D'Anglos Family

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The D'Anglos Family

Abington sheild2.png

Its would be hard is list all the things that the D’Anglos family had done during their lifetime.

From the family description page

... The Beautiful Minerva and her twin sister Mistress Amz, are the leaders of the D'Anglos family. Their wisdom will lead their clans into the history of the realms that they serve ... ...After the Battle of Wor'ight, the Lady Armitage III was born to Mistress Amz, and now making her name in her new world like her mother did before her. She once ruled as the Queen of Abington ... ...Mistress Amz stepped down from a short term of ruling in Voghor to return to the main land and become a freedom fighters for the underdogs of the world. She die at the battle of Itor Boss (honor: 165 - pestiges: 68)... ...
Ishtar the newest member of the family. A demon spawn from evil, whom mercy is Vengeance.

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Mistress Amz the warriors of the family. Head strong, and rule with the might of the sword. Didn’t have time to settles in just one place since she had a destiny to follow.

This was the path she took :

Mistress Amz fought in Abington in the world of Atamara for some time . During her first major war between ASI/Abington, she came in contact with another member of Abington at the Battle of Wor`ight. She and a few other Abington held the ASI city and took a stand to hold the city to the last man. They manages to hold the city for 2 week before ASI took it back. After the battles she gave birth to Armitage III, her father was one of the Abington troop leaders at the seize.

2003-04-20 Mistress Amz emigrated to New World, where on 2003-04-23 she was appointed as commander of Athol Margos. Due to fear that the Athol Collective was on the edge of destructions she was given the title of ruler in Athol Collective on 2003-04-26

2003-05-09 Agree to allow the realms to merges so she stepped down and left Athol Collective to join Voghor. She serve with her sword arm as just a regular troop leaders until a rebellion took place in one of the city. On the events she advise the Ruler how to stop the rebellions; and with the remain troop leaders, they laid seize on the city taking back the regions surrounding the city, and forcing the rebels to stepped down from holding the city.

2003-05-16 due to her experience in governments she was appointed as commander of Cteduul.

2003-06-27 Mistress Amz was appointed as Judge of Voghor, serving as judge for the first time in her career.

2003-12-01 The new world was falling apart with earthquakes, and volcano eruptions. Rumors was spead that the great gods was going to destroy the world as they new it, and people started to flee in ships to the other world. Mistress Amz bow to stay as long a possible so she was elected as ruler in Voghor.

2003-12-13 With the world still on the blink of destruction, Mistress Amz receive a message from her twin sister Minerva. Minerva homeland Ibladesh had been destroy and force into a religion government, and was not allow any military to defend themselves. Now they was in a very bloody war, and once again on the edges of destructions and need troop leaders to help save it. So Mistress Amz emigrated to the Eastern Continent and join the realm of Ibladesh as a freedom fighter.

Mistress Amz refuse any title offer to her, for she came to fight for the underdog, to fight for freedom. On 2004-08-26 Mistress Amz died a Hero killed in battle at Itor Boss ending her long career and fulfilling her destiny.

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Minerva, Mistress Amz twin sister did not follow the same path as Amz did. She when to a military realm on the Eastern Continent call Ibladesh. She learn quickly about fighting and military tactics from some of the best troop leaders that Ibladesh ever had.

An allies Ubent betrayal their alliance with Ibladesh and surprise attack Ibladesh while most of their troop leaders was away fight a war. Over and over Ibladesh lost their generals on the battlefields, thus placing Minerva as the general of Ibladesh army. But even she was captures severals time herself as she would stand in for the generals returns. She was appoints General 3 time on 2003-04-06 2003-06-10 2003-07-05 7 days later stepping down the last time to let Ibladesh general to take its rightful place.

To save the realm of Ibladesh, a surrender agreement was offer. Ibladesh was to drop their monarchy and military. Ibladesh was to become a religions realm and have no army. To become a religion trading realm.

