Kinsey Family/Hetdrow

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Hetdrow is a distant cousin of Enri, Francis, and Gabriella. He was raised on the same estate as them due to the closeness of their parents.

He is nice, diplomatic, and tolerant young man, but can have a sharp tongue if you somehow manage to offend him. He is no warrior, however.

Hetdrow has been frail and of weak constitution since birth, and his lack of endurance has given him a different world view than his cousins. While they seem to think that all the problems in the world can be solved by the edge of the sword, Hetdrow knows that words, both written and spoken, are where true power lies.

His older cousin Enri has recognized his talents, at least, and had personally tasked him with serving Talerium as a Priest of The Word.

After the while, The Word began to wane in power, being pushed on both sides by the growing influences of The Order and Mapaxilism. Hetdrow began to feel like a stranger and a guest in his home realm. His faith was becoming an object of ridicule rather than reverence. With Enri's consent, he set sail to the East Island to join Gabriella.

Hetdrow currently serves the Sultanate of Asena, where he is studying to become a Priest of the Flow of the Balance.