Wetham (Realm)

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Revision as of 06:54, 6 October 2007 by Kureshtin (talk | contribs) (poetry added)


Wetham is a smaller realm located in the Northwest coast of the Colonies. But fret not over our size, we always welcome a noble who is dedicated to both King and country.

City of Wetham, population 6700, Duke Tomas, appointed as of 2007-03-13.
Townsland of Asker, population 6800, Marquesse Vidara, as of 2007-07.
Rural Region of Lavraz, population 7900, Count belkin, as of 2007-07.
Rural Region of Hulaferd, population 5600, Count Hemming, as of 2007-09.
Badlands of Frundi, population 1600, Baron Wasylis, as of 2007-08.
Total Food Production: 666 bushels

The War with the Assassins

The woodland of South Bakker has long been a claim of Wetham, though occupied by the Assassins. Because of this, a state of war has existed between the two states for many years.

After several more battles in South Bakker, the war is still in a dead-lock. It's a battle of attrition as the Assassins are dug in well in South Bakker, and their recruitment centers are closer. While Wetham has the upper hand in numbers and gold, their supply lines are stretched thin.

The Battle of South Bakker's Wall

The battle on the fourteenth of January in 1007, was a massive affair, with most of both sides involved in the battle. However, with the palisade to defend from, the Assassins were able to gain an advantage, then scatter the Wetham army. Of note, the general of the army, Sir Atticus, was seriously wounded in the battle.

Wounded in Battle:

  • Tess Salamat
  • Vidara Asgard
  • DeForest McGowan, former Count of Lavraz
  • Constantine Highland, Count of Lavraz
  • Tomas O'claude Ve, Count of Hulaferd
  • Sir Atticus DragonBreath, General of Wetham, former King of Wetham

The Battle of South Bakker's Wall, Verse 2

On March 10, 1007 Wetham forces attacked South Bakker again. History repeated itself, with the palisade in the region providing ample defense for the Assassin scum. The other factor tilting the balance to the Assassins favor was their large amount of militia. It seems the people of South Bakker exist solely to feed the mouths of all those brutes, who step on their lives and freedom every day. Of note, Lady Kureshtal was captured during the battle. With a slight nod of respect to Lord Innocent, she was released unharmed several days later.

Wounded in Battle:

  • Hermistophus

The South Bakker Conflict

In brief: another attack against South Bakker on 05/04/1007. Another loss due to absence of a few nobles, reinforcements from the Assassins, and a missing Marshal Boswick.

Attack prompted by an Assassin rebellion instigated by their Judge, Lord Innocent.

Wounded in Battle:

  • Lord Timarvay
  • Killian

The Assassin Offensive

On 08/23/1007 a major offensive was launched against the Assassins from Hulaferd. Months of preparation had gone into the attack and the valiant nobles of Wetham were ready. Amazingly, though the numbers were almost even after the Assassins had time to prepare thanks to the acts of the traitor Timarvay, Wetham won. In part due to the Assassins large militia force leaving the walls behind, Wetham was victorious. A take over was started in South Bakker and the offensive continues.

Assassins Offensive Battles

Brief History of the Different Leaders

(Taken from the Old Library)

The General:

The Original General, Cpt. Pot, was doing well. But then, for seemingly no reason, went into a coma. (He autopaused, assumed accident or a computer failure IRL....something went wrong, he isnt in BM anymore, nor is he on AIM or anything else)

Sir Atticus took over for many months.

Then most recently Lord Chault of Hulaferd was given the position when Sir Atticus became King of Wetham. He took a step back from the conflict to increase the discipline and size of the Asker Army. Soon the battle will rage again.

The Judge:

The Original Judge, who was able to lay down a simplistic rule layer, was also Duke of the City. When someone else who could be Judge came, Alex stepped down, because he was Duke, and that was plenty for him to do.

(The current Judge of Wetham is Drake.)

It was Drake. Now Wetham has moved on, and elected a promising young immigrant from Rancagua on the East Island, as Arch Priest with power over life and limb.

Arch Priest Wolfgang judged well. He was chosen as the new King after Sir Atticus fell ill.

Sir Boswick was deemed the most suitable to become the next Arch Priest. He approach to the position was the same as it always was, straight-forward and bloody. Many now shake in fear at his name.

