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Reven came into existence from the remnants of the [[Vordul Sanguinis|Sanguine Empire]] near the dawn of the Age of Shadows. With the Death of the Sanguine Emperor [[Silverblade_Family/Xlair|Xlair Silverblade]] in the Siege of Wudenkin that marked the end of the [[Melhed/History/Age of Shadow/Summary/Pilgrimage War|Pilgrimage War]] the Sanguine Empire fell apart. From the remnants the kingdom of Reven came to be.

A RP Heavy Lawful Evil Tyrannical Empire, focused on role play and status gained through the Blood Oath and Favor with the Disciples and Ruler. We look to bring continent wide role play through regional RP and inclusion of Nobles & Adventurers regardless of their patron realm.
===The Seventh Age of Beluaterra===
====The Theocracy of Reven====
At the dawn of the [[Melhed/Agyrian Acedemy/Terriad/Age of Shadow/Timeline|Age of Shadows]], also known as the Seventh age of Beluaterra, the new Saints of Revenon church transformed the land that had been [[Vordul Sanguinis|The Sanguine Empire]] into the Theocracy of Reven. The Theocracy of Reven was focused largely upon the worship of Saints, namely the chief saint of Revenon. This Theocracy was fairly short lived and few records exist of its [[Saints of Reven|Core beliefs and tenants]] survive.

The Theocracy of Reven was most known for the many conflicts it found itself embroiled in throughout its existence. These included:
*The First war with the Vale: The [[Shattered Vales|Shattered Vale]], seeking a new home in the North sook to claim Wudenkin as a forward capital. This war failed and the Shattered Vale agreed to a cease fire. They would shortly after employ a magical portal to move their population to the North of Reven.
*The War for Tor: A war fought between the Theocracy of Reven and the [[Irondale|Republic of Irondale]] for control of the region of Tor. The Theocracy lost this war and Tor was claimed by the Republic of Irondale in perpetuity.
*The Thalmarkin Conflict: A briefly declared war between the [[Thalmarkin|Theocracy of Thalmarkin]] and the Theocracy of Reven due to the incursion of one Vidkunn Thane into Thalmarkin lands. This conflict was resolved through diplomacy without any major confrontations.
*The Second war with the Vale: A border and political conflict once again between the Theocracy and the [[Shattered Vales|Shattered Vale]], prompted by a perceived insult levied by the priestess of Revenon Thuraya Montgomery. The Theocracy of Reven lost this was and surrendered claims to regions North of Ircymbar and Junohep.

Vordul Sanguinis, also known as the Sanguine Empire, is a tyranny lead through power and fear. The lore and religion of the Empire follow the ascension of the creator of Vordul Sanguinis, Xlair Silverblade, who they believe has ascended to Godhood to challenge the Dark Mistress who is responsible for the Undead. During the wars with Obia'Syela and Shattered Vales, the "Eternal Emperor" was defeated in battle and "Ascended".  
====The Republic of Reven====
Shortly after the loss of the Second War with the Vale the religion of Revenon that made up the core of the Theocracy began to fall apart. With the kingdom's identity in crisis the reins of government were given to Diorto Winmon, who restructured the realm into a Republic. The founding and initial years of the Republic were marked by a search for a sense of cultural identity within Reven, and various leaders and nobles all attempted to contribute in various ways. The capital of the realm moved briefly from [[Vozzessdor]] to [[Wudenkin]], then back again. There was a brief period in which culture shifted toward an imperialistic model of a core republic, then a shift toward a darker and more depraved identity that harkened to it's [[Vordul Sanguinis|founding roots]].  

During his reign in physical form, the religion of Vordulism was formed and centered around the perseverance of the power of one's blood, and their Oath in dedication to the Eternal Emperor. This Blood Oath provided one with the Mark of the Sworn, an "X" scar on the left forearm, which guarantees their life eternal in his armies to battle the Bloodless and the Dark Mistress. Above the Sworn, and closest to the Emperor, were the Disciples. A Disciple had been specifically chosen to carry out his divine will and act as a conduit of Xlair's will.  
With the collapse of the church of Revenon Reven now accepts most any religion that wishes to preach within its borders.

