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headline =Sir Kokanee Wins the Tournament!|
headline =Sir Kokanee Wins the Tournament!|
article =In a dashing display of expert swordsmanship, Perdan's own Sir Kokanee has taken the top prize at the recent tournament held in [[East Continent/Sirion|Sirion city]]. In a field of 277 nobles from across the lands, Sir Kokanee's superior swordsmanship and tactics won the day. Congratulations, Sir Kokanee, and may your sword be always sharp.}}
article =In a dashing display of expert swordsmanship, Perdan's own Sir Kokanee has taken the top prize at the recent tournament held in [[East Continent/Sirion|Sirion city]]. In a field of 277 nobles from across the lands, Sir Kokanee's superior swordsmanship and tactics won the day. Congratulations, Sir Kokanee, and may your sword be always sharp.}}
date =October 20, 2006|
headline =Peace at Last!|
article =After many years of continual strife, Peace has finally been achieved in Perdan! The rulers of [[Perdan]], [[Caligus]], [[Sirion]], [[Fontan]], [[Ibladesh]], [[Yssaria]], and [[Itorunt]] have all signed a treaty to bring peace to all our combined realms. The first steps were taken today by the raising of relations between Perdan and Sirion from war to neutrality. The full text of the treaty can be found [[The Rampant Lion/Treaty|here]].
Confusion in the internal communications in Fontan threatened to end the treaty before it could begin, however. Over 6 hours '''after''' agreeing to the treaty, the troops of Sirion and Fontan invaded the Perdanese region of Brive. The forces of Fontan commenced looting the region immediately. When the forces were contacted, they claimed to be unaware that the treaty had been finalized. Indeed, a full twelve hours after the signing of the treaty, Sir Teshup, Supreme Judge of Fontan, claimed to be unaware that the treaty had been been signed! Perhaps things work a bit slower in Fontan, or perhaps Chancellor Gregor just doesn't bother telling anyone what he's doing. But one would think that signing a peace treaty would be something that you would want to tell your senior council about.}}
date =September 25, 2006|
headline =Lady Evangeline Takes the Throne|
article =Following the recent abdication of Queen Clarissa, Lady Evangeline has been selected by the nobles of Perdan as the new Queen of Perdan. After the election results were made public, Queen Evangeline made the following brief announcement:
<i>Thank you to everyone that voted for and put their faith in me. From today I will be serving Perdan in a different way, but I promise that I will always serve with every ounce of strength within me and I will do my best for Perdan!
Today is the start of a new beginning for Perdan, a new tact in diplomacy and new management of realm affairs. We need to rally together as a realm to beat back those that wish to destroy us. Working together, Perdan will continue to be a force to be reckoned with for the East Continent.
Thank you to Clarissa for the service she has showed Perdan. I am sorry that her ideas were neither in line with mine nor the realms, but it can not be doubted that she always had Perdan foremost in her mind. She will always be respected and her continued help appreciated.
Thank you again fellow Perdanites!!
Queen of Perdan</i>}}
date =September 20, 2006|
headline =Peace Treaty Proposed|
article =Queen Clarissa of [[Perdan]] has publicly revealed the terms of a treaty that would at last bring peace to Perdan. The revelation of the treaty, however, was met with much debate and dissent among the nobles of Perdan. Many nobles of Perdan are calling the terms of the treaty unacceptable. The resulting heated debate led to a series of public protests against the Queen. Many nobles feel that the treaty wold leave Perdan without sufficient food to feed our citizens, defenseless, and at the mercy of our enemies. They also feel that we cannot trust our enemies to hold to the terms of the treaty. Supporters of the treaty feel that the impending entry of [[Light of Fountain]] in the war, and a possible attack by [[Yssaria]] once their war with [[Caligus]] ends, will result in the complete destruction of Perdan.
