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title =<center>[[Image:Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG]]The Kalmarian Chronicles[[Image:Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG]]</center>|
title =<center>[[Image:Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG]]The Kalmarian Chronicles[[Image:Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG]]</center>|
article = Price: Free, though donations are greatly accepted ----- Printed In [[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar]] City ----- Editor: [[User: Alex|Legatus]] [[DeSyrr Family| DeSyrr]] ----- late June '06 ----- The Kalmarian Chronicles is an [[IJARG]] paper.}}
article = Price: Free, though donations are greatly accepted ----- Printed In [[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar]] City ----- Editor: [[User: Alex|Legatus]] [[DeSyrr Family| DeSyrr]] and One [[Rogala Family|Rogala]] ----- early July '06 ----- The Kalmarian Chronicles is an [[IJARG]] paper.}}
Lately there have been attacks, both verbal and physical against peace. Kalmarian history has been plagued with problems caused by renegade nobls acting out of personal interest. This has begun with the wasted money on carts and pitifully weak archers, continued with the famous El cid hijacking, Delvair's assasination attempt on me, the execution of Master Jacket, and numerous criticisms.
Recently, noble Julia has sabotaged Kazan and was captured by Old Rancaguan guards despite the new neutrality with [[Old Rancagua]]. I cannot begin to explain the complete idocy of this. First, what on earth is 23 bushels of food going to be to Old Ranc? That isnt much of a loss. They arent starving, it wont hurt them. More importantly, why would you want to hurt Old Rancagua when we are trying so hard to make peace. I mean we've already given them an excuse for war by executing Master the eyes of other realms? Are we not all struggling to eradicate the idea that we are all hijackers? I suppose this is to be expected from Amazon Julia. The first message she sent to me, in Oligarch was a threat on my life.
Renegade nobles are far too common around here.
Not only that but two nobles have protested Chancellor Prometheus' actions. Chancellor Prometheus has spoken with King Dekion and estimated that peace could be made in about a month. That would give both leaders time to cool down the Old Rancaguan warhawks and Kalmarian radicals who do want war. The protesting nobles disagree with the one month plan saying that Prometheus promised peace immediately not in 1, 2, 3 months.
Clearly Prometheus' problem as King still exists as Chancellor. Despite those who may cal him tyrannical or accuse him of reducing freedom are gravely mistaken. For both during his time as King, and the present Master Prometheus has had a lot of trouble controlling his nobles and keeping them from acting out against common sense.
=Another Rebuttal=
I apologize to those who may prefer more... practical news on more important things, but I like to see truth presented in a paper and do not enjoy reading lies. It seems Old Rancagua wants the current Kalmarians to denounce their right to own the land. While this matters very little to me personally, (I've been here since a few dyas after KI's founding) I dont think Old Rancagua has the right to deny the claim the current nobles have on the land. The OR Press seems to think that El Cids actions make the entire democracy wrong.
While few can deny the atrocity of El Cid's actions, you cannot blame the current nobles for them. El Cid, Artanis, and Gnaeus, the three chief rebels are all gone! they are no longer in the realm. I would estimate that about 6 rebels still reside in KI, and 3 were actual long time Kalmarian rebels, not hijackers.
Old Rancagua uses the fact that 2 royalist nobles still take refuge in OR as an excuse for war. As of now Kalmar Islands has spent equivalent time in democracy as it has in a monarchy. I am willing to bet that Chancellor Lalakis has spent more time in KI than say Rats. These new nobles have spent just as much time here, were not involved witrh the rebellion, and are more numerous. You see just as El Cid took Kalmar Islands and dispelled the majority of nobles, Old Rancagua wants to do the same thing. The current nobles like the democracy and Old Ranc wants to destroy it despite the majority being in disagreement.
I say that regardless of the way Kalmar Islands was brutally hijacked, the fact still stands that the majority of Kalmarians had nothing to do with it, and the majority does not want monarhcy. Old Rancagua cannot or atleast should not denounce El Cid and still call their actions righteous.
