The TattleMaster/Archives/Issue 17

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This is an archived issue of The TattleMaster.
Issue 16 Issue 17 Issue 18
Coming Soon: New Priest/Adventurer Travel FunctionalityDecember 22, 2009
The mechanics of priest/adventurer movement over long distance sea routes will soon be changing. The change has been committed to the Testing server codebase, and will probably go active on testing islands with the next server update (whenever that happens...). The new change will prevent the annoying "You failed to find a boat" message and the resulting lost hours. In return, long-distance (>16 hour) sea travel will no longer be instantaneous. It will instead work like this:
  • If you have less than 16 hours in your time pool, you will be told to wait until you do have the full 16 hours.
  • If you do have a full time pool, then all of the character's hours will be used immediately, and the character will be listed as "traveling".
  • While the character status is "traveling", most character actions will be unavailable, as with normal characters.
  • The amount of time left to arrival will decrease at the rate of one hour per real-time hour.
  • Once the time left is 1 hour, the character will arrive at the next turn change.
Servers UpdatedDecember 1, 2009
Tom has updated the servers once again. The latest changes include all changes up through Rev 4292. This includes quite a few bug fixes, as well as the New Treaty System Preview described in a previous article.
BattleMaster Facebook ApplicationNovember 16, 2009
If you have a Facebook account, you can now brag about your BattleMaster family on your Facebook page! If you want to show your support, then head over to and add the BattleMaster application. Instructions are included on the application page.
New Treaty System PreviewNovember 16, 2009
The dev team is moving ahead with implementation of the Enhanced Diplomacy system. In a soon-to-be-published update to the servers, players will begin to receive messages, when appropriate, of the effect the new system would have on their actions. If you move into a realm with which which your realm does not have a Passage Rights treaty, you may receive a warning that you may have been captured if the new treaty system was active. Additional notifications may occur during trading actions, while sending caravans, and when using facilities in allied realms. These warnings will have no game-play effects at this time. They are meant as a way to increase the players' knowledge of the effects of the system, and how it will impact their actions. Players should take advantage of this time to familiarize themselves with these treaties, their effects, and the changes they will have to implement to work with them in the future. While there is currently no schedule as to when the enhanced diplomacy will go active, it will eventually replace the current diplomacy system.
Servers Updated AgainOctober 6, 2009
Tom has uploaded another set of bug fixes and changes to the live servers. The following new features are available on testing islands:
  • Huge Battle Reports will now include the names of the participating armies, as well as the names of the army sponsor, and the name of the Marshal/Vice Marshal that took command.
  • Region lords have a new setting for automatic transfers: "needed to next harvest". This will allow the game to calculate the food needed by the region to feed it until the next harvest, and then send all excess to the next specified region. This should greatly simplify food management for lords, especially on islands with seasons (Dwilight and the Far East).
In addition, all recent bug fixes have been uploaded to the stable islands.
December 9, 2009
When a lord changes allegiance of his region to a different realm, he can no longer immediately assign himself to an army.
December 9, 2009
When a lord changes allegiance of his region to a different realm, any of his knights that are banned from the new realm will remain in the old realm, and become imperial knights.
December 9, 2009
The number days until the next harvest has been corrected for non-season islands.
December 9, 2009
The region ID of a realm's capital city has been added to the external data feed.
December 2, 2009
A Priest performing a religious takeover that costs gold will no longer cause everyone on the island to pay the cost.
December 2, 2009
Bug 5407 "Refuse" check boxes for council position will no longer be accessible to infiltrators, since all infiltrators automatically refuse all council positions.
December 1, 2009
On testing islands, it is now possible to trade directly with the warehouse, without the need for a specific buy/sell order. Lords can set the threshold and price for such automated trading.
December 1, 2009
X and Y grid coordinates for regions have been added to the external data feed.
November 25, 2009
Bug 5361 Family name will no longer be included on messages sent by adventurers.
November 23, 2009
Bug 5256 Extra line breaks when using rich text editor is fixed.
November 23, 2009
Bug 5399 Some gold from ruined temple treasuries is given to the local tax coffers when the temple is closed.
November 20, 2009
Bug 5238 Rebels kicked from the realm by the judge following a failed rebellion should now actually be removed from the realm.
November 20, 2009
Bug 5338 Failed looting should not use all the hours allocated for successful looting.
November 20, 2009
Rulers on testing islands will be able to give good and bad marks to imperial knights, assign imperial knights to armies, and give good and bad marks to dukes and imperial lords.
November 20, 2009
Bug 5244 Nobles who can run in a referendum election but not vote, will no longer receive a notice of a candidate's withdraw from the election.
November 20, 2009
Bug 5389 Fixed a bug that restricted selling of food only in amounts equal to free caravan space.
November 20, 2009
Bug 5345 Religious takeovers of a region that is already part of your realm will no longer produce redundant "Region Lost"/"Region Gained" messages.
November 20, 2009
Bug 5392 The "Noble Captured" message will no longer appear when adventurers are captured.
November 16, 2009
Ruined temples will collapse when the next monthly temple maintenance fee is due.
November 16, 2009
The noble holding a tournament will now be able to receive messages from the tournament as well as being able to send them.
November 16, 2009
Bug 5397 Forceful religious takeovers will now properly deduct the gold cost from the priest.
October 20, 2009
Feature Request Implemented - The following feature request has been implemented on testing islands: Add Army and Sponsor Names to Battle Reports. Army, sponsor, and Marshal names are now shown in battle and huge battle reports on testing islands.
October 20, 2009
Feature Request Approved - Tom has approved the following feature request to be added to the game: Leaving Religion With Debt. When implemented, a noble will be able to leave a religion without having to pay off their debt. This will, however, incur a significant honor penalty.
October 20, 2009
Feature Request Approved - Tom has approved the following feature request to be added to the game: No New Realm Restrictions for Secessions. When implemented, this will remove various time-in-realm based restrictions for nobles in realms that have recently been formed via secession.
October 7, 2009
Trade offers with no owner should be able to be canceled by the region lord.
October 7, 2009
The position of "Second in Command" has been renamed to "Vice Marshal".
October 5, 2009
Bug 5336 You now need 4 hours in your time poll to build a recruiting center, instead of 3.
October 5, 2009
Bug 5335 Special characters in council titles should no longer prevent appointments.

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