The region of Eldoret is located in the southern highlands of the East Island. This province encompasses the majority of the Eldoret Range. Castle Ubent lies to the south, and Partora, lies to the north. Other possible travel routes, although the mountain passes are risky and take some time, are to Woolton, Ar Mosul, Montauban, Mulhouse, and Bursa.
The three peaks that fall under the dominion of the Baron of Eldoret are the tallest mountains on the East Island. The Lord's estate is nestled away three-quarters up the tallest peak: Wodain, built of the same dark grey stone that comes from the mountains in such abundance. The estate overlooks Castle Ubent from a vantage of some eleven hundred feet, albeit many miles away. The tall spires of the Dark House are pointed for easy snowshed, and the windows are high and narrow. Any visitor approaching must come up a single path, no more than two carts wide and pressed up against a windy cliffside. Three hundred Eldoretians live in and around the estate, mining the bloodstone that can only be found in heart of Mt. Wodain.
Mining is the main trade of these hardy people, as there are many natural veins of ore and good stone to be quarried.
The stoneworks in Haldon village, a collection of seven hundred rugged men and women nestled in the Broken Pass, keeps the stone flowing to the Royals and other Lords for use in fortifications. The other citizens work in small hamlets spread throughout the mountains, typically no larger than two hundred per village.
Current Region Lord: Baron Woelfen of the Von Richthofen Family