Next, while nobody can deny Old Rancagua's military is far stronger than Kalmars, the Islands can certainly hold out against an assault. This military action against our nation, in addition to landing PRometheus the Chancellorship, has also prompted a stronge rmilitary in KAlmar. 3 new recruitment centers have been built since the invasion. The walls have been repaired, and nobles are recruiting more troops. Today in fact, Kalmar Islands has gained tis first Special Forces center! Kalmar Islands can definately protect our lands, we just dont want to have to. That is why Prometheus was elected, because the nobles do not want to see the settlers face any more peril from foreign invaders. They've gone through enough the first time.
Old Ranc's PRess now denies the negotiations have even existed. Even the most foolish of men can see the folly of this. Did I not post the votes earlier? We've been voting quite a bit. First we voted YES to trying to make peace with Old Rancagua. We then voted NO to allowing Prometheus to return as king of a monarchy, instead having him come back to democracy and democracy only. Chancellor Lalakis has posted the messages sent between him and King Dekion. Negotiations have been going on for some time now. While I understand we may have some disagreement I am apalled to find the OR Press would actually deny this happened.
I conclude after all this, that old Rancagua does not have the ability to "to cleanse the isles of the unjust" because in fact they are the unjust. Perhaps if all royalist Kalmarians jointly went to OR and tried to invade KI immediately after the hijacking I would have a bit of respect for them. Acutally, I probably would be invading KI should this have happened <b>With the support of the majority of Kalmarian nobles</b>. The fact is that after months of waiting around in Old Ranc, the majority has become a minority who are themselves rebels who haev gone against their own King, a king who has announced his disagreement with the entire war.
Old Rancagua, should they want to be virtous, ought to accept the Kalmarian democracy and return to an alliance with KI, rahter than just ruining the place in the name of a few disgruntled exiles.
=Peace as promised=
Less than an hour after Prometheus was elected Chancellor, King Dekion offered a ceasefire. Again I feel as an editor I ought to speak the truth of what was reported in the [[Old Rancagua Press/1st July 2006|Old Rancagua Press]]
The first is, Kalmar Islands did not need to elect Prometheus in order to survive. I think the even numbers and eventual victory defending our lands proved that. However it also proved that a conflict with our northern neighbor would result in massive loss of life and would slow Kalmar's economic growth. Something we dont want to see.
Second, negotiations have been going on this entire time. Chancellor Lalakis did not wish for war. He would not have stepped down and allowed PRometheus to be elected should this be the truth. Chancellor Lalakis has described the amiable nature of King Dekion and how some of his nobles(and indeed some of ours) want war. We have been talking and talking this entire time. IT isnt that this is the first time we are negotiating, it is the first time Kalmar Islands has actually given in to a demand.
Despite these things, I must admit the Old Ranc Press ahs been using the term Avamar correcly more often now. Lalakis was the former Avamarian Chancellor(as the OR PRess said). The brutal rebellion of El Cid was in the name of Avamar(despite the fact that the new KI, is not Avamar. It has remained KI through the hijacking.)
Their last use of the word. The "Tricks of Avamar". I'm not sure what those tricks are, perhaps they refer to how Old rancagua is constantly being tricked into thinking Avamar is Kalmar Islands and not the Sirionite city?
We'll keep everyone updated...
=Another voting=
From Lalakis Abadonas, current Chancellor of Kalmar Islands:
1. Next turn I will step down, giving Prometheus a shot to bring the much desired Peace.
2. The capital will be moved back to Chaos Temple as soon as possible, PROVIDING that the gold needed will be accumulated
3. From now on, it is a formal Policy of Kalmar Islands that NO TL or family will hold two positions at a time, including elected and appointed positions of any kind"
1. Prometheus was voted Chancellor in an effort to bring peace by a vote of 26-4 (2 abstentions)
2. The capital vote was 15 votes to move the capital immediately - 13 votes to move it when peace is made - 5 no movement at all (2 abstentions)
