Dwilight Daily

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Revision as of 16:16, 10 December 2007 by Indirik (talk | contribs) (Rotating the months...)
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Madina Update December 30, 2007
The original idea of Madina being a pirate realm has been debated a lot and we thought about the fact that pirate realm's are not appreciated in Battlemaster by Tom. So the pirate concept will be changed a bit having the ruling and RP style of the Dutch/British East India Company but with a sailor/pirate flavor. We are waiting for Tom's opinion on our new concept. Since he is away at the moment that is going to take some time, lets hope this is allowed...HARRR!!! For now, the Madina creators wish you all a good new year and watch the fire works ^_^
Comment on this story. by Laurens.schreuders 
Morek Update December 27, 2007
Morek Has just been updated with more information, such as its basis and roleplay tidbits.
Comment on this story. by Deverka "The Cloudly" 
YADRC (Yet Another Dwilight Realm Concept) December 21, 2007
Bannable has started his own project to set forth a new concept for a realm he would like to try on Dwilight. Let's just call this project Dwilight: 1984, complete with the Thought Police.
Comment on this story. by Indirik 
Schedules December 20, 2007
As people can see on The TattleMaster, both war islands are going away to make place for Dwilight, which appears will come out "early next year". While rather vague, it seems early enough to warrant people of the SWI to wait it out in no-war mode, so by all appearences it'll be out in january. So if you've got some preparatory RPs to do before Dwilight, it might be time to start having a go at them!
Comment on this story. by Chénier 
More More Realm Ideas December 14, 2007
I noticed a day or two ago another proposed realm idea that someone is looking to start on Dwilight: Andrastaland. (Working title only...) This particular idea is for not just one realm, but a possible grouping of small barbarian-style realms. As the designer states:

...Andrastaland would have no fixed loyalties, and no true allies. In fact, if possible, I'd like to see a few 'tribes' secede from the original land, so the barbarians can fight amongst themselves when there are no foreign wars to fight. If a foreign enemy threatens their lands or culture, the tribes would cease fighting amongst themselves and go after their common enemy...

– Andrasta

Sounds like an interesting concept.
Comment on this story. by Indirik 
More Realm Ideas December 10, 2007
First, the Springdale page has been updated with some new information. Mostly some flavor/background information. Second, a couple players have come up with some rather interesting concepts for realms they want to try out on Dwilight. The first of these, and probably the most complete so far, is Chénier's The Blood Cult. The Blood Cult is based on the South American Aztec culture. You can read more about it here. (If this looks a little familiar, it's because he tried to start it on Beluaterra, but was not able to get it established, and it collapsed.) The second interesting project is Ceorl's Samurai realm, named Meiyo. This is a realm based on the Japanese Samurai culture.
Comment on this story. by Indirik 
Realm Designs November 2, 2007
As the initial four realms are developing their RP background, their structure, and the like, I have renewed an old idea of mine, and with the help of a very active IRC channel, we have attempted to design a perfect realm: our Dwilight Project. An aztec-inspired realm based on originality, depth, and fun. For this concept to work, a minimum of three but preferred five small realms would be needed, so all those who have comments or want to join in on the idea can just pitch in, players and characters of all types are wanted.
Comment on this story. by Chénier 
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