According to the terms of the proposed treaty, Perdan would transfer [[East Continent/Partora|Partora]], [[East Continent/Mulhouse|Mulhouse]], and [[East Continent/Meuse|Meuse]] to Caligus, and [[East Continent/Montauban|Montauban]] and [[East Continent/Beziers|Beziers]] to [[Ibladesh]]. Caligus would transfer [[East Continent/Domus|Domus]] and [[East Continent/Scio|Scio]] to Yssaria. Perdan and Caligus together would pay 12,000 gold in reparations to Ibladesh.
The complete terms of the proposed treaty can be found [[The Rampant Lion/TreatySept2006|here]].}}
date =September 18, 2006|
headline =Light of Fountain Plots Attack on Caligus and Perdan!|
article =Recently revealed secret documents point to an imminent attack by [[Light of Fountain]] on both [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]]! A pamphlet recently discovered being circulated through Perdan and Partora reveals many damaging messages that were circulated at the very highest levels of the government of Light of Fountain. The documents show how the leaders of Light of Fountain plan to attack Caligus and Perdan solely for the chance to make some quick territorial gains, while risking little. These documents clearly show that the Light of Fountain government is little more than a band of opportunistic vultures. We here at the Rampant Lion are making these documents available to the public so that you can read them yourself, and see how dishonorable they are.
*[[LoF's true belief]]
*[[LoF's Council]]}}
date =September 13, 2006|
headline =Secession in the [[Kalmar Islands]]|
article =In a long anticipated move, One Rogala, cousin of the infamous rebel and tyrant El Cid Rogala, has seceded [[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar city]] from the [[Kalmar Islands]] to create a new realm. The new realm adopted the name [[Avamar Selective]]. It will be based on some as yet unknown religious principles, with One Rogala as the Pontifex.
The [[The Kalmarian Chronicles/Edition:10|Kalmarian Chronicles]], the newspaper of the Kalmar Islands, reported the possibility of this secession nearly three weeks ago. The reasons for the secession are strange, to say the least. The Avamarians have already gotten their realm when they overthrew the previous monarchy of the Kalmar Islands. Now they have split the realm in two. How they expect the tiny new realm to survive is unclear. Avamar Selective is a realm of three regions, and barely more than 5000 citizens. Will this infant realm even be able to defend themselves from monsters? What will they do when the [[Old Rancagua]]ns invade, as they are sure to do. Given the recent string of military failures by Old Rancagua, though, that may not be much of a concern.
''Update--As expected, [[Old Rancagua]] has declared war on the newly formed [[Avamar Selective]].}}
date =September 11, 2006|
headline =Old Rancaguan Invasion Fails|
article =In a move that has long been expected, the army of [[Old Rancagua]] has launched an invasion of the [[Kalmar Islands]]. What was not expected, however, was the crushing defeat of the Old Rancaguan army. It seems that the Old Rancaguan army was having problems coordinating the movement of their forces, resulting in the attackers arriving in piecemeal, instead of in a massed attack. The first wave of Old Rancaguan attackers was met with more than twice their number in defenders.
With the initial wave of attackers rapidly vanquished, the defending Kalmarians sent even more defenders to the shores of [[East Continent/Stora|Stora]]. It is not yet clear why the Old Rancaguans continued on with the attack in a second wave. They were clearly outnumbered, and had no hope of victory. The second wave mustered only slightly more attackers than the first, but the defenders summoned even more reinforcements. The second wave was also outnumbered, and the Old Rancaguans received a second bitter defeat.
This is becoming a disturbing trend for Old Rancgua. They have been routinely beaten by a smaller, poorer realm. Is it a lack of coordination? Lack of motivation? Lack of combat experience?}}
date =September 4, 2006|
article = In two very sad days for [[Perdan]], Lord Rattler, count of Dimwood, was killed in action while fighting in [[East Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]]. He was a gentle, quiet, but generous man, and all he wanted to do was show his families fighting blood to all realms.