3. The "No two positions" bill was approved by a vote of 26-1 (4 abstentions)
So for these votes 51%, 55%, and 49% of Kalmarian nobles actually voted. This is a definite increase from the 43% voter turnout in the last election, still though it is far from the ideal 100%.
=Old Rancagua Repelled, and a few comments on the war=
Battle in Stora:
26 attackers (361 Inf, 57 Arch, 5 Cav)
5 defenders (97 Inf, 63 Arch)
Total combat strengths: 5418 vs. 1247
After the Kalmarian victory in the capital, [[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar City]] most of the troops from [[Old Rancagua]] have been slowly returning home, while the Kalmarian army has been refitting. With much of the army destroyed in the first battle of Stora a draft has been going on and more troops are levied. The strengthened Kalmarian force has now destoryed the 5 nobles who chose not to leave with the others, purging the nation of all foreign soldiers.
We ought to have some temporary peace for a while now, considering the enemy capital has been moved further away, to [[East Continent/Ashforth|Ashforth]].
An interesting little tidbit of information. Only two invading nobles were actual Kalmarian royalists.(atleast that I recognized. My apologies if I have missed a Kalmarian.) Master Rats and Master Palandro you have my utmost rrespect and admiration, while the rest of the invaders were Old Rancaguan probably coming to the islands for the first time. You at the moment do not.
An invasion of foreigners who do not have the support of the majority of Kalmarians. The foreigners are clearly more powerful. This entire scenario does seem familiar doesn't it? Kalmarian history does seem to repeat itself.
Completely unrelated to the previous comment, looking at the statistics. Kalmar has lost about 6500CS while Old Rancagua lost about 9000CS. Congratulations to the many Kalmarian whose eyes read these words, and may we honor the virtuous fallen.
=Twin Surrender=
Earlier, two nations surrendered to their enemies simulataneously. [[Caligus]] and [[Ubent]] gave in to demands of [[Ibladesh]], [[Itorunt]], and [[Yssaria]]. As most readers know, Caligus has been on a long losing streak havign been reduced to four of their original 10 regions. Ubent is currently the same size, but plans to surrender three regions to the souther states, leaving Ubent a weak but still independant state that will contain [[East Continent/Castle Ubent|Castle Ubent]], [[East Continent/Bursa|Bursa]], and [[East Continent/Eldoret|Eldoret]]. The leaders of the two nations, Vlad and Zog Returns have both given statements on their agreements of surrender. Thank you noble rulers, for your time.
Zog Returns, PM of Ubent has said:
<i>"The terms of the peace agreement were advised by Yssiria,Itorunt and Ibladesh - if you have questions about that then please ask them. The republic of Ubent had a full and democratic vote on the agreement - over 65% of votes were in favour - so yes it has the support of Ubent. As for prosperity - I hope so."</i>
"The Republic of Ubent agrees to deny safe harbour or passage to any former member of the Kingdoms of Perdan, Caligus or Kalmar sufficiently experienced to know the ways of their former realms."
I was less at ease after reading that. It seems it is not Ubent that has any qualm with us, but the Southern Federation that drew up this treaty. Hopefully, we can still have peace with Ubent.
King Vlad of Caligus has been kind enough to accept an interview.
<i>"1a. Both nations have made peace with the continent. Will this bring further prosperity to your nations' regions?
I have not yet made peace, its my goal, an my Goal is more closer then ever, but not yet achieved.
If the Peace is there, it will surly bring prosper time to our people and its regions.
1b. If yes, then will it bring prosperity also to the regions you have surrendered?
I trust in Yssria to do so.
2. Do the nobles of your respective nations generally agree with the decisions to make peace?
Yes they did, that why the rebellion went so smoothly.
They all agreed that the obstacle for peace was and is Gwynyth and her past mistakes/relations with Yssaria.
3. Do you estimable rulers believe your former enemies will honor your peace. Will appeasement work to stop the violence?
If they sign it, they will, Ysssaria is a realm of Honour, even with the blood lust they used to have, they are very honourable nobles.
I enjoyed talking with them.
4. How do you see the East Continent as a whole progressing in the future?
We will see peace soon, I think that's very clear.
If Perdan doesn't surrender, it will also be destroyed, so either ways, there will be Peace.