Somebody had to throw a rebellions to change it government, to change from one of the most powerful military realm in that world to a boring trading realm. Minerva volunteer to do it to save her beloved realm, and on 2003-08-26 Minerva Initiated a rebellion in Ibladesh that change Ibladesh history forever.

To Minerva, the rebellion was a curse, a black mark on her name. She felt like she betray Ibladesh more than saving it. Queen Raine on 2003-08-26 Appointed Minerva as Banker of Ibladesh for her serves to Ibladesh.

2003-08-27 Minerva lead a successful rebellion and took ruler ship in Ibladesh. Minerva would serve two more time as Ruler of Ibladesh, on 2003-09-04 and 2003-09-11. She also has serve as bankers several times. She even was pointed Duchy of Al Arab and Countess of Az Zarqua.

While she was ruler of Ibladesh her major project was to built several regions deep of walls so keep the enemies from invading the realms from the south. With 3 regions of wall blocking any chances of invades they was able to fight with more troop leaders on the battlefields.

2003-04-06 Minerva Appointed as General of Ibladesh 2003-06-10 Minerva Appointed as General of Ibladesh 2003-07-05 Minerva Appointed as General of Ibladesh 2003-08-26 Minerva Initiated a rebellion in Ibladesh. 2003-08-26 Minerva Appointed as Banker of Ibladesh 2003-08-27 Minerva Lead a successful rebellion and took rulership in Ibladesh. 2003-08-28 Minerva Elected as banker in Ibladesh. 2003-09-04 Minerva Elected as ruler in Ibladesh. 2003-09-06 Minerva Elected as banker in Ibladesh. 2003-09-11 Minerva Stepped down from rulership. 2004-01-21 Minerva Appointed as Duke of Al Arab. 2004-07-01 Minerva Elected as banker in Ibladesh. 2004-07-16 Minerva Elected as ruler in Ibladesh. 2005-02-05 Minerva Appointed as Count of Az Zarqua. 2008-03-21 Minerva Appointed as Baron of Dayr. 2008-05-17 Minerva Elected as banker in Ibladesh. 2008-12-21 Minerva Appointed as Baron of Dayr. 2009-02-01 Minerva Killed as a hero in battle at age 67 2009-02-02 Minerva Character deleted

She was killed defending her realm at the a battle in Al Aquabah. (honor 488 - prestiges 45)

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Armitage III, daughter of Mistress Amz was different from the rest of the family. She was born to be Queen. To rule over one of the largest realm in Atamara, She was the Queen that serve Abington, and living only for Abington.

Abington had always thought they was a powerful military realm but they was a powerful as they thought. After the first ASI/Abington war, a new realm appear in Riverholm. Its was call Antioch. They was powerful and evil. They wanted only one thing, the destructions of Abington.

Antioch quickly over run Abington. Abington military wasn’t no match for Antioch. With less than 12 troop leader left in Abington, down to two cities, 4 farmlands, with the capital invades and a takeover in progress, and rumors that Abington only would be around for less than a week, Armitage did the one thing that change Abington fate. She ask the 12 remaining troop leaders to make her Queen, and she promise to restore Abington back to the way it was before Antioch.

2003-06-21 Armitage III Elected as Queen of Abington. During this time she was able to forces the enemies back and with the loyal help of her troop leaders, they took back everything that once belong to Abington. With plenty of gold, Queen Armitage brought the city of Riverholm, Lanston and Rustton from Redspan who was allies with the defeated Antioch.

During her reins the realm of Abington was force to attack ASI who was preparing to attack Redspan. (Abington only allies) Due to the surprise attack on ASI and her great General Lochivan military tactics, they was able to take the islands states. They took Worav, Veshin, Yacons, and the two cities states of Ash`rilly and Wor`ight.

2004-05-19 Armitage III stepped down from being the Queen of Abington. She felt its was time for somebody to take Abington into it future. Its was time for new blood to rule Abington, its was time to see if what she created could and would exist without her.

