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{{Infobox CharData|2|14626}}  
{{Infobox DeadCharData
| Name = Kende
| Continent = Atamara
| Family = Indirik
| Class = Warrior
| Subclass = Hero
| Age = 69
| Honor = 314
| Prestige = 49
| Rank = Noble
| Region = Massillion
| Duchy = Massillion
| Realm = Darka
In September of 2006, Kende Indirik left home to seek his own fortune. In order to get out from under the shadow of his siblings in his homeland of [[East Continent/Montauban|Montauban]], Kende took ship and sailed for the land of [[Atamara]]. His wandering led him to adopt the life of a sell-sword in the service of Darka. Only time will tell if he will find glory or death.
In September of 2006, Kende Indirik left home to seek his own fortune. In order to get out from under the shadow of his siblings in his homeland of [[East Continent/Montauban|Montauban]], Kende took ship and sailed for the land of [[Atamara]]. His wandering led him to adopt the life of a sell-sword in the service of Darka. Only time will tell if he will find glory or death.

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==The Looting of Suville==
==The Looting of Suville==
Kende's second mercenary campaign was another foray across the continent, into the deepest reaches of [[Abington]]. After stopovers for repairs and resupply in [[Atamara/Foda|Foda]] and [[Atamara/Sullenport|Sullenport]], Kende marched with the Darkan army toward Abington. Striking deep into the heart of Abington, the Darkan army sacked and lootedthe city of [[Atamara/Stoneville|Stoneville]], then burned and looted their way south. A few days later they reached their ultimate destination: [[Atamara/Suville|Suville]], the largest city on the continent. After successfully sacking and looting Suville, the Darkan army brilliantly sidestepped the avenging Abingtonian army and pulled back out of Abington, their mission completed.
Kende's second mercenary campaign was another foray across the continent, into the deepest reaches of [[Abington]]. After stopovers for repairs and resupply in [[Atamara/Foda|Foda]] and [[Atamara/Sullenport|Sullenport]], Kende marched with the Darkan army toward Abington. Striking deep into the heart of Abington, the Darkan army sacked and looted the city of [[Atamara/Stoneville|Stoneville]], then burned and looted their way south. A few days later they reached their ultimate destination: [[Atamara/Suville|Suville]], the largest city on the continent. After successfully sacking and looting Suville, the Darkan army brilliantly sidestepped the avenging Abingtonian army and pulled back out of Abington, their mission completed.