I think this is a good thing, but maybe not the way how it should go..."</i>
This is a very positive note for Caligus, but as for Kalmar that is uncertain. King Vlad has also stated "I never liked the way you people came to power, and I never liked the fact that we where in peace with you guys.
May you be one of the First People to Declare Neutrality with."
We used to be alleid with Caligus and we had a food deal going on with them. Actually, when the Caligan banker Medium was wounded and removed from his position Lord Vlad took up the position and raised the price we Kalmarians would have to pay for the food, if I recall correctly. So while this may not be good for Kalmar Islands it is definately good for the whole prosperity fo the East Continent.
=Second Battle, First Victory *EDIT* Correcting and Reemphasizing Old Ranc Press *EDIT*=
"17 attackers (332 Inf, 96 Arch, 46 Cav, 13 SF)
25 defenders (198 Inf, 83 Arch, 3 Cav)
Total combat strengths: 5154 vs. 4433
1 neutral observers (168 combat strength)."
After that shocking defeat of Kalmarian forces in [[East Continent/Stora|Stora]], the enemy advance has stopped. The Kalmarian forces are victorius!
[[Old Rancagua Press/1st July 2006|Old Rancagua Press]] says:
<i>"Attacking with only minimal numerical superiority, the battle-hardened Old Rancaguan troops were routed by the heavily entrenched defenders, taking many casualities but inflicting their own upon the city. "</i>
I would like to rerphrase that statement. Old Rancagua attacked Kalmar City and failed utterly. Despite having more soldiers, and better trained soldiers they still fell to valient Kalmarian forces. Old Rancagua failed to realize they could not just run into walls and expect them to fall down.
Not only that the Old Ranc Press continues to call us, and indeed me Avamarian. I am sorry, the closest I've ever come to Avamar is Oligarch City. I have never been in Avamar, and have never been an Avamarian. Just as it is wrong to call Master Wenliang Eliadorian or Coimbran etc. it is equally false to call me an Avamarian.
I urge you readers to be wary, and critical of what is written in the Old Rancagua Press, for it is not all true.
=First Battle, First Defeat=
20 attackers (607 Inf, 82 Arch, 105 Cav, 20 SF)
33 defenders (499 Inf, 74 Arch, 29 Cav)
Total combat strengths: 8205 vs. 8253"
The army of Kalmar fought valiently defending their lands. The enemy leader, Lady Natasha attests this.
"Greetings Kalmarians, all that fought today did so with honor and
I shall salute those that have given their lives for their realms."
Many nobles were wounded in this battle including former King Prometheus(fighting onthe Kalmarian side I might add), and Chancellor Lalakis. As a result, Lord One was voted ruler. He has announced he will step down shortly. Still the bitter irony of this war is clear. The OR army fights to restore a monarchy in a land they have no claim to, to a man who does not even want to be forced onto the throne. Just as El Cid Rogala took over a land he had no claim to, OR now attempts the same thing, likely to have equivalent success in an equally heineous act.
The reason for our defeat is something only the Great Dragon must know. Our strengths were equal. We in Kalmar held defensive positions. Most units were dug in and had fortifications erected. Our defeat was a freak event of massive consequences. In agreement with Lord One, that OR's belligerent action is quite simply barbaric.
=Food for Thought=
<i>Comments Editor One Rogala</i>
Old Rancaguan is coming to reclaim the lands of Kalamar. This reasoning stands that there is actually someone to whom the land is being reclaimed for, but for who these individuals are remains a mystery. Prometheus, former ruler of Kalamar before El Cid's rebellion, has rejoined the newly formed democracy and has declared total opposition to the war, and yet Old Rancaguan marches forward with the claim that they will return the rightful king to the thrown. What king is this? A puppet king that they can control of course. We have to look at the real reasons for this war, and that's power. They don't care hundreds of thousands of nobles and peasants alike will perish in this useless and pointless conflict.
Now I apologize for my poor grammar, but I don’t have the time to make things all nice and pretty as I have a war to fight.  Keep sharp, East Continent.
=News from the Front=
So far, four Old Rancaguan nobles and their military units have attacked [[East Continent/Stora|Stora]]. All were swiftly defeated by the Kalmarian army. The majority of the OR army is still sailing here and will likely by tomorrow.


