McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell: Difference between revisions

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*[[/loyalty|Cenarious and his SIC]]
*[[/loyalty|Cenarious and his SIC]]
When the Duchess found out Sorsha was in the palace proper, she decided to speak with her to gauge for herself the amount of change within her, and to see if Sorsha was the person she needed in her search for the [[/Scholar of truth|Scholar of truth]].
*[[/the one|Kisharianda studies Sorsha]]

Revision as of 18:44, 10 August 2009


Upon arriving in D’Hara, Sorsha was hopeful for a bright future, but within her first few days she had a disturbing dream. It wasn’t until much later did she realize the prophesized nature of this dream. Little did she know from that day her path had already been marked.

She met with the Dragon Queen Katayanna Ogren and gave her an oath as is customary in D’Hara. With her fierce loyalty she became a respected member of Dragon Kin which were the queen’s trusted advisers, ones who were as family to her.

It wasn’t long after she was chosen Second in Command by Cenarious Stormrage.

Shortly after she was also appointed Marchioness of Nebel by Duke Conrac Amcastra- A man she deeply admired.

  • Lady of Nebel (these have never been posted publicly - they were private roleplays.)

Her oath to him was so powerful most thought them precursors to wedding vows. In the end she did fall desperately in love with him, despite the fact that he would inevitably suffer an arranged marriage by his family customs.

One of the nobles alerted by these vows was Sir Mathias Ridder who later became the Duke of Paisly.

  • Mathias confronts Conrac (Also you will note here, a rare moment of friendship between Bowie Ironsides and Mathias Ridder)

Mathias later admitted having feelings for her, but she was uncertain of her own in return and requested his friendship for the time being. And so began the love triangles.

Sorsha always trying to help was on her way to meet with Duke Colin Bedwyr when she had an adventure with Mathias at Qubel's Folly. Shortly after she did eventually make her way to Qubel Lighthouse in order to try and help her cousin Kaylan by request of her brother.

Afterwards, a theocratic debate ensued. Some nobles felt the pressure of being a small and beginning realm and looked to joining Sanguis Astroism as an answer to prevent future invasion and bloodshed.

Sorsha still thinking of Mathias during everything, attempted to find important information to help him with his alter ego: Alexander. So she visited the largest library in D'Hara and had an encounter with Conrac again - This time of a bit more serious nature. A lot of letters were afterwards exchanged within the realm and one as a personal attack to Conrac and Sorsha felt the threat to her core and retaliated to the Prophet in question.

When the Queen found out what was happening she began to feel betrayed and gave the Capital Port Raviel to Duke Cenarious Stormrage. It wasn’t long after Mathias was accused of being a traitor to the crown due to having a temple built in his city. Under threat by the Queen was told to step down. Angrily, he left, and was shortly after banned. After realizing of his departure, Sorsha broke down angrily in a private meeting with Conrac, cursing the realm’s beloved dragons and screamed fury revealing the Queen’s Madness, only then realizing her deep affection for the Duke in question. Now she was torn for she knew she loved two men.

Unbeknownst to her, the Queen found out of Sorsha’s fondness for Mathias and began to treat her as she would have a traitor. When she discovered this, Sorsha disappeared for the safety of her person, trying to avoid the same fate Mathias had faced. With the aid of Master Ugyel, she was able to change her appearance and remain in the realm, secretly watching as Nastasia Starblaze. Giving up her title as Marchioness of Nebel and SIC to the elite army of D’Hara.

Once the Queen’s madness became more apparent a rebellion was declared and led by Cenarious Stormrage. Many nobles decided to stand and fight for their beloved D’Hara. They prevailed and replaced the mad Queen with Cenarious as King.The ban on Duke Mathias was lifted and he returned to D’Hara.

Under the persona of Nastasia Starblaze, Sorsha met Sir Lycan Moreira who became fast friends with her. She later came face to face with Mathias once more only to realize she had lost more than she thought and could not continue living without him, or at least knowing how much she loved him.

Unable to take the distrust surrounding her, and to watch without being able to be true to herself, she again requested Master Ugyel’s assistance and returned once more to her true self.

Shortly after her return, Conrac disappeared which left Sorsha with an emptiness that ate at her. She met Bowie Ironsides for the first time, who was Count of Qubel. They spent a short time together, but it was enough for each to weigh one another and begin forming a friendship of sorts.

Mathias having heard of her return demanded that she presented herself to prove she was in fact the real Sorsha. Coming face to face with Mathias she was able to finally admit her feelings for him. At this point he was appointed as the Duke of Port Nebel in Conrac’s place and she automatically became his knight. Mathias told her how betrayed he felt by her disappearance during his exile, for he had needed her. No matter the difference in their past, he did then and would forever love her therefore proposed to her.