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Darka repelled four assaults by the combined armies of its adversaries. Many, many warriors on both sides were slain on the blood fields of Nazamroth, Agnilar, Wistir, and finally in Malor. In the first battle in Malor, the hero Siegterm Guldan, Count of Maycxal, was slain. Then in the second battle at sunset, Kende was slain in battle by Dyn Karedan of the Cagilan Empire. Dyn collected the bounty on Kende.
Darka repelled four assaults by the combined armies of its adversaries. Many, many warriors on both sides were slain on the blood fields of Nazamroth, Agnilar, Wistir, and finally in Malor. In the first battle in Malor, the hero Siegterm Guldan, Count of Maycxal, was slain. Then in the second battle at sunset, Kende was slain in battle by Dyn Karedan of the Cagilan Empire. Dyn collected the bounty on Kende.
==Final Moments==
''Some final RPs surrounding the death of Kende.''
|Type= Roleplay
|Sender= Virgo Blue Star
|Recipients= everyone in the region Malor
|Content=Wiping the blood from his blade and catching site of his captain he stalks toward a tree that still stands among the blood spewed lands. Hearing foots behind him he twirls to see a familiar face one he did not know he would see in these lands...
"Brother, I told you we'd see each other sooner than later. I am glad to see you in such good health and your lover as well" Giving a wave to Alexis as she checks supplies. "News of this battle will spread for lost was a man old as some of the trees planted by our mother. Sir Kende no longer walks these lands, let his soul go to rest."
Rubbing the back of his neck at the news he mutters something looks at his brother feeling always as if he was staring into a mirror.  "So passes another sire of Darka, how many more will have to fall I wonder," with a sigh he reaches into his pouch and pulls out his flute and notices his brother already with his out.
Together they lean against the tree and blood flows still around them, yet not touching the ground beside the tree. They begin playing as they were taught commemorating the fallen soldiers that fought on the field today.
|Type= Letter
|Sender= Raud Crownguard
|Recipients= everyone in your realm
|Content=Nobles of Darka,
We have suffered a mighty blow this day.  Our King is seriously wounded and our General has been slain defending our homelands.  While each will morn in his or her own way, each of us needs to take hold of the fury we each feel and turn it into righteous battle rage so that we may decimate our foes and send them home dragging their dead behind them.
Make all due haste back to Azzal, request whatever funds you may need to recruit more men from the Treasury group.  This is not a time to recruit haphazardly, everyone should attempt to recruit everything they possibly can.  No one should be standing behind the lines as we repel this vermin, we are Darka.  Everyone fights... no one quits.
Take pride in your heritage, seek vengeance on those who have invaded our lands and stoke fury's furnace.  We will not stand idly by and be run down like the rest of the continent. We will fight and we will slay every last one of them for coming here.
|Title = Count of Tintar, Marshal of Royal Army of Darka
|Type= Letter
|Sender= Lasse Vasata
|Recipients= everyone in your realm
|Content=Brave men and women of Darka,
This morning we fought bravely for a victory. This evening the sea of soldiers from Cagilan Empire and its allies proved too much for us to hold. We lost brave nobles today, but we should rejoice knowing Sigrid smiled on them and Lodril will welcome them in his embrace.
This is not the time to despair, but a time to realise we are, in our own struggle, mimicking that of our gods. The eroding waves and gusts of wind Sigund and Brigith send to stifle the flames of Sigrid, to scatter the ashes of Darka and erode the mountains of Lodril, are much like the sea of soldiers Cagilan Empire sends against us. They hope we will fall, but they will be sorely disappointed.
Like Lodril has stood against the winds and waters for aeons, so will we. We are the children of our gods and we will not bend or break any easier than our parents. This is a time to embrace the inner flame Sigrid has burning inside all of us. From the ashes the foes leave behind will rise a better and stronger Darka.
Make haste to Azzal and raise a new army. Do not hesitate to ask for gold. Let's show those mice what real warriors can do.
|Title= Ambassador of Darka, Duke of Azzal, Margrave of Azzal, Priest of Darkanism
|Type= Roleplay
|Sender= Celestial Fury
|Recipients= everyone in the region Malor
|Content=Reading from the [[Legendary Tome of the Damned]], Celestial intoned two names: ''Kende. Nadina.'' As the words were spoken, the air shimmered with magic and their fate was sealed.
To the sound of trumpets and baying of orders the battle began. It started with the traditional salute of arrows and screams of death as soldiers fell like flies where they stood. Then the infantry advanced as the cavalry charged from the rear.
Fate knew no mercy and distinguished neither noble nor lord as one after another was wounded. The Lions of Atamara! advanced and watched as the cavalry charged past them to smash into the Darkan ranks.
The Darkans had only two cavalry units. Apparently they had specific orders - very specific orders. Seeing an opening, they charged, one of them directly for the Lions of Atamara! Out of the numerous units they could head for, what were the odds that it was just a coincidence? As they smashed into the Special Forces, the lead horse broke its snout against the [[Iron Aegis of the Ancients]]. Rising to his feet, the Darkan took a swing but missed.
Using the hilt of his sword, Celestial knocked the side of his head and the Darkan staggered into a nearby Taran unit who relieved him of his weapon and bundled him away. Then more Darkan cavalry came and the situation was tense. The blows were overpowering but the [[Enchanted Amulet of Warding]] glowed bright blue and the horses bolted in fright. However, the Lions of Atamara! were forced to retreat as well.
Looking back, he saw Darka's general surrounded by his men in a box in an attempt to protect him but the air suddenly shimmered around Sir Dyn Karedan and with a mighty thrust, he skewered Kende Indirik, General of Darka who was there at the beginning of the war. As he fell, time slowed with relish and Darkan eyes watched with horror as their military leader thumped the ground in a cloud of dust.
In that instant, the events before the battle came rushing into Celestial's mind, of the spies he had sent to infiltrate the Darkan General's camp who came back with reports of the General's gloating and of his disdain for MiCE and his lust for the Prime Minister's trinkets. ''"The Head Mouse!"'' he cried. Looking at him now, he cried a different tune. With his dying breath, he spluttered, ''"To the last, I will grapple with thee... from Hell's heart, I stab at thee! For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!"'' And thus, with hate in his heart, he died. ''(OOC: [,78.msg106386.html#msg106386 forum posting] [,78.msg106400.html#msg106400 forum posting])''
It was clear now. It was only stubborn Darkan pride that would not admit that they had lost the war. One had to admire their tenacity - dying for nought, it wasn't something many could do. And so it was with the second name previously intoned in the book - Nadina Vasata, the courtesan of Ixzal, though rumours were she was a princess. A royal courtesan then, Celestial thought but a courtesan nonetheless. She fought till the last, and as the last Darkan unit on the field it fell eventually and their troop leader taken away in chains.
Turning back, he shouted:
''Darkans! The MiCE are here!''<br>
''We'll eat your crops - and your soldiers,''<br>
''They'll raise their hems in frenzied fear!''
Karma had bitten the Darkans burro - hard.
|Title = Prime Minister of Cagilan Empire, Royal of Cagilan Empire