The Banker:

Pepe was the original Banker of Wetham. He did paid work, lost his prestige, then got wounded by an assassin. He could not become Banker again.

The second Banker was Cpt. Pot, who went into a coma and still has not woken up yet.

Then as Banker of Wetham came von Mellenthin. The position has changed hands to a new person once again.

The current Banker is Lady Kureshtal. Her proper title is: Royal Treasurer of Wetham. As pretty as the gold she mints and distributes, she is an asset to the realm.

Wetham Families

This is where the families of Wetham can provide a quick link to their family history, if they have one, or they can write a little bit about their family on these pages.

As of the 08/25/1007 census, we have 30 noble members in the Kingdom. Let us keep growing, both in faith and in power. Long live the King!

The loyal Nobles are:

Sir Atticus
Sir Boswick
Sir Chault
El'rinal Veanne'aedin
Hemming Namtrah
Lady Kureshtal
Lorebass McBlathery
Percy Namtrah

Families formerly of Wetham



Battle March

"Hark now the drums beat up again
For all true soldier gentlemen
So let us list and march I say
And go over the hills and far away

Over the hills, and o'er the main
To Hulaferd and Assasin lands,
King Wolfgang commands and we'll obey
And go over the hills and far away

There's twenty shillings on the drum
For him that with us freely comes
'Tis volunteers shall win the day
Over the hills and far away

Come gentlemen that have a mind
To serve a queen that's good and kind
Come list and enter in to pay
And go over the hills and far away

And we shall live more happy lives
Free of squalling brats and wives
Who nag and vex us every day
So its over the hills and far away

Prentice Tom may well refuse
To wipe his angry master's shoes
For now he's free to run and play
Over the hills and far away

No more from sound of drum retreat
When Chault and good men beat
The Assasins and Tilog every day
Over the hills and far away"

Hero of Wetham

Hitran stared uncomprehendingly at the report. Chault? His...his lord; no, not any more, but he had been for a long time. It was Lord Hemming now his liege, but as an old knight, his loyalty had lain more with the General that with his new Lord.

And now...at his home, with his archers in this god-forsaken Assassin land, trying to take back the land that Chault had fought so brilliantly for, and now...and now the pride of Wetham lay dead upon his home fields at the end of an Outer Tilog sword.

There were tears in his eyes as he tore the paper apart. "Enough!" he shouted to the heavens. "Scribe! To me, now. Take this down as I say it, and deliver it to our forces at Wetham.

"'To arms!' the call is heard no more,
The caller of great Wetham through that door,
That no voice can pass. We pick up the call,
And know that no true knight would have the gall,
To shout it down.

From Calis, a son of Caglia born,
To Wetham came, and to Sasuke sworn.
He rode out brave and brash to wave the flag,
And lead the charge, and never let it drag,
The Wetham flag.

A just reward, this hero's service earned,
Hulaferd's Count, and no man was concerned,
For in his hands, the strawberries were safe,
From honored knight, to poorest, lonely waif,
He cared for all.

But more his country asked of him to do,
And so the General he was. He drew
The plans, and readied all the men to fight
The dark Assassins, led us into night,
With torch held high.

The archers pulled the villians from their wall,
And on the fields, his sword did raise and fall,
Ten thousand times, for all our swords were his,
The Assassins crushed, South Bakker was and is,
Wetham's once more.

The pride of Wetham, one with all respect,
In honors from his head to toe bedecked,
The champion of knights, and men's hero,
Now has but one path for his soul to go,
To paradise.

For in his lands, his own strawberry fields,
'Gainst monsters and Tilogians he would not yield,
Though wounded he fought on, until his blood,
Ran out. His final act to save from mud,
The Wetham flag.

So all ye men come gather one and all,
And prove that hero Chault did never fall,
In vain. I wave this banner, gather, arm,
And fight. For though his body fell to harm,
His gift remains."

With faltering voice, Hitran fell silent, and waved the scribe away. Moving to his cot, he kicked his helmet aside and say, tearm streaming over his cheeks.

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Location of Wetham
Continent / Island Colonies
Capital Wetham
Largest City Wetham
Government System

High Marshal
Arch Priest
Royal Treasurer


Sir Chault
Sir Boswick
Lady Kureshtal

Region Numbers 5
Population ca. 28,597 (Rank 6th)