Latest revision as of 17:17, 13 July 2006

Kalmar islands Emblem.JPGThe Kalmarian ChroniclesKalmar islands Emblem.JPG
Price: Free, though donations are greatly accepted ----- Printed In Kalmar City ----- Editor: Legatus DeSyrr and One Rogala ----- early July '06 ----- The Kalmarian Chronicles is an IJARG paper.



Lately there have been attacks, both verbal and physical against peace. Kalmarian history has been plagued with problems caused by renegade nobls acting out of personal interest. This has begun with the wasted money on carts and pitifully weak archers, continued with the famous El cid hijacking, Delvair's assasination attempt on me, the execution of Master Jacket, and numerous criticisms.

Recently, noble Julia has sabotaged Kazan and was captured by Old Rancaguan guards despite the new neutrality with Old Rancagua. I cannot begin to explain the complete idocy of this. First, what on earth is 23 bushels of food going to be to Old Ranc? That isnt much of a loss. They arent starving, it wont hurt them. More importantly, why would you want to hurt Old Rancagua when we are trying so hard to make peace. I mean we've already given them an excuse for war by executing Master the eyes of other realms? Are we not all struggling to eradicate the idea that we are all hijackers? I suppose this is to be expected from Amazon Julia. The first message she sent to me, in Oligarch was a threat on my life.

Renegade nobles are far too common around here.

Not only that but two nobles have protested Chancellor Prometheus' actions. Chancellor Prometheus has spoken with King Dekion and estimated that peace could be made in about a month. That would give both leaders time to cool down the Old Rancaguan warhawks and Kalmarian radicals who do want war. The protesting nobles disagree with the one month plan saying that Prometheus promised peace immediately not in 1, 2, 3 months.

Clearly Prometheus' problem as King still exists as Chancellor. Despite those who may cal him tyrannical or accuse him of reducing freedom are gravely mistaken. For both during his time as King, and the present Master Prometheus has had a lot of trouble controlling his nobles and keeping them from acting out against common sense.

Another Rebuttal


I apologize to those who may prefer more... practical news on more important things, but I like to see truth presented in a paper and do not enjoy reading lies. It seems Old Rancagua wants the current Kalmarians to denounce their right to own the land. While this matters very little to me personally, (I've been here since a few dyas after KI's founding) I dont think Old Rancagua has the right to deny the claim the current nobles have on the land. The OR Press seems to think that El Cids actions make the entire democracy wrong.

While few can deny the atrocity of El Cid's actions, you cannot blame the current nobles for them. El Cid, Artanis, and Gnaeus, the three chief rebels are all gone! they are no longer in the realm. I would estimate that about 6 rebels still reside in KI, and 3 were actual long time Kalmarian rebels, not hijackers.

Old Rancagua uses the fact that 2 royalist nobles still take refuge in OR as an excuse for war. As of now Kalmar Islands has spent equivalent time in democracy as it has in a monarchy. I am willing to bet that Chancellor Lalakis has spent more time in KI than say Rats. These new nobles have spent just as much time here, were not involved witrh the rebellion, and are more numerous. You see just as El Cid took Kalmar Islands and dispelled the majority of nobles, Old Rancagua wants to do the same thing. The current nobles like the democracy and Old Ranc wants to destroy it despite the majority being in disagreement.