2004-05-24 Armitage III was appointed as Duchess of Wayburg and on 2004-10-23 Armitage III was appointed as Banker of Abington

2005-06-26 Armitage III Founded the guild "The Templars" in her beloved city of Wayburg.

2006-04-04 Armitage III won the tournament in Azzal. 182 troop leaders from 13 realms attended the sword fighting tournament. Armitage III of Abington won, with Aegis of Falasan coming in second place.

2006-05-20 Armitage III Was giving the appointed as Duchess of Wayburg back.

2006-07-12 Armitage III Elected as Queen of Abington to lead the realm against the great invasions from 6 different realms.

2007-6-10 Armitage III stepped down from being the Queen of Abington. Reached the highest bounty on the bounty list

(ooc: 2006-01-01 I was force to pause all my characters so Armitage III stepped down as Banker and as commander of the Duchy of Wayburgs.)

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Ishtar, the black sheep of the family. Created for vengeances in the name of the family. She seek her own power, her own desire. Does she is loyal to any realms she serve, its her desires that make her dangerous. For she will never reveal what her desires are, she will take any payment for her services.

2004-08-27 Ishtar Began her career in Abington.

2005-02-10 Ishtar Appointed as Countess of Anchorinn.

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Cotys Sent to the Far East to learn the way of the Goddess Luna.

2006-07-29 Cotys Began her career in Grand Lodge of Lunaria.
2007-06-05 Cotys Appointed as Duchess of Ortedail.
2007-09-04 Cotys Joined the realm of Principality of Zonasa

Lady Cotys D'Anglos (Dame of Idaol) is spotted wielding the Accurate Sword of Slaying.

Her and her unit participated in a battle in Idaol, where her scribe written down a battle report as follows.

The battle lasted for 2 hours. She have gained 2 Honour and 1 Prestige. None of her men were killed in this battle.

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D'Anglos family status
as of 3/26/2010

Tsukiko ....................... age: 19 ... honor: 30 ... prestige: 12
Countess Armitage III.... age: 65 ... honor: 222 .. prestige: 53
Viscountess Ishtar ....... age: 61 ... honor: 96 ... prestige: 35
Countess Cotys ........... age: 45 ... honor: 99 ... prestige: 34
Queen Mistress Amz ... decease .. honor: 165 .. prestige: 68
Queen Minerva ..... decease @ 67 . honor: 488 .. prestige: 45

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Family Fame

FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 0th Day
ArmitageIII Mistress Amz Minerva
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 10th Day
ArmitageIII Mistress Amz Minerva
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 100th Day
FB General.png
Mistress Amz Minerva
FB Judge.png
Mistress Amz Minerva
FB Banker.png
ArmitageIII Minerva
FB Duke.png
FB Lord.png
Minerva, Ishtar
FB Lord.png
Sum: 12/12 points

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 40
FB Wealth.png
Family Wealth: 2000
FB Wealth.png
Family Wealth: 5000
Sum: 8/8 points

FB New Palace & Capital.png
New Palace & Capital
FB Guild & Religion.png
New Guild & Religion
FB Investment.png
Family Investment
FB Book.png
Book Publication
FB Tournament Champion.png
Tournament Champion
FB Tournament Host.png
Tournament Host
FB Outcast.png
Sum: 14/10 points

FB Death Duel.png
Death Duel Prevalence
FB Heroic Death.png
Heroic Death
FB Legendary Hero.png
Legendary Hero
Mistress Amz
Sum: 6/3 points

FB Skill.png
Exceptional Skill
Armitage III - 3/?/06
Swordskill 90%

FB Unknown.png
Sum: At most 13 points
Minerva 1 points

ArmitageII 2 points
possible 1 for having the highest bounties
1 for Family (5 years in the game?)11/18/07 or changing region to a different realm

Total: 50 points

D'Anglos total: 41 points