Surprised by his action, she did not say yes or no, but she had yet to see the strength of his love and asked that he prove it by showing her more affection than he had up until that moment.

  • Suspicions (Mathias here suspects there is something between Bowie and Sorsha)

She also met Sir Lycan again, and revealed who she really was to him.

Mathias being unsure how to go about this turn of events, only ended up disappointing Sorsha by his lack in the amorous department. They come to several arguments. One of which where he harshly told her, if she wasn’t content with who he was and that he would never be the amorous type to take the door. It was with utter sadness that she did.

The pain and heartache she felt only led her into Marquis Rathan’s arms who admitted his affection for her. She didn’t know at the time but Mathias and Rathan were to duel from an argument she was not privy to. Rathan offered her comfort and a promise of something better which he sealed with a kiss, which only confused her more. Unable to think clearly she ran, she knew she couldn’t continue making her decisions with her heart.

Fearing the outcome and loathing duels in general, Sorsha leaned on Count Bowie for some emotional assistance and he gave her what support she needed. After the duel took place, Mathias begged Sorsha forgive her for his actions and that he would do anything for her in front of hundreds present. He asked her to come back to him and to give him another chance. Requesting some time to think she then disappeared to a quiet retreat but before her departure, she was informed that the one man she had loved from the beginning had returned – Conrac.

  • Needing space (Sorsha forgets her own birthday with all that's going on in her life)

Returning to see Conrac, and feeling the guilt of not upholding her oath, she offers her previous Duke her life in return. He did not grant her death for her shame but some choice words on her idiocy. She admitted that she broke her oath long before then because she had lied from the beginning. She had never admitted her feelings for him.

Amazingly enough, Conrac did have feelings for her in return and renounced his family customs if she would stay with him, in which she decided she would. More confusion to add to her affairs of the heart, she then took the courage to speak with Mathias, hoping she would still be able to keep him in her life, even if it was in friendship. Duke Mathias did not take the news as she thought he would. Another heated argument ensued and fearing his reaction she hit him, which resulted in him striking her and telling her to never speak to him again. Heartbroken, Sorsha ran, her affairs with the Duke concluded…or so she thought.

Conrac’s brother having heard of the news of Sorsha, paid his little brother a visit. He threatened Conrac with her life if they were ever seen together again. He left with a warning for his younger brother.

Sorsha received a letter from her counsin Kaylan, in which she said her goodbyes and took her life with her own hands. Devastated she searched for comfort, but she did not receive any. By this time Conrac has already stopped answering Sorsha’s letters. Until one day he just disappeared again.

  • Broken (Conrac leaves without telling Sorsha why)

His silence has already begun to make her lose hope, and then his departure drowned her in sorrow and pain. Sorsha began to lose herself to the emptiness Conrac had left. She began to change. The change was slow at first, and then she received her dagger which represented the bond between them and she broke. Sorsha then became cold, ruthless and emotionless. She never wished to revisit the pain of it all and will never speak of it again. The dresses she once wore, were replaced with what she calls her battle armor; full body, skin tight leather apparel. She began having nightmares which only continued to bring dramatic changes to her personality. For a time now, she has not been well at all. Many were surprised, but pleased by her change in appearance. Unfortunately some found how cold and hurtful she became and suffered her wrath. To avoid herself anymore pain, she will hurt everyone before they have a chance to do so to her. Mathias having had a small depression, met Sorsha after her transformation. Some words were exchanged between the two. She agreed to take him on again, but little does he know is that she will resist any temptation of emotion. Instead she had decided to take him for herself, using him to channel her anger.

Some news surfaces of the Queen being pregnant. Sorsha knowing it is her duty, visits the King and Queen taking Mathias with her. Unknowing Lycan is also there for the same purpose. They share a meal and some revelations are made.

Deep down, the real Sorsha is still there… it is just a matter of time before she either loses herself completely, or someone is strong enough to bring her back again.

Some new developments soon took place and D'Hara began to aid some of their allied neighbors. From the beginning Sorsha was the first to volunteer to go on the expedition to assist Ordenstaat with their monster threat. Not much happened the first time, but upon her arrival she found matters to be somewhat strange, and went directly to the King to see what was going on.

When the Duchess found out Sorsha was in the palace proper, she decided to speak with her to gauge for herself the amount of change within her, and to see if Sorsha was the person she needed in her search for the Scholar of truth.