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Meeting with the Talerium General

8-10 June, after a major battle in Corniel, in which Falasan were victorious against a combined army from Cagilan Empire, Tara, Darka and Talerium.

Roleplay from Solak Marioneaux

Solak scanned over the sorry company he had. His soldiers dead, he was left with an assortment of scribes, messengers, servants, and camels, the last of which were none too happy with the environment, although didn't mind the melancholy mood. "Bury them," he gave the throaty command to his servants, gesturing at the dead soldier's bodies that had been recovered. He was still contemplating over what to do with one of nobler stature, and how to recover him.

Some time passed, and Solak had contemplated it with repressed tears. He had really liked Aragard, he wasn't sure why. It was just what Aragard had said to him just two days ago, which was so sensible, yet he idly dismissed it, although there was certainly more to that. He wanted to return Aragard to his family in Axzaloc, but wasn't sure how to navigate the precarious position he was in, in order to recover Argard's body and get out safely. As far as he knew, Aragard's body was still in the field somewhere, getting picked at by people or some vermin of the sky, possibly even being kept safe by the Falasaniis, although nothing could be certain. The possibility of the latter irked him the least, and he hoped it was so.

Solak mounted his camel, and slowly it plodded in the direction back towards where the battle had taken place, leaving his assorted property of camels, servants, scribes, and messengers behind. A unit of the enemy was clearly in sight, though they had not noticed him yet, as they were busy reveling in victory. He stopped just under 50 yards out from their camp, and waited, staring at those that could have killed the one he was looking for. It was certainly not the best idea out there, but rash thoughts and actions come from those with strong emotions, although this was probably better than rushing into their camp.


Roleplay from Crip Grindle

Werner: Sir, there's a...

Crip: Ah, there you are, Captain. Brandy?

Werner: No sir, thank you. There's a man prowling around along the way a bit, sir. Near Sir Lasten's camp.

Crip: Prowling?

Werner: Well, more standing about.

Crip: What sort of a man?

Werner: Hard to tell from this distance, sir, but he seems to be a noble from Talerium. Oh - and he's sat on a camel, sir.

Crip: Oh? A camel? How peculiar. You sure it's Talerium, not the Empire?

Werner: Quite sure, sir, yes.

Crip: Yes, I suppose it would be, with the camel. Good. And just on his own?

Werner: It seems so, sir.

Crip: Well then. If he's loitering around to cause trouble, then I'd rather have him where I can see him. And if, as I think is rather more likely for someone from Talerium, he has honourable motives, I'd like to see if we can help. Are any of our troops not drunk?

Werner: Norry, and Jeb, sir, I would recommend.

Crip: Good, well send Jeb to him, and invite him here for a glass of cherry brandy with me. See what response we get.


Roleplay from Solak Marioneaux

Turning his head, Solak saw two infantry approaching him. They appeared healthy, and perhaps a bit tired. They were looking at his camel oddly though, as if they had never seen one before. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he warned them, before they had even said anything.

"Do what? Ahm uh, just uh... admiring your mount there. Royal Treasurer Crip wants to drink with you though," the bigger guard said.

"Very well. Show me to your master then, and stop gawking at my camel like that, it's not wise." Solak replied. He wasn't familiar with the name, but hearing the title made him rather glad he hadn't had all of the tax men in Corniel defenestrated.

"So, why don't you stare at your mount? It got a pretty mouth, and it looks back at ya," said the bigger guard, still staring at it.

Solak muttered something under his breath about the excessive greenery making people stupid as they came into Crip's camp. As he was about to dismount, he heard the unmistakable wet slapping noise of camel spit on someone's face. He couldn't help but chuckle as the guard started to scream about monsters trying to kill him while his drunken comrades laughed uncontrollably at him.


Roleplay from Crip Grindle

Crip: Silence!

His call is enough at least to quieten, if not silence, the men, who back away from the camel enough to allow its rider to dismount and join Crip in a small room he's found to stay in.

Crip: [cheerily] Werner! A good bottle of Elroth Cherry Brandy please!

Werner: Sorry, sir, we're all out of that. We do have some from Anfalas, though?

Crip: Yes, yes, ok. And bring the Skat cards in case. And see to it that the camel is well treated!

Werner smiles and a young scout bring the required items in a few minutes later.

Crip: [with a friendly smile] It's better in here, out of the weather. Now, I am Crip Grindle, the Royal Treasurer here. You? I have met so few Talerium men - I did have the fortune to meet Duke Tan in, erm, I think Melias, it might have been, some time ago. He was a most grand personality. So do tell me who you are, and what brings you over here on your own.


Roleplay from Solak Marioneaux

"I am Solak Marioneaux, Warlord of Talerium, as well as Marshal of the Chocxal Guard. What odd company we must seem to our peers?" Solak replied, nearly breaking a grin, before his face was somber again as he continued, "I am here for the personal effects and body of a fallen comrade, and one of the knights in my army. You wouldn't happen to know where Sir Aragard Greyfeathre ended up, would you?" Solak then took a seat at the table in the room, and sipped politely at the brandy in the glass as he listened to Crip's reply. It had a peculiar taste, quite unlike that which was available in Talerium, which wasn't a bad thing when one was in a certain duchy.