I say that regardless of the way Kalmar Islands was brutally hijacked, the fact still stands that the majority of Kalmarians had nothing to do with it, and the majority does not want monarhcy. Old Rancagua cannot or atleast should not denounce El Cid and still call their actions righteous. ---

Next, while nobody can deny Old Rancagua's military is far stronger than Kalmars, the Islands can certainly hold out against an assault. This military action against our nation, in addition to landing PRometheus the Chancellorship, has also prompted a stronge rmilitary in KAlmar. 3 new recruitment centers have been built since the invasion. The walls have been repaired, and nobles are recruiting more troops. Today in fact, Kalmar Islands has gained tis first Special Forces center! Kalmar Islands can definately protect our lands, we just dont want to have to. That is why Prometheus was elected, because the nobles do not want to see the settlers face any more peril from foreign invaders. They've gone through enough the first time. ---

Old Ranc's PRess now denies the negotiations have even existed. Even the most foolish of men can see the folly of this. Did I not post the votes earlier? We've been voting quite a bit. First we voted YES to trying to make peace with Old Rancagua. We then voted NO to allowing Prometheus to return as king of a monarchy, instead having him come back to democracy and democracy only. Chancellor Lalakis has posted the messages sent between him and King Dekion. Negotiations have been going on for some time now. While I understand we may have some disagreement I am apalled to find the OR Press would actually deny this happened. ---

I conclude after all this, that old Rancagua does not have the ability to "to cleanse the isles of the unjust" because in fact they are the unjust. Perhaps if all royalist Kalmarians jointly went to OR and tried to invade KI immediately after the hijacking I would have a bit of respect for them. Acutally, I probably would be invading KI should this have happened With the support of the majority of Kalmarian nobles. The fact is that after months of waiting around in Old Ranc, the majority has become a minority who are themselves rebels who haev gone against their own King, a king who has announced his disagreement with the entire war.

Old Rancagua, should they want to be virtous, ought to accept the Kalmarian democracy and return to an alliance with KI, rahter than just ruining the place in the name of a few disgruntled exiles.

Peace as promised


Less than an hour after Prometheus was elected Chancellor, King Dekion offered a ceasefire. Again I feel as an editor I ought to speak the truth of what was reported in the Old Rancagua Press

The first is, Kalmar Islands did not need to elect Prometheus in order to survive. I think the even numbers and eventual victory defending our lands proved that. However it also proved that a conflict with our northern neighbor would result in massive loss of life and would slow Kalmar's economic growth. Something we dont want to see.

Second, negotiations have been going on this entire time. Chancellor Lalakis did not wish for war. He would not have stepped down and allowed PRometheus to be elected should this be the truth. Chancellor Lalakis has described the amiable nature of King Dekion and how some of his nobles(and indeed some of ours) want war. We have been talking and talking this entire time. IT isnt that this is the first time we are negotiating, it is the first time Kalmar Islands has actually given in to a demand.

Despite these things, I must admit the Old Ranc Press ahs been using the term Avamar correcly more often now. Lalakis was the former Avamarian Chancellor(as the OR PRess said). The brutal rebellion of El Cid was in the name of Avamar(despite the fact that the new KI, is not Avamar. It has remained KI through the hijacking.)

Their last use of the word. The "Tricks of Avamar". I'm not sure what those tricks are, perhaps they refer to how Old rancagua is constantly being tricked into thinking Avamar is Kalmar Islands and not the Sirionite city?

We'll keep everyone updated...

Another voting


From Lalakis Abadonas, current Chancellor of Kalmar Islands:

" 1. Next turn I will step down, giving Prometheus a shot to bring the much desired Peace.

2. The capital will be moved back to Chaos Temple as soon as possible, PROVIDING that the gold needed will be accumulated

3. From now on, it is a formal Policy of Kalmar Islands that NO TL or family will hold two positions at a time, including elected and appointed positions of any kind"

1. Prometheus was voted Chancellor in an effort to bring peace by a vote of 26-4 (2 abstentions) 2. The capital vote was 15 votes to move the capital immediately - 13 votes to move it when peace is made - 5 no movement at all (2 abstentions) 3. The "No two positions" bill was approved by a vote of 26-1 (4 abstentions)

So for these votes 51%, 55%, and 49% of Kalmarian nobles actually voted. This is a definite increase from the 43% voter turnout in the last election, still though it is far from the ideal 100%.