Xlair and his Disciples, along with the Wizard Craglan "The Cold" Mejor, the Sanguine Order claimed the ancient city of Wudenkin from the clutches of undead, or what they called the Bloodless, and formed Vordul Sanguinis. The Empire spread to cover the mountains, the plains to the east, and west, surrounding Lake Salaman.
==Laws & Infrastructure==

Vordulism remains a central focus under the tyrannical leadership of the Empire. The fanatics of the Eternal Emperor persist, though is not as saturated as during his reign. The realm continues to combat the Bloodless as a fierce enemy for their lack of blood and dominion under the Dark Mistress.
Pending update by the Godsworn Jailer

==Politics & Culture==
===Dueling Leagues===
[[Reven/The First Dueling League|The First Dueling League]]

Vordul Sanguinis abides by the tyrannical rule of the most powerful of those Sworn to the Eternal Emperor. Through it sheer strength, fear, intrigue, or connections, the power is what drives the Sanguine Empire. With ambition often rewarded, and disobedience severely punished, the Empire maintains strict order. The Vizier of Vordul Sanguinis holds the throne, and commands both directly and through the Disciples to drive the realm forward to expand and conquer through blood and shadow.
[[Reven/The Second Dueling League|The Second Dueling League]]

The Eternal Emperor signified that through all adversity and pain, that one can persevere and conquer all challenges. The Disciples embody this purpose by awarding favor to those that are capable of enduring pain (physical and otherwise) and overcoming it for the good of the Empire. Those who fail to obey the commands of the Vizier and Disciples, are often tortured so that they main gain new understanding through pain.
===The Dark Sorcerer Event===
[[Reven/The First Dark Sorcerer Event|The First Dark Sorcerer Event]]

{| class="wikitable floatleft"
===World Tournaments===
[[Reven/The First Major Reven Tournament|The First Major Reven Tournament]]
! Blood Oath

==Military Campaigns==
| <center>From this day forward,<br>I am Sworn to the Eternal Emperor.
[[Reven/The First Agyrian Defense Campaign|The First Agyrian Defense Campaign]]
As it has been given, it can be taken, by his word.<br>
Through him I shall have power.<br>
Through him I shall have immortality.<br>
Through him, and only him, shall I have absolution.<br>
For now, and forever.<br>
So do I swear, In Blood Eternal.</center>

Beneath the Disciples, are the Sworn, who bear the "X" scar on their left forearm to signify their Oath to the Eternal Emperor, and take up the faith of Vordulism. This Oath elevates both nobles and commoners to stand above those who have not taken the Oath, also known as the Forsworn. In order to take the Blood Oath, a Forsworn must seek out either a Priest of Vordulism, or a Disciple, where a ceremonial knife will be used to give blood to the Silver Chalice as a sacrifice to the Eternal Emperor and to bind the Blood Oath.
[[Reven/The War of the Bloody Grove|The War of the Bloody Grove]]

The Sworn are allowed many privileges that are denied the Forsworn, such as land ownership*, access to gain favor among the Disciples which allow for greater influence and lenience within the Empire. A Sworn Noble is treated much as an individual with high social status and importance in the Empire. A Sworn Commoner is recognized for their unique talents in both intrigue and discovery, and provided minor estates and comforts.
==Notable battles==
'''The First war with the the Vale'''

Along with having some added comforts, the Sworn also are held to a higher level of responsibility. With their Oath, they are strictly required to adhere to the demands of the Disciples and to Vordulism. They represent an elite order of strict and powerful forces to reinforce the Eternal Emperor's strength and dominance.
[[Reven/2022|Battle of Junohep]]

A Forsworn is looked down upon as a person that is too cowardly or weak to make the Oath to the Eternal Emperor. Forsworn Nobility are distrusted and often mistreated or bullied by the "higher class" of the Sworn. Forsworn Commoners are too small to be recognized and aught to stay out of the Sworn's way lest they be tortured or worse.
'''The Second war with the the Vale'''

==Military - The Frozen Blood==
[[Battle in kell 09/02/2022|Battle of Kell]]

The Frozen Blood is commanded by the Warlord and encompasses the military strength of Vordul Sanguinis. All nobles within the Sanguine Empire are required to be within the Frozen Blood so that the Vizier and Disciples have consistent reports of each army, priest, and so on. The command of an empire seeded on pain and ambition trusts few, and it is well known that the Disciples are watching everything.
'''The First Argyrian Defense Campaign'''