Roleplay from Crip Grindle

Crip: Well, I am honoured to meet another great officer of Talerium. I am afraid that I don't know of Sir Aragard's fate, though I can show you to the area he will likely be found. There is a space a few hundred yards away where we have collected up many of the dead.

Crip: But, do finish your brandy before you take on that unpleasant task. Perhaps you would like another, and a game of Skat as well? I would be happy to entertain you here for a time. Do you play much Skat in Talerium?


Roleplay from Solak Marioneaux

Solak eyed the cards. He had never been good at any card game. He had won perhaps 2 hands in 15 deals playing Blue Jester with only a couple others. "Perhaps another time, Royal Treasurer. We have card games by other names that we play in Talerium, although they are likely similar. I do say though, that brandy is top notch. Would it be too much to ask for your suggestions of certain drinks in Falasan? I will be passing through here later on personal business, and it has been quite some time since I've sampled the various drinks of Falasan, aside from tournaments. I could bring by some of the finer fortified wines from the duchy of Mapaxal during that time, if you are not too busy."


Roleplay from Crip Grindle

Crip: Ah, well, certainly, we may play another time perhaps. If you've not played Skat before, then the rules can be a little... tricky. Here, do take a copy of the Skat rules with you, and perhaps you will find it a good addition to those you already play in Talerium.

Crip hands the rules to Sir Solak without waiting for a reply.

Crip: This brandy is from Elroth - where I believe the best brandy is from, though that may be biased since it is my own home region. This particular cherry brandy is made by my uncle there, and has always been a favourite. I am not much of an expert on other drinks, but I know that a number of the Black Army drink ale - Dame Ain, particularly, before she left - I am sure that Sir Friedroch would have some, and perhaps some of his cheese. This army seems to have more cheese than any other, and Sir Friedroch is often the one to provide it.

Crip: Certainly do bring some of your Mapaxal bottles with you next time you are in the area, and I shall exchange them for some of my Elroth brandy, and I shall keep an eye out for other fine Falasani drinks between now and then, so as to provide you with a good selection.

Crip's captain knocks and enters

Werner: Sir, a number of letters from Sir Kealan.

Crip: Ah, yes. Warrior Saints, Werner.

Werner's face relaxes, as his worries about Sir Crip receiving a number of letters from Eston fades, and he leaves again.

Crip: [to Solak] Are you a religious man? I have been developing a good understanding of the Way of the Warrior Saints in the last few months. I don't suppose you have their teachings in Talerium much?


Roleplay from Solak Marioneaux

Solak frowned at the mention of religion. "A dispute over the translation of several holy texts is one of the reasons why I am making a personal trip to my family estate. As far as the Warrior Saints go, I'm not aware of their presence in Talerium, and information on them is sparse there. The primary religion in Talerium is currently The Word, although it is not as widespread among the nobility as one would think, especially in the Councils. We also had a brief stay of Estianism, but the priests of The Word are rather aggressive, and scared the pacifistic Estian Priestess away, and a Duke nearly had one of the greatest temples of The Word razed out of anger with them, as the priestess was his knight. The funny thing is, the rather angry duke detested pacifists." Solak said, chuckling at the end. He took a deep drink of the brandy, before realizing he didn't have a subject to bring up, and the task he had ahead.

"Perhaps I should be going now, Royal Treasurer Crip. It was a pleasure meeting you. I do hope we meet again, and I'll be sure to have some of the wine from Mapaxal on hand for that time. It is often complimented on it's unique flavor. Until then, farewell," He gathered his things, including several gifts by Crip, and prepared to leave.


Roleplay from Crip Grindle

Crip: Yes, yes, indeed. I mustn't keep you from your business any longer. I do hope you find him... Werner! Ah, there you are. Please escort Sir Solak.

Crip: I look forward to our next meeting, and hope it will be under a more favourable circumstance. It continues to be a shame that I only meet Talerium men after battles where you've been helping our enemies. Maybe one day that will change. Anyway, for now I bid you goodbye.

Crip smiles, and Werner leads Sir Solak out and takes him a few hundred yards away where the dead lie, ready to be buried, and a few wounded are treated nextdoor.


Request from Crip Grindle to the Black Army

Members of the Black Army,

At the recent battle in Chagasu, I had reason to speak with the General of Talerium. He expressed an interest in the drinks of Falasan, after tasting some of my uncle's cherry brandy. It seems that he is quite a connaisseur.

I would request that if you have any fine drinks, that you let me have a bottle when you next see me, so that I can provide a good selection for Sir Solak next time we meet. He is bringing some fortified wine from Mapaxal, which I shall in turn distribute back out to those who were able to supply me with something. Sir Friedroch, if you are able to provide some of the ale of which you and Dame Ain were so particularly fond, that would be good also. I am not an ale man myself, but I see that it must be of high quality given its favour in this army.

I am now in Anfalas, heading to Chato via Corniel as fast as I can, and shall meet with you then.

Sir Crip Grindle

Royal Treasurer of Falasan