But, that isn't the only loss we mourn, for two more knights have died. Gloin, and Pete of the. They were both fantastic nobles of Perdan with undying loyalty to the realm. They will be sorely missed. Fingers have already been pointed at Nobles who did not move. Of course this is a reason for Rattlers, Gloin and Pete of the's terrible losses. But one shouldn't be so quick to pick out his friend, instead he should look out with hate at the enemy. We killed two [[Fontan]]ese heroes, and they take three. How many more lives will be taken before this war ends?
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date =November 2, 2006|
date =November 2, 2006|
article =[[Caligus]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Scio|Scio]], a former rogue region.}}
article =[[Caligus]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Scio|Scio]], a former rogue region.}}
date =October 30, 2006|
article =Althea has stepped down from her position as ruler of [[Avamar Selective]].
[[Perdan]] has taken control of the rogue region of [[East Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]].}}
date =October 27, 2006|
article =The people of [[East Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]] have revolted and declared independence from [[Fontan]]!
[[Fontan]] and [[Perdan]] have signed a peace treaty.}}
date =October 25, 2006|
article =Tournament announced in [[Sirion]]. Prime Minister Handow has announced a tournament of swordfighting and Jousting to be held in [[East Continent/Sirion|Sirion city]]. Admission is 20 gold, with a top prize of 600 gold, and a second prize of 300 gold.}}
date =October 23, 2006|
article =[[Perdan]] and [[Fontan]] have agreed to a cease-fire, and raised relations to neutral.}}
date =October 22, 2006|
article =[[Perdan]] and [[Ibladesh]] have signed a peace treaty.
[[Perdan]] has given the region of [[East Continent/Beziers|Beziers]] to [[Ibladesh]].}}
date =October 21, 2006|
article =[[Perdan]] and [[Sirion]] have signed a peace treaty.}}
date =October 20, 2006|
article =[[Perdan]] and [[Yssaria]] have signed a peace treaty.}}
date =October 19, 2006|
article =[[Perdan]] and [[Sirion]] have agreed to a cease-fire, and raised relations to neutral.}}
date =October 5, 2006|
article =[[Perdan]] and [[Ibladesh]] have signed a cease-fire agreement, and raised relations to Neutral.}}
date =October 4, 2006|
article =The realms of [[Kalmar Islands]] and [[Avamar Selective]] have joined into an alliance.}}
date =October 3, 2006|
article =Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]]! The Perdanese army attacked the occupying forces of [[Sirion]] and [[Fontan]]. The attackers were outnumbered and defeated. Lone Wolf, hero of Perdan, was killed in the battle. (17,900 vs 23,000)
[[Old Rancagua]] has taken control of the region of [[East Continent/Stora|Stora]] from [[Avamar Selective]].}}
date =October 1, 2006|
article =Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Aestus|Aestus]]! The attacking army of [[Caligus]] outnumbered and defeated the defenders of [[Yssaria]]. (8,000 vs 5,000).}}
date =September 30, 2006|
article =Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Meuse|Meuse]]! The army of [[Perdan]] has attacked the invading forces of [[Sirion]] and [[Fontan]]. The attackers, although outnumbered, defeated the invading army. Makaz, Count of [[East Continent/Hillmar|Hillmar]], hero of Sirion, was killed during the battle. (14,000 vs 15,000)
The realm of [[Ibladesh]] has elected Sorcha as its new Pontifex.
The realm of [[Kalmar Islands]] has elected Lalakis as its new Chancellor.
Guards in [[East Continent/Beziers|Beziers]] have captured Alexendria, an infiltrator working for [[Ibladesh]] while she was sneaking around the camp of Kerwyn, Count of [[East Continent/Beziers|Beziers]] conspiciously, with a poisoned dagger under her cloak.}}
date =September 29, 2006|
article =[[Caligus]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Aestus|Aestus]] from [[Yssaria]].}}
date =September 28, 2006|
article =Chancellor Lalakis, ruler of the [[Kalmar Islands]], has announced a tournament of swords and jousting, to be held in 9 days at the [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]]. The entry fee is 15 gold, with a prize of 150 gold to the winner.