Obedience to orders is strictly enforced, and those who show strength and ferocity are quick to be recognized.
[[Reven/Campaign_Records/The_First_Agryrian_Defense_Campaign/Massacre_of_Bisana_2/17/23|The Massacre of Bisana]]

A sub-guild of the Frozen Blood also exists, containing promising Commoners who assist with scouting of rogue camps, treasure hunting, and scouting. The Frozen Blood Guild is a promising way for both Commoners and Minor Nobility to gain recognition among the Disciples.
'''The War of the Bloody Grove'''

[[Reven/Campaign_Records/The_War_of_the_Bloody_Grove/Battle_in_Ircymbar_6/19/23|The Battle of Ircymbar]]
*Thalmarkin - Neutral
** Relations currently strained due to the secession of the Duchy of Providence and the recent war declaration involving "Mad King" Zatar.
*Ar Agyr - Peace
** The first neutral realm to sign peace with the Empire.
*Nothoi - Peace
** Territorial claims settled by diplomacy. 
*Shattered Vales - War
** Shattered Vales supported Obia'Syela during their migration and attacks on the Sworn of the Empire.
*Obia'Syela - War
** War was declared upon Obia'Syela for attacks on the Sworn of the Empire.
*Nova - Neutral
** Chilled at best.
*Irondale - Peace
** Ally of Nothoi
==Controlled Regions==
*[[Pel Mark]]
==Claimed Regions==
===Prominent Stories (Roleplays)===
Here list the most prominent stories of Vordul Sanguinis' history that have been recorded:
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px"
!colspan=4|The Ascended
!style="width: 0.01%"|Appearance
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!style="width: 8%"|Description
|[[{{ns:6}}:Xlair_Square_Crop.jpg|150px]]||<center>[[Silverblade Family/Xlair|'''Xlair Silverblade''']]</center><center>Warrior/Hero</center>||<center>Eternal Emperor</center>||Xlair Silverblade stands 7'2" tall, with a slender but muscular frame. His skin is a pale alabaster and stretched taught over high cheekbones, a firm square jaw, and a narrow nose. His eyes are black, and the fury within them makes them resemble burning coals that lock on anything he finds worth his attention. He wears his long thick raven black hair down, where it reaches to the middle of his back.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px"
!colspan=4|Vizier & Disciples
!style="width: 0.01%"|Appearance
!style="width: 0.01%"|Name
!style="width: 0.01%"|Titles
!style="width: 8%"|Description
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Craglan_Square.png|150px]]
| width="100" | <center>[[Mejor Family/|'''Craglan the Cold Mejor''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Vizier/Ruler</center>
| Craglan the Cold Drraad'da Mejor is as pale as snow. His hair a wave of white and silver and his eyes like gently lit ice. His features are sharp; predatory, including sharp teeth and strong fingertips with a bit of a claw. He wears a leather robe that is lined with a lush fur, and carries a Crystal Staff.  He wears a bejeweled sword at his waist and is often seen looking into The Crystal Skull, which people had seen him talk to. A jeweled haversack is worn across the shoulder beneath the robe and pouches of many sizes can be seen around his belt. A white snake with a blue pattern is often seen draping and slithering on his person; Scycle, Craglan's familiar from another age when Magic yet survived in its truest form.
|[[{{ns:6}}:Copper_Gronholt_Square.jpg|150px]]||<center>[[Gronholt Family|'''Copper Gronholt''']]</center><center>Warrior</center>||<center>Crimison Judge, Baron of Ippetimbal||A mountainous man covered in black metal, with a pigfaced bascinet. He carries a large bladed, two handed Axe in one hand. This menacing giant is Emperor Xlair Silverblade's personal guard, butcher and is seldom seen very far from the Emperor's side.
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Eriol_Blackdagger_square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center>[[Blackdagger Family|'''Eriol Blackdagger''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Seneschal, Duke of Agros Aurea, Count of Ircymbar</center>
| Eriol is a young man, at only 17 years of age. He has pale white skin with a splotch of black, messy hair. He stands 6 feet tall, but has a muscular build; a testament to the farming life of his youth. Eriol is a kind and brave man. Despite his kindness, he is fiercely loyal to the rather bloodthirsty Emperor, and has dedicated his life to his service, despite their different views. Although he is an honorable young man, he always has a snide comment at the ready, and views himself as more important than he truly is. An able commander and warrior, he has taken his assignment to the ambassadorial corps with frustration, although he seems to have a talent for it. Recently, his demeanor has taken a dark turn after being punished for a minor affront to the God-Emperor.
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Gustav_Kuriga_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center> [[Kuriga Family|'''Gustav Kuriga''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Warlord, Count of Tindle</center>
| A grizzled veteran of the Invasions, Gustav has little time for small men with small aspirations. He has seen things that would drive most mortal men insane, and it is questionable whether he is still sane, despite his implacable demeanor. His arm is a constant reminder of the past, and he is never quite free of its weight.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px"