Latest revision as of 20:59, 10 May 2013

Continent Atamara
Family Indirik Family
Class Warrior / Hero
Age 69 years
Honour 314
Prestige 49
Rank Noble
Region Massillion
Duchy Massillion
Realm Darka

In September of 2006, Kende Indirik left home to seek his own fortune. In order to get out from under the shadow of his siblings in his homeland of Montauban, Kende took ship and sailed for the land of Atamara. His wandering led him to adopt the life of a sell-sword in the service of Darka. Only time will tell if he will find glory or death.

The Wayburg Campaign

Kende's first mercenary campaign was less than successful. After a long march across the length of Atamara, Kende reached the city of Wayburg in Abington. The city was in the middle of a colony takeover attempt by Minas Ithil. After helping in the takeover effort for two days, the forces of Abington arrived. In a massive battle, the takeover forces were scattered. Kende's Footmen were almost completely wiped out. Thus began the long, lonely walk home.

The Looting of Suville

Kende's second mercenary campaign was another foray across the continent, into the deepest reaches of Abington. After stopovers for repairs and resupply in Foda and Sullenport, Kende marched with the Darkan army toward Abington. Striking deep into the heart of Abington, the Darkan army sacked and looted the city of Stoneville, then burned and looted their way south. A few days later they reached their ultimate destination: Suville, the largest city on the continent. After successfully sacking and looting Suville, the Darkan army brilliantly sidestepped the avenging Abingtonian army and pulled back out of Abington, their mission completed.


Returning home after the successful campaign, Kende took a break. After traning his swordfighting skill at the academy in Azzal, Kende packed his backs and made for the tournament being held in Cagil by the Cagilan Empire.

The Home Guard

During a long period of relative peace for Darka, Kende volunteered for duty as a bureaucrat in the Home Guard of Darka. His duties turned toward defending the homelands form periodic monster and undead incursions, and ensuring that the bureaucratic processes ran smoothly. After a few months, his service to Darka was rewarded by an appointment as the Baron of Mnt. Sinclair. During his service as Baron of the Holy Volcano, Baron Kende rebuilt the original temple of Darkanism that had been dismantled due to lack of funds. The new temple was not as magnificent as the original, but was scaled down so the meager population of the region could support it through their small offerings.

Duke Kende Indirik

After eight months of faithful service and stewardship of the region of Mnt. Sinclair, Kende was rewarded with an appointment as the Duke of Siver. The position had become vacant when the King of Darka, King Kostaja Kosunen, had stepped down and the Duchess of Siver, Queen Amaarent, was elected as ruler in his place. Sir Kostaja Kosunen was then appointed as Duke of Siver. Within days after his appointment, Kostaja Kosunen was abducted along with his son and daughter and they disappeared.