Battle in [[East Continent/Aix|Aix]]! The Ibladeshian army has attacked the city of Aix. The attackers were severely outnumbered, and unable to broach the fortifications. (4,800 vs 5,600)
Althea has been elected as the new Pontifex of [[Avamar Selective]].}}
date =September 27, 2006|
article =[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]] from [[Perdan]].}}
date =September 25, 2006|
article =Lady Evangeline has been elected the Queen of [[Perdan]].}}
date =September 23, 2006|
article =Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Stora|Stora]]! The forces of [[Old Rancagua]] have invaded the island home of [[Avamar Selective]]. The Old Rancaguan forces vastly outnumbered and defeated the defenders. (10,000 vs 3,000)
The realm of [[Caligus]] has elected doombringer as its new King.}}
date =September 22, 2006|
article =[[Itorunt]] has taken control of the rogue region of [[East Continent/Bisciye|Bisciye]].}}
date =September 18, 2006|
article =Battle fought in [[East Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]]! The army of [[Perdan]] has attacked the invading forces of [[Sirion]] and [[Fontan]]. The Perdanese forces outnumbered and overwhelmed the defenders. (14,400 vs 3,900)}}
date =September 17, 2006|
article =Sir Thorad of [[Perdan]], was killed in a duel to the death with Sir Johann of Perdan.
Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Supra|Supra]]! The [[Yssaria]]n army has attacked the forces of [[Caligus]] in Supra. The Yssarian attackers outnumbered and defeated the Caligans. (11,000 vs 8,000)}}
date =September 16, 2006|
article =One, Pontifex of [[Avamar Selective]], Duke of [[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar]] has announced a tournament of Joust and Swordfighting to be held in Kalmar 9 days from now.
The rebellion in the [[Kalmar Islands]] has failed.}}
date =September 14, 2006|
article =Battle fought in [[East Continent/Brive|Brive]]! The [[Fontan]] and [[Sirion]] armies have advance into Brive to attack the [[Perdan]]ese forces withdrawing from [[East Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]]. The attackers outnumbered the defenders and were victorious. Lord Krioni of Perdan, Count of [[East Continent/Lorient|Lorient]], was killed in the battle. (8,300 vs 3,900)
Rebellion in the [[Kalmar Islands]]! Lucifer Jr. has called for a rebellion against the current government led by Lalakis.}}
date =September 14, 2006|
article =Huge battle in [[East Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]]! The armies of [[Fontan]] and [[Sirion]] have attacked the [[Perdan]]ese army. The outnumbered Perdanese defenders defeated the attackers. Sir Teshup, Supreme Judge of Fontan, Count of Braga was captured by the Perdan forces. (24,000 vs 22,000)}}
date =September 13, 2006|
article =[[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar city]] has seceded from the [[Kalmar Islands]] and formed a new theocracy named [[Avamar Selective]].
[[Old Rancagua]] has declared war on [[Avamar Selective]].}}
date =September 12, 2006|
article =Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Scio|Scio]]! The [[Caligus|Caligan]] army has attacked the [[Yssaria]]n takeover force in Scio. The Caligans outnumbered and defeated the Yssarians. (6,000 vs 5,000)}}
date =September 11, 2006|
article =Battle fought in [[East Continent/Troyes|Troyes]]! The army of [[Perdan]] has attacked the forces of [[Sirion]] and [[Fontan]]. The attackers vastly outnumbered the defenders and quickly defeated them. (15,800 vs 3,100)}}
date =September 10, 2006|
article =Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Aestus|Aestus]]! The [[Yssaria]]n army has attacked the [[Caligus|Caligan]] army. The attackers were outnumbered, but still managed to overcome the defenders. (5,000 vs 6,000)
[[Itorunt]] has taken control of the rogue region of [[East Continent/Clermont|Clermont]].}}
date =September 9, 2006|
article =Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Stora|Stora]]! The army of [[Old Rancagua]] has attacked the army of the [[Kalmar Islands]] in Stora. The attackers were vastly out numbered and quickly defeated. (4,000 vs 10,000)
A second huge battle is fought in [[East Continent/Stora|Stora]]! The army of [[Old Rancagua]] again attacks the army of the [[Kalmar Islands]] in Stora. In a repeat of the previous battle, the attackers were again vastly out numbered and quickly defeated. (5,000 vs 12,000)}}
date =September 7, 2006|
article =[[Yssaria]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Aestus|Aestus]], a former rogue region.
Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Woolton|Woolton]]! The army of [[Perdan]] has attacked the army of [[Ibladesh]]. The attackers overwhelmed and defeated the defenders. Sir Xylon, Baron of Ar Raqqah, Marshal of the army of Ibladesh was killed in the battle. (13,300 vs 12,600)}}
date =September 4, 2006|
article =Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]]! The forces of [[Perdan]] have attacked the forces of [[Fontan]] and [[Sirion]], who are attempting to take control of Bescanon. The attackers were outnumbered and defeated. In the process, the invading forces were severely damaged. Lord Rattler of Perdan, Count of [[East Continent/Dimwood|Dimwood]], was killed during the battle.(20,000 vs 25,000)
Summoning additional troops, the army of Perdan again attacks the invasion forces of Fontan and Sirion in Bescanon. Although the attackers were defeated, the remaining defending forces are decimated, and forced to retreat. The takeover is stopped. Gloin and Pete, knights of Perdan, were killed in the battle. Lord Kerwyn of Perdan, Count of Beziers, was seriously wounded. (8,250 vs 9,850)}}
date =September 3, 2006|
article =Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Aestus|Aestus]]! The forces of [[Yssaria]] have attacked the forces of [[Caligus]]. The forces were evenly matched, and the attackers won. (5,000 vs 5,000)}}
date =September 3, 2006|
article =The people of [[East Continent/Aestus|Aestus]] have revolted and declared independence from [[Yssaria]]!}}
date =September 2, 2006|
article =[[Yssaria]] has siezed control of [[East Continent/Sordidus|Sordidus]] from [[Caligus]]. The region is handed over to [[Light of Fountain]].}}
date =September 1, 2006|
article =[[Itorunt]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Az Zarqua|Az Zarqua]], a former rogue region.}}
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Revision as of 13:10, 3 November 2006

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In every land, in every age, there are always tyrants that will prey on those who are weaker than themselves. Given free reign, they will spread their lies across the land. They build empires on a foundation of deceit, manipulation, and boundless ambition. Left unchecked these tyrants will devastate East Island, and all it's inhabitants, in wars without end. The Kingdom of Perdan will not stand idly by while the East Island is led into ruin and destruction. The Rampant Lion will stand forth as a beacon of truth regarding the travails of Perdan as it seeks to oppose those who would bring destruction upon our lands. As events in Perdan unfold, they will be chronicled here so all people on the East Island have access to an accurate, fair accounting of the events taking place in our world.
The only thing necessary
for the triumph [of evil]
is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke (attrib.)


Excal-icon.gif   November 3, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
Sir Kokanee Wins the Tournament!
In a dashing display of expert swordsmanship, Perdan's own Sir Kokanee has taken the top prize at the recent tournament held in Sirion city. In a field of 277 nobles from across the lands, Sir Kokanee's superior swordsmanship and tactics won the day. Congratulations, Sir Kokanee, and may your sword be always sharp.

The News

November 3, 2006
The tournament has been held in Sirion. Sir Kokanee of Perdan has won the swordfighting competition, with Sir San of Itorunt taking second. Sir Sparky of Light of Fountain won the jousting competition, with Sir Melkor of Sirion taking second.

November 2, 2006
Caligus has taken control of Scio, a former rogue region.
