Sanguine Times/Issue 2

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Sanguine Times.JPG

Volume I, Issue 2
Theocratic News
With few nobles and wide-spread territory,
the realm is struggling to maintain stability
over its regions.
War with Everguard continues. Proves profitable
with much gain in territory to Astrum.
Down to one region. Many nobles abandon to join
Morek and Thulsoma. (See main article)
Acquisition of Fatexna is "at a moment's notice"
Church of the Scarlet Trinity
established as a moderate SA interpretation
The expansion comes to a halt when Corsanctum
settlers reach the border with Morekian claims.
Contains one region. Recently founded. Prospects
and claims remain unknown to Times correspondents.
If any lords have enough knights, please send the
spare nobles to Morek! Several regions are
currently with 1 knight or fewer

New Theocracy: Thulsoma

The new realm of Thulsoma is founded by the remnants of the once powerful Virovene in the small city of Storms Keep. The origin and purpose are still unknown. Thulsoma is a rare variety of a weed. Sir Glaumring, former Justiciar of Virovene has proclamed himself King of this new theocracy.

Virovene Falling apart!

After duels and assassinations, the high throne of Virovene falls to Kaiser Kole. The lords of the regions of Virovene change their allegiance to Morek. During this time, the Justiciar of Virovene, Glaumring, begins to teach of a new way of Sanguis Astroism. In this new teaching, the 13-pointed, Maddening star is dominant over others. In an effort to spread this new teaching, Glaumring created the realm of Thulsoma. The Magesterium is currently commencing a trial of Glaumring who is charged with heresy.

Followers Outside of Theocracies

Most of the Sanguis Astroism followers are from the theocracies of Sanguis Astroism, but there are a few from other lands. Based on my research there are a total of 16 followers outside of the theocracies.

Caerwyn - 1, D'Hara - 4, Everguard - 1, Pian en Luries - 1, Raivan Empire - 3, Summerdale - 1, Terran - 5

10 of these non-theocratic followers hold high positions in their respective governments.

An interesting statistic if you think about it. If we could only establish a firm hold over these believers then perhaps we can spread the teachings even further within these realms. Also, please note that there are NONE from Madina, Grand Duchy of Fissoa, Myern, and Ordenstaat.

Star Phases

Austere Star, Dark.GIF Austere Dark

Auspicious Star, Bright.GIF Auspicious Bright

Maddening Star, Waning.JPG Maddening Waning Superior

Scriptural Writing of the Week

The Stars rest above us. They change in their Aspect, and yet they remain fixed and constant in their place. -Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Holy Prophet

(An excerpt from a sermon in Donghaiwei.)