General of Darka

After a year and half serving as the Duke of Siver, Kende was appointed as the General of Darka. His first campaign was to continue the war against Norland. Norland was on its last legs at the time, having been attacked by Darka, Minas Ithil, Eston, and the Barony of Makar. When Minas Ithil, Eston, and the Barony concluded their war, Darka continued to press the attack. After a few weeks King Kostaja recalled the armies of Darka. About two months later Darkan forces once again took contract and marched to war. Kende stepped down as Duke if Siver to march with the Darkan armies, and concentrate on the strategy of the coming wars. (OOC: Kende declared himself a hero when he marched to war.)

Visions of War

Following the end of the contract to defend Minas Ithil, Kende felt a compulsion to take a pilgrimage to Mnt. Sinclair, the holy volcano of Darkanism. While he was there, he received a vision war and death.

The war against the Empire

Citing Empire interference in Carelia and southern politics, Carelia declared war on the Cagilan Empire. Suville and Caergoth joined with Carelia. In the north, Hammarsett, Minas Ithil, the Barony of Makar, Eston, and Darka all joined the war against the Empire. Kende lead the armies of Darka for several months at the start of the war. He organized and lead the campaigns that forced the surrender of Coria (though they later rejoined the fighting), and many expeditions into Empire and Taran lands. After many months of fighting, Kende was captured by the Tarans, and lost the post of General. He still fights the war against the Empire, but as a knight of Massillion. As the war continued, Kende was once again appointed as General of Darka.

In the long run, the war did not go well for the northern alliance. The alliance was unable to truly unify on common goals, common strategies, and otherwise act in unity. Hammarsett was destroyed, Minas Ithil split and then destroyed, Eston split, and then forced to surrender, and even the Barony wracked by secession. Eventually the northern alliance was reduced to Darka standing alone against the might of the entire Empire. Armies from the Cagilan Empire, Tara, Coria, Strombran, and Suville all marched north to assault the lands of Darka with mighty armies.

Darka repelled four assaults by the combined armies of its adversaries. Many, many warriors on both sides were slain on the blood fields of Nazamroth, Agnilar, Wistir, and finally in Malor. In the first battle in Malor, the hero Siegterm Guldan, Count of Maycxal, was slain. Then in the second battle at sunset, Kende was slain in battle by Dyn Karedan of the Cagilan Empire. Dyn collected the bounty on Kende.

Final Moments

Some final RPs surrounding the death of Kende.

Roleplay from Virgo Blue Star
Message sent to everyone in the region Malor
Wiping the blood from his blade and catching site of his captain he stalks toward a tree that still stands among the blood spewed lands. Hearing foots behind him he twirls to see a familiar face one he did not know he would see in these lands...

"Brother, I told you we'd see each other sooner than later. I am glad to see you in such good health and your lover as well" Giving a wave to Alexis as she checks supplies. "News of this battle will spread for lost was a man old as some of the trees planted by our mother. Sir Kende no longer walks these lands, let his soul go to rest."

Rubbing the back of his neck at the news he mutters something looks at his brother feeling always as if he was staring into a mirror. "So passes another sire of Darka, how many more will have to fall I wonder," with a sigh he reaches into his pouch and pulls out his flute and notices his brother already with his out.

Together they lean against the tree and blood flows still around them, yet not touching the ground beside the tree. They begin playing as they were taught commemorating the fallen soldiers that fought on the field today.
Virgo Blue Star

Letter from Raud Crownguard
Message sent to everyone in your realm
Nobles of Darka,

We have suffered a mighty blow this day. Our King is seriously wounded and our General has been slain defending our homelands. While each will morn in his or her own way, each of us needs to take hold of the fury we each feel and turn it into righteous battle rage so that we may decimate our foes and send them home dragging their dead behind them.

Make all due haste back to Azzal, request whatever funds you may need to recruit more men from the Treasury group. This is not a time to recruit haphazardly, everyone should attempt to recruit everything they possibly can. No one should be standing behind the lines as we repel this vermin, we are Darka. Everyone fights... no one quits.

Take pride in your heritage, seek vengeance on those who have invaded our lands and stoke fury's furnace. We will not stand idly by and be run down like the rest of the continent. We will fight and we will slay every last one of them for coming here.