!colspan=4|The Sworn
!style="width: 0.01%"|Appearance
!style="width: 0.01%"|Name
!style="width: 0.01%"|Titles
!style="width: 8%"|Description
|[[{{ns:6}}:Azizah_Daris_Square.jpg|150px]]||<center>[[Daris Family|'''Azizah Daris''']]</center></center><center>Warrior</center>||<center>Duchess of Vordul Sanguinis</center><center>Magravine of Wudenkin</center>||Description
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Gabriel_Silverblade_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center> [[Silverblade Family|'''Gabriel Silverblade''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Margrave of Xerus</center>
| Dark haired and fair of skin, Gabriel's cool blue eyes are focused and alert. He's dressed very well for a commoner, a fine charcoal jacket and ivory tunic beneath, set together with a blood red ruby broach. His beard is finely trimmed and his long hair tied neatly behind him.
Often seen wearing a dark sable cloak and black leather gloves, the shadows are drawn to him. His soft steps a whisper on the ground and his gait one of confidence. His dialect is accented, but his tone smooth as silk that pairs well with an empathetic gaze and the reassuring smile. His vocabulary belays his common birth to indicate a good education and attention to noble etiquette.
| width="150" | <center>No Picture</center>
| width="100" | <center> [[Pilesar Family|'''Gigax Pilesar''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Baron of Pel Mark, Vice-Marshal</center>
| Description
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Godfrey_Greybrook_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center>[[Greybrook Family|'''Godfrey Greybrook''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Prophet of Vordulism, Baron of Iknopata</center>
| Standing at around 5' 7", Godfrey is rather slender for a Greybrook. While his skin has minor scars of war, it is his mind and strength of faith that he values more than his swordarm. Well kept in appearance and manners, he is usually seen wearing his courtly robes bar when he is serving in the army where a modest set of lighter armour is used to enable greater flexibility. Godfrey is known to be inquisitive and intense but good willed.
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Lupo_Gabber_square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center>[[Lupo Family|'''Lupo Gabber''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Count of Vale</center>
| Description
| width="150" | <center>No Picture</center>
| width="100" | <center> [[Dawnwallow Family|'''Marcello Dawnswallow''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Knight of Pel Mark</center>
| Description
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Nyx_Harte_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center> [[Harte Family|'''Nyx Harte''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Dame of Tindle</center>
| Everything Nyx loves melts away before her eyes.
|[[{{ns:6}}:Rasil_Grimblade_Square.png|150px]]||<center>[[Grimblade Family|'''Rasil Grimblade''']]</center><center>Courtier/</center>||<center>Count of Junohep</center>||Description
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Seiðr_Scribbler_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center>[[Scribbler_Family|'''Seiðr Scribbler''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Margrave of Verdomite</center>
|| Description
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Zurias_Ujim_square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center> [[Ujim Family|'''Zurias Ujim''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Count of Sheja</center>
| This man stands at 6'4" weighing close to two-hundred and fifty pounds. He carries a large two handed sword and speaks like a scholar. He met Xlair almost a lifetime ago, and speaks of their relationship and his loyalty as if Xlair gave him a new life.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px"
!style="width: 0.01%"|Appearance
!style="width: 0.01%"|Name
!style="width: 0.01%"|Titles
!style="width: 8%"|Description
| width="150" | <center>No Picture</center>
| width="100" | <center> [[Vandermore Family|'''Alys Vandermore''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Dame of Ircymbar</center>
| Description
| width="150" | <center>No Picture</center>
| width="100" | <center> [[Invictus Family|'''Ferdinand Invictus''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Knight of Wudenkin</center>
| Description
| width="150" | <center>No Picture</center>
| width="100" | <center> [[Armsworth Family|'''Hendrick Armsworth''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Knight of Wudenkin</center>
| At 17 years of age the youngest of the Armsworth family, Hendrick was given permission to set out for fame and fortune overseas. New lands and opportunities alluring compared to the uneventful life on the old continent, he set sail for Beluaterra with 20 men. Much like his older brother, Hendrick shows an interest in the art of war but knows the pen can be mightier than the sword.
| width="150" | <center>No Picture</center>
| width="100" | <center> [[Quasath Family|'''Timsen Quasath''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Duke of Providence, Margrave of Vozzessdor, Marshal</center>