Old Rancagua Repelled, and a few comments on the war


Battle in Stora:

26 attackers (361 Inf, 57 Arch, 5 Cav) 5 defenders (97 Inf, 63 Arch) Total combat strengths: 5418 vs. 1247 ---

After the Kalmarian victory in the capital, Kalmar City most of the troops from Old Rancagua have been slowly returning home, while the Kalmarian army has been refitting. With much of the army destroyed in the first battle of Stora a draft has been going on and more troops are levied. The strengthened Kalmarian force has now destoryed the 5 nobles who chose not to leave with the others, purging the nation of all foreign soldiers.

We ought to have some temporary peace for a while now, considering the enemy capital has been moved further away, to Ashforth.

An interesting little tidbit of information. Only two invading nobles were actual Kalmarian royalists.(atleast that I recognized. My apologies if I have missed a Kalmarian.) Master Rats and Master Palandro you have my utmost rrespect and admiration, while the rest of the invaders were Old Rancaguan probably coming to the islands for the first time. You at the moment do not.

An invasion of foreigners who do not have the support of the majority of Kalmarians. The foreigners are clearly more powerful. This entire scenario does seem familiar doesn't it? Kalmarian history does seem to repeat itself.

Completely unrelated to the previous comment, looking at the statistics. Kalmar has lost about 6500CS while Old Rancagua lost about 9000CS. Congratulations to the many Kalmarian whose eyes read these words, and may we honor the virtuous fallen.

Twin Surrender


Earlier, two nations surrendered to their enemies simulataneously. Caligus and Ubent gave in to demands of Ibladesh, Itorunt, and Yssaria. As most readers know, Caligus has been on a long losing streak havign been reduced to four of their original 10 regions. Ubent is currently the same size, but plans to surrender three regions to the souther states, leaving Ubent a weak but still independant state that will contain Castle Ubent, Bursa, and Eldoret. The leaders of the two nations, Vlad and Zog Returns have both given statements on their agreements of surrender. Thank you noble rulers, for your time.

Zog Returns, PM of Ubent has said: "The terms of the peace agreement were advised by Yssiria,Itorunt and Ibladesh - if you have questions about that then please ask them. The republic of Ubent had a full and democratic vote on the agreement - over 65% of votes were in favour - so yes it has the support of Ubent. As for prosperity - I hope so."

"The Republic of Ubent agrees to deny safe harbour or passage to any former member of the Kingdoms of Perdan, Caligus or Kalmar sufficiently experienced to know the ways of their former realms."

I was less at ease after reading that. It seems it is not Ubent that has any qualm with us, but the Southern Federation that drew up this treaty. Hopefully, we can still have peace with Ubent.

King Vlad of Caligus has been kind enough to accept an interview.

"1a. Both nations have made peace with the continent. Will this bring further prosperity to your nations' regions?

I have not yet made peace, its my goal, an my Goal is more closer then ever, but not yet achieved. If the Peace is there, it will surly bring prosper time to our people and its regions.

1b. If yes, then will it bring prosperity also to the regions you have surrendered?

I trust in Yssria to do so.

2. Do the nobles of your respective nations generally agree with the decisions to make peace?

Yes they did, that why the rebellion went so smoothly. They all agreed that the obstacle for peace was and is Gwynyth and her past mistakes/relations with Yssaria.

3. Do you estimable rulers believe your former enemies will honor your peace. Will appeasement work to stop the violence?

If they sign it, they will, Ysssaria is a realm of Honour, even with the blood lust they used to have, they are very honourable nobles. I enjoyed talking with them.

4. How do you see the East Continent as a whole progressing in the future?

We will see peace soon, I think that's very clear. If Perdan doesn't surrender, it will also be destroyed, so either ways, there will be Peace. I think this is a good thing, but maybe not the way how it should go..."

This is a very positive note for Caligus, but as for Kalmar that is uncertain. King Vlad has also stated "I never liked the way you people came to power, and I never liked the fact that we where in peace with you guys. May you be one of the First People to Declare Neutrality with."

We used to be alleid with Caligus and we had a food deal going on with them. Actually, when the Caligan banker Medium was wounded and removed from his position Lord Vlad took up the position and raised the price we Kalmarians would have to pay for the food, if I recall correctly. So while this may not be good for Kalmar Islands it is definately good for the whole prosperity fo the East Continent.

