Osha Family/Revan

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Revision as of 03:14, 8 December 2006 by Revan (talk | contribs)

The third youngest of the Osha family, Revan began his career far away from home in Caligus on the East Continent. Revan only spent a short time on the East Island before getting so homesick that he simply had to return to Giblot.

In his time in Giblot Revan became a very successful zombie hunter. Hunting undead was probably one of his favourite pastimes aside from headball. Towards the end of Revan's life, he and his unit were colourfully known as the Scourge of Undead. Headball was Revan's true passion however and headball's early success is largely attributed to his influence. Revan's preferred Head was that of an Outer Tilogian and apparently Revan refused to play with non-Tilogian heads on more than one occasion.

Revan did not spend long back in the Colonies before eventually, he was killed during Giblot's first attempt to assimilate Steepglades into Giblot. Or at least, thats what everybody thought. No body was found to prove otherwise however. Despite this, not long later a statue of Revan holding a real life Outer Tilogian head was erected in Revan's home region of Koolaris to honour his bravery. The Outer Tilogian head has since been replaced roughly every fortnight or whenever the maggots begin to crawl. However Revan's story does not end there.

In the aftermath of Revans 'death', tales began to be whispered that the editor of the Gazette was Revan and that he never died. The editor of the Gazette did appear to bare many of Revan's traits but there were so very few people alive who had seen him that it was never confirmed. Another theory that flew around was that Revan's spirit had posessed the news editors body to complete some sort of unfinished business. In the end though it turned out that the first tale was correct, as after several years of being 'dead' Revan finally returned to Giblot!

Giblot had been waiting for Revan's return it seemed, for his ascendancy through the ranks was quick. It was not long before Revan had become Marshal of the Army of Giblot, and not long after that he also became the Count of Helsera - after arguing that an Osha should once again rule in Helsera. As all this went on, it became clear that a rot had taken hold in Giblot and Revan eventually got so sick of the rot and the weakness of Giblot that he soon surrendered his region to Outer Tilog. As a further blow to Giblot, Revan subsequently spent around 500 gold on infastructure projects in Helsera to further support Outer Tilog.

Although many in Giblot would argue that Revan had committed treacherous acts, Revan hoped that his actions would finally make Giblot come to it's senses and throw off it's shackles of weakness. These hopes are apparently yet to be realised however. Still, all was not lost. Life in Outer Tilog was certainly interesting for Revan, if a little bemusing. Though it didn't prevent the sense of apathy that had long been growing in him, thus barely a month after joing Outer Tilog, Revan took a boat out to Beluaterra.

Just two days into his stay in Beluaterra, Revan found himself becoming the new High Marshal of the Kingdom of Alluran. A surprising turn of events considering the mayhem Revan caused on the previous night after trying out a wide array of Beluaterran wines and ale...