Indirik Family/Balkeese

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The Beginning

The Lady Balkeese is a young soldier who left the family home in Montauban on February 21, 2006. Balkeese recruited a small unit of infantry and headed for Partora, the capital of Perdan, following her younger borther in search of fame and glory. Balkeese is currently serving the Army of Perdan, as a noble soldier in the Perdan Crimson Wing, leading the infantry unit known throughout the land as Scarlet Banner.

The Southern Wars

The Sacking of Ibladesh

Following her induction into the PCW, Balkeese has participated in several assaults on the city of Ibladesh, the capital of Ibladesh. The assaults met with great success, and city of Ibladesh was extensively looted. The most resounding success led to the looting of the city for a full three straight days!

The Oligarch Expedition

Returning to Partora, Balkeese refitted her unit, repairing the damage and paying her men. The next campaign led the Scarlet Banner off to Westmoor to support Oligarch in their defense against the attacking forces of Fontan and Sirion. After several moderate victories, the expedition met with extreme resistance from the Fontanese and Sirionite forces in Bruck and was forced to retreat.

The Southern Front

The gold from the sacking of Ibladesh still filling her purse, Balkeese was able to easily refit and recruit additional troops into her unit. The next campaign was an expedition into the Itorunt regions of Az Zarqua and Zawr. After several more bloody battles, both sides retreated to refit and recruit more troops. While refitting her unit, Balkeese took a couple weeks off to visit the mountains with her family for a well deserved vacation.

Back to the Southern Front

Returning from vacation, Balkeese again headed south to do battle with the forces of Itorunt and Ibladesh. She took aprt in a successful campaign to take control of Zawr and attack Al Arab. After the assault on Al Arab, Balkeese was recalled back home to face an imminent invasion on the northern borders of Perdan. At this time she was also transferred from the Perdan Crimson Wing to Perdan's Ghost Riders.

The Invasion of Perdan

The Invasion Begins

After adding a few additional recruits to her forces, Balkeese headed for Perdan city in anticipation of an invasion by the forces of Fontan and Sirion. She did not have long to wait. Soon after arriving in Perdan city she was immediately sent out to defend the walls of Bescanon from the invaders. The attackers were too numerous and the defenders were driven back. Balkeese continues to serve on the front lines, defending Perdan from the invaders. She was recently wounded in a battle to defend Mulhouse from a large group of trolls that came down from the Eldoret Range for some pillaging.

Marshal Blakeese

During the invasion of Perdan, Balkeese long and faithful service to Perdan was recognized by none other than Lord Screndt, Duke of Aix. Since Balkeese's liege lord Lord Aram, Count of Montauban, she is a member of the Duchy of Aix, ruled by Lord Screndt, the Duke of Aix. Duke Screndt approached Lady Balkeese and asked her if she would accept an appointment as the Marshal of the Army of Aix. Lady Balkeese accepted the honor, and is now the Marshal of the Army of Aix.