Habap Family

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Started in late July of 2006, the Habap family currently has three active members:

Character (age)ContinentRealmClassHonorPrestige
Linker (28)East ContinentSirionSoldier2913
Dabug (19)AtamaraRedSpanSoldier236
Lynsey (19)South-EastTaselakSoldier4720


Lynsey Habap is an archery troop leader in Taselak.


Linker Habap currently commands The Silver Arms, which has spent much of it's time policing Oberndorf and Oligarch for Sirion. He has fought in two major battle against Perdan, losing his entire unit and being seriously wounded in the first and losing most of his unit in the second. The Silver Arms was reduced to 2 men, but they have added another 13 as they rebuild in Sirion. It may be a while before they return to the front lines, but they will provide great weight when they do. Having heard rumors of monsters in Sermbar, they moved in and helped defeat the monsters. Linker lead the Arms back to Sirion to recruit more members before returning to the war, but stopped to fight some monsters. They travelled to Stora to fight against Avamar Selective and Kalmar Islands alongside their ally, Old Rancagua, but they arrived so late that they only fought in a few slaughters that merited Linker nothing.

Linker has great uncertainty about the slave-trader Adrian. One the one hand, Linker finds the idea of enslaving other people reprehensible, but on the other realizes Adrian has done nothing to break the law.

Linker attempted to show off at his first tournament, but with his skill levels with sword and lance both around 15%, no one was impressed. He did manage to win his first round in both events, though. His leadership is estimated at 15%.


Dabug Habap fought in a pair of battles for RedSpan before deciding that perhaps being a Trader would be a wiser choice. After trying that for awhile, he tried being a Beer-o-crat. That was highly amusing and he felt he was good at it. Now, he has returned to the Army as the clouds of war loom on the horizon.

With so little money in the coffers of RedSpan and much confusion in its military, he figured trading sure couldn't be worse than the Army. His small escort, also named the Latvian Arms consisted of a dozen archers. He established a trade route between Stargard and Wayburg/Suville and expected it would keep him busy and amused for a while. He worked with Duchess Callisto Maximoff of Suville, Royal Treasurer of Abington, to coordinate his trading. With the sudden and unexpected retirement of King Manaydur and Treasurer Sir Eilt, RedSpan was in flux. After discussions with new King Tony and others, Dabug had high hopes. The new Treasurer, Namur, has helped Dabug considerably, allowing him to expand to three caravans and trade with many nearly starving Abingdon provinces.

When RedSpan regained Sullenport, he became a Beer-o-crat and helped re-integrate the city into the realm. With RedSpan reconfigured and healthy, he rejoined the Army just in time to hear the horns of war being blown by the mercenary realm, Darka.

He now contributes to the RedSpan Revealer. His trading skill is estimated at 20%.