| Description
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px"
!colspan=4|Oath Breakers & Banished
!style="width: 0.01%"|Appearance
!style="width: 0.01%"|Name
!style="width: 0.01%"|Titles
!style="width: 8%"|Description
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Englebert_Schwarzherzig_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center> [[Schwarzherzig Family|'''Englebert Schwarzherzig''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Banished</center>
| Englebert, son of Sevastian, son of Jonsu. Englebert is the tallest member of House Schwarzherzig, standing well over six feet. He is lean and lanky. His eyes are cold, two pinpoints of ice. His face is often expressionless, and his voice is gravelly and emotionless.
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Gunhilda_Gildre_square.png|150px]]
| width="100" | <center>[[Gildre Family|'''Gunhilda Gildre''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Banished</center>
| Standing at just a smidge over 4 feet tall, Gunhilda is an axe bearing warrior hailing from the icy northern reaches of Thalmarkin. Bulging muscles pressing against restrictive armour, she is stout and brawny. Devoted to finding glory in battle, she seeks adventure and war to test her mettle.
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Vittoria_de_Medici_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center> [[de Medici Family|'''Vittoria de Medici''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Banished</center>
| For some years, Vittoria de Medici has proven herself a capable warrior and military leader in the north of Beluaterra. From a naïve, opportunistic girl, she has become a general, a mother and for a short while, even a queen. Living in her late husband's shadow, her natural cunning is needed now more than ever - for both her and her five children. She is of average height is often found wearing a set of light armour with a metal pauldron on her left side, and one made of fur on her right.
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Woelfen_Guile_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center> [[Guile Family|'''Woelfen Guile''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Oath Breaker</center>
| Standing at a frightening 7’6”, Woelfen is the largest of his family to date. His snow white hair is constantly a mess, falling forward to cover his rainbow coloured eyes and to hide the visible signs of madness. He wears the traditional Guile patchwork armour and wields a massive warhammer known as “Night’s Embrace”. He can most usually be found experimenting on local peasantry and the occasional rogue.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px"
!colspan=4|The Lost & Forgotten
!style="width: 0.01%"|Appearance
!style="width: 0.01%"|Name
!style="width: 0.01%"|Titles
!style="width: 8%"|Description
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Ambrose_Peregrine_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center>[[Peregrine Family|'''Ambrose Peregrine''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Lost</center>
| Sullen face, shaven head, clad in ragged leathers and steel. Ambrose is a hedge knight by name and an opportunistic mercenary by trade.
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Halamance_von_Striga_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center> [[von Striga Family|'''Halamance von Striga''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Forgotten</center>
| From the pale Striga complexion and icy blue eyes to his baffling, obtuse manner of speech, there is something deeply unsettling about Halamance.He is at once considerate and callous, chivalrous and yet unspeakably cruel. Halamance would think nothing about using the blood of murdered prisoners to water his gardens at dawn, before going on to teach the children of Imperial nobles courtly literature at noon.In battle he stands by his men clad in heavy maille, his black cloak emblazoned with the crimson Striga dragon. He fights ambidextrously, a simple steel lance in one hand, his heirloom sword Panzerfaust in the other.
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Hamish_Atholl_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center> [[Atholl Family|'''Hamish Atholl''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Forgotten</center>
| Laird Hamish of the Clan Atholl. He stands at an impressive 5 foot 11 inches. Dressed in his the colours of his clans tartan his kilt stops just at the knee's. He grasp's his basket-hilted broadsword with his right hand. He is always accompanied by his Bagpiper and standard bearer.
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Jehan_Chavavilliers_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center> [[Chavavilliers Family|'''Jehan Chavavilliers''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Forgotten</center>
| Standing around 5'10 with broad shoulders. Jehan has brown eyes and long brown hair with a trimmed beard.
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Lilith_Nuanet_Square.png|150px]]
| width="100" | <center> [[Nuanet Family|'''Lilith Nuanet''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Forgotten</center>
| Description
