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(death of Phear)
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{{Template:Taselak Tribune Header| issue=5}}
{{Template:Taselak Tribune Header| issue=5}}
{{Template:News Article Boxed Left|
title = A great leader falls|
date = 17 March 2007|
author = [[Habap Family/Lynsey|Lynsey Habap]]|
location = [[South-East Island/Lesthem|Lesthem]]|
article = After being wounded, Phear continued to lead his men forward. Turning to wave more of the warriors of Toren forward, he never saw the spear thrust forward. As he turned back to face his enemies, the spear struck him in the chest. He gasped, but scream, "By Tor, you shall not stand!" His wound was grievous and deep. Though he fell, Toren soldiers swept past him into Taselak lines.
The shock of his death affected both armies, stunning even the Lords of Taselak, sworn to see his death. Both sides have agreed to a limited cease-fire to allow the wounded and dead to be removed from the field.}}

{{Template:News Article Boxed Left|
{{Template:News Article Boxed Left|

Revision as of 23:36, 17 March 2007

Taselak Tribune:
News from Glorious Taselak!
Price: Free for Taselakians,
5 coppers for everyone else
Editors: Dennis, Jet, Lynsey and others from Taselak! Issue Number: 5
Troops pile up along our borders, but we stand firm in the face of such might

Other Editions of the Taselak Tribune:
Special Editions:

April Toren Rebellion:

A great leader falls
17 March 2007 (Lesthem) by Lynsey Habap
After being wounded, Phear continued to lead his men forward. Turning to wave more of the warriors of Toren forward, he never saw the spear thrust forward. As he turned back to face his enemies, the spear struck him in the chest. He gasped, but scream, "By Tor, you shall not stand!" His wound was grievous and deep. Though he fell, Toren soldiers swept past him into Taselak lines.

The shock of his death affected both armies, stunning even the Lords of Taselak, sworn to see his death. Both sides have agreed to a limited cease-fire to allow the wounded and dead to be removed from the field.

Toren loses twice
8 March 2007 (Seggelin) by Lynsey Habap
Despite having the odds in their favor in two recent battles in Seggelin, the mighty Toren Army lost twice. Each time, they faced a portion of the Army of Taselak, anchored by their Heavy Striker's Group in the open field. Each time, they were defeated. One must surmise that their manuevers last week were, in fact, justified now. Even when the numbers are on their side, they seem to find a way to lose.

In the first battle, the turning point seems to have occurred early, when the two cavalry units fielded by Toren ended up charging across open ground nearly alone, facing the entire front line of Taselak and all of its archers. The lack of wind doomed the poor yak riders and both units were buried in a shower of arrows while crashing into the wall of shields. They fought bravely causing many losses in the Taselak front line, but failing to pierce it. The loss of such powerful units to so little effect must have crushed the spirits of every Torenite on the field.

First Battle:

27 Toren attackers (439 Inf, 20 MI, 162 Arch, 40 Cav, 39 SF)
26 Taselak defenders (413 Inf, 139 Arch)
Total combat strengths: 8431 vs. 7209

Second Battle:

31 Toren attackers (314 Inf, 4 MI, 216 Arch, 2 Cav, 34 SF)
26 Taselak defenders (263 Inf, 114 Arch)
Total combat strengths: 7415 vs. 5570
Series of confusing battles
3 March 2007 (Endelee) by Lynsey Habap
In recent days, the mighty Toren Army has lost battles in Endelee, Seggelin, Lesthem and Endelee again. Each time, Taselakians hoped to encounter the entire Toren Army. Instead, each time, the Toren Army disappeared over the hills, leaving something of a rear-guard behind. Each time, the nobles left behind were badly ounumbered and basically sacrificed. The Phear fear demonstrated by Toren leaders is unfathomable.
Brawl at Pubmobile
5 March 2007 (Lesthem) by Lord ENDperor
Today a large brawl occured at the Pub-mobile. Reports of the incident state that the brawl broke out due to the soldiers involved arguing over whose turn it was to kill the Torenites in Lesthem. More men were injured in the brawl than in the the last 3 days of battle. the HSG is currently being investigated as the likely source, as the first brawlers was wearing HSG colors.
Disappointment at the disappearance of the Yaks
1 March 2007 (Endelee) by Lynsey Habap
A portion of the Army of Taselak arrived in Endelee with hopes of engaging at least half if not all of the Yak-led Army of Toren. Unfortunately, most of them had already fled. They left behind 4 nobles and about 100 troops. The 10 to 1 odds these leaders faced doomed them before the battle began. Each of those nobles fought with distinction, but fell wounded during the battle. One wonders why their leaders chose to sacrifice these nobles.

Taselakans had hoped that the Army of Toren would consolidate and provide a challenge, but one must assume they fear the Pub-Mobile and are again retreating to Toren Stronghold.

Lord Samuel L, of Jackson, announces heat wave
3 March 2007 (Lesthem) by Lynsey Habap
Lord Samuel L, of Jackson announced, "Dis (expletive deleted) is hot again, you (blanking blankers)! Bring on da sinnahs!" Simultaneously, reports of Toren failures in multiple battles in a row, with stragglers being captured with minimal losses to the Army of Taselak, arrived at the Pub-Mobile. This places the Toren Army third in size again. This time, they accomplished the feat without a single significant battle.