Raud Crownguard (Count of Tintar, Marshal of Royal Army of Darka)

Letter from Lasse Vasata
Message sent to everyone in your realm
Brave men and women of Darka,

This morning we fought bravely for a victory. This evening the sea of soldiers from Cagilan Empire and its allies proved too much for us to hold. We lost brave nobles today, but we should rejoice knowing Sigrid smiled on them and Lodril will welcome them in his embrace.

This is not the time to despair, but a time to realise we are, in our own struggle, mimicking that of our gods. The eroding waves and gusts of wind Sigund and Brigith send to stifle the flames of Sigrid, to scatter the ashes of Darka and erode the mountains of Lodril, are much like the sea of soldiers Cagilan Empire sends against us. They hope we will fall, but they will be sorely disappointed.

Like Lodril has stood against the winds and waters for aeons, so will we. We are the children of our gods and we will not bend or break any easier than our parents. This is a time to embrace the inner flame Sigrid has burning inside all of us. From the ashes the foes leave behind will rise a better and stronger Darka.

Make haste to Azzal and raise a new army. Do not hesitate to ask for gold. Let's show those mice what real warriors can do.
Lasse Vasata (Ambassador of Darka, Duke of Azzal, Margrave of Azzal, Priest of Darkanism)

Roleplay from Celestial Fury
Message sent to everyone in the region Malor
Reading from the Legendary Tome of the Damned, Celestial intoned two names: Kende. Nadina. As the words were spoken, the air shimmered with magic and their fate was sealed.

To the sound of trumpets and baying of orders the battle began. It started with the traditional salute of arrows and screams of death as soldiers fell like flies where they stood. Then the infantry advanced as the cavalry charged from the rear.

Fate knew no mercy and distinguished neither noble nor lord as one after another was wounded. The Lions of Atamara! advanced and watched as the cavalry charged past them to smash into the Darkan ranks.

The Darkans had only two cavalry units. Apparently they had specific orders - very specific orders. Seeing an opening, they charged, one of them directly for the Lions of Atamara! Out of the numerous units they could head for, what were the odds that it was just a coincidence? As they smashed into the Special Forces, the lead horse broke its snout against the Iron Aegis of the Ancients. Rising to his feet, the Darkan took a swing but missed.

Using the hilt of his sword, Celestial knocked the side of his head and the Darkan staggered into a nearby Taran unit who relieved him of his weapon and bundled him away. Then more Darkan cavalry came and the situation was tense. The blows were overpowering but the Enchanted Amulet of Warding glowed bright blue and the horses bolted in fright. However, the Lions of Atamara! were forced to retreat as well.

Looking back, he saw Darka's general surrounded by his men in a box in an attempt to protect him but the air suddenly shimmered around Sir Dyn Karedan and with a mighty thrust, he skewered Kende Indirik, General of Darka who was there at the beginning of the war. As he fell, time slowed with relish and Darkan eyes watched with horror as their military leader thumped the ground in a cloud of dust.

In that instant, the events before the battle came rushing into Celestial's mind, of the spies he had sent to infiltrate the Darkan General's camp who came back with reports of the General's gloating and of his disdain for MiCE and his lust for the Prime Minister's trinkets. "The Head Mouse!" he cried. Looking at him now, he cried a different tune. With his dying breath, he spluttered, "To the last, I will grapple with thee... from Hell's heart, I stab at thee! For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!" And thus, with hate in his heart, he died. (OOC: forum posting forum posting)

It was clear now. It was only stubborn Darkan pride that would not admit that they had lost the war. One had to admire their tenacity - dying for nought, it wasn't something many could do. And so it was with the second name previously intoned in the book - Nadina Vasata, the courtesan of Ixzal, though rumours were she was a princess. A royal courtesan then, Celestial thought but a courtesan nonetheless. She fought till the last, and as the last Darkan unit on the field it fell eventually and their troop leader taken away in chains.

Turning back, he shouted:

Darkans! The MiCE are here!
We'll eat your crops - and your soldiers,
They'll raise their hems in frenzied fear!

Karma had bitten the Darkans burro - hard.
Celestial Fury (Prime Minister of Cagilan Empire, Royal of Cagilan Empire)