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Sol_Tempest.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center>[[Tempest Family/Sol|'''Sol Tempest''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Lost</center>
| Sol, the Eldest child of the Tempest family hails from the province of Yipinalke. Born with the gift of fire magic Sol was trained to harness the power of her namesake with complimented knight training. Upon coming of age to be a lady she was quite skilled with a single blade and modest magic skills. On her 17th birthday Sol could be described as a slender women standing around 5ft7 with skin as pale as snow and blonde hair to match. Her eyes normally are a faint golden color however glimmer like topaz while spell casting. This is off putting to some common folk who often refer to her as the tempest witch.
|[[{{ns:6}}:Svari_Strome_SQ2.jpg|150px]]||<center>[[Storme Family|'''Svari Storme''']]</center><center>Warrior</center>||<center>Lost||Tall for a woman, she is very near six feet tall and admittedly lanky because of it. In her gambeson and plate she appears around the same size as the men on the field. Her hair is plain and brown, usually forgotten in a careless bun to fit under her helm.Destiny lead her to distant lands, where she met Xlair Silverblade at just sixteen. Working as a farmer, hunter and cook in his camp the wild land and its  blood thirsty natives gave her more experience and skills then any conventional education ever had. She returned home as a truly changed person.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px"
!colspan=4|OOC from Xlair Silverblade to the realm.
!style="width: 100%"|
|Please note that we understand the evil and strict nature of Vordul Sanguinis is not the standard within Battlemaster. We've set this up with as much intention to be unique, as we have set it to be challenging. This is not "easy mode", it will be a cruel grind through role playing and decisive action toward moving up the chain of the command. As much as I (OOC) would love to make you all Disciples, take and follow all advice given, that's simply not possible. I will echo the words often told to me about Battlemaster, this is a slow game, no one is going to make it from Forsworn to Disciple in a short amount of time. It will take a lot of work, dealing with strict Disciples, undertaking quests and demands, and showing that you're a good follower/Sworn before you'll make any progress upward.
I want everyone to have the freedom to play their evil (or not evil) character however they want. That being said, all players of all levels, need to understand that in the Sanguine Empire, this is an evil hierarchy that rules through fear and power. However unfortunate, in this hierarchy, a majority of the characters will begin as those being trodden upon. Being insulted, given the dirty work, blamed, punished, etc. even if they have the best intentions. I'm not saying this is going to be the norm, but I'm saying it is likely within an evil hierarchy. This is not because we want to ruin your fun, or put your character in a corner. It's because we want to challenge you, nothing is going to be handed to anyone. As you gain power as a character, and move up the ranks, people will be expected to cower in fear from you, require to open their estates to you, or whatever respect/fear your character demands, once your station supports it.
I cannot just hand over titles, and refuse to do so, to people because I've known them for a long time OOC, or because they've played Battlemaster for 10+ years, or because they had one golden idea. The people in their current positions are there because their characters have consistently and reliably followed the orders of the Tyrant leader Xlair. Without question and without complaint they've taken punishments (just or unjust), they've shown undying loyalty and adherence to the laws and culture of the Empire.
I want everyone to have fun and enjoy the game. I understand that the Empire is not for everyone, but for those of you who like the concept, I want to challenge you to continue to bolster and fortify the culture of the Empire. Everyone can make a Monarchy with a good King/Queen, honorable Knights/Dames, with kindness and congeniality. I want to make something unique and challenging, build something that Battlemaster hasn't seen before. A powerful empire, based on lore and hard core role playing, with aims to bring continent wide RP. We could end up being the next "invasion", but fully player run, as a villain that aims to make fun, without stomping on everyone's toys. A lore driven Empire that works to uncover the rich lore of Beluaterra and use mighty relics and tactics to challenge even the Devs with the idea of how characters can challenge the Divine, maybe through a GM led quest.
Whatever it may be, let us build it together, and work together to get there. Read up on what we've posted in the Bulletins and the Wiki, and see how best you can fit within it. Sure, we need Disciples and an Emperor, but we need the Sworn more. The Sworn carry the weight of the Empire's culture on their shoulders. Your RP, observance to the laws and the culture, is what will make the Empire feel like an Empire, rather than a bunch of individual nobles disobeying one another and taunting each other in messages. That's been done before, let's do something different.
Xlair Silverblade

