Spirit of Falasan guild and a faithful of the Way of the Warrior Saints. His persistence and inquiry has led to the discovery of two lost warrior saints, Saint Maggus and the Imperceptible Saint. Knowledge of the Imperceptible Saint was shared with Hades during his stay with the monks of the Order, commonly, and pejoratively, known as the Cult of Occultation.