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'''Life five:'''<br>
'''Life five:'''<br>
Coming very soon.
Coming very soon.
Artemis could feel his time had, like all things, come to it's end. For many long years he have served Nighthelm and have seen it rise to glory, but he was still unsatisfied with his life. He wanted to go forth and experiance outher realms, meet new people, and learn of new ideas. More importantly though was his reborn warriors spirt. Young and restlass it was proving, unfit for the life of a humbel paladin. He would need to quench it's call for battle if he was ever to help the [[Hall of Blood and Battle|~V~]] defeat the evils that lay in wait on the [[Far East]]. He would need to tame and harden his reborn sprit before he could return for if he did not those evils could easily overwelm and corupt him.

The first part was to tame it and for that he needed to teire it out. For that he traveled the the never ending battle fields for the [[South-East]].


Revision as of 06:53, 16 July 2006



For as far back as Artemis could remember there was always a mystery about him. It seemed like he was always finding himself someplace yet he never seemed to know how he had gotten there. At times he found himself an old man, sometimes a young lad. But he always found himself with the same sword. Though it looked battered and old the blade was true. A blade that was said to be passed down by his fathers before him, just another part of the mystery.

Life one:
Lost and confused he ran. Upon that morning Artemis found himself thrust into the life of a Soldier of Soliferum. I'm getting to old for this he kept telling himself, yet he was couldn’t remember ever being young. He had no desire to fight and so he fled into the night and stowed aboard a ship. As the sun broke through the fog and he caught his first look at Hatdhes. Once the ship had docked he made his way off and got about ten more yards before he was apprehended by guards. He was accused of being a spy sent to disrupt the "Great Svunnetland Empire". When he tried to explain himself to the man leading the guards he was ignored. Artemis moved towards the man and reached out a hand. Then all there was were shouts, and pain, and blackness.

Life two:
Artemis awakens to find the warm sun upon his face. All that can be seen in any direction is grass. This was the realm of Eleador, a place of peace that tried to stay out of the conflict that was happening around it. The life of the trade was all this realm had to offer but Artemis found it rather boring. He found he had a warriors heart that would not be happy here so he left to find a battle that suited him.

This took him to the realm of Old Rancagua. Locked in a Civil war against the church that had takeover Rancagua and on there last leg they welcomed Artemis right away. He saw many great things there, the most important of which was hope. Even in there darkest hour as they sat upon the walls of Oroya, the last stronghold, there was a spark of hope. That spark finally took hold one day as they emerged form the city to make there last stand. they crashed against the troops of the Church like a wave against the shore and broke through. They drove the corruption form Pucallpa and reclaimed it. It was a great day indeed.

From there Artemis marched with the army to Juazeiro. The fighting there was fierce but it seemed luck was on Old Rancagua's side. When the battle was almost over and Artemis felt that they had won his life was once again cut short. One man broke through the lines and made for Artemis.

Life Three:
Once again a new life has been set before him, yet he entered this one as a child. Glimpses of he past lives haunt him in this new one. Perhaps he is getting close to finding out who he is.

Artemis Clarke has always been thought little of by his family. He was adopted and, unlike his "cousins", he did not look to the sword as a way of life and preferred to separate himself form others and work on his studies. Early on he took a great interest in math and economics. Things which he would put to great later on in his life.

Seeking to make his family proud he decided to join the realm of Nighthelm. As his ship broke through the fog and he caught his first look at Hatdhes he was instantly filled with a great sense of purpose. There was where he was meant to make his mark on the world, though what that mark would be he was not sure. Though he lacked confidence someone had seen something that he himself did not know was there. That someone was Senoske, High Marshal of Nighthelm. Senoske took him under his wing and made him Colonel of the armies of Nighthelm, a position that he still holds.

When the King, Himo Musou, was struck ill his mentor what elected to take his place. Senoske still continued his role in the shaping of Artemis's life by putting even more responsibility on him. And so Artemis was named Royal Treasurer and Duke of Hatdhes. Using what he had learned when he was young he showed the realm where his talents truly lied. He went to work on his legacy. Though Nighthelm had a strong army, government, and king it was still missing something. Economics.

It was then that Nighthelm socialist tax system was born. An equal share for everyone. He then began to educate the others of the realm on the ways of economics, though some just couldn't grasp the concept. But this simply pushed Artemis even farther from the path his family wished for him to take. Despite all his successes in the eyes of his step-parents he was still not as good as his cousin Paxton, the charismatic religous leader, or his other cousin Alden, a man who lived his life in the shadow.

It seemed to him that he would never make them proud and so he decided to stop trying and set about another path. The life of a soldier lost all meaning to him and he fell back into his life of seclusion. He became Nighthelm's first bureaucrat. Things went on this way for quite some time until King Senoske, his mentor, was betrayed.

The Duke of Masahakon lead a rebellion and took the crown for himself. Enraged with what had been done to his good friend Artemis took his city and broke off from Nighthelm forming Rhitallia. It was a short lived dream, one which he was not there to see end. During a battle between Nighthelm and Rhitallia Artemis was struck by an arrow and tumbled over the walls.

Life four:
This new life was different than all the others. Though there was still a fog it was clearer that before. But even if some secrets were reveled to Artemis then he does not know of them now. His mind was a broken thing. For almost a year he roamed the land living like a commoner, learning lessons that he had never had a chance to in his former lives.

When his mind had finally healed those lessons stayed with him and he was reborn. Though he still found joy in the inter-workings of the realm he finally understood what he was missing. It was the thing he had been avoiding since he was a boy. He now knew why he didn't enjoy the life of a soldier.

It was the way he sought to separate himself form others. In his past lives, when he believed that he could stand alone, that he was strong enough to conquer his enemies with sword and principles. Arrogance convinced him that by sheer determination, he could conquer helplessness itself. Stubborn and foolish youth, he now had to admit, for those memories are what were keeping him from taking up the sword. He had felt fear, but now when he looked back on his last life, he saw quite clearly that rarely was he standing alone. Always there was someone there, true and dear, lending him support even when he believed he did not need it, and even when he did not realize they were doing it. His friend, his mentor Senoske had always been there holding him up and giving him strength.

Now he would find that strength again, but not just with Senoske. He would find it with the ~V~ guild. With Hall of Blood and Battle.

Now that his warrior heart had been reborn Artemis almost feels whole. Once again he has taken up the blade of his fathers. Once again fighting along side his comrades he and they together achieved many great victories. But Artemis could feel it building, the emptiness within him. All his attempts to fill it have failed, even when he spoke to the Elders and gave himself to them. In his heart Artemis knows what he must do. He is in desperate need of another renewal. He just wasn’t sure how the others would take it, especially Senoske.

Life five:
Coming very soon. Artemis could feel his time had, like all things, come to it's end. For many long years he have served Nighthelm and have seen it rise to glory, but he was still unsatisfied with his life. He wanted to go forth and experiance outher realms, meet new people, and learn of new ideas. More importantly though was his reborn warriors spirt. Young and restlass it was proving, unfit for the life of a humbel paladin. He would need to quench it's call for battle if he was ever to help the ~V~ defeat the evils that lay in wait on the Far East. He would need to tame and harden his reborn sprit before he could return for if he did not those evils could easily overwelm and corupt him.

The first part was to tame it and for that he needed to teire it out. For that he traveled the the never ending battle fields for the South-East.