Latest revision as of 23:25, 21 August 2023

Grim Republic of Reven

Reven smaller banner.png

Island Beluaterra
Capital Vozzessdor
Largest City Vozzessdor
Government Republic

Duchies 3
Regions 1
Population 24,400
Gold 4476
Food 1506
Nobles 7
Depraved Prince Hendrick Armsworth
Harbinger of Strife Hendrick Armsworth
Ruin Inquisitor Maximus Shepherd
Imperial Seneschal Hendrick Armsworth
VozzessdorSol Tempest



Reven came into existence from the remnants of the Sanguine Empire near the dawn of the Age of Shadows. With the Death of the Sanguine Emperor Xlair Silverblade in the Siege of Wudenkin that marked the end of the Pilgrimage War the Sanguine Empire fell apart. From the remnants the kingdom of Reven came to be.

The Seventh Age of Beluaterra

The Theocracy of Reven

At the dawn of the Age of Shadows, also known as the Seventh age of Beluaterra, the new Saints of Revenon church transformed the land that had been The Sanguine Empire into the Theocracy of Reven. The Theocracy of Reven was focused largely upon the worship of Saints, namely the chief saint of Revenon. This Theocracy was fairly short lived and few records exist of its Core beliefs and tenants survive.

The Theocracy of Reven was most known for the many conflicts it found itself embroiled in throughout its existence. These included:

  • The First war with the Vale: The Shattered Vale, seeking a new home in the North sook to claim Wudenkin as a forward capital. This war failed and the Shattered Vale agreed to a cease fire. They would shortly after employ a magical portal to move their population to the North of Reven.
  • The War for Tor: A war fought between the Theocracy of Reven and the Republic of Irondale for control of the region of Tor. The Theocracy lost this war and Tor was claimed by the Republic of Irondale in perpetuity.
  • The Thalmarkin Conflict: A briefly declared war between the Theocracy of Thalmarkin and the Theocracy of Reven due to the incursion of one Vidkunn Thane into Thalmarkin lands. This conflict was resolved through diplomacy without any major confrontations.
  • The Second war with the Vale: A border and political conflict once again between the Theocracy and the Shattered Vale, prompted by a perceived insult levied by the priestess of Revenon Thuraya Montgomery. The Theocracy of Reven lost this was and surrendered claims to regions North of Ircymbar and Junohep.

The Republic of Reven

Shortly after the loss of the Second War with the Vale the religion of Revenon that made up the core of the Theocracy began to fall apart. With the kingdom's identity in crisis the reins of government were given to Diorto Winmon, who restructured the realm into a Republic. The founding and initial years of the Republic were marked by a search for a sense of cultural identity within Reven, and various leaders and nobles all attempted to contribute in various ways. The capital of the realm moved briefly from Vozzessdor to Wudenkin, then back again. There was a brief period in which culture shifted toward an imperialistic model of a core republic, then a shift toward a darker and more depraved identity that harkened to it's founding roots.


With the collapse of the church of Revenon Reven now accepts most any religion that wishes to preach within its borders.

Laws & Infrastructure

Pending update by the Godsworn Jailer


Dueling Leagues

The First Dueling League

The Second Dueling League

The Dark Sorcerer Event

The First Dark Sorcerer Event

World Tournaments

The First Major Reven Tournament

Military Campaigns

The First Agyrian Defense Campaign

The War of the Bloody Grove

Notable battles

The First war with the the Vale

Battle of Junohep

The Second war with the the Vale

Battle of Kell

The First Argyrian Defense Campaign

The Massacre of Bisana

The War of the Bloody Grove

The Battle of Ircymbar