Darksun Family/Rohk

From BattleMaster Wiki

Rohk Darksun

  • Age: 26
  • Class: Knight
  • Honour: 54
  • Prestige: 26
  • Region Lordship: Marquess of Cold Spring, Duchy of Springdale, Morek
  • Liege: Duke Sammael Haine of Springdale, Morek

Pre-Noble History

It is not known how Rohk came to Dwilight and much of Rohk's early history is clouded in uncertainty. The first known record of his deeds was the recovery of the Forbidden Book, which was given to the Marquess of Muspel, Tye von Snipe, before being traded to then Imperial Inquisitor of Springdale, Sammael Haine, as part of a three way exchange. The deeds of Rohk the Adventurer became well known throughout the realm of Springdale earning him enough good will to eventually rise to the rank of noble and swear allegiance to Pirtamri Scarfist, Viscountess of Cortlandt.

Items Recovered

In chronological order:

Noble History

Rohk served Pirtamri Scarfist faithfully through the Secession Wars. During this time he became good friends with Marshal Sejieda Vita of the Sword and Shield, later the Guardians of Springdale. Rohk served his liege, and the duchy faithfully, even through the surprising allegiance change from the Empire of Springdale to Morek. His loyalty was rewarded after Edwin, the Marquess of Cold Spring, mysteriously went missing. Duke Sammael appointed Rohk as region lord with all the rights and responsibilities of a landed noble.