Second Battle, First Victory *EDIT* Correcting and Reemphasizing Old Ranc Press *EDIT*


"17 attackers (332 Inf, 96 Arch, 46 Cav, 13 SF) 25 defenders (198 Inf, 83 Arch, 3 Cav) Total combat strengths: 5154 vs. 4433 1 neutral observers (168 combat strength)."

After that shocking defeat of Kalmarian forces in Stora, the enemy advance has stopped. The Kalmarian forces are victorius! ---

Old Rancagua Press says:

"Attacking with only minimal numerical superiority, the battle-hardened Old Rancaguan troops were routed by the heavily entrenched defenders, taking many casualities but inflicting their own upon the city. "

I would like to rerphrase that statement. Old Rancagua attacked Kalmar City and failed utterly. Despite having more soldiers, and better trained soldiers they still fell to valient Kalmarian forces. Old Rancagua failed to realize they could not just run into walls and expect them to fall down.

Not only that the Old Ranc Press continues to call us, and indeed me Avamarian. I am sorry, the closest I've ever come to Avamar is Oligarch City. I have never been in Avamar, and have never been an Avamarian. Just as it is wrong to call Master Wenliang Eliadorian or Coimbran etc. it is equally false to call me an Avamarian.

I urge you readers to be wary, and critical of what is written in the Old Rancagua Press, for it is not all true.

First Battle, First Defeat


"Total: 20 attackers (607 Inf, 82 Arch, 105 Cav, 20 SF) 33 defenders (499 Inf, 74 Arch, 29 Cav) Total combat strengths: 8205 vs. 8253"

The army of Kalmar fought valiently defending their lands. The enemy leader, Lady Natasha attests this.

"Greetings Kalmarians, all that fought today did so with honor and
I shall salute those that have given their lives for their realms."

Many nobles were wounded in this battle including former King Prometheus(fighting onthe Kalmarian side I might add), and Chancellor Lalakis. As a result, Lord One was voted ruler. He has announced he will step down shortly. Still the bitter irony of this war is clear. The OR army fights to restore a monarchy in a land they have no claim to, to a man who does not even want to be forced onto the throne. Just as El Cid Rogala took over a land he had no claim to, OR now attempts the same thing, likely to have equivalent success in an equally heineous act.

The reason for our defeat is something only the Great Dragon must know. Our strengths were equal. We in Kalmar held defensive positions. Most units were dug in and had fortifications erected. Our defeat was a freak event of massive consequences. In agreement with Lord One, that OR's belligerent action is quite simply barbaric.

Food for Thought

Comments Editor One Rogala

Old Rancaguan is coming to reclaim the lands of Kalamar. This reasoning stands that there is actually someone to whom the land is being reclaimed for, but for who these individuals are remains a mystery. Prometheus, former ruler of Kalamar before El Cid's rebellion, has rejoined the newly formed democracy and has declared total opposition to the war, and yet Old Rancaguan marches forward with the claim that they will return the rightful king to the thrown. What king is this? A puppet king that they can control of course. We have to look at the real reasons for this war, and that's power. They don't care hundreds of thousands of nobles and peasants alike will perish in this useless and pointless conflict.

Now I apologize for my poor grammar, but I don’t have the time to make things all nice and pretty as I have a war to fight. Keep sharp, East Continent.

News from the Front


So far, four Old Rancaguan nobles and their military units have attacked Stora. All were swiftly defeated by the Kalmarian army. The majority of the OR army is still sailing here and will likely by tomorrow.

Invasion of Stora


Today the long awaited Old Rancaguan invasion has come. A large force is moving from Kazan to Stora. This will be the first real battle on Kalmarian soil. Until now all figthing has been either with the monsters (Save one battle between defenders and an OR noble who was coming to join KI). About 13000 CS of troops is heading towards the Kalmar Islands themselves, and the Kalmarian forces stand ready to repel them. Now, whether you agree with Prometheus as King or not, whether you agree a war should be waged or not, none of it matters. Now we in Kalmar shall fight and defend ourselves and our fellow settlers.